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a change of scenery


my husband took me on a hot date last night.
it was a dinner for his office but i still got to shave my legs, wear high heels and be OUT for the night.

it was a wine tasting dinner.
that was a lot of wine on a wednesday night for this mama.

for real.

it was good to get out of the house!
i needed it.

although…thanks to the wine…..i was up at 3 AM unable to sleep anymore…..i fell back asleep at 5:30. 
can't win with my stupid sleep.

AND sean came into my room when i was up at 4:43 am and scared the snot out of me.
he couldn't sleep either.

probably because today is his birthday!
he is a thinker and i bet he was dreaming up what his gifts might be and then couldn't go back to sleep.


sean's day of birth was quite dramatic.
it was fun to tell him about again.


we barely made it into a delivery room and craig had to lie down on the delivery room floor and the nurses brought him juice while i looked down at him.
i think i said "what are you doing? i am the one that just had this baby!"
it was very fast and very overwhelming for everyone. 
ha ha ha

i am so glad that sean was born.

he rocks.


airplane - Antes pensaba de otro modo, agradezco por la ayuda en esta pregunta.

Jennifer Ware - I know this is an old post so I hope you actually see this comment… while the outfit is super cute I’ve got a question about your paint color. I’m looking for the “perfect cream” color and was wondering what color is on the walls of the background of these photos. Finding the right cream is gonna kill me. Thanks!

Kim Barlow - You are one foxy Mama!!! Happy Birthday to Sean…he looks like such a sweet, easy going guy. My oldest Trent will be 11 this month. Time flies. PS. Wine does the same thing to me but I still drink it too!!! LOL!

Lauren - You look amazing!!!! Hope date night was fun!!!

Kristy - absolutely darling you look. love the heels. love the dress, how excited and fun you look πŸ™‚
so happy you got a night out with your hubby πŸ™‚

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Hot Mama! Love that you took the time to take some photos of yourself! We Mamas need to strut our stuff when we get the chance! Hope you had a fun night out!

Kimberly Dial - I’m so glad you enjoyed your evening with the hubs! Too much wine keeps you up? I would have thought the exact opposite was true πŸ™‚ I hope Sean had an awesome birthday!

Kimberly Dial - I’m so glad you enjoyed your evening with the hubs! Too much wine keeps you up? I would have thought the exact opposite was true πŸ™‚ I hope Sean had an awesome birthday!

Courtney Hohimer - WOOWOO! Look at you hot momma! Glad you had a chance for a great night out!

Gevay - I am sure I am not the first to tell you this but you looked fabulous on your date night. I am sure your husband was proud to have you on his arm!

Carol Beiler - I’d love to know where you got the dress?

Carol Beiler - What a great outfit!! I love the dress!! You look great!

Kristin S - Well, hey Hottie McHottie! It is fun to get dressed up and be girlie. You look great!

Ali - I guess we all wish you were a fashion buyer for an affordable store! We love your style!
We all need the scoop on where you got…
> the shoes
> the dress
> the cardigan white sweater
> your hair cut what is it called
> toe nail polish color and brand
> makeup
> the flower on your sweater
Thanks so much!
~ Ali

amy - What an adorable outfit, cute and sexy! Love, love, love it. You looked amazing πŸ™‚

Denise Sandberg - Where did you get that DRESS??? It’s a dress I’d love to have!!! πŸ˜‰ CUTE! and you looked so adorable!

tammy kay - lovely! you are beautiful! I love your home. Just found out I’m expecting number 5 and I really want your 5 sign now! ha.

Julie - i want to know about the dress, too–do tell!!
happy birthday sean!!

andiejaye - happy birthday to sean!!! you look so cute in that outfit. i wish i had a place to wear clothes like that πŸ™‚

AshleyAnn - mirrors. πŸ˜‰

Meg Carter - Wow,Hot mama! You look great Meg! Happy Birthday Sean!!!!

Amy - You look fab πŸ™‚ Where did you get those shoes!? I WANT!!

elisa - you are so beautiful!

the domestic fringe - You look SO adorable! I LOVE your outfit. Seriously. It’s so cute and yet still looks comfy. Great shoes. Glad you got a night out!

Kate - You can’t post a sassy outfit like that and then not tell us where you got it!!! You should do the What I Wore Wednesday because you always look so pulled together! Now spill, where did ya get the dress!!

Carrie - You are gorgeous! Seriously!
I love your outfit.

Andy - you are the cutest

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - You are so beautiful!

Kelly - Happy birthday Sean! He looks a lot like Scott in the first photo but all Sean in the second.
Impressive that you wore a white sweater to a wine tasting! I love the whole ensemble. Kelly

Sara - You look super happy and sassy. No “slacks and a nice blouse” for you! ha ha. Glad to hear you got to go out – every hot mamma needs a few hours to shine!

Joyce - Happy Birthday to your dear son…..I love your shoes!!

Staci - I need a change of scenery too!!!! And you look super adorable in that dress πŸ™‚ I have those same shoes…I believe, Payless??!!! So cute πŸ™‚ I’m glad your Sean was born too πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You rocked that dress girlie! So glad you had a hot date…so fun.

julia - how about you whisper in my ear all of your outfit details and I’ll let everyone else know…promise…right after I go shopping.

TamiV - You look fabulous! Where did you find that adorable dress?

Megan - YOU LOOK AWESOME!! Also love the banner in the that a coffee filter dyed banner? LOVE to know how you did it!

Brooke - Love the dress…and shoes! You are so so cute!! πŸ™‚

Robin - Bow-chicka-wow-wow!!! You look amazing!! You go girl!! LOVE the dress and shoes…and this is yet another request to tell us WHERE THEY CAME FROM!!!!

shauna - you are the cutest.
and so is sean.

se7en - Happy Brilliant Birthday young man – hope you have a wonderful year!!!

Leigh - Where is that dress from?!?!

Kat - Ps great legs! Must be all that running.
PPS I would love a break from my kids today!! Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kat - You look like one smoking hot Mamma!
Love your outfit, looks so fresh and summery compared to me here in Aus rugged up for winter.
Where did you get the red flower? Is that a pleated poppy one? LOVE it and your jewellery!

Sally - You look like a beauty! I want one of those dresses…where did you get it??
That is awesome to have a birthday summer! Birth stories are awesome…I love that my children each have their own very different and unique day. Happy b-day to Sean!

Suzanne - Great “date night” outfit – especially the shoes! By the way, I love your haircut – it really is so cute!
Happy Birthday to Sean!
Suzanne Gallagher

Tamsen - Random comment that has nothing to do with date nights or birthdays (yay for both of them, BTW!), but I wanted to thank you for inspiring me to get crafty with my kids each week. We started a “craft thursday” ourselves about a month ago and are having a blast! My 3 younger kids (age 6, 10, and 12) and I have been going crazy with paint, glue and glitter. Last night my son said, “YES!! tomorrow is craft day!!) and his younger sister started dancing around the house saying, “this is better than kindergarten!” And then, my 17-year-old daughter chimed in and said, “I think I want to do crafts tomorrow with you guys, too.” Say what??? So tonight, I will sit at the table with all 4 of my kids and create. Pure. Heaven.

Tami Veer - you look great!! i love your style!

Rachel B. - Look at you! Get down with your bad self!
(Yay for date nights and birthdays).

jacqui anderson - wow! you get more gorgeous every day if thats possible!

Sandy - Here’s a question for your next question/answer day…how tall are you?
I would love to wear shoes like that, but I’m already 5’8.5 and my man is 5’8 on a good day. :-/

Sandy - Look at you all dressed up pretty! I hope you had a great time despite losing sleep.
Happy Birthday, Sean! I realized the other day that he is next in line for missing from pictures. Don’t think we don’t miss seeing your two oldest because we do (I’m sure I can speak for every one of your readers). πŸ™

This Farm Family's Life - Lookin’ good! Happy Birthday to Sean!

Amanda - Cute dress, cute shoes, cute mama!!!! CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! Glad you were able to get out πŸ™‚

steph - ME-OW!!!
hot mamma!
you look great!
those shoes are killer.
glad you had an awesome date night out with craig.
jeez louise… i could sure use one of those too.
(of course NOT with craig but MY hubby mike) πŸ˜‰
happy bday to your boy sean!
love to tell the ‘edited’ birth stories to my girls too.
they find it so fascinating.
i wish my mom could tell my story but she just says i was born and my dad was there (unlike the other 2 siblings… when it was still so long ago that the husbands weren’t allowed in the room!)

amy jupin - you look sassy.
and skinny.
and ah-dorable.
and just like talby!
happy birthday sean!

Tracy - Glad you had a great night out, Meg and happy birthday to Sean! Hope it’s been a great day for him! P.S. Love the dress and the rockin kick-a@@ shoes! You’re adorable and I enjoy learning all about your family. πŸ™‚ Big hugs!

Wendy - First time commenter here! First, I love your blog! Second I have a brother Sean who also is a July 14th baby! Happy Birthday to your Sean!

raquel - so glad to hear that I am not the only one who can’t sleep after a night with too much wine. I fall right asleep only to wake up a short while later! Wish me luck, i have a wine tasting tomorrow night!

Sarah - Super cute shoes!

Julie - Meg, you look so adorable!! Love your outfit, head to toe! I, like everyone else, would love to know where you bought your dress and shoes from. And your bracelets! I wake up for a couple hours during the night too if I drink too much wine. It stinks but I love wine!
Happy Birthday to Sean!
I absolutely LOVE your blog! It’s SO bright and cheery. I always look forward to your posts!

Ali - Okay, you look sassy and ready for your big date! You are seriously pretty and I love the way you dress! πŸ™‚ I don’t know how you manage to go shopping for clothes with your kids! Please give me tips! I’ve gone a little frumpy these days ( I have 3 kids) tell me how to juggle date nights and cute clothes! I want to be a cute Momma too! πŸ™‚ Love that white cardigan and the red flower! Cute shoes too!
Happy birthday to Sean!
~ Ali

MeganM - Great outfit!! You looked fantasic! As others have request, please, please, please share wher you bought your dress and shoes!

Shellie Hanley - Hi Meg, I read your blog every day and LOVE it! I even had a dream that we were friends and were hangin’ out.(Weird, I know.)I have that same dress and haven’t worn it yet,glad to know it looks so cute!! I got mine at Belk.
Hope your Sean has a great b-day. Just wondering, how is your oldest daughter? Don’t see her much in photos or hear how she’s doing. I have 2 daughters, one almost 18 and one 13, I know it’s a tough age.
Keep doin’ what you’re doin’. πŸ™‚

Angie M - You look great! Love the shoes:)

MichelleB - today is my owen’s bday. he is 5! not such a dramatic birth…planned c-section. you look so cute dressed up! love the shoes! happy bday Sean!

Kristy - No doubt….. you look HOT! but you’re also ADORABLE! I bet Mr. Duerksen loved those high heels πŸ™‚

Kelsey I - WORK. IT.
What a hottie.


Marissa - Another request for that dress info…TOO CUTE!!!!!!

April M - LOVE this! Made me smile so much! You look AMAZING!
And Happy Bday to Sean πŸ™‚

alicia @ la famille - you look adorable! hope you’re having a better day πŸ™‚

Denissa - You look adorable! Love your sassy shoes πŸ™‚ and wine keeps me awake too! I can drink coffee at night and sleep fine, wine up all night..crazy..haha πŸ™‚
Happy birthday Sean!

Jill @ Barnes Yard - How CUTE are you?!!

Tam - you look amazing and those shoes are fierce! Happy birthday, Sean!

Kerry - one HOT mama! you have gorg legs, and those shooooeesss!! too cute. Happy Birthday Sean πŸ™‚ xx

sarah - Your outfit is so so cute and so are you, hot mama!

Alisha Gibb - Cuuuuuuuuute dress! Can I ask where u got it? You look FABULOUS!

Beth - Cute shoes! Well played. πŸ™‚

Juliann Brenner - Megan – you are so funny; thanks for the Sean-story and the laugh – I needed it today πŸ™‚
I LOVE your dress…please share details – where is it from? the sweater too? I have a hard time finding cute dresses….I think I need a date too!

happygirl - LOVE the birth story. LOVE the outfit (but don’t understand the cardigan with 105 heat) Love the shoes. πŸ™‚

stevie - Awesome outfit…love the dress and shoes. Aren’t date nights the best?

BriBedell - I love dates πŸ™‚ you are one hawt momma πŸ™‚ happy birthday to Sean!!! I would like more details on this crazy birth!! Oh and do you have other boy names you were considering naming yours?? I’m…uh…asking for a friend, yeah, a friend πŸ™‚

Jenna - hehe I have a feeling that will be my husband too! Also, that outfit is so wonderful! It is everything I love in clothes! Where did you get it all?

Lisa - Just like everyone else wants to know – Where’d you get that awesome dress and shoes! πŸ™‚ Happy birthday to your sweet boy Sean!

Terrie - You look gorgeous! Glad you got out! I’m ready for vacation! Have a super happy birthday celebration! HapPy HaPpY BiRtHdaY to Sean!!

heidi maggard - CUTEST. SHOES. EVER!!!!!!!

Donna - You look great meg! I love that dress; would love to know where you got it. date nights are the best:)

Karen Gerstenberger - So glad that you and your sweetie got out for a “date night.” We all need those! You looked chic, sassy, beautiful and happy.
Happy Birthday to Sean!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Alright, first of all, I love how sassy you’re looking here. These pics scream “Im goin on a date!” And secondly, Mrs. Deurksen, you should totally know by now to source everything you wear.:) You looked great…glad you got out.

melanie - vavavaVOOM! you clean up nice. πŸ™‚ gorgeous eyes! really great outfit — where did you get that dress?
i hope to be married again someday and still go on dates πŸ™‚

Ali - drink RED wine! took me years to figure out why i would wake up in the middle of the night after drinking (a few glasses of) wine..if you are having more than one glass, stick with a red! its the sugar in the white that keeps you up! i promise!
i’m sorry you missed out on sleep, thats stinky:(.

Jill @ Cora Anne Designs - LOVE your outfit (and the attitude to match!)

tara - you look hot tamale, meg!
love the dress…
love the hair…
love the red flower pin…
LOVE the shoes.
yay for HOT dates with our hubbys!
and, Happiest Bday to your sean!

Laura - Awww…date night. It’s been a while! Where’d ya’ get the shoes?! I need them.

Jules - Aww Meg you look gorgeous! As a funny coincidence I bought a very similar dress yesterday (albeit without the cute ruffle) and I was wondering what to pair it with – love the white cardi and big flower! Hope you had a fab time, and happy birthday to Sean! x

Amanda - adorable outfit Meg!
so glad you got a night out with hubs. how fun!

mel @ the larson lingo - You look adorable! Love your cute outfit.
I love wine tasting dinners…FUN.
Happy Birthday Sean!

Tiffany - Go Sassy! Go Sassy! Go Sassy! I have that flower too in linen blue. Etsy much? Happy Birthday Sean, your a cutie patootie.

Tonya - Too cute! Would love to know where you got your dress!

