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i will update on pam's sweet Beth as soon as i know anything different.
thank you and keep praying …………………………………………………………………………………





























just regular everyday goodness.



jodi - Dear Meg, Oh how I LOVE your blog- Thanks for being you! 🙂

Michelle Merimee - Kyle Idleman is our pastor here in Louisville. LOVE LOVE LOVE that book. Life changing. 🙂 Great to see it on here.

Barbara - Love that you have scissors at the ready! Cuties are made for kids!

Megan - Love this so much.

Dana - Do you like Not A Fan so far? It’s on my reading list, but I have not purchased it yet.

Melissa - ove your every day goodness! I also have those same festive Christmas PJ pants and love them! Tempted to wear them in public as you obviously did. LOL

janet - i read “not a fan” this spring. a life changing message. lovely pictures too:)

Jacci in Ohio - Loved this post!
Thanks for the rainbow polka dots. They made me SMILE 😀

dee - i love this post ..just pure joy looking at the pictures ..thanks for the smile -love dee x

Krista - Sweet little Annie trying to peel that orange with one hand…. How we take such things for granted!

Jen - I sometimes think your regular everyday posts are my fav. Hope you’re having a wonderful regular everyday day today.

colleen - This is beautiful… thanks!

Gina in Louisville - Dude. I just heard Kyle Idleman preach last week. Let us know what you think about the book. I’m curious.

Waffle-Wednesday - How mesmerizing are your pictures of loveliness! Thank you. I feel like I just read a great story that wouldn’t let me leave it.

Tanya - Just prayed for Beth.
The everyday is the best in my opinion 😀

Christina - I just prayed for Beth and the family, and the doctors.
These pictures are lovely. They inspire me to be on the lookout for beauty. Most of the time I want to run away from my home. It’s not beautiful in many ways (a lot of disaster). But…I bet I could find it in some places, and work on making it in other places (it=beauty). Thank you. 🙂
Love your pj bottoms, and Precalculus with Limits? Let’s just say…Limits. haha!

tiffany gardner - beautiful. - Love those random pictures of normal! Praying for Pam’s family!

Chrissie Grace - Love this. My favorite posts of yours are ones like these…beautiful shots of the little moments that’s me life so grand! 🙂

Lisa - Love the everyday pictures! And still praying for Beth!!

ali moll - Always love “normal”! Especially, after life has thrown some curve balls!

Linda at Lime in the Coconut - The BEST kind. You do everyday SO well!!

Allison - Beautiful pictures. Went to school at OCC with Kyle and his wife and sister. Amazing and beautiful people, inside and out

Erin - Our Sunday School class is going through Not A Fan right now. Convicting. Ouch. But a good ouch.

Susan - Hope this kind of sweetness follows you all the way into the new year! - Thanks for the pick of the Rose Hill Rockets! I went to high school there way back when. I love reading your blog. It reminds me of the great things about Kansas life. Thanks for what you do! Happy Holidays!

Kristin S - I love every single one.
Except the precal. Blech.
And…. one of my favorite things about my polka dot Old Navy PJ bottoms is the big, wide satin ribbon! I see yours too. Maybe I need more of those PJ pants….

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - Love this post Meg. And I laughed right out loud at the “Precalc” book. Mine would sure have to have LOTS of limits:)
Looks like Annie is figuring out a new normal(poor kid)…is she handling it all well?
Love your cone trees too!Happy Saturday.

Wendy - Your “everyday” is colorful and stunning. ♥

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I’ve been kicking around a “Stuck” study. I should go for it, right? I really liked her “Anything”.
“Not A Fan”…I wasn’t a fan. :/

Suzanne - everyday normal rocks!

Tiffany - I love your normal. Looks like a fabulous way to live! 🙂

Courtney - That Not a Fan book is really good! Love seeing all the beauty in your every day!

Lori Austin - A Saturday post. Happy!
Love that you have your jammies on in the car. 🙂
Hope Miss Annie is getting along okay. Look at her peel that orange
one handed. Good for her. It’s amazing what you can learn to do one
Will continue to pray.

Alisa - Gratitude:
Waking early in a quiet sleeping house to the light of the twinkling Christmas tree.
On the couch under my favorite quilt….watching the day get light out the window.
One Thousand Gifts devotional… “recognizing” Grace.
Slow, lazy morning with the family…still in our pj’s at 10:30am.
Nowhere to go, no place to be, not in a hurry.
Drinking coffee to the last drop while it’s still hot.
Sisters making eggs.
Happy husband
Fun plans for the day.
(Sharing my little list with you. You are also a happy part of my days and your pics make me happy today. Love the pj’s in the car. Fun.)

Jennifer - Is Talby playing orchestral bells? I played that instrument and other mallet percussion ones for seven years of band growing up!

alicia @ la famille - cosy. lovely. normal 🙂
have a great day!

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mpix ROCKS.


i am LOVING my new canvas from MPIX.COM.


i gave my gumball machine a little photo session a few weeks back and was smiling the whole time.

it's just so happy!

all the colors…. the sweet little acorn on the front… the perfect chippiness on the red paint.

my grandpa gave it to me when i was a kid.

it was just something old of his, probably happy to get rid of it.

and thanks to my mom saving it in storage during my young married years… i still have it.

it is one of my favorite treasures.

SO….i sent my picture off to to be made into a great big gallery wrapped canvas.

i am always so nervous to open it when i order a canvas.


i was absolutely beaming.
the print is crystal clear…the colors are amazing…. it looks REAL!

i love it.

MPIX.COM has high quality products from their prints to their cards and especially their canvases.

i printed my watercolor photo earlier this year and it is my other favorite picture i have every printed.

(that was post-move or pre-move… messy table but fun colors either way)

MPIX is my favorite photo company…it is the best.
i get all my prints for my shop and for our home made there.
and i have loved EVERY canvas they have ever done for me.
they have so many fun products!
i love their christmas cards, the standout prints
and now they have an App that you can have your instagrams printed 4×4 directly from your phone?!
that is pure genius. 
would you like to win a gallery wrapped canvas??

of course you would!!!

today i am giving away a gallery wrapped canvas any size all the way up to 24" x 36" like mine is!!!
leave a comment today telling me YOUR FAVORITE TREASURE AT YOUR HOUSE.

i will draw the winner on saturday.
contest closed.

jeanine - Wow they look like art museum pieces. I would love to do a doggy closeup.

Mandi - When I got married, my sister bought me a canvas of “The Art of Marriage.” It has things like never being too old to hold hands, never going to bed angry, giving each other a safe place to grow, etc. I look at it every day and strive to make my marriage my number 1 priority.

Christin S. - A singer sewing machine that was my great grandmothers.

Deeanna - My grams last letter to me and afghan she sent with the letter.. I pull it out when I miss her.. I can still smell her perfume :).. Makes me smile..

Lori - My favorite treasure at my house is an old trunk that belonged to my great grandmother. My mom had it stored in her basement for years and now it decorates my living room. I love it!

Kimber Gill - My most treasured piece is our wedding album 🙂

Amanda K - My favorite treasure is my engagement ring. After trying on rings together my husband surprised me with the most elegant custom ring he commissioned from a local jeweler. It’s beautiful. I love that I get to wear it everyday.

Katrina - I can’t pick just one favorite treasure. I treasure all the pictures in my home equally. I always get compliments and comments on all the pictures in every nook and cranny. Love them all.

kim - I would love to win a canvas from mpix!! I’ve been wanting one forever, but it is just not in our budget right now. My favorite treasure in my house other than my kids and husband is a blanket my grandma crocheted for me before she passed away.

Jenna B - No question, it would be my grandmothers hummingbird door stop. Random, I know, but it solid iron and survives all of my moves! Always makes me feel like I too, can survive being in new places.

Shannon - My favorite treasure is my “If Grace is an Ocean, We are All Sinking” chalkboard in my kitchen. Daily reminder.

Nanette - Right now it is a picture of my 3 boys on the 4th of July…from 2 years ago when my youngest still had rolls of baby fat under his navy blue shortalls…all waving flags, smiling and hugging. It has been front and center on my entry way table for the last few years and always makes me smile and remember how fast they grow!

Caroline - Hope I’m not too late! My treasure is my well loved 30 year old brown blanket that my infant son now loves to cuddle in.

ileana carlile - oh, I treasure my son’s artwork! I would love to win this canvas!Thanks for the chance. And yours are gorgeous!

melissa - mine is some paintings of sone cows my dad painted on wood…and a pink and white quilt my grandmother made me as a a little girl!

Sam Andrews - It’s hard to pick one treasured item in my house. I really love my antique wood bowl collection, my two Windsor chairs from the 1800’s and my antique blanket chest.

Kari - I have a box that I call my “Keep It Forever Box” It has all my little things I have collected over the years and don’t want anything to happen to. My Best Friends bracelet I had with my BFF at age 7, who is still my BFF. The foot prints from my half baby brother who I’ve never met. I’ve never seen pictures or anything. I’m not even sure how I ended up with them, but I highly treasure them. It would take forever for me to list everything in that shoe box and it’s meaning, but that box is definitely my favorite thing.

Christy - My grandmothers china. It’s all chippy from her many yrs of use and love.

Karen Brock - My grandma quilted a wedding band quilt for all of her grandchildren. I remember my Grandma fondly when I look at mine. She has passed on now, but I am lucky enough to have 2 additional quilts she made for me, which I will pass on to my twin daughters one day. It is a wonderful way to share a memory of her with my daughters who were never able to meet her.

jennibell - my favorite treasure in my home is a buffet that was my grandmother’s. i rescued it from my dad who was going to use it as a workbench!

Trena McNulty - so, so, so many…my MIL’s anniversary ring, my MIL’s birthstone ring…my great grandmother, Mamma’s farm table and chairs…my dad’s panda bear from his child hood.

Stacey - I would say the scrapbooks I have poured my heart and soul into creating for my kids.

Kasey - My favorite treasure is my antique bedroom set that my mom refinished for me when I was 12.

Jan A - I finally captured a good picture of the grandchildren all together. They would look great on a canvas!

Sharilyn - My favorite treasure is an old pair of binoculars that belonged to my father-in-law for many years. When he passed away 5 years ago, we inherited them along with a photo of a much younger Dad holding his two sons (my hubby and his brother) and these binoculars hang around his neck. The history of this display is priceless and timeless!
sharilyn sheerin

Alena - I love mpix too. I would love to win a canvas, I know exactly which photo I would choose.

Christina - I would have to think long and hard about that question. I’m trying to think of something I love and that makes me smile every time I see it. I have some things that belonged to my Grandma that I am so happy that I have, and I have some beautiful pottery that has Scripture on it, that I love. 🙂

jen - What a fabulous way to display your little treasures! Would love to win this one!;)

Bri - I would LOVE to win this!!!! My favorite treasure in my home are a set of two photos I have framed on my dresser, each one showing the moment I first held each of my babies on the day they were born.

Abby - My favorite treasure is my violin.
My aunt gave it to me, as a present.
It was made in the 1930’s!
I love to play it as well as learn about it’s history…

Tammy Larson - My favorite treasures are my photo albums and all the pictures around my house.

Jess P - For me it’s the memories that we’ve made in this home and the family I made them with. Everything else is just “stuff”. 🙂

Jack and Verna Collier - Love your canvas. My favorite treasure is old dining room table and buffet that used to belong to my mom.

Melissa Hermon - I love mpix………they have amazing quality!!! My favorite treasure in my house is my cedar chest. Its full of so many memories.

Sarah - The greatest treasure in my house is the artwork the kids make!

Katrina - I love Mpix, and your canvas is all sorts of awesome! My favorite treasure is my great-great-grandmother’s hope chest. I often wonder of the stories it could tell!

Jami - My favorite treasures are the art creations my children make. Would love to have one printed into canvas! 🙂

Jess - My favorite treasure is an old armoire that was passed from my grandmother to me. I’ve taken it to every apartment and finally our house!

Amy L. Weber - We have a huge, long home-made harvest table with quirky spindled legs that our very talented neighbors made and had on an yard sale. We hadn’t even moved into our house, but we snatched that table up right away. It’s the perfect piece in our dining room and is lined with antique, chippy painted benches.

Renee - My favorite treasure right now are the doodles/drawings/sweet art created by my children. They are priceless!

Keli - My first ‘hutch’ i bought by myself at an auction (for $20) when I was in high school and completely redid…stripped, painted, sanded, antiqued. It still is an inspiration for decor (and future decor) at my house!:)

Posey - My favOrite thing is a wooden bookcase, my great grandfather made for my grandfather! It even has his old pencil sharpener attached to the top shelf.

Andrea Catherman - My greatest treasure is a a vintage Kodak camera. My grandfather bought it for a whole &10.00, it was the first camera my grandparents ever had!! I have it now and it still works. I even have the original flash for it. I don’t keep it out because with 7 kids I am so very afraid of it being touched or dropped. I would take a picture of it and hang that. Then I could see it all the time and remember why I became a photographer!!

Laura - My favorite treasure is an antique mantle clock my dad bought on the day I was born. He even took it to the hospital. It’s my birthday clock.

melissa - my favorite treasure at my house is a set of three nesting tables i found at a yard sale, they work anywhere and have held many fun little collections

Lisa Perry - My favorite treasures are my chandeliers around my house…some old that I painted & rewired, and one new French looking wire one that just looks old. I have everyone one of them on a dimmer switch so I can keep the lighting soft in a room if I want 🙂

Emily - I treasure anything handed down to me from my mom that came from her mom. My grandma was a depression era woman, so nothing was wasted. I have a box full of her hankies that she embroidered and washed by hand for years. And her jar full of buttons. The list could go on and on.

michelle myers - Mine would be the mason jar collection I have. 🙂 - My favorite treasure is my collection of treasures from various “treasure walks” with my daughters through-out the years. It is a small collection of the most interesting acorns we’ve ever found and they sit on a small, antique shelf that my Mom gave me. It had been her father’s and no it’s mine…with treasure from my girls.

Melissa - My favorite treasure is an antique hutch that I painted turquoise. I saw it in the back of a gaming cafe and asked the owner about it. He said his ancestors had brought it across the ocean when they immigrated. He said he didn’t really care about it and I could have it. I was beyond ecstatic. I get a lot of compliments on it, and it’s my favorite piece of furniture. The inside of it has that old musty smell, which I actually really love. It smells like history!

Crystal L - my favorite treasure is an old printer’s drawer turned shelf– I like to put all the cool little shells and rocks the kids come in with on it.

Lizz - Oh it is hard to pick just one treasure…I think right now my favorite and most recent treasure is my 90 year old grandfather’s Kodak Hawkeye Brownie camera…with film still in it! 🙂

Ashleigh Slowik - I think my favorite treasures in my house are my belly castings of when I was pregnant with each of my 2 children. They capture one of the very most magical moments in my life!

Carrie - My wedding ring, for all the normal reasons & because it is the only piece of real jewelry that remained after a fire destroyed our home & belongings.

Mae - holy happy giveaway batman! i would probably say just the plain old porcelain white dishes from my grandma. i miss her so much and despite the chips and wear, love having that little piece of her in my family now – connected to my kids who never had a chance to meet her. sappy!

Christy - Family is my favorite treasure, but I’m pretty fond of my vintage turquoise couch!

julie - My favorite treasure is an old quilt I got from my husband’s grandma. No one else in the family wanted it and it had all my happy colors and florals patched all over it. LOVE!

Tara - My favorite treasure or treasures are all my paintings made by my hubby!

Corby - My favorite treasure is my family and all of the photos that I capture of them!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - My favorite house treasure is the pictures I have up of my grandma of when she was a little girl.

Zoe - Family photos, letters written between my husband and I when he was deployed, mementos from my babies’ newborn days.

Amy - My favorite treasure is my collection of old cameras. I started with cameras from my grandparents and parents and have added to it over time.

Jessica Jackson - My favorite treasure is a vintage buffet I inherited from my grandparents. It’s a mid-century piece that I love to death.

Eliece - I treasure my children’s artwork. I’ve framed their best from when they were little until now and hung it all in our laundry room which is the first room we enter from our garage. It makes me happy even when there’s loads of laundry to be done!

Shannon - My kids stuffed animals. Sounds funny but a couple of them were mine when I was younger and are in ok condition still. Every time I see one lying around it makes me smile and think of when I was growing up!!!! I treasure them the most next to my kiddos n hubs!!

Carey Sims - My favorite treasure is my grandfather’s railroad watch. My grandmother had given the watch to my brother in secret to avoid fighting within the family. When my brother passed away the watch became mine. I will always treasure it because it belong to two great men.

ZW - My favorite treasure is my collection of milkglass that used to belong to my grandmother. 🙂

Roxanne Tucker - I’m a huge mpix fan! My favorite treasure are the Shisa Dogs, small figurines that traveled home with me from Okinawa, they sit facing our door “protecting” our house. 🙂 Happy Holidays!

Erin E - My favorite treasure is the desk that my dad made for me when I was a little girl. It makes me smile to see my daughter now sitting at the same desk!

lisa currie-gurney - I think my favorite treasure around our house would have too be a wooden rocking chair that use to be on my grandmothers porch. When I was a child, each spring she repainted it a dark hunter green, weather it needed it or not. She would rock each evening in it, and say Hi to the neighbors passing by. Not only is it special because I remember her on her front porch, but because she did this short, little rock in it, and she used it so much, (no one else was allowed to sit in Memere’s chair), that she wore it out, and it now rocks the very same way. She has been gone for, 25 years, and I still feel her rocking in it each time I use it.
Hugs From My Heart

Tera Baldwin - My family!

Heather M. - My children are my best treasure. Other than that it’s hard to say, maybe all my old photos and my little treasures from when I was a baby.

Jill Denton - All the little things in my house are so special to me– one of my favorites is a little chunky wooden bird that belonged to my grandmother.

Kara Abbey - my favorite treasure is: my books!! i have a whole library i have been collecting since i was a little girl 🙂

Cherene - One of my favorite treasures is a black and while panda lamp that I found at the flea market. I paired it with a beaded shade and it looks like he is wearing a asian inspired straw hat! I love it!! - That’s an easy one———–my family!

Nichole Goldworthy - My three kids!!