Windy - You look soo nice!!! Where did you get that dress?? Love it…

Lori - You are one hot mama! You look amazing πŸ™‚ And, happy birthday Sean! Love the pictures of him πŸ™‚

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Very hot! lol
It’s SOOO nice to get out of these 4 walls every now and then.
Gemma x

danielle burkleo - hottie!!

Schmidt’s love you!

Shana - Such a hottie!
And I had this feeling that you were in Lawrence last weekend. . . we were too!!!! I should always check in before we head up – just in case. πŸ™‚

amy b. - You look so cute all dressed up, love the red flower!! Don’t remember the last time I had a date night-must do something about that!

Annie - Yay for date nights! Even better when it’s in the middle of the week! I LOVE your dress!!

Kimberlee - You are simply stunning.
Glad you two were able to get out for some fresh air. πŸ™‚
Happy Birthday to Sean!

Loni - Happy Birthday to Sean!
You are one hot mama! LOVE the outfit.

Beth - Agreed that you look great! And I am glad Sean was born too! Tell him Mrs. Burns says Happy Birthday and I will miss having him in my class this year! He makes me smile. That photo of him with the chocolate mouth is precious (don’t tell him I said that, I have a feeling he wouldn’t be too impressed with being called precious!)!

Jeanelle - seriously adorable outfit…happy birthday Sean!

Tonia Hobbs - I had a date too this week! Arent those always like. . . miracles! You looked so so pretty! LOVE.THE.SHOES!!
Love your blog too! Have a great day!

Sarah - you look beautiful!! glad to hear you had a great date night!

Seriously Sassy Mama - What a sassy outfit! I love the shoes. I would LOVE for my husband to take me out to a place where I had to shave my legs.

Sarah - Love that shoe picture and your giant roll of paper towels ;). You looked killer on your date night!!

lauren - what did we do before we had kids??? they are EVERYTHING awesome!
p.s. i think our toenails match! haha! πŸ™‚

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Love, love, love your cute outfit! Would you share where you found the dress and shoes? So happy you got a fun night out with your hubby. And happy birthday to Sean!!!

Holly - you look great! I love that you GOT to shave your legs! ha! Happy birthday sean!

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monday morning video

the music is by Marcia Ball…'s the theme song of my life.

i am no steven spielberg. 
i think this has a little bit of a wonder years feel to it.  
ha ha ha


did you love that show????

i did. 

how was your weekend?

how are YOU?

hot enough for ya?  :) it is here in kansas….scorching.
my tan is coming along nicely.

happy monday to you.

Amy - LOVE! I usually read your blog on my phone, so I have to wait until I get time on the *real* computer to see your videos. And with 4 kids, that’s pretty hard to come by! lol I have to say, my favorite part was the sign asking them to use the disposable cups. I need to make one of those!! No matter how many times I tell them, they always feel the need to dirty up the real cups!! ARGH!! πŸ˜‰

Ali - That Waffle steals the show every time – you guys are FUN!

crystal beutler - LOVED the show!!!! Your house is just so happy looking. I need to stay a sit a spell on that cool porch. πŸ™‚
Your photos are looking so amazing lately — even more amazing than they usually are. What are you doing to bump up the color and the clarity? Everything looks super crisp and bright. Teach me oh wise one. πŸ™‚ You will have to share when I see you in Park City. Let me know if you need a ride from the airport, k?

Dawn - That is a great way to document your everyday life. Awesome idea.

alicia @ la famille - this is toooo fun!! how do you get the music in it? i love it! what a fun way to document your day πŸ™‚

Jenny B. - Awww! That was great! I loved getting to see around your house and how the rooms flow together. πŸ™‚

Southern Gal - Just getting around to watching the video while my granddaughter sleeps. You did a fantastic job! And I really like that song.

Doris - I love that video, made me teary eyed.
*hugs* to you and your family

Kacey - Super cute- and so “Wonder Years”! Love. πŸ™‚

julia - You have missed your calling…video-grapher!
I love this vid!

sam - really, really cute! thanks for sharing that! πŸ™‚

Karen - So cute!! I loved this. Sweet!!!!

Laura Phelps - I am crying….

Jessica Kujawa - i love it! the song, the kids, waffle, your house…the everyday of a mom…and it definitley has a “wonder years” vibe to it:) hope to see more!!!

Salma - What an awesome and upbeat video! Also can you please share the blog for those yummy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies? You are such motivation!

amanda - so cute! and it is very wonder years’ish! πŸ™‚

Leslie - So stinkin’ cute!!
Crazy weather in CA too – supposed to be thunderstorms today and then 100 by the weekend – hot!

Ariel - Have you seen this rainbow wedding yet??? When I saw it I thought of you….rainbows, gorgeous photos, handmade goodness! Yes, it is a hippie-dippy-trippy wedding, but it is beyond charming and one-of-a-kind!
Love the video…such a sweet world you live in. Would love to be your neighbor!

Ana - Looooooooved it ! I just missed Lauren… πŸ˜‰

Ann R. - love the sign about the plastic cups…..totally doing that – why did i not think of that before? i hate when the kids yuck it up with all the 20 cups on the table – gotta go one of those days, son with a migraine, daughter with swimmers ear, have to go do the carpool “without” my son, my house is a mess and i start school tonite and work tomorrow – thanks for helping me keep things in perspective, otherwise i might go crazy!

tara pollard pakosta - so precious!!!!!!!!!
you are missing the biggest sister,
was she sleeping?! next time tape her sleepy head in bed LOL~!!!
too CUTE!!!

Lisa - We had a great weekend – minus all the rain we’ve been having! That could stop any time now! πŸ˜‰ I love Waffles – he looks like such a good boy! I love Annie playing on the floor with all her stuff – Waffles doesn’t try to eat any of those toys? We have a 6-month old puppy and he trys to eat everything within his reach. And finally, I love the sleepy, sweet faces on Sean and Talby. πŸ™‚
Have an awesome week!

Bobbie - Super cute. Better than Spielberg, much less blood, guts and blowing up aliens,

Leslie - Loved it! πŸ˜€

Hanny Norton-van der Valk - Love the video,and what a lovely TIDY house you have. It was a lovely weekend here in Brittan too and we went sailing, the only place to be, and picking up a great suntan.

Katy - I always love your videos. This one is no exception. πŸ™‚

Kat - Video is gorgeous. Such a great way to see your home and family on a normal day πŸ™‚
I loved The Wonder Years!!

Sandra K - That was SO awesome. Thank you! πŸ™‚

peta - i loved every single second of this, Meg. Your family are gorgeous. Loved the sneaky peek look around your home too! I am such a sticky-beak πŸ™‚

Lauren - loved it…. thank you for sharing!!

amy jupin - miss you.
big time.

merran tatum - SO CUTE!! loved that. talby is getting prettier and prettier and annie cracks me up every single time. always wanted to try those cookies. how were they? it’s funny to see you looking at MADE b/c everyday i look at your blog first and then go straight to MADE. my two faves!

shauna - yaaaaaahhhh! i LOVE it!!!!!
why do i feel like i got to be in your family for like 2 minutes and 15 seconds?!

Jacci - That was awesome, Meg. Seriously good stuff. This is how you vlog! It fits you to a T! I still like the fun ones where you talk and show us lipstick and stuff, but this is extra fun πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I know others already mentioned it, but a little tutorial would be great!

Rachel Harder - if you want a twist to your yummy morning coffee, try the Pioneer Woman’s version of iced coffee (it’s on her website). it is a-ma-zing-ly delicious and easy. if you make it, please have an extra for me while you are sitting in the sun by your pool.

Kristin S - This was awesome! Now I want someone to teach me how to make videos on my Flip camera.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - That was SOOOOOO good!

Jena Simms - And Happy Monday right back to you… Wonder years, YES! Now where is Whinnie?

Sandy - I love the video and the song. I had never heard it before it’s awesome! πŸ™‚

Kori - p.s. and totally loved the wonder years! can somebody say ‘syndication’ already??!

Kori - loved every. single. thing. about that!!! πŸ˜€

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg …. loved it! Thank you for sharing your home & family … you are a blessed woman! πŸ™‚

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg …. loved it! Thank you for sharing your home & family … you are a blessed woman! πŸ™‚

Miranda - Cute vid! Way to start the week off! πŸ™‚

Suzanne - Loved it! Especially Waffle – what a personality he has!
Thanks for letting us take a peek into your world.

Lee Ann - Loved it – even though I didn’t love the Wonder Years πŸ™‚ No tan here in the PNW. Not even hot. 75 and overcast. My girls are making your butterfly canvas art today. We made the oreo, brownie bites as well. More tasty Tuesday ideas for us?

sue - The 108 comments before me say it all. Happy Monday. !!!!!!!!!

Juli - That’s adorable! Thanks for the peek at your darling family and cute house.

Stacia - This is wonderful. I love, love, love this video. And the song! So perfect! My 14 month old climbed right up on the couch by me and danced along. Then she bit me. Ah, life.

jennibell - LOVE IT!!!!!!!! You are sooooooooo inspiring πŸ™‚

Lisa A - Love this so much!! Such happiness & I loved seeing your house:)

Loni - Love that! I need to learn out to make a mini video for my family!
BTW, How do you keep all your white so WHITE with kids and a dog? Maybe I just suck at house cleaning!
Come decorate my house in Texas. I love your house!

Laine Chambers - LOVED this!! I’m so inspired. Totally taking out my video camera…don’t want to forget these days and moments with my three kiddos. (And one on the way!)

Jessica Noble - Very creative! Love it. πŸ™‚

Emily - I love the Wonder Years! Love waffle… he has such a sweet face. If you have satellite tv you can get reruns of the Wonder Years on the HUB.

Jennifer - Love It!
Makes me want to steal my sons Flip for a while…

Iris Brown - I luuuuuvvve your video!!! Absolutely adorable and celebrating the everyday. Thanks for sharing.

amy b. - People in my high school used to call me Winnie-loved the wonder years! awesome video! i’d say life is pretty good at your house! and mine,too-we are blessed!

Melissa Martin - Loved it! Definitely had a Wonder Years vibe to it! Brought a smile to my πŸ™‚

Gina - I am the little sister mentioned in the first comment and I loved it!

aubrey - cute. and i love that it’s scorching hot and you’re nice enough to make cookies. πŸ™‚

Vicki - My kids were dancing around to the song, so I played the whole thing again and they watched. About halfway thru, Jack said, “I want to go to that house!” I think he like the lego rocket. Lily liked the pool. :o) Wish we were neighbors!

lauren - totally made my day. who could ask for more?

Janelle - That was just the cutest little video πŸ™‚

tiffany m gardner - what a nice reminder of what is important….family!

meaghan - SO FUN!!! love that!!!

lisa - Cute video!! My weekend was perfection – I had a baby last Saturday and have spent every day since soaking up baby newborn smells, squeaks, and snuggles.

Lisa - Oh my gosh!! That was absolutely adorable. Loved it!

se7en - Just love it!!! Love all your stuff, especially your coca cola mouse pad!!!

Stephanie A - Loved, loved, loved it!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Huge, huge, huge smiles! Thank you for giving me such an AWESOME start to my Monday!

Holly - love it! You are so blessed!

jen - So fun… and I am jealous of your CLEAN house!

Tammy - awesome job on your video!

the whyte house - it’s been so hot here(a whole 30 minutes away from you)and it’s gonna be so horrible wed and thurs…but it’s absolutley beautiful this morning!!!

Courtney - What a happy home! I just finished my daughter’s playroom re-do which was totally inspired by you! Thanks so much for sharing this!

Kate S. - Now this is the kind of video blogging I would like to see more of! I watched this entire thing with the biggest smile on my face. Wonderful. So feel-good and happy.

Leah - What a great happy video! Awesome start to my Monday morning. I like Waffle’s cameo appearance and all the Pet Shop people. My daughter would be in heaven in that room! Great song too. I’ll have to check out Marcia Ball.

Jimi - Love your video! What a great slice of life you captured.

Tonya - so. i totally cried. what is wrong with me? this video is beautiful. just makes me sad to realize my kids are growing up and I have almost nothing recorded of their daily lives. thanks for the daily inspiration.

ThisMamaThing - Oh, this is so fun! Can I come stay at your house? It looks so busy, happy, colorful, warm! I’m new to your blog, and I’ll definitely be back πŸ™‚

stephany - Love it! You are quite an inspiration!

Juli - Oh, I loved that so much I cried,that’s no surprise since I’m pregnant & I cry at the drop of a hat but…!

Heather R. - Love the song! GReAt video. Waffle, kids, coffee, and an alligator wave…so sweet. πŸ™‚

Mansi - creative & warm

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Loved it. In fact, Id be perfectly happy if all your posts were just like this one. Its like happy in action:)
Oh and I made some of my own Anthro inspired towels( like the ones on the link in your sidebar. Such a fun,easy(& inexpensive) craft project. Want me to come teach it at craft weekend? Hahaha…obviously kidding. Im still sad that I cant come:(

Laura - I love it! I know you don’t have a perfect life. None of us do. But, it looks like a fun, happy life. Such a fun house for your children! They do realize that not everyone has such a cool looking house, don’t they? Thanks for bringing smiles to so many faces!

andrea - Great video! Great to see that someone else’s house is a mess too! A hint on using plastic cups. At my Friday mom’s Bible study, we made cork coasters one day when we didn’t have a babysitter and therefore no Bible study. I cut mine in circles, decorated each with permanent markers with a look that represents each kid. Their cup for the day sits on that coaster. Made one for myself and the hubby too. I need another one, one for coffe and one for water! πŸ˜‰

julie - loved so many things about that video!! talby’s chair bumping sean’s chin, waffle’s legs on the wall (that’s how i sleep, too waffle!), the colors, the fun activities… we had that croc, too… it popped after the first use… boo!
the weekend was fun, but mondays are always rough for some reason. wish my hubby had summer vacation, too.

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love this so so much!!! WOW, your house is clean. And your house just looks so happy and pretty and cozy. love it. this is a happy video for this monday morning. you can make a video anytime, yes please. πŸ™‚

Lisa Goldstrich - Ha! My 18 month old was completely enthralled with this and sat still on my lap for 2 minutes…this never happens! I think he especially loved Waffle…”doggie, doggie”…haha! Have a great day!

Necole - What a great video! I am love your house. I live in Texas and it is super duper nasty HOT!

Denine - YOU are so FUN

Beth Ann - I love this!!

Juliann Brenner - hee-hee; super cute Megan! I love it…now to just get a shot of that ever-elusive-Lauren :-))) Maybe you could sneek in her room and take a video of her sleeping – may be the only time she’ll “let” you get her on film πŸ™‚ Hahaha.

Cassie - How fun!! Thanks for letting us in πŸ™‚

Melissa - I loved it!!! I so think I need to do that! You and I are very alike…thing is, everything you Sonia something I LOVE, and so I copy it!

Sharla - Very cute. You know it’s coming . . . what programs/camera did you use for this? It is so sweet – I wish I could look back at my childhood in videos and definitely want to start recording these!

leonieke - love it, it looks like having 5 kids and no school is just fun.
and because that situation (with 3 kids) is comming my way in about 3 weeks i enjoy this video so much. gives me courage πŸ™‚

Elise - What a fun video!! And no, you’re no Steven Spielberg, but You.Are.Meg.Duerksen!!!!! Seriously, that was so cute and I love your home!!