Stacey - My favorite treasures at my house would be my kiddos, so I have three treasures 😉

Janet Thomas - One of my favorite treasures is an baby doll cradle that a friend of the family made for me when I was 5. He put so much time and effort into it. I thought one day my little girls would put their baby dolls in it, but since I have 2 boys, I’m going to have to wait for granddaughters to use it.

Teresa - My favorite treasure is my dresser that belonged to my Great-Grandmother.

Deidre Walker - My favorite treasure(s) are my children…so the item(s) that I “treasure” the most are their pictures at candid moments. While no picture pro like you, I do take lots of pictures of my four children and have them displayed (on canvas or large black and white prints throughout my house…to help me remember all of the moments that I cherish the most and to be a reminder of how blessed I am to be their mother. If I lost everything in my house, I would be the most sad about losing our pictures or the memory cards where they are all stored!

Mistelle Hollister - All my photo’s. I have lost my father so I know photos is a way to remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

Chris Goss - My favorite treasure in my house is my grandfather clock.

Sundee - My favorite treasure is a pooh bear snow globe my sister gave me a super long time ago.

Kyley and Ammo the Dachshund - My favorite treasure at my house is my dog! A photo of him would be so cute on canvas!

carolina - My fave treasure is A vintage kodak brownie and I put it in my luving room.

Julie - sounds silly, but my favorite treasure is my couch… because it is where i get to snuggle my husband and children!!

Lori - My favorite treasure (s) are my husband and daughter.

Elisha J - My favorite treasure is my antique brooch that belonged to my grandmother.

cody ash - my favorite treasure is our Coke glasses. Something about the memorabilia from Coke just never dies in my book.

Leah - I have a quilt that my great-grandma made…it is threadbare in places, but I just love it!

Amy - My favorite treasure is the fire escape pull my hubby got from a building he demolished….it sits in my kitchen ready for my fires! 🙂

Miriam - My favorite treasures are the little love notes that my husband has written over the years. Would love to have a canvas made of him and my children.

Kristi Barrett - This is really cheesy, but my favorite treasure in my house are my children and my husband!

Chris - My favorite treasure at home is a picture I took in China when I went to adopt my daughter.

Emily - Gosh that’s a tough one, deciding my favorite treasure…probably one of the pieces of antique furniture I inherited from my grandma:) I thought your canvas was an actual gum ball machine until I looked closer. The canvases from mpix look amazing. The colors are to die for!

Amy M - My greatest treasure is my horse. Or my dogs. I can’t play favorites between them. 😉 And I’ve been itching to get a beautiful canvas done of my horse since I bought him…this would be perfect.
I’ve just recently started using mpix for my picture printing, and I have been VERY pleased.

Heather D - I love gallery wrapped canvases! I know the quality can vary greatly so I’ve been looking for a reliable company to use. Thanks for alerting me to mpix.

sonya - We have moved across states so much in the last 4 years that I haven’t really collected much but there is this figurine that looks like me that I like to photograph on all the adventures we have. I also treasure my fabrics that I have collected from France.

Rachel - This may sound cheesy . . . I have a lot of antiques from my parents that I do treasure because of the memories behind them – but ultimately my treasure is my family. Four very loud kids and one great husband.

Charity - I can’t pick one!…All the wonderful things crafted by my family!

S Beggsmiller - My favorite treasure in my house is my grandfathers old camera that he gave me. He was a professional photographer, and since I am the oldest grandchild and LOVE photography, he gave a couple of his cameras to me. They are amazing and have such wonderful memories attached to them.

kris gilbert - My very favorite treasure at our 100+ year old home is a newspaper that was found in our wall when we were renovating. It had my maiden name written in cursive at the top of the page. We found out after searching the title of our home, etc. that my great uncle had lived there for a short time span well before I was ever born. THAT blew my mind (my grandparents had passed away and my father was too young to remember it) ~ it’s just the coolest thing to know that someone from my family lived there prior to my husband & I.

Amy - Any letter/note/card that my children has made for me!

Melissa B - We recently had our family portrait done by Blue Lily (based on your recommendation :-)) Not only did they rock, but they captured my family beautifully! I would love to create a new treasure to my mantle to include their awesome work of my already treasured family.

Terri Lynne Barrington - My collection of snowglobes are my favorite treassure. Each one is so magical in its own special way.

Audrey - My favorite treasure is my grandfather’s organ. I inherited the organ when he passed away. When I got married 20 years ago I hauled it with me to California. Since then I’ve been hauling it with me through all our moves(military). I don’t know how to play it and I’ve lost the speaker somewhere along the way. It still sits in my living room and I love it. I love the memories it brings me. Maybe I will fix it and learn to play it so I can leave the same memories behind.

Charlton - I LOVE the quilts my grandmother and great grandmother have made and given me and my daughters.

Michelle M - My photos of my husband and kids are my favorite treasures! I love mpix!

gina - My favorite thing at my house would be my family. My canvas would probably be a picture of us on vacation. We love vacations.

Sandy W - My grandma’s vanity is my favorite treasure. I remember sitting at it when I was a little grl and putting her powder on my face.

Heidi C - Newborn’s feet, wrapped in his sister’s hands 🙂

Jenna - The baby quilts made by my mom and two grandmas for my sweet baby boy.

Julie Wearmouth - My favorite treasure is an antique cross stitched sampler I bought from a sweet little woman at a flea market. It’s very old and beautifully made.

Karen - My very favorite treasure is a child size ice cream parlor chair that belonged to my grandma. She got it when she was a little girl and kept it until she passed away. It was a different color almost everytime I went to visit her and I think every grandchild sat in that chair at some point. Every time I walk by it I think of her. I love mpix too!! Pick me!

Katie - Oh, I love those canvases! My favorite treasures are my children and their artwork on my walls!

Caroline Simas - My grandfather’s original oil paintings and the four portraits of our children. LOVE the canvases!!!! And the ap! Thanks Meg!

Katie - My favorite treasure is an old swivel rocker chair my grandma and I would sit on and read books. Now it’s in my daighter’s nursery and I get to rock her on it and read books together.

Jessica Wheeler - Pastor Shane gave me a red and white quilt when we first got married and I LOVE it:) lots of sweet memories::)

Staci - Love our collection of children’s books! Having taught for over 15 years…..there are many treasures in the children’s lit dept. around here! We rotate each month with the arrival of the basement bin of our “holiday books”. We ALL l-o-v-e this part of our home.

Laura - Besides my family…I’m currently enjoying all the Christmas decorations that I’ve enjoyed my whole life and now sit in my home to share with my own daughter, especially a Christmas quilt my grandmother made for me when I was a toddler.

Jenn A. - Gosh, I think my favorite treasure at my house is the scrapbooks I have made, because they capture all of the life that we have lived in this house (and even from before).

Ashley B. - My favorite treasure is a small ceramic turtle I painted (glazed) – my younger brother and I both love turtles, so it’s sort of our “thing,” and we live across the country from each other, so it’s my tangible connection to him.

betsy - I bought my condo as a single girl at age 27. I filled it with mostly hand-me-downs from my parents, sister & my favorite Aunt when I first moved in. My favorite treasure is a 9-foot painting that came from my Aunt. The picture is hard to decipher, but mostly just includes a lot of metallic paints. It makes for a great backdrop for photos and is always a conversation starter. Wherever I go, it will always make the move with me!

Gina Maserang - My favorite treasure is a porceline figurine of hands given to me by husband. I hated it when he gave it to me and thought it was a last minute-couldn’t find anything else-valentine’s day gift. Then we got in an argument a few years later and I picked it up and threw it. It cracked. He then told me that he looked everywhere for it because I always tell him I love his hands (worn, hard working carpenter hands). It proudly sits on our dresser, crack and all. (The crack is important because w/o it, I wouldn’t know the meaning of the gift.)

shannon - I LOVE mpix! My most treasured things are family photos and mementos of all of the sweet times we have had together as a family.

Stephanie - My boyfriend and my bunny. I’d probably print a canvas of them!

Jenven - My kids drew “self portraits” in preschool & they totally fit their personalities – our son drew himself with lots of zig zag hair & zig zag teeth-definatley our high energy child! Our daughter drew a HUGE circle head with a BIG smile-she is full of joy & always smiling! They are now in Kind & 1st grade and I have wanted to make a collage of those drawings & their preschool pictures. I would love to put them on MPIX canvas’!

Jennifer - I’ve always said that if I had to take one thing from my house and leave the rest I would take our photos. I have photos of my childhood, my husband’s childhood, our daughter’s birthmother’s & their families, and of course, tons of photos of our daughters. Photos are so precious!

Dawn - Definitely pictures of my 4 sweet girls & husband. Photographs mean a lot to me & represent such special memories.
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

Maureen Troop - My favorite treasure(s) at my house are the people who live here with me…my 3 boys and my husband!

Kim walker - My first bed that my husband and I bought together. It is now in my son’s room.

Shay - This means something completely different to me at this season of my life. I do love stuff, as others have stated, but my family and I sold 90% of everything we owned to move to the mission field 2 years ago. Talk about changing your perspective. In my house that I live in now, on the field, there is not a whole lot of “stuff” that holds much meaning. It’s hard not to say my husband and kids are my greatest treasure, but to that I would have to add my Bible, my journals that I’ve filled up here, and our family photos that we painstakingly packed to display here to make it feel more like “home”. Those are the things I wouldn’t leave here without.

Joy - My favorite treasure is the shell mirror that I made from my collection of seashells from Galveston. Wonderful hours of beachcombing are conjured up in my memory every time I look at it!
Just absolutely adore your paint tray and bubble gum maching canvases!

LibraryGirl62 - OMG! SO in LOVE with MPIX!!!!! I did my daughter’s senior pics myself and the quality and price are amazing! My treasure (after my kids) are two rusty peeling 1970’s metal lawn chairs my grandma gave me. Everyone hates them, but I cherish them 🙂

Kate - My favorite treasure is always changing. Today it is the birthday crown my son was wearing in the kindergarten line at school. He is already taller than his peers and his crown made my sweet, shy boy stand out even more. I have six kids and have never had a canvas made– thanks for the chance!

sherri - photos of my four kids when they were little, that’s my biggest treaaure. my baby girl is almost 18 and i love to look at the old photos.

traci in virginia - My one favorite treasure would have to be the cookbook my Mother assembled for my sister and I many years ago. She adds to it each Christmas. It is huge and has all the family favorites and beautiful pictures of her handmade quilts. Such a treasure and I know the time she put in to making it for her “girls” 🙂

Amy Hartman - My great-great-grandmother’s blue enamel cookstove. We don’t have it hooked up, but I store art supplies and books for my girl in the oven and warmers and on the cooktop. I’ll be decorating the very top for Christmas soon…snow, glitter, little trees and deer.

Jill - My favorite treasure(s) in my home are my four kids. We’ve moved so many times since 2003, roughly every two years give or take a few months, and they are the only thing that has remained consistent, even tho we did add a kiddo with every out-of-state move except the last one. LOL
They are both my blessings and my treasures. They have brought me pure joy in stressful moments and have helped me to see the beauty in the new “adventure”. I have learned so much from watching them and how the have struggled or adapted each time. I only hope that someday
So yes, of all that is in my home, it is my children that are my favorite treasure(s)…

beth - I’d have to say favorite treasures are my photobooks and scrapbooks. I need to put them in a fireproof safe or something. I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost them!

Karie - Family photos…for sure 🙂

Stephanie - My favorite treasure at my house is my vintage salt-n-pepper shaker collection.

val - favorite treasure?…an old bench that i got in a free pile at a yard sale. i just keep moving it around…inside and out.

Lisa - I love my desk from graduate school. It has lots of character and lots of memories.

Wendy - Love your new print! So many yummy things here … but one is an old ceiling light in my hall that I was told came out of an old movie theater. Old stuff makes me smile 🙂

Michele - I have a scrap metal peacock in the yard that I just love. That and my collection of Nicaraguan pottery would be my favorite things.

Heidi - I love my red dresser. Grandpa bought it for $5 at an estate sale and I repainted it. I heart it so much.

Stact - My most favorite treasure in my home is my family and our family photos. I would love to have a canvas of one of our family photos. Love your blog! It makes me smile everyday!

Hope Craven - My favorite treasures are watercolor paintings by my MIL. She now has dementia and is unable to paint, so all the paintings she has given us over the years, mainly in the form of cards, are irreplaceable.

rkokes - My favorite treasure is an afghan my best friend crocheted for me years ago. I love the purple and off-white colors, it is SUPER soft, extra long, and nice and heavy so it doesn’t slide off.

Katherine - It’s hard to pick a favorite. One of my favorites would be one of the original keys to my home. It’s so intricate and special.

carrie - My treasure is my family… all the rest is just stuff! But it is great stuff, and helpful stuff, but I’d hands down choose my family over the ‘stuff’! 🙂
I do love your bubblegum picture! I would like that exact print!
Thanks, Meg!

mary beth - The old family Bible of my grandmother’s with all the records hand written in that beautiful handwriting that noone can do anymore….thanks for such a great giveaway!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love the journal that my husband and i write back and forth to each other in. 😉

Erin - Family photos. & your canvas’ are so totally awesome!

Zoryana - My favorite treasure would be all my family photos.

Amy Rogers - My fav treasure is hanging on my wall in the form of a canvas as well..a picture of teeny tiny china doll shoes that was taken as I walked down an alley way in China, the day I adopted my daughter there!

Kate Smith - My favorite treasure is small ceramic statue of a mother reading to a child. It’s very simple and plain. What makes it special is that my father-in-law bought it for me about 10 years ago, the Christmas before he died. He wasn’t a very emotionally expressive man, but I knew that he had bought that little statue just for me as a way of telling me he approved of how I was raising his grandchildren. It is a gift I love dearly.

MamaBear - The family cookbook we put together for my mom’s 70th birthday. A work of labor and love, but so worth it. Full of YEARS of treasures.

Angela - When we had to evacuate due to a hurricane a few years ago, I packed one suitcase and then all my photos and scrapbooks. I guess they are my biggest treasure.

Steph T - Fav treasure?
Hmmm… Probably my picture printed games cabinet.
Mid century modern lines and a big ole picture from our town fair pasted to the front!
It’s on castors and I always think I’d roll it right out of the house if there was a fire. Lol

kettie benson - i love all of the pictures of my sweet family! 🙂

Chas Holmquist - My favorite treasures are all the personal family photos I have taken.

Annie - Hi Meg,
One of my favorite treasures is a wooden piano jewelry box that my grandma gave to me when I was a little girl. It sits on my dresser filled with old jewels.

Hannah S. - Pictures! They represent so many memories! That is what I would grab first in a fire (besides my husband and kids of course) so that makes them my most favorite treasure.

michelle - probably my 3ft barnwood angel that hangs over our fireplace- fav treasure!!

Dani - OH! I really would LOVE LOVE LOVE this! I was just telling my husband that all my pictures are going to waste because I don’t display them. This would make me so happy!
My favorite treasure…. I inherited a cedar chest when my grandmother passed away a few years ago. My Uncle Danny made it. He was killed in Vietnam and I was named after him. Having it at my house makes me feel like I have a special part of him (besides my name!)!

cailan - My favorite treasure…the letters my husband and I wrote back and forth to each other when we were courting. I also love my vintage typewriter 🙂

Heather M. - My prized piece in my home is the big dresser that belonged to my grandparents, then my parents, and now me. Thanks for the opportunity to win! - Love your canvas – thought it was the actual gum-ball machine at first! Favorite treasure in my house…my 2 (soon to be 3) kiddos!!!

Lauren Fortney - besides my husband and my girls, there are several pieces of furniture my dad has made for me that i treasure so much. the time and love that went into making them are priceless! i love mpix!!!

mandi@herbanhomestead - Oh my goodness! It is so vivid I had to scroll back up to see what print you were talking about. I totally thought it was the real thing on first glance!
My treasure is my great grandmother’s butter churn. It is a small glass and metal one and I adore it. I like to make my own butter too, so the connection is there, you know?

Jessica - I have this piece of scrap metal that my friend welded my name onto. It was an odd gift at the time but over the years it’s really grown on me. I have it above my bedroom door.

Valerie Alexander - Hmmmm…My favorite things…Most definitely my many many albums of photos, both old and new. Friends, family, adventures, my little ones. Priceless! Oh how I would love to win this giveaway!!

Danielle - Favorite treasure would have to be my 3 kids (although they are all out of the house now – maybe that’s what makes them a treasure!!).

Nicole Q. - Favorite treasure — that is so hard; right now I’d say some of my kids drawings that I have framed. I’m amazed with their talent and the pictures really show their love for life.

Shelby A. - I have so many treasures! One of my very favorites is a drawing of our family that my little boy did right after I had my daughter when he was 3 years old. It shows the four of us as sweet little stick-figures–all smiling and happy!

Clara Field - My favorite treasure is the smooth stones I’ve collected over the years. I would love to win a printed pic! WOW!

Vera - A hutch that my grandfather painted with flowers on it. It was the only thing I wanted from my grandparents’ house when they passed away, and it makes me happy every time I walk into my kitchen!

jena - I treasure my personal artwork too. I took a picture of the temple my husband and I were married in and I proudly display it in my front room.

Heather - My mom passed away last year so my treasured items relate to her. A necklace with a little makeup still on it. Recipe cards in her writing. The valentine hearts that she’s sewn for me once a year. It’d be so great to put a collection onto canvas.
LOVE your gumball machine!

Amy - I LOVE Mpix. I will never go back! My favorite treasure is a big jar of my grandma’s button collection.

Leah G. - Based on your ad over on the side of your blog, I ordered some Christmas presents and prints from mpix. I can’t wait for them to arrive! My most prized possession I wear every day- my lovely wedding band set. My boyfriend (aka- hubby of almost 10 years) made only $50/week when we got engaged. How he worked it out to buy me that precious diamond, I do not know, but I absolutely love it and what it represents!

Staci Hutyra - My favorite treasure at my house is a picture of my daughter holding her baby brother.

Jen - My favorite treasures are family quilts made by my great-grandmother, mother, and myself.

Bethany Case - My favorite treasures at my house are the stuffed frog my friend gave me before he left for Iraq the first time, and a blanket my grandma made me.

Trae Kendrick - My favorite treasure is my Granny’s and my Papa’s Bibles. They are well worn, but they are priceless to me!
I love, love, love the picture of the gumball machine. Seriously adorable!

Megan B - I have a mosaic of a gorgeous tree that my husband got me on a trip to Jordan. It is stunning and I love that he met the local people who made it.

Gretchen - Gosh! Hard to choose. At first i thought of my Mason and Ball jars given to me by my Mom and Mother-in-law. Then my old wooden sewing spindles; old boxes; baskets. Too hard. But, my most treasured are my family pictures. Ones from me growing-up and my kids. Those are the most precious. So, i would probably have to use a favorite photo and that just starts another mess trying to decide which one. 🙂

Laine - Other than my family (and all the bazillion pics I take of them), my favorite treasure is a cross-stitched and then quilted alphabet quilt that my mother made. She was on bedrest in the hospital with me for months and on medicine that made her hands shake constantly and yet she made that for me! And several handsmocked dresses. It’s amazing. If you want, you can see a pic of it in this post about my school room.
BTW, that gumball machine print is incredible. LOVE it.

Becky - My favorite treasure at my house is the antique secretary desk that I purchased from my grandparents estate sale. My grandma always treasured it, and made sure we were very careful around it. I am the same way, now that it is in my home (especially with my busy kiddos). I immediately think of her, every time I see it.

Becky Jones - Of course my greatest treasure is Jesus..then the sweet hearts in our home…materially, I treasure a simple old journal that I gave to my precious Grammy and Pap back when I was in college {20+ years ago}..they wrote out their daily devotions for one year in there as well as their daily prayers for the whole by name…the end is in my Pap’s writing “If we go home to Jesus first, give this to our dear Becky-girl”..they went home and I treasure each page of that book…soooo precious…thanks for the beautiful giveaway..I am thinking of a canvas of one of those journal pages next to a photo of Gram and Pap! 🙂

Jen - I have been looking for a company like this for ages and just stumbled across THE ONE on your blog. Thanks! My most treasured item at home, aside from my family, of course, would be my dad’s old torquoise jewelry from the sixties, which he acquired after returning from the Vietnam War. The rich history is just the begining of the sentiment…

nessa dee - My favorite treasure has to be my son, August’s, quilt, My daughter, mother, grandmother, and mother-in-law all helped to make it.I take a pic of my son with it evry month.

northern cottage - I’m totally drooling over your canvas!! Incredible…I would love to have one for this cottage! You asked about a fav treasure…oooh that’s a hard one but I’d have to say a round top wooden trunk brought from Europe by my namesake great grandmother and passed down to me…it now holds treasured momentos and collections from my kiddos.

Johanna - My greatest treasure would have to be my son! In light of the fact that today is my brother’s birthday who passed away 11 years ago, I see that this little life I have been blessed with is my greatest treasure! Soaking in every moment with him.

Kirsten J - Ok. Here’s what a dork I am: I saw your twitter post and thought that gum ball machine was real!

Kim - Favorite treasure..that’s a hard one. I have 2 recipe cards handwritten by my grandma that I love. Maybe a picture of one of those printed on a Mpix canvas is in order!

the whyte house - an antique radio that i inherited from my dad. i turned it into a dollhouse for my daughter last year. it makes me happy that she has something from her grandfather that she can pass down, too.

Corny - A Wand-Uhr (wall-clock} from my Grandmother I got from my Dad after he past away.

Lee Welch - We found an old ceramic chicken feeder in the rafters of my Grandfather’s garage/shop. We didn’t know that there were ceramic ones. Of course, all of the new ones are plastic. My father who is 76 only remembers metal ones so this one is pretty old but in excellent condition with a sweet little etching of a chicken on it. It now lives in my house, moving around to different spots but always a conversation piece.

Rosslyn Weigelt - Mr treasure is my family and the history we have together, captured in thousands of photos and displayed in many crafty ways around our house. Really adore your watercolor canvas, striking image! Love the colors.

Krista Wiehle - My favorite treasure is a quilt passed down from my great grandmother. It is huge and has tiny squares…lots of love went into making it!! 🙂

Jenn B - My favorite treasure at my house is an old vintage cobalt blue glass pitcher from my Grandma. It is shaped in a rectangle and has a little indent for holding on the side.

JustMommer - It’s so hard to pick a favorite treasure, my house is decorated in a vintage style, but one of my favorites is an old candy scale we found in Kentucky. It reminds me of getting a special treat at Monkey Wards, they would measure out the candy using great big aluminum scoops, dropping the candies piece by piece to get the weight just right and then pouring the candy from the big scoop into a tiny white paper sack. I keep seasonal candies in the scoop, candy canes for Christmas, jelly beans for Easter and the yucky black and orange peanut butter chews at Halloween. Nobody ever eats them, the rest I always have to refill. Love your gumball canvas!

Bree - My favorite treasure at my house, is a old Vase/Bowl from my great grandmother, its gold and cream with hints of pink and red. Just Beautiful.

Megan - I’d have to say I treasure all our family photo’s the most!

Kat G - Besides my family, one of my favorite treasures is my collection of 11 wooden hand-craved Santas that I display on the mantle every December.

Carrie - My favorite thing is my bed…we all love to snuggle up in there and watch tv or read. I just love it so much.

Eleanor - I love my cowboy boot collection. MHHHMMMM I wear a pair almost every day. 🙂 - Oh Meg you are so FUN and thought provoking hmmmm…
If in a fire, obviously family and albums would go first
then my Dad’s journals which I have, they are a
legacy of love and faith.

jessica - An old child size wooden rocking chair that my 2 sisters and I sat in when we were little. Now my girls sit and rock in it 🙂

katy - Besides the obvious “my family” answer…I think my favorite treasure is the print in my dining room that used to be above my parents’ bed.

Jamie - An old green and gold mirror from an antique store.

KatieD - Pictures are definitely a treasure. Love all my scrapbooks and memories they hold! - Photographs and my children’s artwork. Especially the drawing of our family my six year old recently drew. Love it! - My favorite picture is of my wedding after going through a hard divorce. My youndgest son was the ring bearer and the oldest son was the best man. It was such a beautiful day with everyone so happy. We haven’t been able to print the photos from 3+ years ago because we both got laid off. Thanks for the chance to win something!

Jen Allred - The handmade cradle my grandfather made for my mom when I was born.

Nicole Francis - A toss up between my uncle’s old maps and my grandma’s star of david bowl! 🙂

Jennie P - My 3 boys, all who blessed our lives through the gift of adoption!

Mallory - My greatest treasure in this home, is not actually inside, but outside. We are moving this spring and I would love a big canvas of the yard/view we will be leaving behind as everything we own will be coming with this, that view will not.

Amber - One of many favorite treasures is a print of a St. Bernard walking next to a young girl, carrying her bag around his neck with the mother looking on beyond the white wooden gate. The wording reads, To school well fed on Grape-Nuts. Advertisement of long ago. I grew up with this print and St. Bernards, so when I moved out I was thrilled to be given such a family gift.

Marcie - Besides my three kids and hubby… the thing I most treasure in my house would have to a baby lion stuffed animal that my dad had given to me when I was born. I slept with it every night when I was little and now my oldest daughter sleeps with it. I love that she has a little piece of her grandpa, who is no longer here.

Amanda - it’s great to inherit these kind of treasures from family. in my house my current fave is an old wash stand with red chippy paint – and an old mirror that matches with the same paint. love a pop of red!

Kathryn - My favorite treasure is my three little girls and my wonderful husband 🙂 And next, my marked up, full of notes Bible that has changed my life forever. Praise God! And thank you for the giveaway. I really enjoy your blog!

Rena - My harp is my favorite treasure in my home. Although I don’t get to play it as often as I’d like, it still looks beautiful just sitting there. 🙂

Linda - OH such a hard question. there are several things I love, but among them is an old wire basket from my grandfather that we used when we gathered the walnut from his orchard. It brings back so many childhood memories of my family.

Kate - It’s tough to choose just one thing…I’m a bit of a collector of sentiment. 🙂 Right now, I’m loving a little Christmas trees with vintage glass ornaments from my mom. I love the aesthetic of it and the memory of collecting the ornaments with my mom. I love these canvases…what an awesome giveaway!

Jody H - We have my grandmother’s mirror hanging in our living room. It’s over a hundred years old and I love it!

Mary - My father’s firemen’s helmet (the metal is dented after 31 years of service) sits proudly on our bookcase.

Melissa - My favorite is an old picture of my grandma and grandpa when they were young and a picture my husband and I recreated of theirs. My very favorite pic of the two of us. I would have it printed on canvas.

Christy p - Hard drives with pics of my kiddos, wedding, childhood, etc!

Sara - first and foremost would be hubby and the littles…. but after that…i think my stash of old gold frames.

Jen - My favorite treasure is hard to pick–not because there are so many but because life of late has been hard and has shown me that stuff is just stuff. That may not be life-shattering to most but I am a person who loves her stuff. That being said, I love my mom’s green glass collection because it reminds me of her.

Trisha - My favorite treasures are probably my signed cookbooks – by Martha Stewart and Daniel Bouloud. I would LOVE to win a canvas – I just finished repainting and freshening up most of my house, and want to have a canvas made of a photo from our family photo shoot in the spring.

Lee Hatcher - I love the first quilt I ever made. It’s draped on my favorite chair
I love the look and sliding under it when it’s chilly

Melissa - My favorite treasure is the globe my parents bought me when I graduated from college. Still love it!!

Katy - A black and white photo of my Grandparents walking into a wedding all dressed up and smiling. It’s a timeless photo.

Megan - PICTURES! Hands down, my most treasured item.

Meaghan - Doll bunk beds my grandpa made me for Christmas when I was a little girl – now played with by my two daughters. Or maybe the old vinyl and felt jewelry box from my grandma that still smells like her. Couldn’t pick one over the other. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

amber - Awesome!! I do adore both of your canvases. I have been wanting to try out mpix. My favorite treasure in my house is probably the quilt that my great grandmother made.

Kayla - Hmmm….that is a tougher question than I would think. My people are my favorite treasure. Maybe the little blue vase that Rainman and I got in Venice?

Amanda Eudy - Favorite treasure in my house? Probably the ceramic cat I rescued from my grandmother’s house when she was moving. She painted it when she lived in Germany, and my mom has the matching kitten. It makes me feel like my family is close every time I look at it, even if they are far away!

Timalee - My current fave right now is all the ornaments hanging on our tree. Some of the ornaments my husband & I bought together as newlyweds. Some we have collected as vacation souvenirs over the years. Some have been received as gifts from dear friends and family. Some are special finds, or old toys I just couldn’t part with. Now we are adding new ones that the kids make and pick out each year. I love pulling them out every year and telling the kids stories about different ones!

Ann Marie - Besides all of my photos it has to be a box I’ve made for my daughter. It contains a book that was my dad’s when he was young (she’s too young to get it yet), the hospital bands from her birth, her first hair cut, etc. I relive all my favorite memories with her when I open it up.

Janelle - Way too tough to name a favorite treasure! Maybe a little statue that my dad gave me as a child.

stephanie - Besides my family…one of my greatest treasures would be the letters my dad wrote to me when I was in college. - That’s a tough one. My most important item (besides my family and dog) is my computer because it basically contains every picture of my kids since the day they were born. My favorite treasure though is probably a handmade tree made of wire and beads that I picked up in Africa. It even has a tire swing made of duct tape. That trip changed my life and I think of it every time I see this amazing tree on my counter.

Meghan - My family photographs, my son’s room and my bed!

Michelle White - My favorite thing in my house is a picture frame my old neighbors made us out of old barn wood. It is so worn and textured. Love it.

Routhie - My Uncle’s chair. He was a tall man and made the chair to fit himself using floorboards from his father-in-law’s house. He had promised to make me my own, but died before he had the chance. My Aunt gave me his chair and said it was extra special because I would have a little of my family and a little of her family with me always. It is definitely the most used chair in our home and men are drawn to it whenever we entertain. The chair serves as a daily reminder of my Uncle and makes me feel closer to my family, all of whom I do not live near.

Misti - My favorite treasure is a big wall clock in our living room.

Nicole L. - My family photographs. They are the only things I hope to never live without.

Martha - My Dad left me his collection of books. I love them. And I have shelves and shelves of books, they make me happy.

Lauren - my childhood bible with all the pictures…

Jkdavis1993 - right now it’s my collection of afghans that I have recieved over the years from my Grandmother. I miss her. When it gets cold wrapping up in them is in some small way how I recieve hugs from her!

Kari - My antique bow-front china cabinet full of depression glass dishes – it was my grandmother’s and she passed it all along to me before she died.

Kori S. - My greatest treasure is my mom’s time worn and much-scribbled bible!

Jessica H. - I don’t think there is any one object…but I do have three boys (my husband, 3 yr old and 1 month old) that I consider my treasures!!

Jhoanna - The quilt I made for my girl!

Leah - I think my home is my treasure. I feel blessed every day that I have a home that’s mine and I love being in it.

Danielle - I want to be super sappy and say my hubby is my greatest treasure. 🙂 (I’m still a newlywed. haha)

Amy M. - I have some mason jars that I collected from my grandmother’s home after she died. i store pastas, nuts, dried fruit, candy etc., whatever I have on hand in them. the contents are always shifting! I love how they look on the counter– they are perfectly mismatched.

Erin - My favorite treasure is a black vintage candlestick phone that my grandmother gave me from her house. We used to play with it as kids, and now it has found the perfect spot on the built-in telephone table in my hallway. Love it!

Erica - I have been given a few pieces of jewelry at very special moments in my life. They are irreplaceable and are probably my most treasured items. On a side note, tomorrow I will be having my son. I have been looking into companies where I can get a large newborn picture printed on canvas. Great timing on this post, Meg!

Suzy - Hi Meg,
I love your gum ball machine print! My favorite treasures at our house are all of the ceramic pieces my son made at a pottery class when he was 4…a pig, airplane, snake, firetruck, pizza, heart and lizard. They are so whimsical and colorful.

Rachel - Oh my goodness – love how your canvases turned out – those are so vivid!
Favorite treasure? Mom’s chicken soup recipe that I just used this weekend. I cried because she wasn’t here to make it. Then I cried because I hate this stupid flu. Then I cried because I was mad she is gone. Then I cried because I was happy she was my Mom.
Yeah… flu makes Mommy’s emotional 🙂

Julie - Right now my favorite treasure is a picture of my Grandmother play the sax- she was a vaudeville performer. She was incredibly talented and lots of fun. Thanks for the chance.

Sheri Flatt - My favorite treasure in my house is a poem written by my grandma about me.

Melissa - The one thing that I would absolutely grab if the house was on fire is a oil painting Bud Snidow painted for me when I was 15. I’ll always treasure it!

Jen - One of my favourite treasures….my wedding album. It reminds me of the freshness and commitment and all that’s come into my life since that fateful day.

Barbara Youngren - We have a huge semi-abstract (if there is such a thing) buffalo in front of our front door and entry. He lays so still, and the snow settles on him. He looks like a bunch of rocks that look like a buffalo and I love him!

sara boller - cliche…but, my favorite thing at my house is my family. my two kidlets :), my man, my dogs and my chickens. they are what i cant wait to come home to every day.

Becky - My favorite treasure is my family. I can’t really identify a treasure other than my hard drive filled with photos of said family. 🙂

Kelly L - My favorite treasure is probably my kids’ first years photo albums.

MH Toth - my 3 girls… ages 10, 7, and 2… I can’t stop taking pictures of them!!!

Kristi Thomsen - My computer…it stores all of my photos that I love to take, but never print out. This would be a great solution for a picture of my 5 year old daughter! Thank you!

misty - My favorite treasure is my grandmothers vintage christmas ornaments. I remember helping decorate her tree with some of them when I was about 4 years old & 27 years ago they were already vintage… love everything about them

Jamie - One of my favorite treasures is an old, chippy, worn out little hutch that belonged to my Grandpa. Looooove it!

Bekah M. - My favorite treasure is my husband first 🙂 and my sewing table second! I love all the fun things I can create on its surface.

michelle - I would have to say my favorite treasure is my 20 x 30 canvas of my 6 children. It is the only professional image of them together, other than snapshots here and there. If my house caught fire tonight and I could only grab my family and one thing to take with me….that would be it. Thanks Meg for being awesome. 🙂

April ganser - Our dining room table that my grandmother raised her family around is definitely my most prized possession.

Kelly - wow, hmm, favorite treasure . . . maybe milk glass pieces from my mil because it shows she truly wants to know who I am. Kelly

Alexandra - Currently my favorite treasure in my home is the jewelry that has been passed down from my grandmother. I love that when I put together an outfit and add a necklace or some earrings, I look the way she did. I get to carry her with me.

Ellen J - My greatest treasure if the china cabinet my grandpa made me when I was little. He put a little note on the back saying he made it for me and signed his name. It fell off awhile back (just a label), so I framed it and it now sits on a shelf in the cabinet. Love!!!

Brooke in WI - It’s a tie between my Grandmother’s record player (which still plays) and my nativity set that has been added to by multiple family members.

jennifer - my favorite treasure is a quilt my late grandmother made for me…

Jennifer Henry - One of my favorite things in my house is my gallery wall that features every member of both my husbands family and my family both past and present. Having a canvas print would just add to the beauty of this wall. Everyone that comes to my house is just in awe of that wall because of all the pictures, especially the really old ones of our great great grandparents. Plus tree is a story with every picture

Tiffany - My favorite treasure is my bedroom dresser. It came from my Grandma, and it belonged to her mom. It’s in great condition with the original mirror. I just love the history of my ancestors using it. Hopefully I can pass it on to my daughter someday.

Amanda - I have the negative and original photo of my grandparents wedding day…one of my favorite treasures 🙂 They were married for 60 years!

Heather McDonald - My favorite thing in my house is my large photo collage I made of 4×4 pictures, glued them to a large canvas. They are photos of my 16 nieces and nephews and scenery shots of my favorite place to be-MT!! I love and treasure those photos.

niki - my favorite treasure is my family. we just had our first professional photos done as a family, and my boys are 10 and 7. i would love to have a canvas made of one of our photos.

Barbara - My parents grew up in Europe during WWII. When the war was over, they owned virtually nothing. Somehow, though, they managed to keep a cup and saucer of my great grandmother’s. THAT cup and saucer go with us in case of fire.
Thanks, Meg, for the contest. And I hope Annie is feeling better!!