Kelly - Oh I love it! My weekend was great, thanks for asking and I am good. It’s my birthday! My husband made peach/blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes this morning and cleaned up the kitchen! It’s gonna be a good, good day! Maybe I’ll take a video too. hmmm . . . fun stuff. Thanks for sharing. Have a spectacular day. Kelly
p.s. I love the new header!

LeAnne - I loved it! Thanks for sharing. I am reading Crazy Love right now. Thanks for recommending it. It will be life changing. I can’t remember if you have read Radical or not. But that is my rec to everyone other than Francis Chan’s books. It’s a must read for Christians I think.

Shannon - This is so fun Meg! Love the music and I’m thinking I might copy this idea for the 4th of July πŸ™‚

Mrs. Edberg - It is still rainy and spring-like here in MN. I am yearning for heat and sunshine! So is my garden. πŸ™

Beth - Great way to start my day at work! shh don’t tell anyone….
missed seeing your oldest but I am sure she is to busy….mine was at that age.
love love this video…please share how to do this with music…i have wanted to do some myself and would love to find out how.

Ashley - LOVED the video!! So fun! Thank you for sharing!
My sick little one danced along to the music while we watched. I guess it’s on the new download list. πŸ™‚
So, how were the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies? They looked yummy.

Sheila P. - I love this!

Kelly - Cuteness! What a happy home you have there!

robin - your kids crack me up, and so does waffle. Great job on the video…it was nice to start my Monday work morning!

Lisa - Looove the video!
Sorry I don’t usually comment but I always read you in Google Reader!
Love all the color in your life, I am redoing my kitchen right now and I’m actually doing white cabinets and black countertops, I like that I can use accessories to change the color and look whenever I want.

Linda - really loved that! thanks for sharing your life with us.

amy - i usually never watch videos on blogs, super cute video. ahhh..the wonder years, love. i think i need to see if the library has it now, my whole family watched that when it first aired, it is a part of my childhood!

Sarah Alcantara - Loved your video. Loved the Wonder Years. Have a great day!

Kerri - OMGoodness I LOVED the Wonder Years! Remember when Winnie was hurt and Kevin climbed up to look in and check on her in the window and Bob Segar’s “We’ve Got Tonight” was playing – LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! πŸ™‚

Angela Atkins - Love the song and love the video. My two year old has asked me to watch it three times now. Also love getting to see your house as a whole, putting together all the pieces I’ve seen in your photos. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us!

Lisa - That’s so great! Looks like you’re having a fun summer. I have that flip camera too…isn’t it awesome?!

Wendi - Good morning to you, too. Thank you God for Megan and her beautiful family! πŸ™‚

Cindy - That was fun! Loved the song! Beautiful house! Beautiful family! Can’t wait to meet you at our photo shoot !!! Of course, I think my kiddos are just secretly hoping to meet Waffle. ha πŸ™‚

Sugar Mama - My daughter is 8 and she still has those littlest pet shop ALL over the place! Gotta love them!
And did I ever tell you we got a Labradoodle from the Humane Society and when I saw him I immediately thought of Waffle. Waffle is a Goldendoodle, right? His hair is curlier than our Flash. But they have the same adorable face. Love it!
My middle son watched the video with me and he now wants a Foosball table in our kitchen instead of the table. That would be fine and all except the daycare kids would have no place to eat. :o)
Wow, I just left a long blabbing comment.

Dori - Totally a Wonder Years feel..fabulous!

Alisa - you are a “happy” in my day!

tammy - that made me smile!!!

Carly Winborne - this is super duper cute! my little girl watched it over my shoulder and her comments were great. she loved waffle, the piano, all the colors in your kitchen, the globe. she said she wanted to live at that house. and honestly, so do i!!!
what a great way to start the day. precious.

Maria - Thanks, Meg, that was a fun way to start a rainy Monday morning.

happygirl - So cute and it looks like a fun summer in Kansas. I need to learn how to cut video together like that. It looks fun.

Halley T - Loved the video! I am new to this blog (have been reading it about 2 weeks) and I”m LOVING your honest and down to earth style. Your blog is an encouragement to stay at home moms who sometimes think they are going to lose their minds! Blessings to you and your family.

Rachel J - Great video! Love the Waffle part! And the COFFEE part! Have a great day Meg!

Kari - Totally cute. Do you ever get tired of people telling you how fun you are?

Tina I - Must download that song. Loved the Wonder Years and enjoyed seeing your home and family. It was like getting to be the proverbial fly on the wall. Enjoy your sumer!

the domestic fringe - I LOVE your video! Seriously. SO adorable. Your house is awesome and your children beautiful. Those little chairs lined up on the porch…I want to steal that idea. Thank you for sharing your life. Happy Monday!

Karen Lehmann - that made me happy πŸ™‚

Karen H. - Loved it – thank you for sharing… so sweet! πŸ™‚

Dina - Needed that this monday morning:-) SO sweet! Fred Savage was my awkward little boyfriend. That girl he was in love with (was her name Winnie???)…way too skinny:-) Have a great week!

sara's art house - I love your family πŸ™‚ I feel like I am a part of it all…great video!

Amanda - So fun!

Amy Lynne - Fun! Happy Monday!!!

Terrie G - Very ‘Wonder Years’ish! Loved that show!!
The triple digits are going to hit us in a big way this week…live in your pool!
I want a pool…always been a dream of mine.
I’ll just live in my craft room…another dream that finally came true! πŸ™‚
Great weekend…got to make baby things all weekend with my little girl!

donna - good idea…..can you teach us how to put different music to the flip?

Christy - Love the video, the song fits it’s perfect

Heather (One Take On Life) - Fun! Love to see the daily life. What a great idea. Found your blog recently and have really been enjoying it.

Jenn Schires - LOVED it! Makes me want to make a video of my family!

danielle burkleo - um. i love you. that’s all.

Mrs. - Okay, so I LOVE that you had to learn how to do the videos, AND you did it! Sometimes learning new things is hard, especially when LIFE takes over. Good for you.
ALso, I noticed the missing teenager…My 13.5 year old is beginning to disappear from family time as well. Something about friends…

Lori Bowring Michaud - Loved it! Reminded me of when my four were little. It goes by fast, Meg! My baby will be 21 on September.

lorelei - I wanna come over for coffee. all the way from NY.
hey, i am wondering how you attached the song of your choice to your flip video. i can’t figure that part out and therefore can only add songs that come with the flippin program. πŸ˜‰

donna - you are so creative and everything you do is so hAPpY. i love the sign in your kitchen regarding the use of plastic cups! i have 6 kids and in the summer i have to run my dishwasher 2 – 3 times a day, so we use plastic cups and paper plates to decrease the running of the dishwasher – i always wonder which way is better for the enviornment….better for my sanity is the throw aways. Thanks for the early morning smile – have a great day Meg.

Jen - This was really cute…and fun. It really makes me want to record things like this. We never seem to see your oldest daughter around. Is she there, but just doesn’t want to be in included…or not home much? Or still sleeping…:)

Carol S. - Super duper video. Really adorable, yes, quite Wonder Years and thank you God for a wonderful life for Meg! Not all peaches and cream I’m sure but just lovely. It was absolutely gorgeous in Chicago this weekend, sunny and a little breeze, we went to the racetrack and had a ball.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Haha Waffle is so funny!
Hope you have a great Monday : )
Gemma xXx

Michelle from Australia - Loved it! Particularly Waffle. And your lovely mirror smile. Here is Australia it is mid winter. And cold! Well, cold by our standards which considering we are mid-tropics, probably isn’t that cold. Happy Summer!

Jennifer DeLosSantos - SO cute!
I wanted to be Winnie, and was in love with Kevin.

Kim - You always have such great ideas! I love this – no birthdays, graduations, bike riding without training wheels – just EVERYday. I’m tucking this one away….
Yes, i LOVED The Wonder Years. I wanted to be Winnie Cooper so badly. I loved her hair.

Chelsea in MO - LOVE it! Very fun way to document the everyday things that make our lives go around.

Jennifer S. - Love it!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - HEEHaw…that was fun!

Trish - ummm, WOW!! I love this. Such a great song and your video was awesome!
I’m gonna go share it with my little sister, who is the youngest of us 6 kids, married young, became a mother shortly after and now parents 6 kids, 5 of who she birthed and one on loan from the State. You remind me of her.

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checkin’ in with you…..


i have some stuff to tell you and some questions to ask.

1.  i am still doing Ripped in 30 with jillian michaels.


     so far…..i am not ripped.
     there is the one day of the month left & i should be done tomorrow but i am only on work out #17 today.
     i am not sure if she means ripped in 30 days or 30 workouts.
     but i am going to do 30 workouts either way.

2.  yesterdays video.
     thanks for all the encouragement!
     talby came up with her questions and annie stole some….which made her mad.
     sean came up with his own.
     the original video was 8 minutes long….so you got the best 4 minutes.
     it was fun.  
     i will definitely do it again.


3.  did you see that we helped raise $17,093 for sergey!!!
     that is amazing….GOD is amazing!
     God's timing is perfect.
     i am so thankful that danielle gave me the opportunity to serve.


     and grateful for each of you that GAVE!! 
     i mean really….you are helping a baby get a mama!  AWESOME. 

     go check and see if you won any of those fabulous prizes….especially if your name is jennifer!
     lucky girl! 

4.   should i be on twitter?  


      what do you people talk about over there?  
      what am i missing out on?


5.  there is one more day for the gatorade giveaway.
     go over there and leave a comment and you might win a $100 gift card to Dick's Sporting Goods.


     if i won i would use it for sports bras.
     exciting right?
     not really cool shoes or cute workout clothes…….boring bras.
     because if you need a serious sports bra they are expensive.
     jillian….doesn't even wear one!

     some of her "moves" i can't physically do because there is stuff in the way….if you know what i mean.

     but you can spend your $100 any way you'd like.


and that's it for my friday.

it's pizza for dinner and a movie on the couch.

and i got a netflix for me after the kids go to bed….Parenthood….the MOVIE.
one of my most favorite movies ever. 
(probably a PG rated trailer….fyi) 

the show is so good because the movie was so good.
and REAL.


Natasha - Twitter and FB are VERY different… FB is more static, whereas Twitter is an ongoing conversation (think telephone party line, but without the creepy, scuzzy connotation). Should you be on twitter? Depends what you hope to gain…
I loved FB from the moment I started. I like that your profile page is your landing point to post photos and let friends know what’s going on in your life. By contrast, I’ve found Twitter most useful when I’m at a public event/location or watching something major on tv (e.i. Royal Wedding, news-worthy item, current episode of American Idol) and I want to know what others think about it, right now, as it’s happening…
In general, I’ve found that with Twitter I don’t use my “profile” as the primary point of interaction, like I would with FB; instead, I use the search feature. You can search any topic under the sun that you would want to have a conversation about. Most often I can just throw in my 2 cents with a tweet, but sometimes I’ll also respond to something someone else has said.
Did that make sense? If not, just email me, and I’ll try to say it better!

andrea - just a comment on the exercising: yes, you probably are supposed to do 30 in 30 days but… does she have 5 kids? does she clean the house? wash the clothes? fix their dinner? drive them here, there and everywhere? I look at it as you did MORE THAN one every other day (17 in 30)! THAT IS AWESOME!
Also, understand the sports bra thing, that is why I will never, ever be a runner!

Whitney S - I have Twitter, but to be honest I am not sure what the point of it is. Maybe I just am not funny enough πŸ™‚
It doesn’t matter if you’re not “ripped” after 30 days- at least you’re doing it. I did Slim in 6 from Beach Body and noticed some results, but not the results they said I would. I guess it depends on what your definition of “ripped” is πŸ™‚
AND I love Both Parenthoods too! When he loses his retainer it makes me think back to searching for mine in the McDonald’s trash again- Steve Martin is a lot funnier looking for it than my dad! πŸ™‚

Shaina Brown - I have to admit you inspired me to go out and by Jillian’s dvd, did a solid 10 days and pulled my “hammi” so bad that I had to take 2 days off. darn squats! I will be back at it tomorrow, but I think I will be mixing in some yoga as well. thinking my body needs a little extra stretching and not so much squatting! not sure if your cable provider has on demand, but on the exercise channel you can do all of her workouts for free!!!

Corinne - Im sure you’re kicking some major bootie in your jillian workout!
I had to weigh in on the twitter…umm, maybe not…bc if you tweeted I would have to join to see your awesome tweets…and well, I don’t really want to understand the whole twitter craze…so its for selfish reason! πŸ˜‰
either way…love love your blog…thank you for letting into your fun life and your creative ideas!
Enjoy your weekend!

Staci - I’m cracking up…”it’s been 30 days…and I am not ripped!” I love it πŸ˜‰ We need to stream Parenthood…haven’t seen it in a lonnnng time πŸ˜‰ Happpy Weekending Duerksen FamilY!!!

Holly - Laughing at your Jillian video because I have been ignoring her lately. I need to talk with her though because my junk food habit is kicking my booty!

Stefanie @ - Stick with the workout! I did it for 2 months before I hit a “giving up” day. And I never hit that day because I got toned (I’m not ripped) and lost 32 pounds! Stop drinking soda (if you do drink it) its not doing any favors for ya πŸ™‚
I eat healthy, but I don’t “diet” – you’ll see results. Hang in there. I also do her yoga workout which I love, even though I hate yoga and I do her No More Trouble Zones DVD too – its 50 minutes long and gets rid of all those areas that you get after pregnancy. You know, those areas we pretend to be proud of but we really hate πŸ™‚
Twitter is AWESOME! You’re not on there? I knew someone was missing. I love it. Its way better than Facebook. A great way to stay up with news and current events with out all the photos and jabber and back and forth. I love it. You will too. Its the opposite of Facebook because its takes seconds to get through, where FB can take hours of your day.

Alicia @ La Famille - i was doing jullian’s 30 day shred…maybe i should try yours…looks like it’s going well πŸ™‚ definately do another video…very cool! and i don’t have a clue what twitter is/does. seems like another time zapper πŸ™‚ ha!!

Carrie - Awesome fund raising…just amazing what you have accomplished so far! Keep it upβ™₯
You should be proud of your hard work with Jillian…she is not an easy trainer to please!

betsy - Have to give my 2 cents on Twitter … I’m on it & share more there than I do on my (writing) blog or FB these days. Even if you don’t share a lot on Twitter, it’s a nice way to find people that have the same interests as you do: crafts, photography, kids, sewing, charity, etc. and then share ideas and support.
I’d definitely follow you … but if you feel like you’re overwhelmed with what is already on your plate, then it might not be for you.
I DO have to tell you that I’m L-O-V-I-N-G that you’ve had a new post every day for quite some time. I come from work each night and check all of my Top Sites on my MBP that are updated … in order from sort-of care about, to like to read, to LOVE to read as the last ones I check. I always check your blog updates right before I check updates about my niece on my sister’s blog.
Keep it up!
P.S. Thank goodness Spring has finally decided to show up in Kansas πŸ™‚

Carol S - Oh, Parenthood is SUCH a classic! Loved it then, haven’t seen it in awhile. Liked your video yesterday, too, super fun, did I tell you that? You are so real and your kids are cool and totally normal. That’s nice. Thanks for blogging so much, it’s fun to read new stuff daily. I have Jillian…have tried her two months with mixed success, never more than 15 days. It’s the darn weekends that kill me…Mon-Fri keep me on the wagon. Just keep going!!