Angie - Favorite treasure…a painted photograph of my 5 kids playing with & blowing bubbles…done by master photographer Pam at Hopkins Fine Portraits. It’s what we’ll grab if there’s ever a fire!

Lindsey - My favorite treasure is my mommy bracelet that has both of my son’s and my husband’s birthstones…I love it. When I wear it I always feel close to my boys!

Christine Couch - Oh goodness – – I’ve got so many things that are treasures to me. Photographs are at the top of the list, for sure. But, if I had to pick a single thing, I’d pick the Dresden Plate quilt that my grandmother made for me. She went to Heaven five years ago and as I get older I realize how much she has shaped the woman that I am. Having that precious gift from her is such a treasure and I will love it always.

Noel - I would LOVE to win a canvas! I think my favorite home treasure is… an embroidered canvas circa 1973 that i bought at a thrift store with the words to “America the Beautiful” under a mountain, flowers, and a smiling sunshine. 🙂

Sarah Burgis - I saved my Dad’s scotch bottle from his last visit to my house. He would visit us once a year and stay for a while (never long enough). I remember him healthy and strong, relaxing and having a wonderful visit with us while sipping his scotch in the evenings.

kim - So hard to choose just one favorite treasure so I will narrow it down to two. One is an old-fashioned milkshake mixer from my husband’s Gram’s old restaurant, and it is still in working order. (I don’t treasure the extra calories gained from drinking all of the yummy milkshakes it produces though.) 😉 The other is the nativity set that my grandma painted and that my family always put out on our mantle above the fireplace growing up. Just last Christmas, I finally got a mantle shelf and was able to display the nativity for the first time since being given it!
By the way, love the watercolor paints canvas…you are so creative…I would have never thought to do that! (I guess that’s why I read your blog and get inspired by your happiness and creativity.)

mandy - love these!
my treasure is my family first and then my rainbow bookshelf!!

Angie - love this giveaway! My favorite treasures are family pictures and the 100 year old fiddle that has been passed down in my family.

Melyssa - My favorite treasure at my house is probably the very awesome, very worn work bench I snagged from the garage of a home where things were being divided up after the owners passed. I removed the scary nails sticking every which way, the old vice, the 3(?!) layers of contact paper covering the sheet of paneling covering the slats that make the top, and cut the legs down to make it normal counter heingt. I hope to one day get a nice slab of marble for the top to make it a nice pastry bench but for now it works!

Sarah Thompson - I would LOVE one of these. What a great idea to print a favorite object instead of just people. It’s gorgeous seriously. My fav is probably my Nanny’s old sewing box. Thanks for the chance to win something soo fancy. : )

Whitney - I have a gumball machine too (well it’s in my parents house since my young married self has no place for it yet!) Love all your colors!

julia - My favorite treasure is my pictures. I scare myself and ask myself what I’d take with me in a hurry. It’s pictures. My memory is bad so I don’t remember so much so pictures help.

Ann - My girl’s baby quilts and my wedding quilt my grandmother made….priceless

katherine - love the gumball machine my grandpa gave us too! so fun!

Courtney - My favorite treasure is a penny gumball machine I got from my grandpa when when he died. In fact, I bet it was the picture of the your gumball machine that made my friend tell me about your site and how I should enter this drawing.

Amanda Fuentes - My home is filled to the brim with treasures, I couldn’t pick a favorite. I do love my Bible full of notes and cards from my kids and my camera of course for capturing all life’s little moments.

Janna - I love the pic I took of my in laws (77 and 83 yrs old) walking out to the outdoor sauna for the last time before my mil’s ALS got so bad she couldn’t walk anymore. She passed away a few short weeks later. That was last Aug. She was my favorite person in the whole world – besides my husb and children of course. Most lovely person ever! I’ve been dreaming of getting a canvas of the fam pic of my husb and kids and I the week after her funeral. It’s the only fam pic I have of all of us. It’s in bright colors outside in a park. Thanks so much for the chance to win. I LOVE love love your colorful blog and DREAM of coming to craft weekend some day;)

Cathy - My kids are my treasures.

Michelle Pulley - My family and my family pictures”

Shann - Hi Meg!
Thanks for the give away. 🙂
My favorite treasure at my house is the yard long print, that was my grandmothers, hanging above my bed.
If there was a fire…besides my kids, hubby, cat and hamster….that would be one of the things I would surely grab.

Angela - The treasures in my house are the pictures of my four kids (ages 11,8,6 & 3)–they are growing up so fast. I love going back and looking at my babies when they were really babies. I don’t do it very often, but when I do, it’s amazing to see how much they’ve grown.

whitney - this mommas favorite treasure is my bible with all the notes in it

Lauren Black - The three sleeping children are definitely my favorite treasure(s)! 🙂

Michelle W - My son…. and the hand painted mug I gave to my husband announcing my his upcoming arrival

Meghan - Oh man! I was just thinking about how I wanted a photo canvas of my toddler for my birthday because she is such a gift to me! Maybe this will be the present I’m not able to get myself. Your pictures are beautiful, btw.

tanktop - A necklace that was my paternal grandmother’s.

Liesl - That is a really hard question! I don’t of things in my house that way, but I guess I would go with the crocheted blankets my daughters were given when they were born and the one my husband and I were given for our wedding–all from great aunts on my side of the family.

Regina - The quilt that my granma made in 1930. 🙂

Robyn - Favorite treasure at my house….I’ve never really thought of it! Right now I’d have to say my matching blue gumball machine I bought when at craft weekend and flew all the way back to Canada in my suitcase!

Nicole - A three foot tall fish-shaped green glass bottle that my uncle bought for me in Spain. I have no idea where to put it, but I love it.

Stephanie - I love those giant prints!!
My favorite (non-living) treasures are cool old photographs of my parents from before I was born… I love that they had this whole full life before kids:) I also treasure the several quilts that my mom made for me and each of my kids.

birdie blue - favorite treasure… a little silver cross from my late gram.
thank you for the chance, meg.

Molly L - Beyond my three kiddos and our family photographs … my blanket from preschool. My mom made it from peanuts (like Charlie Brown) fabric and I have slept with it ever since. It’s gone everywhere with me and will continue to even though it’s almost nothing but a little scrap of fabic at this point 🙂

Anne - Love your canvas print – I treasure my father’s old well used mechanical ruler! Thanks!

April R - our family photographs
they tell our story and they make me laugh, cry, and hope
thanks for asking 🙂

Sarah Syhakhoun Photography - I have a little blue glass pedestal bowl that I use all over the house. I got it at a garage sale and it comes in so handy for decorating. Right now it is filled with shiny silver Christmas ornaments. <3

michelle@decorandthedog - My favorite treasure is a painting from my grandfather!

Lori Withers - A treasure is my grandma’s dining room furniture—— she was born in 1898 and lived to be 92 years old. This was a great reminder of things—–mostly people—– to be thankful for.

Makila - Scrapbooks and the piano my grandmother left me when she died. Love the canvas!

Cindy Douglass - I treasure our family scrapbooks but really love my childhood books like The Secret Garden and Little House on the Prairie books.

Heidi - It’s hard to pick a favorite!!! I have a beautiful old, chippy cabinet in my kitchen that we use as an island. That might be one of my current favorites?

casey - My sons collection of Dr. Seuss books! Most of them were mine and my husbands when were were kids. We have a little bit of an obssesion with books at this house.

Sharon - My favorite treasure is my old teddy bear that I took with me everywhere when I was little. My Mom recovered it twice. I have it framed in a shadow box along with a photo of me holding it.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

Danae K - My best treasure is a wedding picture of my grandparents from 1930-something. It’s old and yellowed and shows a picture of two people very much in love and full of hope!

Andrea S. - My favorite treasure at my house is a my blue book case that stores all my other favorite treasures!!

Debbie - My favorite treasures…pictures of my daughter, my grandparents’ Christmas ornaments, a handmade baby blanket

Mary - Love the print! One of my favorite treasures at our house is a collection of old cameras from my grandpa.

elliottsurf - One of my favorite treasures at my house (besides my hubby and kids) is my heart rock collection. Most of them were collected by my son. I would LOVE to take a photo of the collection and get a big print made at Mpix. Thank you Meg for all the inspiration and fun. You are the best!

Julie - Love your print! It turned out great. I am especially loving a huge world map that I got at IKEA that looks gallery wrapped, but really Hubby and I wrestled that thing into a frame on the living room floor after “reading” IKEA’s lovely descriptive directions. It is huge and hangs beautifully over my living room couch. It is a big conversation piece and everyone is drawn to it. I love it!

Laura - Oh this is so hard!! There are so many things…but right now would be our new little chicks. They are so adorable!

Michelle - My favorite treasure is my collection of photo albums….I love my pictures!

Rachel - Pictures of my two miracle children…hands down!

Charla Liedahl - My favorite treasures are the three guys that live in it…my hubby and my two crazy little boys.

Tracey - I think my fave treasure right now is an old, wooden artist carry-all. It reminds me of an old toolbox. It it all wood, has a handle at the top, and 5 openings on each side. I found it last month at a consignment sale and even though it was a little more than I would typically pay I just fell in love with it and HAD to have it. Right now I have each little opening filled with a mason jar that I use as little vases. I just love it!

Michele - My old black typewriter that is from the 1930’s! It still works, too!!

Ruth - My favorite thing in my house is a pink vase from ikea. i visited it in the ikea several times until i decided it was worth the whole $8! I still smile a year later every time I look at it. Best $8 ever.

Patty - My favorite finds are my two (count them ONE,TWO!) carved masks of Dracula purchased in Romania! They are fab and huge! NO sparkly vampires at our house.

Tracy King - My treasure is definately the pearl ring my father gave to my mother when they were 17. My father was kiiled in an accident when my mom was 25 and my sisters and I were all under the age of 6. The ring means the world to me and I wore it on my wedding day.

Bethany - favorite treasure – lots of special Christmas ornaments!

robin allen - My FAVORITE is the little PINK Dress, ruffled panites, shoes, and blankie that my Mom ( deceased ) brought me home from the hospital in, then I brought my daughter home from the hospital, then she brought my Grand-daughter home from the hospital…I have a photo of my mom at the very tender age of 17 holding me in this little outfit at ‘my’ baby shower…She is so beautiful and is holding me with such love and obvious affection that does not even begin to hint of the absolute fear of the daunting task of having a baby when she is still a child in so many ways herself…I have a photo of each of ‘us’ in the dress….

colleen - my quilt that hangs above the couch in the den…aunt patsy made it!

jodi - My favorite is the people who live inside!

Kristin S - I was just given my grandmother’s recipe box. Treasure for sure. - my books:)

Jolie - My favorite treasure at my house is a snowglobe my husband gave me on our wedding day. It is so beautiful and so symbolic of the journey we have been on!

missy - my favorite treasure is a beautiful antique frame that now holds a picture of our family that was passed from my grandma to my mom to me!

Erin - The baby quilt made for my mother by my grandmother. I can’t wait to use it for my baby!!

Carrie - small little cast iron rooster! found it while cleaning out my granddads stuff!!

Mandy Blackburn - I have lots of treasures that belonged to my grandparents & great-grandparents. One of my favorites is a travel journal my great-grandmother kept while on a trip out west (from Tennessee) with my great-grandfather in 1963. I even have the map they used to route their adventure!

nancie - My great aunt’s organ…LOVE!

Amanda - I have my grandmother’s 1930 Singer sewing machine with a knee lever. It’s the machine I learned to sew on. I miss using it now that I have a much higher-tech Janome. I need to pull it out and give it some luv…

Sandy - My special treasure is a salt and pepper shaker collection that belonged to my “Granny”!! She wasn’t my blood related granny but a special neighbor that was my granny since I moved next door to her when I was two years old.

Jen - I have a single green vase – very simply, I’m sure very cheap when it was purchased. But it was purchased by my great Grandmother Stordeboom – a woman I never met but imagine as a spunky surly woman from the stories I hear. I’ve never actually used it, now that I think about it – I’m going to have to remedy that!

Barb - I love kitchen stuff and have alot of things passed down from my mom and grandmas. I think my most favorite thing is their recipe boxes with the handwritten recipes. 🙂

Lindsay - Hmmmm…I would say it’s a tie between my photo albums and my oldest’s (5) Beads of Courage. He earned over 200 Beads during his cancer treatment and we treasure them. Each one tells a story.

Kirsten - I was just telling my mom the other day that, after people and pictures, the first things I would grab if my house were on fire would be our quilts. We have quilts from both sides of the family, old and new, and they make me smile. 🙂

Lisa - My grandpa’s marble jar full of his marbles from when he was a kid and a little white rocking chair that I sat in as a child. Love your gumball picture!

Jill - We have a hand me down piano from my husband’s family that I just love. Totally not my decor style, but I love it anyway! - My treasure is an old piano that my mother restored. I learned to play on that piano. So many great memories. I am blessed to have it sitting in my house where hopefully my children will learn to play as well. By the way…I absolutely adore that gumball machine canvas. It makes me so happy!

Val - my favorite treasure are the vintage ornaments hanging on my tree. My mom just gave me these. She has saved them for many years. THis year she felt they needed to be enjoyed and not wrapped in a box for “someday.” I’m glad I was her “someday!”

Gina DeHoogh - One of my favorite treasures is a long canvas photo of the sweet feet of my four little blessings. It makes me smile every day! Definitely one to leave up forever!

Katie - My favorite treasure at my house is my worn copy of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I love the story within the pages of the book… so real. There are so many life lessons that can be taught/learned from reading TKaM. 🙂

Greengroves - I have this funky little tree with wooden birds sitting in it. I just makes me happy.

Jenn - …my favorite treasure at my house is….besides the babies, definitely a pic of the three of them together- when our family was complete.

Stephanie Z - my favorite treasure? my kids…

Tricia - When I was a young teen, my pastor’s wife gave me a praying/kneeling ceramic angel she had made. I think of her as my angel every time I pass it in the cabinet. (It always seems to turn though. It’s facing me every time I look at it no matter where I’m standing in the room.)

sam - I have a rocking chair that my grandfather had made for my mother. It was used by her, me and my two brothers, and my four kids. I hope to have it recovered soon so it is ready for any future grand babies.

Jaclyn - My favourite treasure in my house is my great Aunt’s set of silverware that my dad left me when he passed away. Thanks for the chance xo

Dellie - Right now I’d say my favourite treasure is a coffee table my partner built out of an old work bench we found in my mother in laws shed. We sit around it as a family every single day. Homework, afternoon tea, sometimes dinners. We love it.

Tracie Mayers - Besides my family, it’s a scuplpture called ,”blessings way.” It was my Grandma’s she bought it with money she found stashed all over the house when my Grandpa passed. It is of a mother and 2 children. My Grandpa was super tight with his money so I always think about how excited she was to get something for herself. She deserved it.

Teri B - My favorite treasure is my daughter’s Golden Books collection. I can’t wait to share them with my future grandchildren!

katherine brewer - My favorite treasure in our home is my Grandmother’s old pantry(similiar to a pie safe)…it was on it’s way to the dump when I rescued it.
Love your canvas print, very pretty!

lindsay - my favorite treasure is my engagement/wedding ring that i wear everyday. my husband had it made for me while he was on deployment to dubai. it is so antique and vintage looking, i love it! but if that’s not a home enough treasure then it would have to be the wooden rocking chair my grandfather made for me when i was little that our daughter now uses!

Holly Bodner - my most favorite treasure at my house is my daughter! last year my 16 year old was on a bike ride with 100 others when a drunk driver plowed thru the group, hitting my child before hitting 10 others, almost taking her life. after 35 days at UCLA picu, she is looked upon as a miracle by her doctors, detectives & medical staff alike. her body was completely broken, she sustained brain damage on top of many broken bones, internal injuries…she was in the FIGHT FOR HER LIFE!!! because of legal issues, it’s been almost a year and a half since i’ve gotten to post pics of her publically…she was a working actress, now she is still rehabilitating from the accident. 7 surgeries later, she is exceeding her doctors expectations! Her inner beauty, as well as her outer beauty is amazing! I would LOVE a HUGE CANVASS WRAPPED photo of her!!! She is MY MIRACLE!!!

Cassie - My treasured item would be my Chick Cookie Jar I got while in KS for Craft Weekend- I love it so much and I am happy i decided to get it!!

Mindy - Must I choose just one?! My grandpa’s secretary desk with a jewlery box and doll my Dad brought back for my Mom when he was in the Navy hold special places in my heart.

Liz - OHHHHH! Canvases have been on my wish list for ever!!! My favorite treasures are all of my photo albums and scrapbooks. My husband’s grandfather puts together albums for everyone at Christmas, and it’s always my most favorite present!!

Jill A. J. - My favorite family treasure is probably photos of the dads in my husbands family holding their baby boys. It goes all the way back to great-great-grandpa holding great-grandpa.

Jenny Wenzel - my favorite treasure at my home is an old green stool that my grandma used when teaching school…it is the perfect color…and lots of sentimental value!

Ana - Love your new canvas! I really treasure all the pictures I have of my 3 three girls. I also treasure my pictures from Colombia and would love to print one on a huge canvas. =)

Jennifer - My favorite treasure(s) are my husband’s paintings. He’s an artist and I love the two paintings we have in our home.

Rhonda - I love love love the very old Rudyard Kipling books that belonged to my grandparents. They have weathered leather covers, they are amazing!

Sarah - My family is by far my favorite “treasure!!”

Mollie - My favorite treasure in my house is all my old family photos that go back generations!

Amy G. - Other than my family (of course!), I would have to say my vintage globe collection. My daughter thinks I’m insane for having so many, but I love, love, LOVE seeing them throughout the house. They make me so happy. 🙂
Would love to win this! We JUST had family pictures done!!

Ali - My favorite treasure in my home is a rotating photo display that I made out of an old greeting card rack. I got the rack for free and love having my family pictures on (rotating) display 🙂

Courtney - My favorite treasure in my house is the scrapbooks that I have so lovingly created for my family…and spent a fortune on as well! That is what I would run back into a burning house to save!

Wendy @ Ramblings from the Sunshine State - A TINY vintage Singer sewing machine that was my grandmothers!

Vanessa (Brock Rocks) - A porcelain nativity my grandmother gave me.

Jenna - My favourite treasure is my Grandpas piano that was handed down to me when he passed away.It is the first thing you see when you enter our house, and is a constant reminder of him when played! This is a great giveaway, thank you!

Hannah Guskie - My favorite treasure – and what I would get a print of if I win – is my family and my dog!

mpoggie - Along the theme of heirloomy, material items: When my stepdad was little and learning to write, he got a good grade on a practice sheet of m’s. He was so proud that his mom framed it. My name starts with M and he gave it to me when he married my mom and it made me feel so accepted and special. Now it hangs in my baby girl’s room and it has become a sort of symbol for family. It’s just a faded piece of paper in an old wood frame, but it’s priceless!

Rachel B. - My husband, two kids and our dog…without them, it wouldn’t be a home!

Katie - I have an old church bench in my foyer that I love! My mother-in-law gave it to me for Christmas last year. It used to be hers and I sat on it the first time I ever came to my husband’s parents house before we were even officially dating. It was so sweet and generous of her!

Shelby P - My favorite treasure is one particular picture from my wedding day. It’s pretty much the only picture we were relaxed in and I just love it. If I won, I’d probably get a huge canvas of that picture!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Favorite treasure at my house? It isn’t a thing….its my 7 little treasures from 2 months to 10 yrs! Its rough sometimes and there are many tears but they are certainly jewels to be treasured!

Heather in Ohio - Love those canvases and love mpix too! I treasure my family – and my grandma’s vintage heirloom wedding ring handmade quilt.

Shelly - Besides family, I love my crocheted afghan collection…thinking about someone putting such time and effort into it… I love them all!

Brooke - My vintage cameras 🙂

Jacci in Ohio - 493? Hmm… well, I’ll put my comment into the mix!
My favorite treasure? That’s really hard. I even asked my children to help me brainstorm. I asked, “What’s my biggest treasure in this house? What would I be really, really sad to lose?” And each one of them said the same thing. They said “ME!” – and that just about made me cry.
So, my kids… and my husband… and maybe photos (especially babe photos) and journals. And the kids’ cards & artwork.

Christy - ooh love the bright colors. I have a ton of treasures but my favorite is an old mantel that was in my fathers house when he grew up and in his grandparents house before that. It has seen better days but I love the chippy paint and ten thousand thumb tack holes from years and years of stocking hangings. We just moved and I am trying to incorporate it into our new house.

Megan - Wow that is awesome! I would love one! My favorite treasure is a huge trunk given to my husband and I by his stepmom. It still has stickers from different train trips in the 30’s! It holds so many storied!

Amanda C. - My favorite treasures are my children 🙂

Gwen - A rocking chair that belonged to my grandparents.

stephanie - My treasures are my husband and four kids – I would love a big canvas of our family to hang!

Ashley E - There are so many!!! I love my Chinese jewelry box and my nativity from Israel.

Cathy - I love my vintage hutch in the dining room! It makes me smile every time I look at it!

Karey - My favorite treasure is a bookshelf my dad built for me when I was in high school. He’s an amazing furniture builder and it’s beautiful. I absolutely adore it! I keep only my favorite books on it for display 🙂

kateh - My treasures are many; they are messy, loud, time consuming, delightful, loving, colorful and in constant motion! i do not attempt to decorate with them…they are moving targets…but how i love and treasure them! i could, however, attempt a group shot and have them gallery wrapped!

Christy B - My favorite treasure(s) are my children!

Margo - I have a couple of favorite treasures: the rocker my grandma gave me and the old cigar box full of pens/pencils that my grandpa collected.

Beth - Our guinea pig 🙂

Meredith - I would LOVE a canvas print! My favorite treasure is my puppy dog Kona!

Hannah O - My grandpa used to make colorful wooden flower bouquets and my dad gave one to me and both of my sisters when my grandpa passed away ten years ago.. it sits in my kitchen window and I LOVE having flowers around all the time 🙂

Jenn - My favorite treasure is a picture of my 2 girls that I framed. I walk by it numerous times a day and it makes me smile every time.

Jenny - My favorite treasures in my home are first my children, then their artwork. They make me happy!

Becky - Our piano if a treasure to my family!

Tiffany A - I love the gumball machine! My favorite item in my house is a pegboard on the wall in my kitchen covered in vintage utensils. Most came from my Mom and the Thrift Stores.

Melissa - i love globes, so i think i would take a picture of my favorite one and have it blown up!

Ashley Thurman - I love this old green colored glass jar with a lid that my grandmother had that now sits on a table in the kitchen.

Kelli - My favorite treasure at my house is my daughters room. Bright cheery and perfect for her to grow up in!

Lydia M. - My favorite treasure is an antique cast iron horse statue that was my great grandma’s.

Taryn - My beautiful antique piano and piano stool! My wedding photographer also recommends Mpix!

Brooke - I have an old wooden stool on my fireplace hearth that my Dad made in shop class in junior high. It is old and beaten, but it is GORGEOUS to me! 🙂 Love your canvases……your photography is stunning, as always!

cassie o - probably the green desk i bought secondhand for $40 a few years ago. it’s so perfectly distressed and was clearly not painted by a professional! it’s the first thing i bought to start adding color to our home

Lisa - My treasure is a box of photos from early in my childhood before my mom passed away. I thought they had been lost but my step-mom found them a couple of years ago. Greatest gift ever!

Tracy Fisher - the picture frame that hold my kids first photos on their birth dates. they are both doing the same thing with their arms, even though they were taken 3.5 years apart. it sits next to my bed. i love it with all my heart. -tracy

emmeline - A bright turquoise shelf that sits in my front hall… thanks for the chance! 🙂

Melinda - A jadeite mug that my grandpa used as a shaving mug. 🙂

Caroline - My favorite treasure is my huge vintage map that I got from my school while teaching there… was all rolled up collecting dust in an old closet when I discovered it!

Stephanie - I think my favorite treasure is my gallery wall. It took years to make it happen, but I love it every time I look at it.

Nikol - Love the canvas print – amazing how vibrant the colors are. My household treasure would be my family’s birthday candle rings from Germany. I remember as a child noticing we were the only family who didn’t put our candles on a cake. There are red and hand painted and I now light them for my children’s birthdays.

Lisa - A photo of my kids that I used as a Christmas card 2 years ago. I love it so much and would be so excited to have it done on a canvas!!

Lachalle - My treasure my family as everyone else ….. but I love a little dresser I boughtthat my girl use in their room and hope someday someone will take it with them when I pass.

amalisa - My favorite treasure at home is a portrait painted of my mom.

Lela Pohlmann - I love Mpix as well! Use them all the time! My most prized wall hanging was done by a friend for my 30th birthday as a surprise. My daughter was 3 1/2 and my son was 2 months old. She made a footprint of my baby’s foot and a handprint of my daughter! Then my daughter cut out a paper plate and made a wreath who the prints hanging from the center. Love them both and are still hanging! I’m getting ready to turn 40 in January! Wonder what I can talk my kiddos into!

mich - My favorite *possessions* would be my growing antique and made-by-me quilt collection (partially inspired by this blog!).

julie f. - the greatest treasure at my house is my husband’s grandpa’s Bible. precious.

Analia - I have a few treasures. My little collection of aqua pyrex is a favorite!

Lisa M. - Oh, and my most favorite treasure…my mom and dad’s first Christmas Tree ornament from when they were first married. She gave them to me years ago and it has a reserved spot on the top center of my treet every year. The same place she hung it on her tree for so many years.

Lisa M. - Haha! Oh my goodness! I kept looking for your “canvas” print!! I was saying to myself, “why is she talking about how much she loves her print and she isn’t showing a picture of it?”!! So funny. Clearly, I wasn’t looking close enough, because the gumball machine isn’t even whole on the canvas, but it was a quick look 😉
I know Ashley has mentioned mpix several times and says how much she loves them, I’ve just never gotten around to using them. I will now!
Thanks for the giveaway!

nancy cresser - My favorite treasure is my little reindeer family that sits on my fireplace mantel for the holidays…Mom, Dad, 4 little reindeer – just like our family.

Heather - I have a tiny rocking chair that my mother used as a child, then my brother and I used it, and my two kids used it and it is now awaiting another small youngin’ to come into the family to use it.

GB Jost - My favorite tresure in my house would have to be a little red stool in my closet. It was a “cast away” from my inlaws when the moved from the “big house”. I sit on it when I change clothes, and stand on it when I am digging for a sweater! So silly and simple…gb

Maria - My favorite treasure…a set of pictures I had made into a booklet…of all our yearly Santa visits…we crack up over who is crying and who isn’t…and laugh at how the number of boys increases every other year.

Sky - the rocking chair my in-laws gave us 🙂

Angie - My favorite treasure in my house is my Christmas village. My mom passed it down to me just last year- loved it when I was growing up and now love putting it up for my kids.

Maria - My favorite treasure is a little turtle that a sweet little friend gave me!

Hayley - My grandmother’s itty bitty little sewing box from when she was a little girl. LOVE it!

Sarah - I love and use Mpix as well!! They have THE best service and quality! My favorite treasure is my antique china cabinet that holds my grandma’s wedding china and lots of mis-matched treasures that my husband and I have picked up in numerous antique shops!

Holly Spangler - My Grandma’s ironstone. It’s grouped together now, but I’m forever pulling out a piece to decorate somewhere else with.

Melissa - The comments are so fun to read today! I would have to say that what I treasure most is the family piano my parents passed on to me. Not only do I have sweet memories of listening to my mother play it, it has sweet memories of my own kids playing…and sometimes pounding on it. I think my siblings are still mad that my parents gave it to me. Hee hee!

kimmie - my favorite treasure(s) are paintings done by my husbands father. they are just a tangible link to him.

Erica - My favorite treasure is the miniature tea set that my grandma gave to me. When I was little, it was my favorite thing to play with at her house. I couldn’t believe she’d let me play with the “priceless” treasure. Now that I’m older, I realize that it wasn’t that big of a deal, but it’s a big deal to me because it reminds me of her.

Jen - I love my Grandpa’s childhood chair. It would make a great neutral canvas with brown , rustic seat. I can already picture it!

tinaehb3 - mine is a tiny little santa my mom used to put out at Christmas every year. she gave it to me years ago. i love it so much it stays out year round on my nightstand to remind me of seeing that little santa when i was a little kid 🙂

Jennifer Ensor - My favorite treasure at my house is a shelf that my husband built for me. He is amazing!

karen - The paintings my children and my father have painted for me.

AmandaK - I think my biggest treasure is my mom’s wooden ice box. I don’t have her with me anymore, and it helps looking at things that were precious to her.
Love the way you have decorated with photos of random things, great idea!

Christy - My favorite thing is my farm table. I love the character it has! It is an antique and has been in other families homes. I love that others have gathered at the same table as ours!

Deborah - My favorite treasure at the moment—(because of the holidays) is my Nativity Set from my grandma. I LOVE it and I LOVE putting it out every year. It was hers and in her house as long as I could remember. I always admired it at her house too :). I also love Mpix but have never had a canvas done by them, only some photos printed :).

Andrea - My greatest treasure in my home besides the people and pets are my children’s hand made Christams ornaments….I have them all…they are all on the tree, but I keep them all in fabric covered boxes near to our front door (in case there is a fire….I beleive that I can grab them on the way out!!! I know…I am a dor)……they are my favorite possessions……

Suzanne - Aside from my family, I would say my grandparents china. My grandma died when I was young, so I don’t have too many memories of her. Using her china makes me feel close to her 🙂

rachel beverlin - my favorite treasure is an old quilt my great grandma made. It’s perfect!

Kim - I treasure the quilts that my grandmothers have hand-quilted.

Dena - I would have to say the treasure I was most recently in awe of is a christmas cactus plant that was my husband’s grandmother’s. She passed 6 years ago and the other day I was looking for something and while searching for it I noticed that lo and behold the christmas cactus has buds on it. It’s very random and infrequent when it blooms so it’s always a miracle when it does. I called my kids over to look and my daughter found what we were looking for under the table the plant is on. Grandma gave a us a clue to find it, I think 🙂

Michelle - My mom gave me a porcelain rabbit that is laughing. When ever I look at it it make me happy.

Julie A - I love the pics we have of our two boys with Big Jay when we go to KU games. I would love to make that into a fun canvas!

Corey Bugni - I think I have to go with my boys little rocking chair. They are just about to big for it, but it is so sweet and will definitely be hanging around in case there are some grandkids someday.

Rachel - My favorite treasure is a book of stories that my dad used to read to me when I was little!

Ashley K - I just bought a blue dresser from a little boutique in our town. I love it, my husband still doesn’t understand it. It’s blue! But I love it!

Jill - H hands down my Grandfather clock. IT. IS. AMAZING! A family heirloom with DEEP history and it looks GOOD TOO! Sounds like a trolley car.
The gumball machine is so much fun!

Dlglo - My pictures of my soon to be 30 year old baby!

Aimee - My favorite treasure at my house is my old camera collection. Some of them were cameras my relatives used back in the day, some came from antique stores, some were gifts and each one is special to me.

Virginia - I would say mine are a set of 12 Venice Glass champagne glasses I bought in Venice on my trip around Europe in my early 20’s. I don’t let anyone use them b/c I am afraid they will break. ALthough they are probably stronger than I think since I carried them around in a box the whole second half of the trip.

jen s. - most treasured item in my house are our photobooks and the afghans my great aunts made. the photobooks capture my family – past & present while the afghans just remind me of home & my childhood.

Michelle Whitlow - What a fun photo to blow up into a canvas!!! Love that! My favorite treasure (or one of my faves) is my old phonograph that was my great grandfather’s. Apparently he was a brick layer & worked lots of hours so he bought it for my great grandmother. I have a bunch of cylinder records that play on it, too 🙂 I just had family pics taken over the summer & would looove to have a canvas of one!

Heather Langley - My most treasured item is my father’s childhood rocking chair. This little wooden chair, which at one point had a music box on the rocker, has a sweet little flocked lamb you can barely see anymore. The chair has been a special little place to sit and read for my dad, my sister and I, and all four of my children. So many memories in one little seat.

Erin - We were married 10 years ago, when big formal wedding albums were still “normal.” Our wedding album is huge and the single most expensive item in our home, literally. We joke that if there is some natural disaster, one of us saves the kids and the other saves the album. Its fun to look through it with the kids. Definitely a treasure!

Whitney C - Pictures of my little boys are some of my favorite treasures, and I would LOVE to have a new canvas! 🙂

cathy - Including my kids and hubs, my favorite treasure are all my pictures!

megan k - Lots of “treasures” at my house….my favorite material treasure is my engagement ring. It was the official start to where I am today. 🙂

Christie - My most treasured item in my house is probably the bench at my dining room table. Might be weird, but we’ve spent a lot of time there-drawing, eating, playing games. It’s unpainted and stained, but it’s special to me!

Marni R - Other than my amazing daughter, my favorite treasure in my house is an antique Roseville vase that my Uncle Bill left to me. The colors are amazing and I love it because it reminds me of him.

Maggie - My treasure has to be my family,hubby and my boys,after that I found this super cute vintage statue of a boxer dog like my max who is 11 years old, I love it!
I love your canvas wrap,super cute!

Karen - Other than my family it would have to be the clothes that my husband wore home from the hospital. We found them after his mother died and it was such a treasure. A little blue crocheted outfit that is so precious.

Kristi Rediske - I would love a gallery wrap from mpix-I would probably use a picture of my grandchildren or maybe a picture of my house-oh my-who knows what I would actually pick, I just hope I win this. This is an awesome giveaway, I use mpix and love everything I have ordered from them too.

Amy - My favorite treasure is my grandfather clock that my grandpa built. It makes me smile every time I walk by it.

Andrea - My Memaw’s everyday casserole dish … So many good memories, so much love poured into that dish

Candice - My favorite family treasure is a rocking chair my great aunt brought back from the Boer War in Africa, where she served as a nurse. It is beautiful, worn, creaky and I have rocked all nine of my children in it.
Blessings to you and your family.

Amber - So very hard to choose one thing, but I’d have to say a set of framed prayers that my husband’s great-grandmother wrote for my twin daughters shortly before she passed at the age of 100. They are so special to us!

Lindsay - My treasure is my sewing room. Especially now that I share it with my sweet mama.

Jessica - My two pups and my hubby are my favorite treasures!

Nicole - My amazing husband and four girls 🙂

Angie B - treasured heirloom? my gram’s wedding ring. i keep that on my finger.
i love me a canvas but rarely splurge — it would be super fun to win!

Jenny - My favorite treasure at my house is a Christmas decoration of Santa kneeling beside Baby Jesus. It means so much to me.

Kelli R - My treasure is my family. I would love a canvas of them!

nicole i - the kiddos are the #1 treasure but “thing wise” I treasure my vintage globe upon a stack of vintage song books.

Jennifer - My family is my favorite treasure!

allison - it sounds sappy but my favorite treasure is my daughter. i would get a canvas of her. 🙂

Tami - Omg. I love anything in canvas but have never heard of mix. Excited Togo look at their site. I have so many favorites it is hard to pinpoint one. I have 2 bubblegum machines that I love. Lots of Pyrex treasures but my favorite treasure I would have to say is an old cabinet with glass front that my grandma and grandpa refinised. It is full f old treasures from dishes to old 1930’s era wind up and bobble head toys. Would love to win this canvas. Great giveaway.

Tiffany - i treasure my moms hand written peach cobbler recipe.
i have it framed in my kitchen.
there is something about her hand writing with the cooking “stains” on them.
i’m excited to try out MPIX.
i have been looking for a place to print 4×4’s.
thanks for that tidbit.

Jenn - I LOVE mpix too! My favorite treasure is a little tuppence coin my husband gave me for our first christmas together. it’s a long story, but very sweet. 🙂

Amanda Owens - My favorite treasure is my iPhoto library. I love looking at old photos and movies. – Amanda O.

Naomi Williams - I have too many precious things, but in particular there is this glass bread pan that I have never baked in, and can’t seem to find anywhere to display, but it is gorgeous…old and swirly…but clear…with little designs swirled all over.
Even baking pans used to be quite pretty!