Necole - Twitter is fun. It is just another way to express yourself. I wish I knew what it was like to need a sports bra. Nothing has ever gotten in my way but my bug butt. Parenthood is such a great movie.

Jessica Johnson - i give you a big, huge green light on twitter. it’s weird at first but fun, too. but still weird. oh jillian. i wanted to rip her eyes out in 30 seconds. i LOVE that you drew on her. especially a pirate hat.

Routhie - Don’t waste your time. I was on twitter ages ago and it was only fun when a few friends were on, which was usually a holiday. Otherwise, it’s lost on anyone who actually has things to get done during the day. Prolly why so many celebs are on. I had friends who would think it funny to tweet about 60 times in a row. That got old and it took longer to see what other friends were tweeting. FB is distracting enough.

Jenniferjkeating - I was going to send you a note and let you know that one of your followers was the big winner in Sergy’s fundraiser. I feel very lucky but Terrie is right on….Sergy is the luckier one! He is going to be surrounded by so much love! We have two kids that are adopted and two that are biological and it’s all the same love. My husband was also adopted when he was three so adoption is very close to my heart. I am so happy that they are closer to bringing him home. I can’t wait to see pictures of him in his new home surrounded by his brother and sisters and his Mom and Dad. πŸ™‚

Terrie - 1. Love that I’m excited about the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie from your drawing on Jillian.
2. Loved the ‘normalness’ of the video…Mad Mommy…LOL!!
3. Lucky Jennifer…but even LUCKIER Sergey!!
4. I don’t get Twitter…but I love facebook! I can interact with many peeps I wouldn’t normally get to stay connected with.
5. Almost missed the gatorade giveaway
6. I’ll get right online and get my Summer mag order in! πŸ™‚
Enjoy your movie…I’m going to catch up on Grey’s & Private Practice while doing a pedi. I’ve spent the whole day watching the royal wedding. Now I’m going to catch up on some other dvr’d goodies while the men are out of the house! Have a great weekend!!

Jennifer W - My husband told me that twitter is like facebook without the games.
You made my heart skip a beat when you stated that someone named Jennifer won! It wasn’t me but, still happy I donated to bring that sweet baby home!
Happy weekend!

Michelle from Australia - I’m not a fan of Twitter. To me blogs are written with purpose. Twitter isn’t. Just my thought for what it is worth….

happygirl - You should do twitter. It will increase your traffic. just sayin’ I’m trying to increase traffic and all the cool blog experts say to do it. That’s all I have. And, I tweeted about Parenthood (the movie) yesterday as being TRUTH. Great minds, eh?

Mindy Harris - meg–i too would spend the $100 on 1.5 sports bras.
i am on twitter but don’t spend alot of time on it. it’s just another way for me to network as i grow my blog. and you can be a bit more confident (ballsy–sorry to use that word) on there because you know you may never meet the people.
i follow brook burke on twitter and tweet to her. she never writes back but at least she knows a kansas girl finds her beautiful and inspiring (she’s a good mom and eats right).
happy wknd!

jeannett - ha! we watched parenthood on on demand a few nights ago. loved. it. loved. but i like the tv show better.
as for twitter, don’t do it. it’s a time suck. the end.

Kacey - Well, I’m really not one to be offering advice, given that I didn’t make it through the full 30 days myself, but I say go for it and don’t worry if it’s supposed to be 30 days in a row. You’ll feel accomplished and you’ll feel better physically. Me, I’m a wimp and I’m going to stick with my fat-burning Pilates, which I actually love. That reminds me…
Have a lovely weekend!
P.S. I’m on the fence about Twitter. I can’t keep up and my life is too boring for regular updates about what I’m doing (same thing with Facebook) but I’m there anyway. I just tweet occasionally when there’s something worth tweeting about!

nicole @ deliajude - parenthood is the best ever…especially the roller coaster of it all.

Linda@Restyled Home - Don’t waste your time with Twitter. it is boring…truly. An outlet for way too much randomness, if you ask me.
Or maybe I jsut haven’t really figured it out. I don’t know. I jsut know that there are enough time suckers and it will infringe upon your being such a fun mum. Real life is so much more fun!
Love your Gillian Micheals doodles. Especially the angry belly button. It is probably saying, “feed me!” ;0)

Adrienne S - I am so with you on the sports bra! Why are they so expensive? Next up you should try P90X. Totally worth it.

alyssa - I stopped reading this post so I could say this. Her boobs hang out all the time. It drives me nuts. Maybe you should use your gift card to get her a bra!

Leah - I vote for no Twitter. Don’t get me wrong; I’m on Twitter and I use it. But honestly, it’s just one more thing to manage. You don’t need it. You have such a great group of loyal followers to your blog and we’re going to read you no matter what. So I really don’t think you need to add Twitter to your mix. But if you do, I’ll follow you.

julia - Didn’t want to be a downer but I have a 30 vid of Jillian’s and it totally bulked me up and I didn’t lose any weight. She actually says in her video that your muscles will get bigger and that your bigger leg muscles will make your ankles look smaller (IKIDYOUNOT).
I do posts titled “I don’t do Twitter, but if I did,this is what I would Tweet”

Diana - Love the drawing on Jillian, LOL! Very… original. Hehe. My son and daughter-in-law did the whole Biggest Loser thing, all the dvds and such (they lost 75 and 65 pounds!)… I asked DIL and she says it means ripped in 30 days.
I was on twitter for several months. For me, it became a fad whose time had passed. I prefer my facebook because I can do everything on it, even blog.

janene - I like twitter–not as universal as FB (which I quit eight weeks ago and don’t miss: )–can check out posts of people I follow…don’t have all the family/friends following and I can just keep up or check out what friends in the blogosphere are up to.

sue - Did you watch the Royal Wedding Meg.?

Sophie - I think you should get a Twitter and give it a go! You can just tweet things about your day and talk to all your readers and stuff. I make it sound boring, but it’s really not. I’d follow you!
Also, I’ve talked to some of my favourite celebrities on there (the best one being Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter movies, who is pretty much my idol) so it’s a great opportunity to talk to your favourite stars.
Danielle should feel so blessed that you helped to raise so much for Sergey. I donated $80, and ended up winning Charlaanne’s pink flower pin which was unexpected. Totally not why I donated, obviously, but a nice surprise none the less.
The video was super cute and I can’t wait to see more! (:

amy - I think I need to go back and watch Parenthood now that I am in the thick of it, I forgot how funny that movie was πŸ™‚

georgia - I think Jillians dvd is for 30days, but 30 workouts would be the same im guessing as you only doi it once a day… ?
Im just getting round to the Twitter idea.. its like facebook but you can only write status’s and reply to other peoples, like celebritys, friends etc
Did you see the royal wedding on tv? made me feel totally patriotic was nice watching it on tv..

Janelle - I vote no for Twitter.
I ordered Jillian but now I have decided just to see how ripped you are in 30 to determine if I should do it or not πŸ™‚ Just my way of procrastinating once again!

april - um meg….Im pretty sure jillain is pissed you drew all over her, but I love it!!! Dont worry I wont forward this to her…hahahaha The video WAS awesome and I cant wait to see the next one! I thought it was so cute that julie won your hoodie….fate man…fate!

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well….we made a video.
you can hear my voice which will maybe be weird.

and you get way too much time to look at my neck…..hmmm.

and chin.

the timer from the chicken for dinner keeps dinging in the background.

but here i am.

 next time i am using different angle……

Lynette - Loved it Meg! I am so fortunate to have known you since you were in 8th grade! Love seeing how you have grown into a wonderful wife and mother. Talby looks so much like you:)

gina - *two.

gina - at least you only had one chin making an appearance, i woulda had too, lol. πŸ˜‰ GREAT video – exactly how I have pictured your family just from reading and seeing your photos. πŸ™‚

Lauren - Meg, I waited a while to finally watch this. I immediately needed to tell you that I thoroughly enjoyed it! Awesome!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh my gosh! I had a huge smile on my face! How crazy is it to hear your voice after reading your words for at least 3 years? maybe more? no idea…
Wow. Adorable!

eds - HA ha ha ha ha ha ha!! I loved this! It made my day! You are hilarious.

Irene - You have such a nice voice! So glad I flicked back through the entries to see what I had missed since last checking in. Your kids are precious too.

Toni :O) - This video is certainly at the top of my favorite blog posts by you ever! Adorable and funny and just confirms what a beautiful person you are inside and out and how beautiful your family is as well! Thank you for sharing…made me smile!

Toni :O) - This video is certainly at the top of my favorite blog posts by you ever! Adorable and funny and just confirms what a beautiful person you are inside and out and how beautiful your family is as well! Thank you for sharing…made me smile!

Suzanne - Loved your Vlog – can’t wait to see more!

Amy - Love it!!

Molly - This was so awesome! lOVED IT! More vlogs please!!!!!!!!!

Dawn - Awesome video. You and your family are so cute.

Keshet - Ha, love it!

Kat - Great idea. I hope you will do more of these?!
You look great and I agree, sound very calm and laid back.
I never noticed before how much Sean looks like you.

Tania - You sound nothing like I thought!!!! But I love it!

Megan - loved the vlog!
that’s not at all what i imagined your voice sounding like.
and now i sound like a stalker.

jennyonthespot - OH MEG! I love it… especially the end! πŸ™‚ And the toothless Annie… and YOU… oh I just loved it all!

Jennifer DeLosSantos - Love it! Kate came over to see what I was watching and said “Her takes my picture!”.

the.mrs - Mad mama cracks me up. And the ‘small house/mansion’ question.. Gotta love would you rathers!

Beth - Love. Great vlog. Can’t wait to see more πŸ™‚

BULLYMAMA - I loved your video…I was a little nervous to watch it because I thought that hearing your voice would change the way I read your blog (if you know what I mean). The weird thing was that after watching the video I feel like I’ve known you for years…can’t figure out if you remind me of someone else that I know or because I have been reading your blog for so long that it all goes together. Anyways it was great and I loved your reactions to the kids arguing in the background it looked just like something I picture myself doing!!

Tonya - Your kids are beautiful! Talby really looks like you.

Heidi - That was great! I had to laugh at Annie’s question of living in a small house with no noise or a big one that was noisy- I’m always complaining about the level of noise in my house. πŸ™‚
Loved the video.

Shannon K. (wichita, Ks) - Good Job Meg! Keep up the vloging!!

Richelle - Loved it!! Love you! Blessings to you and your family!

Ellen - This Video was awesome! I’ve been lurking and reading your blog for a few years now and it was so nice to actually hear your voice and see your kids in action. Very cool, I hope you make more!

danielle - is it weird that i just watched this again?
and smiled as big again?
your laugh is so different than i thought…and i think about your laugh a lot you know.
i love it!!

Rebecca - Oh my gosh, Talby is your twin!!

connie libby - I LOVED this! Best vlog I’ve seen so far from anyone!!!! I want to comment on your blog all the time but I’m too shy! I just couldn’t help myself this time, you are such a precious momma and I loved seeing your kids and hearing your voice! Waffle too! SO CUTE!I think I’ll go find a green sweater to wear with my navy polka dot shirt now, you look great! πŸ™‚

Chelsea - Hey Meg, I’ve been a reader for a couple years, and I just wanted to leave a quick comment of encouragement. The vlog was great, it gave all of us readers just a little peak into life with Meg’s family. Great job, super sweet kids, and what a creative way to share a bit about your life! Keep ’em coming! Have a good weekend!

kari - so fun, meg. made me smile.

Helen Wall - Mad Mom is pretty patient, I’d say. You really are fun. Thanks for sharing some more of you and yours.

Lia - So great! I do birthday interviews with my kids but I haven’t let them interview me. I may give it a try.

kristy - I loved this. Annie was hilarious. It was fun to see your personality too. I love your blog.

Kristin S - I absolutely loved this!
Hearing your voice was great. For some reason it is exactly what I pictured in my mind.
Darling o darling navy ruffle top too.

Jennifer - Wonderful stuff! Thanks for sharing. It was really fun to see everyone “in real life”-even Mad Momma. She’s in my house a heck of a lot and I only have two. πŸ™‚
You do have great skin Meg. Thanks again!

Eva - Love this video haha and the fact you only have 3 of the five kiddos with you and how busy it looks hehe what a wonderful family πŸ™‚

chris - there’s nothing wrong with your neck , loved the video blog

Bailey - It was perfect, I love how you incorporated the kids! I also love how REAL it is.

Alicia - I LOVE YOUR VIDEO! You need to do that more often- but I wanna see Lauren & Scott too- oh, and Craig! Get Craig to make a guest appearance haha!
And funnily enough, your voice sounded EXACTLY like I thought it would!
And I totally love Annie! How cute is she! “It’s Annie!!!!”
She needs her own segment- get that girl her own YouTube channel πŸ™‚
Did she think of that question about living in a tiny house with no noise or a mansion with a little bit of noise by herself? That was a good question for a five year old!

danielle - i smiled SO big through this entire video!!
loved hearing your voice..makes me love you even more!!
did you just get your hair did?!? love it too!!

jen@thecottagenest - You are even more adorable than I remembered. Wish I lived next door so I could come drink coffee with you after the kids get on the bus. Even though I don’t drink coffee. Also my kids don’t ride the bus. But you get the idea.

Robyn - ha loved it!It was good to hear your voice πŸ™‚

luisa - super cute!!!!
I love your voices!!!
I want also the other 2!!

sue - Now there is a voice to the face. ha ha. Look forward to more video’s and by the way you looked great.

emily - you are so fun. Love how laid back you are and how fun for the kids to ask questions. Thanks for doing this!

Heather - This made me happy. πŸ™‚

Karen Lehmann - sweet!

Jenn - The beep in the background cracked me up. Sounded like my dumb beeping dryer! Very nice interview. Did the kiddos come up with their own questions? Also your neck is lovely. Don’t worry about it πŸ™‚

Amanda - Awww, I love it! Such a special treat to see what you and your family are like!

Rachel B. - Love it! Annie cracked me up!

Courtney@ Cooking Up A Family - totally cute and you really do look just like the dixie chick!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - okay that was fun. cool seeing you in the mom role. could your hair be any cuter?? need to change your profile pic!

Jill - This made me love you just a little bit more and I didn’t think that was possible! Too fun! Keep ’em coming, girl!

Bernice - Love how the kids like seeing themselves on the screen! And the mad mama part.. haha that made my day πŸ™‚

Heather R. - Cute. πŸ™‚

Margo - It was great – loved it!

EllenVR - I LOVE Cocoa Pebbles!!!

Amy - That was awesome. I need to do one too now!! Very fun. So glad you did it. thanks for sharing. bye bye πŸ™‚

Alaina - That was fun!! Love you even more!!!!

alphabetmomma - So cute!! You’re beautiful and I could just smooch Annie all up! Thanks for sharing!

Karyn - Love it. Makes me want to be your real life friend and come over for coffee (ice cream….my fave too!)

Kate - A very excellent first video!!