Kim K. - My favorite treasure would be my Hoosier Cabinet. It was the first antique I ever bought and remains my favorite piece in the house!

Kelly - my favorite treasures are my 5 boys!

Meg - Ooh! I love this. My favorite treasure at my house is my great grandmothers old table. It’s chippy too and I love that!

shar y - I use MPIX and love them. Have never ordered a canvas but it looks like they have it mastered! So, my favorite thing in the house would first be my dogs, then I have a great pottery collection by a lady from Cape Cod. I love those. There are other things, how can one choose? Thanks!

Mary-Beth - I had to stare at your photo a minute looking for the canvas because the gumball machine looks so real! My favorite family treasure is the ivory Jenny Lind crib my sisters and I used as babies. It is now my newborn son’s crib and I love the look of the vintage crib that held so many sleeping babies in our family.

Alicia - One of my favorite things is my toy box that my grandfather made for me when I was little. He passed away when I was 4, so it means even more. It’s graduated from toy box to bedding storage for out guest room, and it makes me so happy to have it in our home.

Amy K. - hmmm…. I have a quilt that my grandma’s mom made for her as a wedding gift. My grandma had shown me where it was (deep in the back of a closet) & told me she wanted me to have it before she died, and then it turned out that no one else even knew she had it!

Iris Espinoza - An old carved wooden box that sits on my coffee table. I love, love, love it!

Nikki - It’s a tie between my favorite material treasures…the wedding ring quilt my great-grandmother quilted for me as a child that I wasn’t to receive until I married. She died 1 week after I got engaged. And a telephone table my grandfather made in high school shop class.
I, too, LOVE MPix! Use them for all my printing!

MegM - Really cool! My favorite treasure is my post card collection from my grandmother.

Kristen - I LOVE mpix!! My most treasured thing.. that’s tough… aside from my children and husband my most treasured thing would be my photographs. They are the story of our life and I would be devastated if something ever happened to them…

ali moll - I love that I can picture exactly where that canvas is, now that I have visited the craft house is person! 🙂 Coincidentally, my favorite new treasure at home is the butter yellow and white, hand stitched quilt I picked up during our antiquing day at Craft Weekend. I absolutely adore it! I even purchased new white bedding, and pillows, so my new to me quilt can take center stage at the foot of my bed! Love it!

Joanie - My children are my number one treasure, but next to them is the dresser they use to put their clothes in. My dad used it as a child, I used it now my girls use it. It has been repainted a few times, but still works great!

Kahs - My dogs in a heartbeat!!

Jennifer - That print is gorgeous.
My personal treasure is my handpainted santa collection , painted by my mother.

Nicole B. - Beautiful prints – you take such great photos! So, other than my hubs and kiddos, my favorite treasures are the portraits I drew of my kiddos, and the quilts that my Grandmother made for each of us. Those are what I would grab first (after kids!) in an emergency!

Collette Ezzell - Besides my child,(whom I really can’t call a possession, but you know what I mean) the most prized possession in my house is a three tiered glass candy dish etched with fleur des lis and scrollwork. I lost both my maternal grandparents at a young age, they were both 55, I was 11. My grandmommy had the dish always filled with three things – caramel cremes, candy corn (no matter the time of year) and butterscotch hard candies, I was given it when we cleaned their house out and it means the world to me, I have it filled with caramel cremes, banana Runts and candy corn. I would save it in a fire. Thanks for the opporunity to share and the contest!

Alisha - I LOVE my OLD pie safe that my hubby found for dirt CHEAP!!!! It’s the perfect piece in my kitchen! It has so much personality.

Jessica R. - My favorite treasure is a 97 year old steamer truck that my granddad used when he was an Army brat, moving all over with his parents (Alaska and the Philippines were the two coolest places). I have wonderful memories of listening to all his stories and I named my second son after my granddad so seeing his trunk with their shared name stamped on it is a treat every day 🙂
On a side note, I’ve loved your watercolor canvas for a while now and now am loving your gumball canvas–so rad!! Have you ever thought about selling canvas prints of them? I, for one, would make a purchase!

kelli - have been wanting a canvas of my favorite treasure for a while now… my sweet little fam! cheesy, but true! 😉

Elizabeth Van Kort - my chippy white painted dresser that i found on the side of the road. it’s beautiful! i can’t imagine why someone didn’t want it!

lyn - I love my pictures. I am not a great photographer but I love capturing everyday moments!!!!

Karissa - My dad’s old desk. I’ve refinished it but the sound
Of the drawers opening brings back many comforting memories.

Lia - I love the way the craft house is decorated! I want to come live there! My favorite treasures at my house are my goldendoodle and my husband! They are my world. I wish we had some really neat old stuff passed down to us but so far we don’t. I suppose that comes with time!

Kt - My most treasured possession is a family history book I made in school. It includes interviews of grandparents and other family members(most now deceased) and precious old photos of generations past. Would love to have one in canvas to display. 🙂 Thank you for offering this precious giveaway.

Alice H - Besides my kids, I love all of my Willow Tree figures that I have been gifted over the years. Or my little Chef decorations in my kitchen. Thanks for the giveaway.

April@Life as I know it - My fav treasure is a big underwater painting my aunt made me in high school. I’ve had it up ever since. It’s now in my kids room. So special to me.

Kristina Abel - I love, love, love that picture! Inspired by you, I’m changing my whole home decor to showcase our love of vintage, whimsical things. My favorite items have to be my colorful vintage pyrex goodies!

sharon - those pictures just make everything seem so happy! i cherish a pretty pink vase that was my grandmas, i would turn it upside down because then it looked like a lady dancing. thanks for the chance to win!

Allison - I have a bowl full of matchbooks from my grandparents. They picked them up wherever they went. I use to stare at them when I was a kid and always wanted to look through them. When we cleaned out their house it was the only thing I really wanted.

Jennifer Palmer - My most favorite treasure in my home is three photos hanging over my bathtub. They are of my parents wedding, my mother and her sisters as kids, and me and my family in Key West in the 70’s:)

Momof2 - My favorite treasure right now is my KIDS…..
A little corny, but I am really excited to get them on some Canvas!!!!!

Lisa Lichterman - my favorite treasure at my house currently is . . . . . my moms wedding band. It is tarnished-gold and very organic looking (like tree branches wrapped around your finger). My parents are no longer together after 30 years of marriage (so sad), so it is very special to me. I had the BEST childhood 🙂

Linda B - My Grandmother’s teapot.

Tracy - *kids (I have 4!!!)

monica - oh my what a lovely giveaway ! 2 things come to mind as my favorite treasures. i have a quilt that my great aunt made and then i have pictures of my grandmother when she was a teenager. my children didn’t get to meet them but every time we wrap up in the quilt i know that she is with us.

Tracy - My kid and husband are my treasures!

Trisha - LOVE the new print! I too recently found Mpix and have fallen in love! My favorite treasure in my home, is my sweet little girls first year photo book. Such sweet memories have been captured in that!

KitS - One of my favorites is a MASSIVE, vintage relief map of Africa my father-in-law salvaged from a high school dumpster. My husband and I spent our first two years of marriage in East Africa so the map has sentimental meaning to me on top of the fact that it just looks cool.

Mollie - All of the antique Christmas decorations that were passed down when my mother passed away.

Gerri - I have a childs rocking chair that belonged to my father…it’s probably 70 years old. All the grandkids have rocked in that rocking chair…including me. When my grandmother moved into assisted living she passed it on to me. I treasure it…it is by far my favorite.

Michele - My favorite treasure? A small copper pot (hanging in my kitchen) that we found in a little flea market in Italy. It’s not valuable, but the day that it was bought was one of those magical days that I always remember and smile about. Pretty sure those are the best kind of treasures… =0)

Meredith - I just ordered a gallery wrapped canvas from Mpix, but I would love another one! My favorite treasure in my house would have to be my 2 girls. Thanks!

Kate - My family and the milkglass 🙂

Christina - It’s hard to narrow it down to ONE treasure, so can I pick one of many favorites!? 😉 …I would say a tiny little tea pot, given to me by my paternal Grandmother. I’ve only met them a couple of times in my life–the last time being while we were in London on our honeymoon. She gave me a tiny little tea pot from her collection, and I was terrified of travelling home with it. But we made it! It sits on a little shelf now 🙂

Su@TheIntentionalHome - I had to do a double take. . i thought that was the bubble gum machine. . not a canvas of it. I want that canvas in my home 🙂 Most treasured thing in my home. . .mmm. . .nothing comes to mind. . .isn’t that weird?? I would not be that sad to lose anything in my home. . .weird? I do enjoy my colorful art on my walls. . .

Jamie - My vintage fiesta ware. I have three nesting bowls that I have above the kitchen cabinets and various plate sizes on my dining room buffet. I love the colors

Leadia Jarvis - My grandma’s wedding rings and my grandpa’s fishing creel.

Sarah Casella - Love this! So colorful!! My favorites would be my rainbow afghans that I collect from thrift stores whenever I travel!

Meredith W. - Our guitars. We have 5 of them…electric, acoustic and some handed down from our grandfather and great grandfather. They all play great and hold so many memories. They are proudly hung on the dining room wall! - My Grandpa passed away 6 years ago and I miss him so much. He was a milkman and after he died, my Grandma gave me a cute little glass milk bottle that was used on their dairy farm many years ago. I keep pens in it that say “Thompson Dairy” on them. Every time I see it I smile.

chrissi - My dad’s bible, complete with all of his notes and writings. So sweet. Melts my heart. Whenever I feel the need to be with him, I read his notes. He wrote lovely thoughts about my mom and each of us next to verses he was studying. Even though he is gone, he continues to teach me his faith.

Michele H - A picture of my hubby when he was 4 years old. Our daughter looks just like him. It’s crazy and adorable and I just can’t stand it. I want to squeeze his 4 year old self.

Christi P. - My grandparents gave my baby girl an antique school desk to use as a craft table. It’s still got the school district’s property number on it! Love it because I was a teacher before I turned mommy. They bought it secretly for our babies the year we got married — she wasn’t born until 5 years later!

Jayne Barbour - My favorite treasure is an old doorstop that was my grandmother’s and I always admired it in their home while growing up. It is a brick covered in a crewel fabric(greens, coral and orange!) and is so happy. I keep it on a shelf as a reminder that we will oneday have our own home again!

Janelle Shultz - My most favorite treasure would definitely be all of my scrapbooks I have created for my 3 daughters…i have over 100 completed albums. We love sitting down & looking at them from time to time…reliving the days of their days past.

Lauren - Can I say my kids? If not . . than . . probably my stuffed teddy bear I’ve had forever and still, to this day, sleep with at night. My hubby just realized that he’d have to make room for him in our bed too when he married me. 🙂 I have a beautiful lamp that belonged to my great-grandmother. I’ve had to get a new lampshade, but the lamp its self is still amazingly beautiful. 🙂

amanda - Anything with a history I especially treasure…but I’d probably have to say my great-grandmother’s lawyer cabinet with the glass doors that flip up and slide back. It holds many of my family’s treasured little trinkets now. 🙂

sophie - my favorite treasure is the fishing permit from my grandpa. In france you need a fishing permit and that’s something I used to do with him. He passed away 6 years ago and since then I never went back fishing. The card hang in my bedroom and it makes me happy.

Jennifer Spellman - My fav is a family photo super sized taken by my fav photographer…you!

Taryn - Like many others…my favorite treasure in my home are those that live there, and those that come to visit!:) However, i do love my chalkboards also:)

Heather - A photo album from my childhood days in Africa or my kid’s baby photo albums. 🙂

Angela B. - Great giveaway! My favorite treasures are handmade gifts from friends.

Deb L - Hard to pick just one…… Besides the most obvious treasures being my family….. My favorite treasure is my Great Grandmother’s push pedal Singer sewing machine from 1914. When I was lucky enough to bring it into my home, I discovered drawers full of beautiful vintage buttons, thread spools in beautiful hues and most importantly, handwritten notes and sewing tips my Great Grammy, who never learned to “read and write” and so they are very valuable to me!

Ashley - Currently I would say all my Christmas decorations. It is so fun to unpack them each year and remember what I have, where I bought it, and the memories associated with my favorite time of the year!

Shawna - Gorgeous canvas. My favorite treasure is a crystal chandelier we bought at an estate sale for a steal. Love, love it.

Kirsten - I have my Grandma’s rainbow Pyrex mixing bowls. I LOVE them….they make me smile when I use them!

Shannon Scheibel - My Favorite treasure at my house are my three bridge photos hanging in the bathroom. They were taken while in my college photography class. The first bridge is from my home town in Williamsburg, VA the second is of a bridge you had to cross to get back to the college I attended and the third was one I had to cross to visit my now husband while he was in Culinary School in upstate NY. They are full of memories!

Beth Ann - My Family is my most treasured in my home. As far as items I have very little, if anything at all from my young childhood. I do have some t-shirts from high school 20 years ago that I still wear (to bed). I smile when I read the dates or names on the shirts and think back to the fun memories!

kathleen - I love my family pictures! I love to see how the kids are growing:)

Ronda - My antique sewing machine….it just makes me smile! Works great too. 😉

Tiffany B - My favorite treasure at my house is a photobook I created last year from my family’s trip out west. What an adventure and it’s all there at our fingertips to review at any time. LOVE IT!

beth - my favorite treasure at my house is my nana’s vintage “lance” brand glass canister. much like your gumball machine it is something that my mom had to store for me for a while as it didn’t really make sense with the rest of my house until recently. it is the perfect centerpiece for my kitchen now. it holds snacks or cookies or whatever. and it to has the perfect chippy red metal lid.

Sheila P. - My KitchenAid Professional mixer. I felt like a grown up when I got it. No one else uses it. It’s just mine.

Ali - My most treasured item is my grandmother’s writing desk. It sits in our entryway, and it makes me smile and think of my grandmother, who died of cancer a few years ago, every time I walk by it.

Jody - my photos!! (of course!!) of my family :))

Tasha - Love this! And love mpix. After ordering from one of those deal of the day canvas sales and receiving subpar product 🙁 I only order from mpix now. My favorite thing is my canvases and prints of my 3 year old. They always make me smile.

becca r. - my treasure is the few photos i do have of my baby boy who passed away at just under 3 days old. they are so precious to me. i also love using mpix for photo prints!

Amy Farrell - My dining room table…it was in the movie Dying Young with Julia Roberts. It’s old, chippy and marvelous!

Amy@littleforalittlewhile - I love MPix! Order all my prints from there. My favorite thing in my house would have to be the quilts i’ve been collecting the past few years!

alicia @ la famille - eeeek!!! awesome giveaway!!
i have lots of favorites, but they are all the things i’ve dug for and found when i’ve been junking. i especially love the buffet in my dining room which is just cupboards from a shop or something that i found for $80! love a deal!!

Amy g - My family treasures are my family pictures.

Jane Sims - My biggest treasure I think is my star collection. I have dozens hanging on the wall of various sizes and colors. It is there to remind my family to always reach for the stars!!

rachel p - Awesome giveaway!! One of my favorite treasures is an old photo of me as a toddler with my sister and my great-grandparents. Come to think of it, I need to enlarge that baby! 🙂

Kimberly - Hmm… currently a globe that was my grandfather’s. He died before I was born, but it’s cool to now own something that sat in his office for years and years.

jill - i think my favorite non-living treasure are the quilts my grandmother and great-grandmother made by hand. thanks for the great giveaway! - My favorite treasure at my house is a painting of my great-great grandmother kneeling in prayer by her bed. Priceless.

Melissa - Oh – I think I just posted this wrong…but my favorite thing is a quilt my grandmother made for me in high school. WOOHOO>

Sarah in NE - My grandma’s buffet. Someday I will refinish it.

Lane - My favorite treasure is my four year old’s ceramic handprint. I love it. Can’t wait for my 7 month old to have the same preschool teachers as my oldest so I can get his ceramic handprint as well! 🙂

Debby - I can’t pick just one…my favs are the coffee grinder lamp on my bedside table. It was my great-grandparents on my mother’s side and sometime in the 70’s my great-aunt made it into a lamp. It’s still got the funky 70’s lamp shade. I often think of replacing it with a white one (this one is a red burlap of all things), but just can’t bring myself to do it. My other fav are the few ceramic holiday pieces I have that my mom painted – Christmas tree, jack-o-lantern, Easter egg, pilgrims. She painted them back when I was a little girl and when she passed in ’08 they came to me. They bring me so much joy during the holidays when I really miss her.

kristi - Aside from my family…probably my deceased grandmother’s old time video camera….she was obsessed with taking pictures still and motion…i think that is where i got my passion for photography:)

michelle - love your new canvas! My favorite treasures are all my scrapbooks and photo books.

Holly - Your canvases are beautiful! My favorite treasure in my house is currently cozy, soft white blanket that just feels like love everytime I wrap up in it! But if I won, I think I’d print a picture of some baby robins in a nest from last spring. I printed the photo of the beautiful blue eggs…now I need to print the photo of the birds that hatched from the eggs : )

sara's art house - Oh my goodness! What a great giveaway! I love your gumball picture.
My favorite treasure????? Hmmm, my family and dog, of course, but then, maybe my vintage green globe that lights up.

staceyb - I have this old twin brass bed that I slept in as a little girl and am still using!

Lisa - Aside from my children and husband, my favorite treasure is my dads camera. He has severe Alzheimer’s Disease, and can no longer remember how to take photos…he loved taking photos.

Daina Funk - my favorite treasure is….well, really, how can I pick just one? Favorite recent find is garland of bright green, white and red felt Christmas balls….they are hanging in my living room among some frames of family… them!! I only wish there were more than two because I would have loved to buy more for Christmas gift stocking stuffers….
The paint canvas is unreal that you posted!! so awesome!!
Daina Funk

Lori Austin - Amazing print. So crisp.
So, so many treasures. The last hand stitched quilt my Grandma
every made probably.

Chelsea - I would love win!
I think my treasures are family pictures for sure!

Mary - Thanks so much for this great giveaway! My favorite treasure is this awesome, red/orange ceramic carafe that I found at a thrift store years ago. It was love at first sight. It speaks to me!

Cass M - I know, your watercolors photo has always been a favorite of mine!
I just had a professional photo done of my third son’s 1st birthday …. our traditional holding balloons shot. It turned out exceptionally well and I would love to have a huge canvas of it.
Thanks for passing along a great canvas site – too many to choose from!

Shelley C - A quilt my mother made me. I love the canvas!

jacqui anderson - I love your watercolor shot and i love it more and more every time i see it. that would be what I would love to have hanging in my house!

Mrs. B. - My Bible that my Dad gave me 25 years ago….it’s getting pretty worn

Aby Gittings - I read “THING” instead of “TREASURE”! Sorry!!

Vickie M. - I love love love your new canvas. I thing I treasure most in my home is a framed picture of my Grandpa. He passed 2 years ago and I miss him very much. Today is a special day, its his Birthday and my sons Birthday. Its going to be a great day.

Sara Torbett - My favorite treasures are my babies and husband and colors that fill our home! 🙂 love your prints by the way-so, so happy!

Stephanie Talty - Wowza an awesome give away for sure!!!!!
One of my most prized treasures is an old picture taken of me adn my parents probably when I was like 3/4 at a park when we were visiting my grandparents in PA. I have always loved this picture and it would make an amazing canvas!!!

Lisa Q - besides my family, my most favorite treasure is probably my christening gown, My mom made it for me when I was a baby out of her wedding gown…then when I had babies, both of my daughters wore it for their dedication services…it’s a family treasure for sure.

jen - holy moly i’d love to win. i love that you love color and aren’t scared…i’m such a neutral wimp! my favorite treasure is a dresser we rescued from craigslist and redid. every time i look at it i think “LOVE!!!” – and it’s cream, go figure. PICK ME!

Aby Gittings - My kiddos of course… but techincally they aren’t THINGS… but I do have a big huge canvas of a favorite pic of them that my fiance sweetly and thoughtfully surprised me with for Christmas last year… but I digress!! My favorite THING is a big HUGE old rectangle ceiling tin that is creamy white and chippy and framed in the most amazing ornate old frame that I found at a garage sale for $5 that was the EXACT right size. It was absolutley meant to be!! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!! AND… the last quilt my grandmother ever made (a postage stamp quilt made by hand). My mom gave it to me on my 25th birthday (I’m 48 now) with a card in which she’d written about how her mother stitched with PRIDE every little square of the quilt and it reminded her of the PRIDE she had in me as a young woman. Doesn’t get much better than that!!! Sorry… I have two faves!!! 🙂

Marnie T. - My favorite treasures: my great-grandmother’s old red Cosco stool and my grandpa’s coffee cup. I can still see him sitting on the porch, drinking coffee from it. 🙂

Kerstie Pederson - Love your canvases so much. Thanks for the tip about the Instagram App!!!
My favorite thing in my house right now besides my kids is my NEW vintage style
white Christmas Tree…. smitten.

Jen Higgins - Oh, what a question! I’m not sure I could pick a favorite, but the 100 year old complete set of Dickens books (in red!) are high up there on the list.

Debi - I have so many pictures all over the house of our family which I love!
The one thing I have from my mom who passed this year at 90 years is her mortar and pestle. She was from Puerto Rico and it is made of wood and is worn down a bit from use.
thank you for this giveaway!

Jeannine - My 3 and a half month old daughter is my favourite treasure currently in our apartment. Possession-wise? I’d have to go with any of the furniture or goodies that my Papa has made for me. He’s currently in the hospital after having a massive stroke, so anything he has made over the years holds even more meaning now. I’d love to get a print of my Nana and Papa’s wedding picture made to give to my Nana. I love them so, so much.

elma - I have a old owl cookie jar and a bubble gum machine love them both!!!

Amanda - Our family photos. My favorite is our latest that is a canvas with a old frame on our fireplace. Everytime I walk in the room I smile

cynthia - Hands down, my favorite treasure is my grandmother’s set of measuring spoons. They instantly bring back sweet memories of baking right by her side in her kitchen. And the spoons take up such little space, but are so useful and filled with great memories. I can smell the Red Velvet Cakes now.

Victoria - Besides my will have to be my pictures of them!! Plus my awesome Indonesian Armoire. It was the 1st thing I bought for my apartment over 20 years ago. It’s so rustic and HUGE that I almost had to leave it in my apt. When my husband & I bought our house. Thank goodness for the movers who noticed the top part came off. It now holds all of my CRAFTY stuff!! LOVE our blog!!

Jennifer - I’d have to say my photos.

amber - This is a hard question! (I’m no good at picking one favorite:/) My newest favorite would have to be my baby’s scrap bunting & my new vintage folger’s tin. And…I also love mpix:)!! Thanks for the chance!

Alisha W. - My favorite treasure is a sewing box that my 80 year old grandmother gave me several years ago. Her father made it for her when she was a young girl 🙂 I love it!!!

Christina - My favorite treasure is a watercolor painted by my grandmother. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jenn - Besides who I share my home with my most treasured possession is our photos. So seeing one so big on our wall would be awesome!

Brady - My treasure is my babies–LOVE them SO much! After them, my favorite treasure is this awesome vanity that we build. We refinished a really old dresser with a huge mirror on it that my aunt gave me and then installed a sink kit to make it the vanity in our master bath. My aunt has since passed away and I couldn’t be more thankful that I have one of her antiques 🙂

Becky - YAY What a giveaway! My favorite treasure currently, of course, is my christmas tree! Yay! Thanks, Meg!

alamama - After my family and my bible…it would have to be the photos we have of our first daughter. She was born too early and only lived 7 minutes. The photos and a few little items are all we have of her.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Judy - Love all your bright colors Meg! And love Mpix! I would love to have a canvas print to go on my treasured mantel my dad made for me. I have so much fun changing it out for the seasons and I love that it makes me think of him:). Thanks for turning me on to Mpix!

Maggie G - LOVE mpix!! My favorite treasure is a dried flower from my grandpa’s funeral 🙁

Alyssa - Pick me, pick me! A favorite treasure of mine would have to be my bed that my husband made for me.

kris saia - Everytime the tornado sirens blow, the first thing I grab for the run to the basement is my Grandma Grace’s bible. The binding is ragged and falling off and some of the pages flutter out everytime I pick it up, but it’s my favorite thing. Grandma scribbled short notes in the margins –like “Show to J.” or “Praise Jesus”– and I love to thumb through and try to figure out what some of her cryptic messages might mean. SHe had a pretty hard, poor life and I know she took comfort in the Word… so her Bible is a family treasure. I have it sitting in a stack of other old Bibles with her crocheted cross bookmark and if I win the canvas I’ll send off a photo of that to be enlarged. (Fingers CROSSED!)

ikarentee - My favorite treasure is the quilt my mother in law made for my bed. LOVE!

Tina Jacobsen - My grandma’s recipe box 🙂

Jen - It’s too hard to narrow it down to just one, but one of my favorite treasures is a photo of my dad when he was in high school, proudly holding a football trophy with his teammates. He passed away over twenty years ago, and it’s so special to be able to look at this snippet from his life where he looks so young and triumphant.

Wendy - My favorite treasure is my jelly jar cabinet. it was in my grandma’s basement. I used it as a changing table for 2 kids. now it is our tv stand. I love the latch and the hinges. I would love a canvas!!

Anna - Pictures of my family, my orange mixer, and my grandma’s old recipes written in her handwriting. Precious.

Amy Swanson - My family aside (they are my favorite treasures) I love my wedding album. I was marries pre-digital photo era and all my proofs are in that one book!

Shauna - A teapot that was my mothers… It is Rebekah at the well and is hand painted. Rebekah was my mothers name, and it is now my daughters name too.

Mary Jo - My favorite thing in my home is my wall of family photos. Priceless!

nicoleigh - My little windmill blades that I have on my living room wall. 🙂

Candy - Besides my family of course, my biggest treasure is my Great Grandma’s quilt, that she had made out of all her dresses. I can wrap up in it, and look down, and remember her in each one.

Annie - my favorite treasure in my house is my famiy…but after that my tea cup collection.

Rae - My photos of our family. . .I love them and am so glad I took them.

Mollie @Sprinkles of Life - I love my bookshelf! Has tons of books and other decorative stuff on it.

Robin Anderson - My 90 year old grandma has been gifting us with her own treasures and belongings for the last few years for holidays and birthdays. For our wedding, she gave us her silverware from her wedding. We love using them for pancake breakfasts or a fancy dinner.

Cory Margrave - This is an AWESOME giveaway!
My favorite treasure…I have a Joy of Cooking cookbook that was my grandmothers. It is torn up & filled with her notes & recipes. I couldn’t love it any more.

Arlene - Wow your canvas came out looking great!! One of my most treasured items is a perfectly rusty white metal teapot that was my dad’s before he passed away last year. Thanks for sharing info about mpix, I had never heard of them before!

Anne - A painting of a banana split that hangs in my kitchen.

Juanita - My favorite treasure is my 6 month old daughter. She brightens everyday and I don’t know what I would do without her!

Julie - This is hard, my family, of course is my biggest treasure. Materially things don’t mean so much to me anymore, however, I do love my fiesta ware collection.

Tami - Definitely my two large printed printed pictures of my first two girls, now I need one for Chloe;)

Amy - My cookie carousel cookie jar. I have had since I was two and that was a long time ago!

rachel - My favorite treasure is my vintage buffet that lives between my dining and living rooms. I intend to paint it some happy color some day 🙂 And one of these canvases would look sooo great above it!

Talia - What a great question! I treasure my quilts. They are so pretty and warm. I am a long time lover of quilts and have them on every bed in my house. Lovely!

Maureen - Besides my family, it would be my dining room table. It is an old farm table and my youngest carved “I love you” into the side of it when he was doing his homework one day. I will take that kind of procrastination any day!

Lisa B - Right now my favorite treasure is my teal dresser. It’s curvy and I put “crystal” knobs on it. Thanks for the chance at this great give-a-way!!

Jess Mead - So brilliant to print your treasures on canvas! My favorite treasure is our old barnwood table that i snagged for cheap at an antique store!

Toni :O) - My favorite treasure is my nativity scene that was my mom’s and the five angel candles that stand in front which belonged to my grandmother. My mom was recently over and told me those angel candles are 68 years old!! I have a special place in my house every Christmas for this most Holy Family.

Juli - My favorite treasure…. hmmm… i have so many… but i think that currently my favorite treasure is the vintage wooden ironing board that i use as a bar in our vintage kitchen…. i just love looking at that old thing.

Jen - My most favorite treasure would be the yo-yo quilt my mom made me… It’s full of bright happy colors and she spent hours hand making yo-yo’s for me, it’s a true labor of love!!

Heather - My hubby and 4 boys are my treasures! But for a non-living item it would have to be my red rusty kitchen scale that I have sitting on the island in my kitchen. It has a big scoop on it that I decorate different with the changing seasons.

Adrienne s - I know this may sound weird but my favorite treasures in my house are my kids! We have recently moved and I dislike my house very much. It is not a home. So right now I focus on those three treasures instead of the negative energy from this house.

Becky Mueller - Oooooh. Good giveaway. I may want a canvas of your gumball machine!
My favorite treasure is a new one. I made a quilt while my husband was fighting cancer. The goal was for it to be our “Brad-Beat-Cancer-Quilt.” He did, and I know I’ll always love it.

Michelle Molander - My grandma’s mixing bowls. Love ’em. 🙂

April - My wedding scrapbook. Made by a friend of my mom’s – it captured our day perfectly and it’s something I would have never gotten around to making!

Amy Woods - My absolute treasure is my bright yellow, eames-ish era, vinyl bucketlike chair in my craft room. I bought it in Florida on vacation this summer and my super sweet hubs wrapped it in plastic and we hauled it home to Texas in the back of the truck. It is GORGEOUS! I don’t know if it is any kind of authentic anything, but who cares!? It is lovelyliscious! 🙂

jaimie Cahill - my 4 girls are my favorite treasure 🙂
thanks for the chance!

Michelle Molander - My grandma’s mixing bowls. Love ’em. 🙂

Angelina - Mine would have to be the custom frame my hubby made to house pics of all of our family members. It’s the first thing anyone sees when they walk in.

josie - my christmas ornaments – so many memories!

Jenn B. - My most treasured item is a wine bottle I saved from my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary celebration. My aunt removed the wine bottle labels and replaced them with a picture of my grandparents on their wedding day. Gorgeous! It now sits on my kitchen counter as a daily reminder to strive for a marriage equally as amazing as my grandparents. 🙂

Denise - my favorite treasure is my sea glass I’ve collected over the years.

Annie - My daughter’s 3 year old photograph — precious 🙂

Andrea - A Hummel music box my dad bought for me on a business trip in Europe when I was a girl.

Nancy T - My favorite treasure is a small ceramic fox that belonged to my great grandmother. I smile every time I look at it.

katie phillips - My parents handed down to me a the top half of an old dentist’s cabinet. it is a beautiful thing that must have stood in a tall room because my half (just the top half)stands as tall as my shoulders. it is shabby worn white with scuffs and patches to show it’s age. There are two doors that open out that are plated with beveled glass. it has three shelves inside and I keep sentimental nick-nacks inside. i absolutly adore it!

Lisa Adams - Quilt I have made laying around the house

Christian @ Modobject at Home - The gorgeous, colorful cathedral window quilt that my husband’s grandmother made for us with so much love. It’s on my daughter’s bed and I feel happy every time I step in her room. I also treasure the aluminum Emmco chairs that are around our dining room table. We found them at a surplus sale for almost nothing at a time when we REALLY needed chairs for our table but didn’t have much money to buy any. They are a visual reminder to me of how God not only provides for our needs, but also how He delights us with things that we love.

Robin - Our home library . . . love*love*love our books . . . and time reading them together!

Julie Baldwin - My favorite treasure is picture of my son in my arms when he was born. My husband captured the most beautiful natural light.

Melia - My favorite treasure in my house is my Christmas ornaments. I just got them out after not having a tree last year and They are from all over the world and from a lot of my favorite people 🙂

lacey poag - love the color and your blog of course! my fam is my prized treasure but i do adore the handwritten letters from my husband from when we met in high school and over the past 19 years.

Ashley - My favorite treasures are my framed black and white wedding photos of both sets of my grandparents, in vintage frames from thrift stores. They make me so happy. And hopeful for that kind of love!
And…by the way…it totally took me a third glance to realize that the gumball machine was a canvas, and not your real gumball machine. Amazing canvas!

Rebecca - My favorite treasure is my childhood jewelry box that my daughter now uses!

Ashley Mays - One of my most treasured items at my house is a pink, plastic pony…like a My Little Pony, but off-brand. One of my best friends and I used to steal it from each other every other week or so when we worked as camp counselors together. Towards the end of the summer, we stopped stealing it and started “gifting it” to each other so we’d find it at random times. Somehow I ended up with the pony at the end of the summer. My dear friend passed away a couple years ago. When he died, I found the pony in a box of stuff I’d forgotten about. I’m so glad he managed to sneak it back to me one last time. It’s a treasure to me. 🙂

Heike - My favorite treasure is my vintage camera!

Jenni - Probably my photos and journals.

Dana - My favorite treasure at my house is my grandmother’s family bible. It’s an extra large table top bible that she stuck birth and funeral notices in for years. It also has drawings that her grandchildren (me and 6 others) gave her. It not only holds the great word, but a ton of family memories. I’ve told my husband countless times that if there was ever a house fire that bible would be the second thing I would grab (after my children of course.

Maureen - All the cute little vintage treasures. Matryoshka Dolls, Afghans, Egg Crate, I could go on, but I’ll spare you. All the old things have history and character. They all have a story before I knew them.
Btw. I think you should sell your prints…I’m sure I’m not the first to tell you so? 🙂

Greta Buehrle - Love treasures! My favorite is my vintage Kit Kat clock that hangs in the kitchen. I love his smile, swishing tale, and side to side eyes. You need one for the craft house!

Krista - My favourite treasure is a diamond ring that belonged to my Grandma. She left it for me after she died and I wear it every day.

Rachel Newswanger - An old dresser that was my great grandma’s…I used it as a kid. Then it was old & worn & moved to the garage & my dad used it for tools. A lover of antiques spotted it & took it off his hand’s & refurbished it, beautiful, but it was theirs. I grew up, got a house of my own & one day my husband redeemed my old dresser & it now resides in our bedroom & once again holds my clothes! - My Children are my treasure….

Kassondra - my favorite treasure in my house besides the people and dog of course would have to hands down be a bright blue lantern I found at a yard sale! it’s my favorite color plus it looks old and used, I mean loved on 🙂

BeckyB - My favorite treasure(s) at my house are the plates my girls painted and glazed for Christmas when they were little. Such sweet art work that I love.
Your canvases are so awesome – thanks for this giveaway!!

Jalissa - I use them also on occasion. I switch around to different labs. But Mpix has not disspointed yet.

Kari - Things my kids have made and pictures that my kids are in.

tara - LOVE this picture!
some of my favorite treasures are pictures that i have of my kids. love to look at how much they’ve grown. sigh. i would hate to lose those forever. oh, and bowls from my nana.

Jess - The photos I have of Cora scattered around my house are my favorite treasures. 🙂 Your canvas looks awesome!!

jenny - my favorite treasure is an old typewriter than belonged to my grandma. 🙂 what a neat idea!

Candi - My favorite treasure is quilt made by my great grandmother. So beautiful and special.

Heather S. - Every time we go on a road trip (once or twice a year – I have wanderlust) I pick my favorite photos from the trip and have them made into a gallery display – it is so much better than just having all the photos stuffed into albums (which I also do) because I see them every time I walk through my command center!

Diane - I don’t have many treasures but there is one item that I love so much. It’s a Longaberger market basket that my husband’s grandmother let me have before she passed away. Loved that beautiful lady so much and she had a whole bunch of baskets for me to choose from. I’ll never that let go. EVER.
And wow, those canvases are beautiful!! Thank you for the giveaway!

lena ~ JOYfilledfamily - i was just sharing this last night with my hubby – my fav treasure is my french farm table. it is an authentic replica french antique that i snagged from craigslist. the going rate was over 4k when it was created (in France). i got it with chairs for 300. it is worth every penny and will grow with my family since it has two leaves that allow it to extend to fit a total of 16-18 people.

Julie - Call me crazy – but its my old Fisher Price house that lives in my kitchen. LOVE your canvas and can’t wait to someday be picked for craft weekend! Merry Christmas!