Jennifer W - Great vlog! Annie reminded me of my 5 year old with her question and how interested she was in your answer. Cute!

Carrie - Loved the video blog! You’ll have to do more!

kristen - oh meg – you are so funny. and just beautiful!
btw – at church the other day I saw your Mr. Duerksen and thought to myself “oh there’s Craiggers”. good grief; hope i don’t just call him that out loud. πŸ™‚
*annie reminded me of my girls when they were 6 yrs old.
thanks for sharing this!!

Michelle from Australia - LOVED IT. p.s. we think you all have funny accents! But I suppose you would think we were the one with accents???

becky - love it. you’re even awesome-r than i thought you were. love your kids interrupting, etc. etc. it’s real life, and i love that you share it!!! woo hoo!!!! keep it up, you brighten my day always.

jennie - love love loved it.

Kelly - That was so nice! It was great seeing your interactions. I can see why Craft Day is so much fun at your house!

Brooke - Great video. Thanks Megan.
Ps…you sounded like I thought you would. Sweet, slight KS accent. Reminds me of home.

jill - that just made me so happy! thank you for sharing with us!

Heidi Jo the Artist - I think you did a great job! I think it was more interesting too because of your kids asking you questions. I thought it was pretty hilarious when you said to your son, “are you even listening to my answers”, because I could see my son being more interested in seeing how he looked on camera too. πŸ˜‰
It is funny I had not heard about vlogging before you mentioned your friend’s blog/vlog, but I had asked my husband just the week before if he thought that blogs would go in the way of videos for people that just don’t like to write (or think they aren’t great at writing) but want to journal about their life…for people like me!! He said NO. But he loves to read and write. I think it could be the way of the future in blogland!!

LeAnne - loved it! perfect!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - MORE PLEASE!!! πŸ˜‰

Staci - So cute πŸ˜‰

Kristin Bommer - oh meg. that was so fun!! you’re voice is actually pretty close to what I expected! Also, you have the same accent as me! But I know you aren’t from Cincinnati πŸ™‚

Katy - Okay, count me in for LOVING the vlog! I vote for a weekly vlog post. πŸ™‚
Fun, fun, fun!!

Sarah Deakins - love it cause its so real!! You are awesome and have a great family! πŸ™‚

anna - I love that your kids crack you up! Thanks for letting us meet you.

Candy - I loved it! My kiddos came in crying while I was watching in and they both stopped to watch and then started crying when it was over!

julia - That was great!
I think if we ever met I’d be thinking the whole time “this is so she is…oh my gosh…she’s talking and everything…”

barb c - seriously…you guys are adorable! i love mad mama and how you always keep it real!

lina - LOVE LOVE LOVE, so nice to hear the beautiful voice behind the pics!!!

Amy - That was fantastic! Love it! Thanks for sharing. πŸ™‚

georgia - Ooh you sound like a posh american…. If that makes sense.. It does in my british head.. Haha
Love the video, keepin it real! Love the way the kids are like ‘ mum look at meeeee’
Hah x

Michelle B - i love it! I feel the same way about my neck/chin and you know what…yours looked just fine. Perfect even! I love the questions. What a good idea. I might have to do that with my kids sometime. πŸ™‚ I hope to see more vlogs!

LK - i love it!! and i love you even more now πŸ™‚

Tammy - OOPS, Now not know…LOL!

Tammy - I loved this so much! Know I have a voice to go along with the words! You and your kids (& Waffles too) are so adorable! Hope you make more!

I would need some xanax to make my own video - fun! my kids love to make videos…..
I have to ask though…is that really coffee in that cup?

Diana - More! More! LOL! See, you are a real person now to me and everyone else here. Wellllll, I mean, you were real to me before, but… wait a minute while I dig myself outta this hole. Haha!
Hey! Here’s an idea… next time, maybe you ought to answer some questions offered up by us here in your comment section… *hint hint*

Kate - You’re so famous.

Logan - This was just wonderful!! Perked me right up this afternoon. Thanks so much! I hope you will do it again.

Megan - I loved this! So awesome!

Regina - i absolutely LOVED this. how fun. maybe i’ll get the guts up to do this w/ my boys!

Iris Brown - I need more vlogs!!! I loved how the switch with Talby to Annie & they started yelling off camera and the “Mad momma” notice! Such a classic. I chuckled with that one. You’re a gem and PUHLEEZE keep the vlogs coming. Your kids are goofy, adorable & just so much fun to watch. Thanks for taking the time to share another dimension of you & your family.

theresa - Loved it! Love the timer going off in the background too! πŸ˜‰

Rebecca - Haha! That video is AWESOME. Kids ask the best questions, don’t they?

Sarah - This was so funny and hilarious and awesome! It was great to see your sense of humor–I think my favorite part is when Annie agrees with you about the deliciousness of cocoa pebbles. πŸ™‚

Jennifer - Too fun!
Annie is adorable… Awesome… Interesting!

Jennie - loved it, Meg! I laughed when little Annie said, “eeenteresting…” πŸ™‚ Oh, and you’re being silly about your neck…you look great!

virginia - cool! now i have to adjust the voice i have for you in my head whenever i read your blog. i had a very different one picked out, not better or worse. carazay!

becky@oursweetpeas - Really cute. Your voice was no surprise. Sometimes vlogs throw me ’cause the person sounds SO different than I somehow expected. Weird, I know.
Anyways someone above suggested “Need to breathe”. LOVE THEM. They are me and the hubs fav christian band.

Alexandra - love this! i love your blog and have been reading for quite a while….this video is too cute! Hope you’ll do another one with the other kids πŸ™‚

jenni - Meg, so great! Your voice is just how I imagined it. That means you are a authentic, great writer. Annie is a hoot!

Dee - Very cute! I just got a new laptop and so we are constantly making little videos like this. With four kids, mine are very similar, lol.

Heather - now I love you more than ever! can i be like you when i grow up? πŸ™‚

sara @ it's good to be queen - LOVE IT!! πŸ™‚ so fun to get to hear blogger’s voices. strangely, you sounded just like i thought you would. okay here are my notes, i’m sure you care. 1. your hair looks awesome 2. i love how sean looks so bored when you’re telling about your music choices. ha ha! 3. please do this again, it’s so fun! πŸ™‚

karen - HAHA..mad mom!!
I loved it! You and the kids are adorable!
Waffle is a scene stealer…want to see more of him!

Krystle - LOVED IT!!

melissa*320 sycamore - so glad you did this, Meg! I love having a voice with the writing I’ve been reading. You all are adorable~

Vonda - Loved it Meg! You sound exactly how I thought you would!:) Your kiddos are adorable!

Ashley - ahahahhaaa….LOVED IT! I love how Sean is asking questions then totally spacing out while you answer them…and then making faces at himself! Kids are too funny!

Lelia - How fun!! Thanks for sharing! Loved the “Mad Mama” ending – she’s so relatable! πŸ˜‰

Lelia - How fun!!! Thanks for that! Loved the “Mad Mama” ending! =) She’s so relatable! πŸ˜‰

Leslie - That was awesome – so real so fun!! Waffle Rocks! I just love his name.
Hope you share more of these.

Jennifer Wells - Not sure that I have ever commented before. I love your blog, brings a little sunshine to my day. You are such a down to earth mama, what a fun thing to see a little video of you and your family! Kinda like reality TV πŸ™‚ Love your hair by the way!

Rachael B - I loved this video! I can tell just in 4 minutes that you are a great mom! You should make another video but have readers submit questions πŸ™‚

Jeanne - HAHA…so fun!!! My kids love making videos.

Alice H - I need to do one of these with my kids. It would be so fun! I loved your Vlog! And I like how you turned off the video at just the right time…before you spanked your child. Haha!

Stacia - I loved this so much. You are so adorable, and I love matching your voice with your writing. I hope you do this again, sometime:)

julie f. - you didn’t say no to more kids… are you thinking of adopting!!!

Shannon - So cute, your kids are adorable! I love Annie and Shawn’s faces they were making into the camera πŸ™‚ lol

Charlotte - great job by all!!..even Waffle!:)

Deputy's Wife - LOVED IT!

Crystal Swoverland - Awww, loved the vlog! It’s fun to put a voice to the words you type! Thanks for sharing a piece of your family with us!

Lena K. - Loved it! My 2 1/2 year-old son was on my lap and said, “Sean is a cool guy.”

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Yay for Vlogs! It’s nice to finally hear your voice : )
Gemma Xxx

April M - <3 Good morning! :)

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - You, your kids and even Waffle are too stinkin’ cute! Love your vlog!

Lora - Excellent video, loved it! It’s hard to get up the courage to record, and then actually post it- so nerve-wracking! You did a terrific job, as did your children. You sound exactly like I thought you would!
Hope to see more videos, they are so much fun to watch.
Great job!

Kerry - Gorgeous video Meg – “Are you even listening to my answers??” haha – you look so calm πŸ™‚ looking forward to more of these xx

Rachel J - Here comes mad mama! Hahahaha! Very cute! I loved the cardi and polka dot blouse combo! Very adorable!

elma - Oh my word I just loved this!! After reading your blog forever it is so nice to put a voice to your beautiful face!! the kids are so darn cute to. I hope you do these more:)

Heather - Oh, I loved it! Love getting to hear your voice. It wasn’t weird at all. But I had a moment of hoping it wouldn’t be weird before hitting play. πŸ˜› Is that weird?
I agree with Amber that I love you even more now.

Leah - I love it! The kids are hysterical and I love how Waffle tried to make an appearance too. Keep them coming!

Amber - Omigoodness, I love you even more now! Thanks for stepping out of that comfort zone!!! You rock!

Chantelle - you sound EXACTLY as i thought you would πŸ™‚ and remember that boys don’t do the face to face thing… they are much more “bilateral” and can still hear what you’re saying even when they are not looking at you and playing legos at the same time.

Beth - love hearing your voice–man, lady, you are easy-going! πŸ™‚ super cute kids, too, thanks for sharing. I think it’s so fun to hear the voice behind the writer.

sarah - Super cute. Kenzie loved it too.
I really like your hair πŸ™‚
Makes me want to chop mine off again.

Ellie Perez - I loved it! And you looked great! You made me miss my old hair cut that was kind of like yours…maybe it’s time for me to change it up too! See?! You ARE inspiring! haha! And your kids are absolutely adorable!

Jen H. - That was too stinkin’ funny! Thanks for sharing (esp. the “mad mamma” part…total realness!)
BTW–how do you write words onto your video? I’m new to so much of this technology business and would love to spice up some of the videos I have of my daughters. Thanks!

BriBedell - That was awesome! Seriously, do those more πŸ™‚ and you have a nice voice!!

Courtney Walsh - Love it! You make me want to cut my hair even shorter!! πŸ™‚ I never realized how much Annie looks like Talby! πŸ™‚

Keri R. - You are so cute! You sound just like I thought you would!
I used to love cocoa pebbles too!

Jenn - That was so great and real. I think we can all relate. Keep ’em coming!

karen - You have a great voice. Thanks for letting us hear it.
The kids were great.

Holly - so funny! I loved it! Fruity pebbles are my favorite breakfast! Ha!

Ann Griffin - Love the vlog!! What a cute idea! You and your family are so cute!

Susanna - Loved it! Your kids are darling.. Thanks for sharing yourself and your family with us. You really make others feel at home with you…what a gift!
BTW…I agree with the are cute and have a great sense of style

Lisa - So fun to get a small peek into family! πŸ™‚

Kathy - So funny and real! Love your blog. πŸ™‚

meaghan - LOVE IT!!! you’re so cute πŸ˜‰ keep it up!

Daniele Valois - ok, I know this is maybe a silly comment, but…you have the cutest nose I have ever seen!!!

Anj - Fun!! Cute to watch, although I still LOVE reading your blog posts. Your voice suits you perfectly, it’s exactly what I would’ve imagined! Mad momma cracked me up. And Waffle’s a doll.
I wish you posted, like, two or three times a day, I love your blog! But then I suppose I’d really never get anything done around here… πŸ˜›

Maria - LOOOVE IT! You guys are so Cute!

Amy Segrest - Super Fabulous! Way to go! I love your doo, and Waffle’s….

Karen - LOVE it!!! Your voice is great. The angle was great. Such a classic way for a “family” video blog to unfold! More please….

Lisa - Very cute video! Loved it!

Jessi - Adorable. I hope you decide to become a regular vlogger πŸ™‚

Amber - i adored this. looks and sounds just like my house. def keep up with the videos!

Sugar Mama - Every single one of my daycare kids came over to watch the video… they all giggled at Annie making faces. She is a celebrity in my house now.
I think I should have my own 3 kids to this with me. Or maybe not. They are known for their brutal honesty.

happygirl - It was GREAT. I don’t think I could do this. I’m going to stick with writing. Writing a blog is tough enough. You were GREAT and your kids are ADORABLE.

Lindsay - I’ve read your blog for awhile and rarely comment, but I flipping loved this video. What a fun, real, goofy, happy, silly family you have. And seriously, “mad momma”? Hahaha.

shauna reed - you are suuuuper cute lady!
and “mad momma”??? that’s it!?
ha ha!
i have never seen a vlog, and i loved the words that your wrote over it, that was great.
thanks for bein’ brave enough to share yourself and your family.
oh yah, you are AWWWSOME!

melissa - I love you even more after watching that! Seriously, your blog is THE one I check every day. I love Pioneer Woman too but you are definitely more relatable. πŸ˜‰

Maria - Love it! Your kids crack me up!

Melissa - I love that you still got on to your kids!!!! Love the video! Love that Annie!

april - ok meg…this is pretty much the best vlog ever!! I love that you included the kids,,,they are so funny!! Loves it girl!!!

Chantelle - I’ll add my thumbs up as well! Loved it!! Great idea including the kids. (I may steal that idea.) You’re adorable and so are the wee ones. Thanks for sharing more of yourself with us. πŸ™‚

Shar - Great, I love your voice! We want more, and more Waffle, too. For us dog peeps out here! And, you do have beautiful skin!

beki - ha! you’re so cute!

Kate - So funny….my little girl came up and sat on my lap while I was watching this. After it was done, she said, “Who was that little girl?”. When I told her that it was Annie she said, “I like her. Can we go visit her and be friends?”

Short, Sweet Season - OH MY GOSH. LOVE IT. Your kids are hilarious, especially hearing Annie and Talby off screen.

se7en - Oh your kids are just too cute for words!!!

ashley jensen - Lol!!! I was wondering what you were doing with the chest shot there until mad mom came out! Absolutely loved it. I should get do a vlog with my daughter. That would be funny.

Melinda - So cute…will be so fun to have.

Kasey - Loved it! Your kids were adorable with their questions!
And, I loved how Sean was zoning out when you were answering. Too funny!
That video was so fun!

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg, I love it! Vlogs are awesome … your kiddos are so adorable & just may have a future in broadcasting! πŸ˜‰ Thank you for sharing — BRAVO!

natalie (the sweets life) - can this be a regular feature? i LOVED this–so fun! πŸ™‚

Kara - Thanks for putting yourself out there! It was fun to watch! It’s always good to get out of your comfort zone. I’m glad you had you had a mad momma moment or I would have thought your were perfectly patient;)

sharron - you are so pretty!
loved it..
have you seen this rainbow party?
thought of you when i saw it!
happy day!

Kelly O. - I loved mad mama making her appearance! haha! I’m totally there. kids are a treasure, a joy, a gift and sometimes just plain too much! but I love mine and it shows you love yours too.

Sarah Harward - I’m not sure I’ve ever commented on your blog before, but I LOVED watching you! As a mother of 4 it’s so fun to read about your life, and especially watch you with you kids!! Keep up the great work!!

Sarah - I. Love. This! So fun. Love the honesty of it all. Cocoa Pebbles, yum! Bono, yum! And even though you warned me about your timer dinging I kept wondering what was dinging in my house. Silly.

Alicia @ La Famille - love it, meg! you are so real…sweet with a side of crabby πŸ™‚ just like me most of the time…unless i’m just crabby! love your vlog!

Cindy - Loved it, Meg. Your kiddos were adorable asking the questions! Loved that it was true to life, complete with kids interrupting and especially the mad mama πŸ˜‰ Thanks for sharing this slice of your life! It was fun!

Routhie - Your voice was great. I meet so many people who are obviously disappointed I don’t talk with an affected southern accent. I always tell them not everyone talks like that (thanks hollywood) and they just move on to assume I created my voice after living in the UK for a while. So your voice was definitely not a disappointment, but what I miss from my own friends in TX. And you looked great!

Molly - This was totally cute and fun to watch! made me smile!! you and your kiddos are so wonderful!

Kimberlee Jost - Loved the last mad mom part.
Somehow I can relate.

alamama - That was great! It’s always interesting to “see” how people talk. Thanks! You have inspired me.

sarah - I laughed out loud! You are a patient momma with some major cuties on your hands.

Janelle - I’m surrounded by two of my little ones and one of my daycare kid and they all want to know WHO IS THAT?! I just said…”oh…just one of mommy’s friends.” Little do they know that we’ve never met…ha.

carolyn - cute! and i can’t stop staring at those globes in the kitchen. fabulous.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - We love you Meg D! My girlie and I just took a break from homeschooling to watch you and the kids. Yes, very educational. Can I pass it off as learning? Why the heck not? We learned about YOU! Have a great day!
Sarah & little K

Katrina - I love it! You’re kids are cute, you look great (really), and it was kind of like getting to know another side of you being able to add the voice to the face. I thought I was the only one who did the nose itching thing. LOL.

Jen - Okay… seriously… my kids (2 and 4) happened to see me watching this and were captivated. “Again!!” Waffle’s cameo was a huge hit. Who knew? So I request more vlogs from you because they are a family hit and who knows, they may make Apple TV in our home! : )

jeana - I second the NeedtoBreathe! LOVED seeing you all in action!!

Southern Gal - I like mad mom. She’s real! Ha. That was entertaining. What was Annie’s extra question?

Shelly - Loved it… you are so “real” Meg. Your kids will love this someday too!!!

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - well done! loved the faces sean was making at himself and the additional captions were fun too. πŸ™‚

Leslie - Very cute!!

flowerpowermomma - You are a good momma. I enjoyed the interview, the responses verbally and physically from the kids. Great job keeping focused and each child getting their turn.
Relax, you’re doing just fine.

emily@remodelingthislife - Love it! Annie and her “very interesting…” was so cute!!
I am classy and itch my nose all the time like that, too.

Liz - Love it!

Beth - Awesome family! Love your video…can’t wait to share with my Lexi so she can meet your Annie. She loves seeing your pictures of your family. Can’t wait to see more videos…Once a week would be awesome! Am I pushing it to quick.hehehe

Rachel - Love it!

andrea - Loved it! Especially the kids asking their questions – always interesting to see what they will say. I bet my kids teachers know WAY too much about what goes on at my house!

Su@The Intentional Home - so I think you have a pretty long neck. . .perfect for some funky, big necklaces, flowery necklaces. . I am sure you could create something πŸ™‚
cute video

Jen Brandt - Absolutely loved it! Ain’t nothin’ wrong with your neck and you have beautiful skin!

Ana M - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOUR INTERVIEW !!! Now I could hear your voice and see your kids talking and the cup of coffee always in your hand (hahah)… Like I get closer to you even though we don’t really know each other and sadly may never will (in fact I live in another CONTINENT) Thanks to technology so I could feel for a little tiny moment that I am closer to you…

elisa - loved it πŸ™‚

Cory - I like this…you’re fun πŸ™‚

christine - That was great πŸ™‚ What a fun start to the day!

Jes - we loved it! I watched it with my two yr old, and she wants to know if she can go to your house, and she also noticed sergey’s picture and wants to go to “da baby’s house” too πŸ™‚
(we also very much enjoyed the dogs cameo)

Shelby - rude… hahaha that cracked me up!!
if you like Kings of Leon you should check out NeedToBreathe… they are pure awesomesauce!

Michelle - Awesome!

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what does it meeeeean?



in case you are not one of the 26 million in the world who did not see the double rainbow video…… 

(warning….he is tripped out for sure and says omg about 75 times….)


happy friday.

i hope you find something that makes you so happy today that you start laughing and then bawling.
and then laughing again. 


margo - my husband and I are crying laughing – yeah, we hadn’t seen the vid before!
I love the tee and hoodie too – very cute!

Alison Vaclav - I love rainbows. I think they are very important and here are my thoughts on why:

Kris - That guy just made my day. I love that he is so overwhelmed. Really shouldn’t we all get that excited about a double rainbow? I always make the kids come look when I find one! BTW your daughters double rainbow is too much too!!

Perrin - Oh, love the tee shirt and sweatshirt. So very adorable. My girls would love that.

kristine - can we have annie’s handmedowns?! πŸ™‚

Michelle from Australia - I love Annie’s double rainbow outfit. Girls size 8 or 10 would work for our family just in case you are thinking of listing any in your etsy shop. Hint hint hint!!!! πŸ™‚

Karen - Genesis 9:13
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
This guy needs to study the Bible along with you (and I). Then he’d KNOW what it means! πŸ™‚

Pam @ Keeping Life Creative - I LOVE her shirt and jacket! Might need to dig out some fabric scraps…but I’ll probably just drool over yours!

karen - oh meg.
but have you seen this?
you should watch their other songs too…hilario.
(and i totally will ignore the fact that posted to the world that i watch these videos and think they’re…well…hilario…take the plank out of your own eye people!)

Su@The Intentional Home - well all I could think of when watching the video clip (and I have not seen it before) was I wish I had that reaction when God showed His glory. . showed His power. . showed His beauty. And I wish that was what this guy was responding to was God. . but I too thought he must be on something. . but wouldn’t it be great if he wasn’t on something. . if that was just his reaction to God’s splendor. . and God was talking to him. . .and showing up for him. . .I am rambling. . thanks for sharing

lauren - a full on double rainbow all the way!!!! goal for my next rainbow siting: to get half as excited as that guy and make my family pretend to not know me. saweeet. πŸ™‚

emily - Where have I been? Never seen it … but I’m dying!!

Katy - i love that video. my husband and i quote it all the time. πŸ™‚

Juli - “It’s a double PROMISE from God”, I meant. Sheesh, my hands can’t keep up with my brain. πŸ˜‰

Crystal - I hope you’re making plenty of those shirts & hoodies for your shop….in a size 24 months or 2T, hint hint!!!!

Juli - I laughed SO hard with that video. Then the comment above where she responds, “It’s a double from God…you know the one you keep screaming too”…made me laugh so hard my water come out of my nose!

Kelly (kelly is inspired) - Her Rainbow shirts are way too cute!!!

Jenna - LOVE the outfit, the “real life” double rainbow, and the dude … I didn’t exactly laugh, cry, and laugh again, but my throat is now raw from all the shock and laughing I experienced watching the video! I must share it with my family: instant hit!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i had never seen that video…it kinda creeped me out! why is he crying?!

Courtney Walsh - We are HUGE Gregory Brothers fans over here. Their “Poke Me” song makes me giggle uncontrollably. Seriously. But they’re legit musicians!! Sarah Gregory has a band called Sarah and the Stanleys and they are AMAZING!!! I LOVE them!!! πŸ™‚
And the Backin’ Up song. omg. I have to go watch it again. lol

amy - That video is hilarious πŸ™‚ I need a double rainbow for my little bebe girl! Gonna be stalking your store!!! Great job the sweatshirt and tee make me want it in my size πŸ™‚

Courtney Henson - I was one of the rest of the world that had not seen this. Truly happy for this guy that he experienced such joy seeing this. Totally hilarious!

tara pollard pakosta - he sounds like he is crying to me!

jessicakiehn - haha oh brother dude, get over it!
hahahahaha this is SO FUNNY! He’s most certainly high on something, or drunk. But I’m thinking it’s the first one.
You find the funniest videos. I loved “email may, tsuh-day” girl from SNL…I apologize for that!

Melissa - love the rainbow shirt and jacket! i need one of those today…my daughter is turning 5 today and we are having a rainbow themed party! super cute!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I cannot tell you how frequently Cory references this vid. It’s a lot.

Patricia - LOVE double rainbows!

Shaina Brown - loved that video. love that hoodie/shirt comb, will they be in your etsy shop? thinking my niece HAS to have them πŸ™‚

Emily - Where did you get that shirt and sweatshirt? You made I hope! I want one for my daughter!

Christine Ishmael - Does that rainbow sweatshirt come in child’s size 8?

Molly Pearce - hahahahahahaha! It was like watching The Blair Witch movie, hahahahahha! I feel sorry for his dog, hahahahahaah! I can’t stop laughing and I have got to show this to my brother, he will love it. Happy Friday Meg!!!!
~Molly P

Molly - We quote that video ALL THE TIME in our house. DOUBLE CHEESE SANDWICH!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!

Melinda Owens - Such cynics…maybe he’s just overwhelmed with the beauty…it happens. πŸ™‚ Spontaneous worship. Thanks for sharing this. I loved it!

Lisa - That was a great start to my Friday. Thanks!

Shannon - Oh. My. Wow. Thanks for the morning laugh…it felt good! πŸ™‚ LOVE Annie’s double rainbow. Adorable. My blog post today features a quick and easy rainbow treat, Thought I’d share since rainbows are so dear to your heart!

Anne @ Baking Me - Hilarious, thanks for the laugh πŸ™‚

Sheila P. - What does it say about me that I can see the same double rainbow as that guy and not feel anything but embarrassed for him and slightly annoyed at the same time? Maybe I need a second cup of coffee or a little of what he’s been having.

Maria - I had never seen the video – I love that double rainbow!

Linda Sousa - Oh my…that is too much! I had never seen the video until now.

deborah@applesinwonderland - annie is too cute with her wrinkled up nose, peace sign and double rainbow. that guy is loving life. can’t fault a guy for that. how do you not laugh until you cry? i do all the time. but, then again i laugh until i….nevermind.

Cari - We live in LR, AR, but all of our extended family lives in Northeast OK. My girls and i were driving home after a weekend visit and I was listening to a song called “Faithful”. As we were driving down I-40 there was a beautiful double rainbow (though only a partial) and I kind of had the same reaction as the guy on the video (though not near as intense. Ha!). I got excited and showed the girls, did an ultimate no-no and snapped a pic while driving, and then I began to cry. It wasn’t a coincidence that I was listening to a song about God’s faithfulness & then He revealed a physical reminder that, no matter what, He is Faithful. Faithful and True. Happy Friday, indeed!

ashley jensen - Seen the video before…the dude is WHACKED OUT on something! Stop teasing us with the dang hoodies!!! Why don’t you give us a round about hint when your shop will open….PLEASE!

Tiffany - she is too cute! i want that smile. that energy. that hoodie. have a great weekend.

alyssa - After watching this video a minute ago, Kade just said, remember that rainbow guy?
Me, “yeah.”
Kade, “he was so funny.”

Marla Rae - Annie is adorbale! And her rainbow outfit is too!

Kimberlee J. - God rocks.

karen - i saw this before! Too funny!!
I think he is on something…i hope he is not..but i really do think he is!
P.S. I love annie’s double rainbow πŸ˜‰

Beth - Ok, I guess I’m the only one to have not ever seen that before…..oh. my…..well, that was something. hahaha! What is with that? Too funny, thanks for sharing.
enjoy your Friday!

candace - did you see that guy’s Tosh.O web redemption?
love the hoodie/shirt combo. how do you come up with such cute things and such cute kids?

Heather - Did you make Annie’s sweatshirt and t-shirt? I want those for my girl! Adorable!

happygirl - Hahahahaha. I hadn’t seen this video. Thanks for sharing. btw, I LOVE the double rainbow in YOUR yard. <3

Andrea - This guy was TOTALLY tripping! But, anyway, I used to see rainbows and double rainbows on the bus on the way to school all the time. We got on the bus at 7:20 am. That was a LONG, LONG time ago! I always thought, and think, of them as God blessing my day.

wendy, NJ - I have to say that honestly I’m not sure that I want to see the video. When my grandfather passed in 1989 (he was my best buddy when my parents divorced) it poured the day of his services, a huge rainbow appeard. Then in 1997 when my other grandfather passed it rained all day until we came out of the luncheon to find a double rainbow. I recently lost my grandmother in 2009. we left for vacation the day after her services and when we arrived at our destination after driving most of the way in pouring rain there was a beautiful double rainbow. so you see, rainbows represents something very special to me. Although as I write this I realize that it would be unfair of me to not look at the video..after all, I love everything you post…BTW the sweatshirt ROCKS!!

Regina - I hadn’t seen it either…and had to turn the sound off to make my dogs stop barking, lol! I would like to think that guy was high on God’s glory, but something tells me it was something else alltogether… πŸ˜‰

Sarah@this farm family's life - I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t seen this video yet. That guy is kind of scary!

Ruth - Well, I really am in favor of appreciating the handiwork of God, but it sounds like this guy is on a “trip”. Love the double rainbow in your yard though.

tami - evidence of psalm 19: The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
soooooo awesome….

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Bwahahahahahahahaha…I guess Im THE only ONE who hadnt seen the video…til now. All I can say is WOW…this guy needs to get out more or something. He was starting to scare me a little:)And “what does it mean” dude? Its a double promise from God…you know, the one you keep screaming to.

Tara M. - Umm, wow! I had never seen that video until now! I love the rainbow outfit!! Can’t wait for your shop to open!

Kerry - haha! Cute!! Double Rainbow all the WAY! (I am now no longer the one person in the world who had not seen the vid)
Thanks Meg for putting a huge cheesy grin on my face on this cold grey day in the UK πŸ™‚

Trish - i saw this for the first time in a starbucks… i laughed til i cried… this guy is too much πŸ™‚

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three things.

1.  i listened to an entire justin bieber song in the car today alone.
     because i like it and my kids don't.
     they are on the "justin bieber is lame" bandwagon.
     annie is on the fence.
     she says yells "GUYS!  it's OKAY if you like justin bieber….it's OKAY! i don't but it's not bad if you do"

     (she may have heard it many times from me…maybe….but it's true!  it IS ok) 
     even if you are 35.
     it's just catchy. 

2.   please enjoy this video that makes my heart nearly burst with so many feelings.
      so proud of her….
      so sad to lose my baby officially….the last one to learn to read.
      so happy that she can do this….
      so proud to be her mom.

3.  yesterday i went antiquing with kimberlee.
     look what i found.

awesome green suitcase with fabulous wear and tear…..

but wait….there's more.  
inside it had ROLLER SKATES!
IMG_0323-2 IMG_0325-3

i lived in skates growing up.
i wore out our neighbor's driveway on my roller skates wearing my gray sweater with colorful stars.
i was going to win the grand champion roller skater….something i made up in my head….but i was going to win.


they are even my size.

for reals!!!!!
i see some shoe lace pom poms and knee high socks in my future……



salt lake insurance - It’s not wrong to do the things that you want.

Sarah - Baby, baby, baby, OH.
I love that song.
I told my daughter I was going to be a Justin poster and put it in my room.
She said, “That is wrong on so many different levels.”

Dani - I found a pair of skates last summer at a yard sale. They were my sons size. I got them home and realized they fit me too! I skated all over our house and my kids loved it as much as I did!

Kim Barlow - Smiling…totally smiling…

Courtney - Obsessed with that green suitcase and those roller skates were a little sign from God! Small story about kismet, fate, whathaveyou…My husband rode a unicycle as a kid, he is 50 now and last week on the way home from a birthday party we saw a lady riding a unicycle. Odd, huh? We drove to the only bike shop in town, which was closed, but the owner was still there, he opened the door and sold my husband a 24″ unicycle…it was meant to be…gave me goosebumps when I watched him wobble down the drive on it the first time! God at work!

amy S - Love the vintage skates and suitcase! I was a skater girl growing up too! Loved Tootie on Facts of Life because all she did was skate. I wanted to go to that school so I could skate around the halls like she did. I feel your pain on your baby growing up. My 7th child and baby is about to be fully potty trained and I am sad about that! I know, weird but I can’t help it. No more going to the baby section at the stores to buy supplies. I have been going there since 1995.

cathy - I remember the days when the boys started to read in English they already read Hebrew but it was not the same I wish I had a video recorder then. Nice rollerblades good luck on the roller derby.

Jen - Loved hearing your lovely voice! It’s not what I imagined, but not sure what that actually was πŸ™‚
Annie is just wonderful. Great book choice πŸ™‚

Alicia - As a soon-to-be primary (elementary) school teacher (I graduate in June), I’m so glad to see you
1. Reading with Annie!
2. Not just giving her the word, but asking her “What rhymes with ____?”
That is the best way to teach your child to read! Making them think about the context of the words and the story- as opposed to jthe old “sound it out” philosophy.
You are such a good mum! This little video just warmed my heart! I think you should post more videos of your kiddos on here… so sweet.

krys - That is serendipity. Love the case, love the skates. Wonderful blog you have here. I am glad I stumbled and rumbled into it. Happy Weekend.

roller derby champion of 1989 - maybe when we get together to drink that wine you were talking about…we could hit the roller derby.
I’ve been known to wear some short shorts with my knee highs.

Terrie Galle - BriNg …briNg your skates…stupid new laptop small keyboard

Terrie Galle - Brig your skates on over to Hutch tomorrow! We are headed to the skating rink to celebrate my nephew’s 9th birthday! This will bring back some good old memories!!! πŸ™‚

Holly - Brian just came home a couple of weeks ago with a book that he could read and he was so stinking proud! He is my baby. He does love Justin Beiber, but the other kids think he is just okay. Love going antiquing with a good friend!

Biz - Loved listening to Annie’s read!
So adorable.
I used the book Old Hat New Hat a Berenstain Bears book to teach my brother to read.
Rhyming books make it a little easier πŸ˜‰

angela - Mentioned you on my blog post today.

Heather R. - Go, Annie, Go! I just flashed back on my skates. Blue pom poms bell in the middle of them. Rainbow on the side, with knee highs. So COOL!!! I love your find. πŸ™‚

Ali - Bless her little reading self! It’s such a massive step – the beginning of the whole world opening up to her and she is doing so well.
My skates were blue and red and oh how much I loved them. I took my boys to the rink near my parents place and blew them away with my skills. Nice to know that even boring old Mum still has some surprises up her sleeve!

Lorie - How awesome! Don’t worry, I’m 36, and on the fence about Justin too. The kids at the elem. school where I work are all bout the Bieber Fever!
I’m meeting my best friend who lives 3 hours away at an antique mall this weekend. Maybe I’ll find my own roller skating suitcase too! My parents took my sister and I to a roller rink every Sunday after church. It was GREAT!

Jaimie - OOOOOOH, Love!!! I’m in love with the suitcase! What a perfect color! And what a score with the skates! You go!

Holly Cox - Those skates and that case are ABSOLUTELY awesome! Love it!

Lisa - Love that you were listening to Justin Bieber by yourself! And I LOVE old suitcases and I LOVED skating up into my adult years. Wish I still had my skates. Lost them at some point. I am also so close to my youngest of 4 being out of diapers. That one I am looking forward too! πŸ™‚ Annie sounds so sweet reading. Love those moments!

Staci - I sooooooooooo wanted those pom pom thingies too!!!!!! Sweeeeeeeeeet Annie πŸ˜‰

Suzanne - annie is the sweetest.

Jennifer O'Steen - that video is so cute! i love watching little kids learn how to read πŸ™‚ i totally wish we had antique stores like yours around here.. a girl can dream

Rach - And you are going to be so awesome skating around your neighborhood!!!

Janie Fox - Dang girl, I will fight you for those skates and that case!

betsy - Listening to Annie read warms my heart. As a 4th grade teacher, I rarely get to see or hear this sounding-out-every-syllable-reading-and-then-being-confused-by-words-like-of-and-know.
She did SUCH a great job!
Tell her that I say,
she’s on her way,
keep reading every day,
and soon it will be May!

karen - Really nice video…couldn’t help but smile.
Annie sounds so grown up…i wouldn’t have thought! And this may sound weird…but i love your voice! We need to see more of you on a video. Craft Thursday Video Tutorial!!

Elizabeth - I bought a Justin bieber song on iTunes today. And I LOVE Annie! So proud of her!

Ashley - she is so precious! I love her little voice! Kind of bittersweet, huh? how cool that you videoed it! I am so doing that when my girl starts reading…sniff!

Kristin S - 1. You’ll treasure that video of Annie forever!
2. Love the toe shot.
3. Fun to hear your voice. For reals.
4. Video brought back memories of when I taught 2nd grade. The days the late bloomers learned to read were my absolute favorite.
5. You pushing her hair behind her ear is a total mom move. My mom still does it! “I want to see your face” she says.
6. A few weeks ago Bieber annoyed me. Now I’m a closet fan. Is that creepy?

Amy Lynne - Congrats on your new reader! That is such a special thing to learn to do in this life!

Kelly - Oh my! It was so fun to listen to Annie read and you talk to her. So sweet. I loved the way she looked around the page hoping to see “a-s-k” somewhere else on that page to remind her. Lovely! Kelly

Krista - It was so nice to hear your voices, they were totally different than the ones I hear in my head when I read your blog! Go Annie! She’s awesome!
I downloaded JB on my ipod… but I say it’s for my girls. Like you said, the tunes are catchy!

Jenny B. - Oh, how fun!!! Congrats to Annie on learning how to read! Oh, and you should check out Cathy Zielske’s blog. She was a champion figure roller skater back in the day. πŸ™‚ Cathy Zielske: Glory Days

Heather - Oh yes, you have to have the pom-poms! This may be completely gross, but I still remember how the inside of my roller skate case smelled, like leather, paste and old socks. My skates had lavender wheels, the case was lavendar to match and there was always a tube of (nasty) grape-flavored lip gloss inside.

Jessica Johnson - sweet, little reading girl. and love the biebs. but it’s a secret, too.

Southern Gal - Actually it’s “I’ve GOT a brand new pair…”
That was bugging me when I read it back. Sorry.

Southern Gal - Oh, the pom-poms! I had a few different colors that my mom and I made for mine. I would change them out as my mood changed! Loved seeing your find. I’ll show my age and tell you I started out in the adjustable skates you wore over your shoes and had a key to change the size…you know, “I have a brand new pair of roller skates, you’ve got a brand new key.”

Sandy - I love listening to Annie read. I miss those days. “K – now”…words like that can drive a young reader crazy but she never got frustrated. Way to go, big girl!!

Alisa - I love how she looks around the page at the picture to figure the words out that she gets stumped on. My girls both did that (I’m sure it is universal) as they were learning to read. I am a third grade teacher, so watching this happen just warms my heart. Oh, and we have those same bed sheets…. just in case you wanted to know that.

Heather - Oh how I miss my skates. I rocked those skates and the pink fuzzy dice I had on them.

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - Oh, that sweet girl sounding out her words. Love it!!
{and the green suitcase? SCORE.}

Shayne - Great job Annie! May your life be filled to the brim with books you love.
Love the roller skates—and the fact that they are your size is just perfect!

georgia - Meg if them skates are your size you totally need to take them for a test ride! Obviously don’t go hurting yourself, but go do it, it will be so much fun!!
I love the video of annie so cute! You have a really soothing voice πŸ™‚
Have you thought of doing a video where we all ask questions, you pick the best ones and answer them by video? Would be fun πŸ™‚ xx

crystal beutler - I am so jealous of that green suitcase and the SKATES!!!! Do you know how much I loved skating as a kid. I had the metal kind you attached to your shoe with a skate key. So cool, and yet so lame. They always fell off.
Let go to the roller rink next time we meet up. πŸ™‚ Just kidding. I would probably kill myself.
Your little daughter melted my heart. So cute.

candace - As a kindergarten teacher, Annie totally trumped this post in my opinion. And I LOVE how she didn’t even flinch when you tucked her hair behind her ear. Good choice for independent reading too.

Kari - Very cute! Roller skates were a huge part of my childhood as well … the roller rink which had a forest scene in CARPET on one of the walls … like a giant latch hook rug. What a big day for Annie (and you!) Can I ask how you edit your videos? I have tried a few different methods but then I can’t upload them to blogger.
P.S. Is it weird that I was shocked when I heard your voice? All this time I was “hearing” your voice in my head, but then realized I’d never actually heard it until today. Oh blogland, how you tease me. πŸ™‚

Tina - Oh Meg! Now I KNOW for sure that we were meant to be friends! Seriously….I was a “three times a week” at the rollerskating rink girl with my best friend Kathleen. We’d beg for rides there all the time and did all kinds of chores to earn money to go skating. Boy did we have fun. But I thought it was cool to purchase the boys black speed skates and so that’s what I sported all around Skateworld rink in Vandalia, OH. I purchased them used from another regular skater, and even though they were about 2 sizes too big I’d wear really thick socks. My husband and I both became roller bladers, but I still have those black speed skates tucked away in a box somewhere in my basement. I think I’ll go look for them! πŸ™‚

sara's art house - LOVE the suitcase! Love the roller skates!!! I lived in roller skates too…we would go to my friend’s basement and skate for hours. Good memories!

Jill - I check your blog while I am at work. I have never commented before (besides telling you to host a craft weekend) πŸ™‚ But I just have to tell you that I started watching the video of Annie and here I am crying. At work.
My first baby is only one year old. I’ve never taught a child to read, but I so look forward to reaching these milestones. Thank you so much for sharing!

Courtney Walsh - I listen to Laurie Berkner by myself in the car. Which one of us needs to be more embarrassed? lol
LOVE the roller skates!! How fun are those? And the suitcase is awesome. I’ve been thinking about cool suitcases…but I gotta say, I love that you didn’t go for brown and boring! The color is awesome!
PS. Annie = adorable.

Nichole - I love how when she’s reading, if there’s a word she can’t pronounce, she’ll look at the other words on the page to find something that looks similar! She’s so smart!

shauna reed - she is precious. her hair. her toes. her sounding out. your voices. you are a sweet momma.
a SWEET MOMMA with rollerskates in a green case…

Ali @ HuYoung Heaven - Love the color of that suitcase! And the roller skates are awesome. I never got into rollerblading, but roller skating….that I can do.

Mindy Harris - antiquing with a friend sounds like the perfect day. love those skates/suitcase. great color.

Jessica - Oh my goodness! The memories of skating in our basement & driveway! I forgot all about that! Thanks for the reminder!

jennifer - I may or may not listen to Justin while alone in the car. Just don’t tell my teenage sons. I’m pretty sure they would disown me.

Shann - Do you remember how to “Shoot The Duck?” Oh…what fun and wonderful memories. Thanks for taking me back today. πŸ™‚

tara - i heard justin bieber for the first time this weekend at a college womens retreat…..they couldn’t believe that i hadn’t heard his music.
so, when the music came on, i said, “who’s this girl singing?” to which they replied, “GIRL!!!! IT’S JUSTIN BIEBER!!!!!”
it was catchy and i did like it…but what in the world will happen when his voice changes?
love the great find….lived in roller skates, too, growing up…..used to “slow skate” every saturday night at the toccoa skating rink. no joke. i think i feel a family night coming on……

Shannon - Please take a picture of yourself wearing these, it would be great πŸ™‚

Sarah - Love listening to little ones learn to read! So exciting for your baby. Ps she’ll always be your baby (Im the youngest in my family and love it when my mom says I’m her baby)

Amy G - That is AWESOME thanks for the smile!!!

Pamela Gordon - Love the suitcase and the surprise roller skates inside! I roller skated as a kid on the really old fashioned kind that fastened on your shoes and had a key to adjust them! I rolled along the paved sidewalks on them. We live in a rural area and in the 70’s there was a roller rink down the road that used to be a pig barn. They rented the ‘modern’ ones as in your pictures. It was a lot of fun! And guess what?? Justin Beiber is Canadian like me. πŸ˜€ I don’t listen to him but his songs are catchy tunes. Have a great weekend!

Laura Phelps - and I anxiously await the video of YOU roller skating!

sarah - i’m imagining you hopping onto a train for an adventure, your stylish, vintage suitcase tossed casually over your shoulder. darling.

Courtney Henson - Love your roller skates! I once found old ice skates in an old case with socks! I fondly remember roller skating in circles around my garage as a kid! And going to the roller skating rink for parties and even for school field trips. They always had the most awesome sticker machines there….good to fill your sticker books up with!

Leah - Okay, first of all, LOVE the suitcase and rollerskates. What a find! Second, congrats on such a milestone with Annie! I know how I feel when I see Sophie learn something brand new that I take for granted that I already know. What an exciting moment for you! And third (going with your blog title today), we recently made birdhouses with kids. Here is the post if you need a Craft Thursday idea:

Hannah - awesome find!! the old roller skates like that TRUMP roller blades….can you skate backwards??? love love love the color of that suitcase! πŸ™‚

Erica - Ok, I think you are the coolest. Reading your blog and seeing all of the COLOR that you post about makes me so happy. Today I thought I’d leave a message because as I was flipping through my Pottery Barn Kids catalog I saw this room and thought, Pottery Barn has been getting inspiration from Meg’s Blog! Just look: In their catalog it looks even more like you with a globe on top of the bookshelf and it shows more of the room.

Erin Ward - I can’t believe the skates were your size and everything! Crazy! I totally love the case.
And don’t feel bad. I’ve been known to enjoy a JB song now and again. πŸ™‚

Kimberlee J. - Let’s rent out the roller rink…maybe Amy knows someone. πŸ™‚

Tam - Annie reading is adorable! oh I miss my boys reading like that. My youngest loves Justin Beiber, it’s music I can car dance to, too. Amazing find with the skates and green suitcase. I’m antique’ing/thrifting tomorrow…I hope to find good stuff!

happygirl - Oh BOY!!! The saddest day in my town was when they closed the roller rink. And I remember taking roller skating lessons when I was in 3rd grade. My mom made me wear a dress. It buttoned all the way up the front. I fell. ALL the buttons came undone. Humiliated. Seriously. Still feel the shame. Ha ha. Btw, rent the movie Whip It. Quite entertaining.

Amber - lil bit obsessed w/green (that exact shade!) and that suitcase is AWESOME!

cathieb - where’s the love button for this?
so awesome – can’t what to see you in action ;o)

Michelle - MEG! You seriously have to post a video of the roller skating action. I’m guessing you’ve still got it in you to be the grand champion roller skater. No doubt. And you could skate to Justin Bieber. Just throwing it out there.

Heidi - My dad just recently found his mom’s old skates in a VERY vintage old suitcase and gave them to my daughter (who is 9) and they FIT! I remember wearing those exact same skates when I was younger (not 9!). Love the fact that they have been passed along and will continue their journey. πŸ™‚ They look just like the ones in your picture, except I think their wheels are orange.
Annie is a doll. We have a split household on Justin too- but I do notice everyone singing along in the car. πŸ˜‰

Maeva - Annie sounds so grown up!

julia - Dear M. Please join my roller derby team. No pushing is allowed. Yours. J.

sara @ it's good to be queen - annie is so adorable!!

Carrie - Please let us see a video of you roller skating.
We had a roller rink near us that all of the kids would go to on Friday nights. It was called Starlite Triple T (funny) and I think I spent every Friday night from 5th through 8th grade there. It was so much fun. Now, at 34, I am pretty sure I would be terrified to roller skate.
PS – It’s totally ok to like Justin Beiber.

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men in belted sweaters.

this was an email that i got from jaz.  (i begged her for it)
it's fabulous.
you MUST read the advertisements….MUST.

the hat…..oh the hat.






for me it is a natural transition straight into the Barry Gibb Talk Show on SNL….

talkin' bout chest hair, talkin' bout crazy cool medallions.

funny stuff.

in other news…….

come over to my other blog to read about la crΓ©me coffee creamer today
and enter to win a $100 visa gift card.


ported barrels - And of course, please pay attention to the overall work being performed.

ΧœΧ€Χ¨Χ˜Χ™Χ - Great photos of old 1970s. I like the fashion of that era. There are vary huge change between 20th century and first generation.

Emery Sprau - Well, I find the belted sweater cool. Sweaters did leave the limelight in men’s fashion and bringing this back now would add sophistication to modern styles.

herringbone - This is crazy! You made my day happy! You know, your photos are so funny! I guess those outfits are out of fashion today.

Edward Facinelli - Hahaha… Nice to see these old school ads! The sweaters’ styles look like costumes on some fairytales! LOL! At first glance, the sweaters look something like Robin Hood’s clothing. Hmm… One can clearly see how flamboyant fashion styles were before – that retro feeling.

Supra Shoes - I describe, I’ve witnessed with my own eyes. In no particular order of severity, without any intention to shock nor pass judgement, these fish have been subject to survival challenges that could yet be turned into a reality TV show. Let’s cut to poo, firstly. I’ve seen humans poo by the lake’s edge. My neighbour washes the bird poo from the base of her birdcage into the lake. Her husband, I saw one day pick up a dog turd with a yellow trumpet flower and piff it into the lake. He said hello to me and smiled as he did it.

Air Jordans - Words have a magical power. They can bring either the greatest happiness or deepest despair; can transfer knowledge from teacher to students words enable the orator to sway his audience and dictate its decisions .Words are capable of arousing the strongest emotions and prompting all man’s actions , Do not ridicule the use of words in psychotherapy.

Coach handbags - Other inventions – the vacuum tube to amplify sound, and coaxial cables to link long distances on land and under the seas — greatly expanded phone service. Transistors replaced the old vacuum tubes, and by the 1960s communications satellites eliminated the necessity of landlines. Today, bundles of glass fibers carry calls on laser beams of light.

amy jupin - i almost peed my pants looking at this.
at work.
then we photoshopped my friend’s face onto one of the guys bodies and laughed until we cried.
thanks for sharing!

Blog - HAHA! Thank you so much for this. Made my day. Love your blog!

Prudence - Thanks for these hilarious pictures!! TOO TOO FUNNY!!!

Lisa - Mercy! This is by far the best way to start a Friday. Thank you! I can’t stop laughing.. will share for sure.

Pippa - These are a Hoot! Also, need to comment on your LaCreme post – and your comment about going to bed thinking you can’t wait until morning to have coffee – I thought that exact thing just last night – CRAZY! Doesn’t help that there is a Maxwell House coffee plant here in Jacksonville, FL and you can smell the coffee when you are in the downtown area – SMELLS SOOOOOOOOO GOOD! Happy Friday!

Jennifer - “you’re a walking turn-on”…I’m dying. My 6 year old came to see what I was laughing about and he asked “Is that his long underwear??” LOL. Thanks for the hilarity this morning. πŸ™‚

Maskman - Kill it!
Kill it with fire!
Kill it before it eats the kids!

Shamed - I’d send this to my dad but I think he might still have the shirts in the first picture in his closet. I almost swear he wore one for Easter last year.

emily - this is priceless!! i added you to my pinterest so that i can laugh every day!! great post!!

Mary Lemon - I remember lime green “leisure suits” and unfortunately we tho’t they were pretty cool at the time. The terry cloth “jumpsuit” is really somethin! And I think the belted sweaters must not have made it to Nebraska! You know we’re always several years behind the big fashion hits!
I loved Karen’s comment about her dad and getting out of his way . . . that made me laugh as hard as the ads. Thanks Karen for sharing that! I needed to laugh today and this ad and the comments really made my day!

Cherished Hearts Vintage - OH MY! Tooooo funny. Thank you.

Sharyl@Thelittlebrownhouse - Oh my!! Cracking up!! The Barry Gibb Talk Show is an all time favorite of mine!

amber - Holy cow. Bob, Paul, & Steve. Jump suits. Wow. Wow. I can’t wait to show my husband. He’s gonna be totally grossed out…so fun.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Biggest hit at the office EVER

Libby - “You’re a walking turn-on.”
Or… or maybe something else all together.

Jennifer Williams - Ha! I needed a good laugh today. Thank you for sharing.

Trish - OH MY Goodness!! So funny, Uggh, my side hurts from laughing so hard.
I’m gonna share this on FB πŸ˜‰

sara's art house - HILARIOUS!!! πŸ™‚

Kelly - oh my! πŸ™‚ Kelly

Tiffany - Thanks for sharing that! πŸ™‚ All I kept thinking about was Ron Burgundy in Anchorman. All those models have those weird lusty faces like they’re wearing cologne named Sex Panther.

Melinda - Oh my! Although it was the end of the era I do have to admit that the top picture, light blue ensemble, looked very similar to one my husband once sported. Haha! I know fashion often repeats itself and some of the fashions (think Rachel Zoe) are pretty cool again there are some (like the male jumpsuit) that should be outlawed! Thanks for the trip down memory lane : )

Kristin S - “shoes sold on 442” Thanks, I was wondering.

Julie - THis was the seventies right? Like as in my poor little baby and toddler eyes could have seen men in baby blue, gold belted, terry jumpsuits, leisurely leisuring around town. With their junk for all to see????
So glad that memories of the younger years fade! So glad that my dad did not embrace this fad. Or did he? Do I need to look through my childhood albums? That is a scary, scary thought!!!!

crystalbeutler - Too stinkin funny. These is my days, girlfriend. I so remember the jumpsuits!! Hideous then, hideous now.
The guy on the right in the first photo looks just like one of the checkers at my grocery store! He’s still livin the dream.

Jacci - Megan. My dear.
There is so much wrong with this I don’t even know where to begin.
Why do I feel like your gonna pull out a couple of these ad lines on Craig when the kids aren’t around?
lol. and ha.
btw, thanks for sifting thru SNL for me and showing the funny, clean clips. that’s a bonus πŸ™‚

Dawn - I am scarred for life. Seriously.

kasey - “quick as a flick of her tongue”….
no need to say more.

karen - this is probably sharing too much, but my dad rocked the jumpsuit, you just did not want to be in his way when he was trying to make it to the bathroom, I am not sure how easy those were to take off…..not as easy as portrayed in the ads…………………..:)

hayley - wait…people were really getting laid in these things?!

Jamie - I’ll take one jumpsuit for my husband. Skyblue, to bring out the color of his eyes.

Kimberly - hahahahah!!!! “… Bob, Paul, and Steve want patterns and colors that swing too.”

Jenny Joy - BWWAHAHAAAAAAAAA… The men in the jumpsuits? Those dudes and their “packages” are scaring the bajeebers out of me. Seriously. My eyeballs might never really be the same!

Ang - I am dying of laughter!!! So, so great!

Ana - Well, that was the 70s with the horrid fashions, but at least guys wore pants ABOVE the crack line. Now all you see are kids with their pants below their ass… I’m sorry, but I would take the 70s any day.

Shannon D. - YIKES! I am just trying to picture my husband or any other man I know wearing these HOT clothes….enough of that.

kat - Dying laughing here!!! So are you making some of those svelte belted sweaters for your shop?

Courtney Walsh - I am laughing out loud. My 3 yr. old thinks I’ve lost it.
hahahhahaa. THis is SOOOO funny.

steph - oh… my… word… HILARIO!!!!!
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
“fits so tight, it shows ALL you’ve got!!!! are you man enough to fill it?”
c’mon… you’d think they could find some better looking faces though?! seriously?
these guys… not so hot.
and who the he** are bob, paul and steve?! they look like the tech guys i used to work with when i was 19 at the accounting firm.
wait… maybe that WAS their names?!?! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Jeff Nussbaum - I want to be a walking turn-on!
One thing that does amuse me: these ads have some semblance of proper grammar, which is equally as out of fashion as the clothes.

kate - lolololol!…”designed for people like you, who make things happen”…ohh lala…!

Heather - Hawt!!!

Lisa - I just sent the link to my husband. I can hear him shouting “Huh UH!” over and over. LOL. This is great!

jennifer - That is priceless! I can’t help but think that there was a certain demographic those ads were targeting… I’m just saying.

Sugar Mama - I want my husband to wear one of those outfits for Halloween! bwa ha ha ha… I’m cracking up! The daycare kids are staring at me like I’ve completed lost it.
Those guys posing are kind of creepy… their faces??? What is up with that?

Jen - This is hilARious! I posted it on my facebook wall.

Ruth H. - “She’ll eat you alive.” BWAAAA HAHAHAHA! Hilarious!

meaghan - OH. MY. GOSH! that was INSANE!!!! “quick off with a flick of her tongue” ?!?!?!??!?!?!? ahahahahahahhahahaha! you just made my day!

Amanda - LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL I loved reading that ad!!! Oh hilarious! Can’t wait to show my husband when he gets home-I’m gonna tell him he’d look hawt in that jumpsuit-LOL…Wonder how fast he’ll run?

ashlee - dude… my dad totally rocked the one piece jumpsuit:)

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Yipes!!! That’s what I grew up with! That had to be the most awful time for poor men to wear clothing. Don’t even get me started on the jumpsuits. A man should never, never, ever be in a jumpsuit…just WRONG!

Anne @ Baking Me - The baby blue jump suite is my favorite hah!

candace - my first thought on the hat…..where’s Curious George?
these are hilarious!

sara @ it's good to be queen - with a smooth comfortable fit that makes the most of your body…ha ha ha ha ha! i almost spit my coffee out. wow, that is more of him than i wanted to see this morning.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I refuse to believe that any one ever took Bob, Paul and Steve seriously. Can. Not. Do it.

Amy - Haha you made my day…tears of laughter streaming down my cheeks;)

Rebekah - Guys who make thing happen, eh? Yikes.

adrienne - thanks for a great laugh this morning!!!

Christy - omg too funny!! luv the chest hair & the outfits..

Lynette - Oh. My. Goodness. So funny! Thanks for the laugh this morning!

Sarah - Wow! And, awesome!

happygirl - Thanks for bringing sexy back. That was my era Meg. I LOVE the trip down memory lane. Btw, most guys only dressed like that on VERY special occasions. Dontcha wish you could’a been a fly on the bathroom wall for the Big Zip?

Anna Marie - When I started reading the paragraph on the “One. Easy. Piece.” ad my mouth dropped open. Wow! I am now scarred for life, thanks Meg πŸ˜‰

Elissa - this is just cracking my can this morning!!! thanks for the laugh!

Cory - Oh my. I have absolutely no words. Oh my.

Tricia - I’m trying to picture my husband in these outfits and, thankfully, cannot! So, so funny.

Andrea - “quick as a flick of her tongue”! I couldn’t believe it! And we say advertising today is suggestive!

Michelle - My favorite is the AH Men. That, and did everyone in the 70s have a mustache??

rebecca - Bwahahahah!!!! Thank you for a great laugh this morning, even before I’ve had my coffee! “Fits so tight it shows all you’ve got…you’re a walking turn-on.” Oh my… πŸ™‚

Hannah - hahahhahahhahahahahahahaha! HILARIOUS!!!! i can’t believe women even found men dressed like that attractive!!! πŸ™‚ thanks for the laugh!!!!!!! πŸ™‚

ashley jensen - The Barry Gibb Talkshow skit is one of my favorites!! Love it!!

Tara - laughing before I have my coffee…..that never happens!

Mummy's Dress - Bahahaha!!!! So funny.
The one easy piece ad is so wrong… on so many levels! Are you man enough to fill it?

Mary Beth - Hey, that’s my Homecoming Date!!!!
Us late 70’s graduates don’t really think these are so funny, although we MAY be cringing!!!

Hoosier at Heart - Quick as a flick of her tongue? Wow! That some really descriptive advertisement there.

leslie @ topofthepage - the wording in the “one easy piece” ad is so suggestive! i can’t believe it. so super gross, dude. and a little awesome. i have trouble with some v-neck tee shirts guys are sporting lately, and look at that chest-plunging atrocity in the first one! ewwww.

Jennifer - I was laughing so hard! snorting and tears too! that one easy piece ad has got to be the funniest ever! this is the best!

Jen - Hilarious!
Stretch terry? Seriously? That’s so wrong.

Marisa - Oh my goodness! It’s almost unbelievable.
I’m with Lisa. . . I look at our outfits today and think, “What will people say about us in 20 years? What could they find wrong with this outfit?”

Heather - In sane. Scary. Easy?

Sarah W. in Oregon - Oh my. Thank you!! My husband and I are howling. Howling! Reading the One Easy Piece ad put me over the edge.

Lisa - Those outfits are hilarious! Funny to think that years from now people will look back on what we were wearing and think the same thing!

Ali - Terrifying.

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