Sarah M - My favorite thing is the quilt I made for my daughter – I smile everytime I see it:) It was definitely a labor of love.

Jaime - I love LOVE your canvas. That picture is amazing! Can we win that?!? lol.
Let me see, my most treasured item at my home would have to be a super old copy of the original story ” The Wizard of Oz” that my grandma and grandpa gave me. They were both voracious readers and as a result so am I. They both wrote and signed in the inner cover too. The book is falling apart now, but it is something that I will treasure forever.

amelia - I love my chevron crochet quilt from my great-grandma. It’s the only thing I have from here.

sarah j - my chippy paint desk, passed along from a friend.

catherine - My favorite treasure at my home would have to be my kids artwork. I have a gallery wall of it in our den. Bright happy pictures that get changed and added to regularly. All signed by my favorite artists! but…Oh to have a huge canvas of something I love! I have no idea what it would be! But I would love it!Thanks for the giveaway!

Amber - Oh I so need a canvas of my family for our home 🙂 I love a quilt I some how managed to snag form my parents. It was ahnd pieces and quilted bu my great-grandmother and grandmother. Love it!!! I even had my newest litte ones pics taken on it…such a treasure!

Becca - My granddad died the day before my first child was born last year….when my parents were cleaning out his house, they gave me an old washboard turned cabinet that was his….so special!

Jill - I have many treasures. But I would have to say my favorites are the two little pinch pots my kids made for me in kindergarten. So perfectly imperfect! - It is so silly, but it is a rock that a little girl in Greece had painted and was selling on the street. I gave her a dollar for it and she was so excited she started jumping up and down. It was he best dollar I have ever spent and it makes me happy every time I look at it!

Sarah - Oh goodness, our pictures and our Christmas ornaments (we get one on every vacation we take so they all have a special meaning). Thank you for sharing! The gumball machine and watercolors are so fun!

Robin Canter - hhhmmmm… let me think. Favorite treasure is my collection of miniature chairs. Not doll furniture, but unique, one of kind super small chairs. I get compliments on them all the time. They’d make a great canvas pic!

Sarah - My bookshelves and desk that my Grandaddy made for me when he was 83 years old … precious gift!

Jen - My favorite treasure…I had to think about this! Besides the obvious kids, hubby, dog, I’d say it’s the 4 framed pictures in our hallway. All of our grandparents on their 50th wedding anniversaries. Now THAT’S something to treasure.

Holly - I love the big yellow fork and spoon set hanging in our kitchen! My husband picked it up for me during one of our antigue runs! He totally gets me!

Rachel J - I don’t have many things from my parents who are no longer with us. But I have an old ruler I found when cleaning out their house that I love- it may not even be old- but it looks it.

Erica Haude - Favorite treasure: the roll top desk that my grandma used when she was a little girl, and then I used in my room when I was little. I plan to pass it down to my own daughter or son someday.

mary - My favorite treasure in our home would have to be the furniture that my husband has built. It reminds me how much he loves me and is willing to try for me! And I’m proud of him because it all turned out so well!

Wendy - I have a precious photo of my adult kids that I would love to see on an enlarged canvas. Especially since we decided as a family that after 21 years of professional holiday family pics we’re stopping cause they’re “too old”…

mollie d - My mom’s jewelry box- my dad got it in Vietnam. Everyone thought it was so ugly so my mom took it. When she passed I got it. It’s tacky and beat up, but it’s literally my favorite possession

stephanie - Oh my GOODNESS! I really thought that WAS your gumball machine sitting there until i started reading! I have wanted a gallery wrapped canvas from mpix for awhile now. Aside from my awesome family, the things I treasure most in my home are pictures. They are memories of baby feet and epic road trips are the best thing to me.

Sara G. - Oh, Meg, I sooo love your blog! It’s so fun, bright, cheerful and real – I appreciate real! My favorite treasures are obviously my husband and five children, but beyond that it would be an old quilt that my grandma made. She has been gone for several years, and I think of her often.

Stephanie R. - My favorite treasure is a Bible given to us on our wedding day by the pastor who married us. He wrote the sweetest message to us inside and it never fails to make me smile when I see it 🙂

Marla - My favorite is my jar that holds the dried flowers from my wedding bouquet.

Shannon - love having photos of my family all around me so that would definitely be my favorite treasure in my house.

Cathy Shealy - My most treasured items are my mom’s birthstone ring, I remember her wearing it when I was a kid and always loving it. Also my mother in love’s antique doll carriage and antique doll with wigs. Of course my husband and two daughters are my favorite treasures.

Amber - Is there any chance of the watercolor print appearing in your shop? I know you don’t usually stock items, but I would love to have one. Just a thought. - My favorite treasure is actually a small canvas that I had made of my boys…unfortunately I did not use a nice company like mpix and it turned out awful. Even though any picture of them makes me happy…I hope to redo it one day bigger and better! Thanks for always sharing such beautiful pics that make me smile!
Aimee Murray

Hollie - My new favorite thing is a red chippy cabinet that I bought recently at a junk store. I smile every time I see it 🙂

Kristin - My wooden pig cutting board. During the depression my family members made each other gifts for holidays. My Great Uncle Gray made my Great Grandmother a wooden cutting board shaped like a pig. Growing up it hung on my Grandmother’s kitchen wall and now it hangs on mine. 🙂

Kristi K - my favorite treasures are the pictures of my kids and my nikon that i take them with 🙂

Amie - My favorite treasures are the yearly photo albums I’ve created for our family. Starting with our first year of marriage and now documenting our lives with children.

Katie - Certain Christmas ornaments, a big clock that we have in our dining room, the antique furniture I’ve gotten from my parents… too many things to pick from!

Beth - My favorite treasure, other than my husband and my girls is my hope chest my Grandad made for me.

the domestic fringe - My treasure is a painting of my grandmothers. My grandparents are in heaven now, but every time I see that painting, I think of their home.

Rebecca S. - Husband and daughter aside, my favourite treasure in my house would be our family photos!

Lisa - I am really proud of the globe I Found for three dollars at a local thrift shop. When I saw it, it was like the angel choirs were singing and the light was shining down on it!

Kerrie Kaufmann - my favrite teasure is a windsor chair that my dad made by hand

Ruth - My favorite treasure is the barnwood table my husband made for me out of an old barn we tore down…it is beautiful, and even more special because it’s from him!

Kallie Brelsford - My favorite piece in our home is our kitchen table. 3 days after my husband and I got married we went to the salvation army on a whim to waste time and found an old farmhouse table and 4 chairs for 30 bucks! Our first purchase together! 🙂

Kathy - My favorite treasure is my grandma’s buffet. It is even more special because when I retired from teaching I filled it with special books and call it my book buffet. I look forward to sharing the special books in it with my future grandchildren!

Amy K. - One of my most favorite treasures is a little red velvet dress with white lace sleeves in a size 2. It was my dress when I was little. Another treasure is the memory I have of standing in front of a little country church wearing that very dress.

Kate B - My favorite treasures are the works of art by my father. I’ve hung them up where I can see them every day to remember and honor him.

Emily - My greatest treasure is of course, my family. BUT… something that I love a lot is my sugar bowl from my Grandma and a wooden nativity scene that was made by a dear friend of mine who is in heaven now.

Amber - My favorite (non person) treasure is the book my husband hid my engagement ring in for four years before he asked. Looooong story. It makes me smile every time I see it.

Sara - My antique jewelry box, passed down from my Great Aunt whom I’ve never met but am told I am exactly like! She got it on her travels to China; it has one of those old wind up metal music wheels with the little spikes, that a metal comb runs over as it spins t make the music!

Molly B - my favorite treasure is a ceramic mary and Joseph that my grandmother gave me. love!

erin j - Our book collection is a treasure for our family. We have lots of books we kept from when we were kids and even some that were our grandparents.

Jolene Stoots - My absolute favorite treasure is my Ted Williams autographed baseball that was my dad’s, who passed away 8 years ago. He was an avid baseball fan. He passed the love of the game down to me and now I am passing that love down to my boys! I see so much of him in them when they play and I think a big picture of them holding his ball would be the picture of him with them that I don’t have!

GretchenP - i have a hummel figurine from my grandpa. i always remember looking at his curio of them when i was little. now i have the curio and one treasured figurine.. it’s one of my favorite things ever! 🙂

Regan Huneycutt - My grandfather’s Leica cameras. Some of them date back to the early 1940’s and they are in mint condition. He passed down his love of photography to me and I am so grateful to have a mantle decorated with his cameras and equipment — such a great reminder of his legacy.

Nikki - I have so many treasures, it’s hard to choose! But I have a little white hutch that was my Granny’s. The paint is all chipped and perfect. Apparently she set it on fire at one point on accident, hence my Grandpa painted it white 🙂

Andrea Boone - My favorite treasures are my santa mug collection!! I love it and the hunt to find more.
I also have a china cup from my grandma that I dearly love.

sarahkc - besides my family with a new one on the way, i would have to say a dollhouse that was mine when i was little and my parents just surprised me driving out from michigan to arizona to bring that to my daughter for the holidays. she got an amazing christmas gift early (and i love playing with her too!)

Becky - Oh my goodness! How fun would that be to get such a big canvas! I would say an antique pair of wooden skiis, given to me by an old family friend when she moved becuase she knew I had always loved them 🙂

Shawna - Favorite treasure is my wall of photos of my kids.

Brittany - Hard to choose but I’d say my collection of rocks from Lake Michigan. They are beautiful and every time I look at them I’m reminded of my favorite summer vacation spot. I have them collected in a variety of baskets around the house but my favorite is a handmade basket made of curly willow full of those gorgeous rocks.

Juli - It could be the shadowbox of little curls of children’s hair, each one neatly tied in ribbon, some of them going back to the 1800s.

christiejayne - My baby blanket..cheezy yes! But its true..

Julie Earnest - I have a miniature gas lamp with a green globe base. It is from my grandmother. - The dollhouse I got for my 5th Christmas, made by my grandpa. It’s going to be my little girl’s present this year!

Allison - I have so many, lots of things handed down to me from my grandparents and beyond…but my favorite is an antique bookcase with glass doors that flip up. I remember it in my granparent’s house, although it seemed so much bigger in my memories. 🙂

SammaMichelle - I have this crazy funny monk cookie jar that says “though shalt not steal”. It was my grandmothers and she kept her hersey kisses in that jar and I could only get one if I was really really good, which for me wasn’t very often. He’s on my kitchen counter and while everyone else talks about the fat monk cookie jar, I adore it. It’s my grandmother and my childhood all wrapped up in a cookie jar that never held cookies. 🙂

Kasey Laughlin - My favorite treasure is photo albums and Superhero capes from my boys. 🙂

jen@thecottagenest - Those are amazing! My favorite treasure? I’m sure I couldn’t pick one. Since we moved into this house we have surrounded ourselves with things we really love that are unique and now every day I wake up happy and in love with where I live!

jeannett - My grandmother’s wedding dishes.
There are only a few pieces. All of them chipped, cracked, glued back together. The enamel worn off.
My family immigrated here from Portugal in the 70’s. Which means that there are almost NO heirlooms. You can’t bring a ton with you. But grandma’s dishes did. And if my house caught on fire, they’d be the first thing I would grab.
(Assuming of course, the family was safe. Obvs.)

BullyMama - I love your canvas of the gumball machine – not sure why but it looks 3d!!
My favorite treasure is a mechanical bank – Teddy Roosevelt shoots a penny into the tree and the bear pops out. It was given to my grandmoter as a gift when she was a young girl and she passed it along to me when I was young. My parents displayed it in our house while I was growing up and gave it to me when I bought my first house. Miss my Nana!!

Lindsay g - My favorite treasure would have to be all my photos and blog books I put together. I am a photographer and take thousands of pics of my 4 kids (soon to be 5!)

Sherry - My favorite treasure would be this giant teddy bear given to me when my grandma was still alive. I was probably 1 or 2 years old when I received it.

Janel - All the antique (old) furniture our parents have given us. WE love it all and helped furnish a house for newlyweds w/o lots of $$. 19 years later we still love it all!

Betsy - A little antique box from my Great Grandma McBrierty. The front of it has a sweet picture of a little girl picking flowers, and her name ‘Nora’ printed. I named my daughter Nora because of her. Love the little box that reminds me of my Grandma.

Natalie - A note from my grandpa when I got my license. Miss him.

Angela A - I think my favorite treasure is the little sink and stove that my papa made for me that is now in my hallway for my kids. Thankful for parents who saved it for me!

Seriously Sassy Mama - My favorite treasure is my three daughters. I would love to see them on a canvas on the wall!

Kat - My boyfriend, our puppy, and my collection of vintage quilts!

Kristi B - My favorite treasures are all the handwritten recipes I have from all the lovely ladies in my family.

kate - i LOVE the way you decorate!! i have a very old doll that used to be my great grandmothers that i absolutely adore!!

Lindsey - My favorite treasure is a very old school map set. My in-laws gave it to us. The maps hang in a wood box and roll up when you don’t need them. The maps are gorgeous in color…turqoise, pink, orange, yellow. They are so old that many of the countries have different names in today’s geography.

Lynn Ann Boettcher - So many things…my antique, kids roll-top desk I got from my mom for a bday present many years ago! I love too!!

ShelbyG - My favorite thing would be the crib that my dad built for me and that all three of my kids have slept in. It is priceless!

Jennifer - I think I would have to say that one of my favorite items is the antique desk that was mine when I was in grade school. I went to a small two-room church school and we had these old iron and wooden desks. When the school closed a few years back we asked and were allowed to take our old desks. Now, each of my friends has one in their home and our kids use them. It is so fun to see them in the desks, just as we used to. I’m still close to all of my schoolmates, and that makes it even better!

katie - i feel so blessed in that i have alot of things in my home that make me super happy….i think one of my favorites is a big “H” highway sign i found at a junk store in arkansas several years back…

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Right now I’ll have to go with my thrift store mug collection that hangs on an old battery display rack from a tire store. Boom.

Lisa A - All the gorgeous pictures I have of my kids!! And the Chandelier that I found at a garage sale for $3 and repurposed. It’s striking!

Meredith - I love the mpix canvas (both of them)…Beautiful. I would have to say my favorite thing in my house is my handmade christmas ornaments and tree skirt that my grandmother made me years ago…LOVE this time of year!!!

sarahbjones - I have a mid century modern dresser I found on Craigslist. I love it!

Amy M. - Love your canvases! I would have to say my favorite treasure is our collection of Christmas ornaments. I have all of the ones my parents and other relatives gave me as a kid. We try to get ornaments when we go on vacation or to remember special times. It is so fun to reflect on the memories and the people as we unwrap them every year.

Autumn nuckols - my little girl and my husband would make the top of the list but i also treasure all the things pasted down to me from my grandparents. they all tell a part of my family history and i love looking back and remembering all the stories of past family who used them.

Gina - Wow! What a fun picture! Hmmm, my favorite treasure, well, one of them is my grandmother’s old typewriter she had in high school. 🙂

BriBedell - My favorite treasure at my house is an old racing photo of my grandmother from her 20’s! Miss her, love the picture!

Angie G. - Ohh, sooo many things: my kids, our family pictures, little dresses from when I was a baby, clothes from when my kids were babies….

cassie - My piano (my Grandpa surprised me with it when I was 7 and taking lessons!). Now my kids play it all of the time! (Sometimes,

ranee - this is pure awesomeness! and you’re right, it does look real..i thought it was in the first photo after a quick glance! 🙂 My favorite treasure is a large wooden bowl that was my great grandma’s—I set it on my table with seasonal decor in it…gourds, christmas ornaments, etc. I would love to win that canvas!! thanks!

meredith - our engagement picture blown up on a canvas in our bedroom!

Heidi Henderson - Not really sure I have a favorite, my scrapbooks, and my turtles would have to be it.

Etsetara - my favorite treasure is a hope chest that my husband and his father built for me. it has secret compartment, which is where my husband hid his proposal letter for MONTHS — and the chest was sitting in my house the whole time!

Cate O'Malley - My favorite treasure, outside of my kids, are our photographs. Hands down. Everything else is insignificant, but those captures of memories would be hard to replace.

Jessie Mallicoat - Some of the things my grandma made me before she died and my photos, of course! Love mpix, too!

erin - hands down, my son’s portrait.

rebecca - My picture of my son when he was 4 in his short alls and peter pan collar….priceless!

Jenn D - Since I don’t have a family yet, my favorite treasure would be all of the possessions passed down to me from my grandparents, especially my grandmothers ring, and knitting needles.

Heather Metzgar - My old church pew in the hallway!

Lindsey Jo - gotta be my blue ball jar collection. i always try to put them up when i change out decor, but i always end up getting them back out. they go with every season!

Verna Lantz - My music playing mantle clock, for sure. It is always the first thing that goes up in a new house. It always makes me smile. 🙂

JeanniePage - My pictures of my sons, hanging on the mantle. They were 6 and 7 years old, and have the biggest smiles on their faces.

Vicki - Hmm…favorite treasure–that’s hard! I’d have to say all the antiques I have collected with my dad. Oh! And my photo albums, of course!

Penny - My photos of my family. Scrapbooks, shoe boxes full and framed photos.

Allie - My kids!

Lynn - Besides photographs, it would have to be my mixing bowls from Grandma. When she gave them to me, I told her I would use them, but they might get broken. And she said, “Well I would hope you would use them. And if they break, buy new ones.” These bowls are over 80 years old, but I use them weekly and pray daily that I don’t break them!

Sharla - My husband got all of his grandpa’s OLD horseshoe throwing trophies and I love to see them mixed in with my son’s sports stuff.
Love that canvas! I had mpix do our Christmas cards last year and they were awesome. Now I just need an iphone so I can have the 4X4’s printed 🙂

Larissa - I have an old pie safe that belonged to my husband’s grandmother. I have it in our living room and it displays my collection of old jars and bottles. Love your canvas!

Charly Smith - Of course my family, but I treasure my Tiffany’s charm bracelet my husband got me on our honeymoon in NYC. A year later, he added a “It’s a Boy” charm to it.

Katie Beth - I think at first glance I thought it was real. I had to look twice to see the canvas you were talking about! I love your gumball machine too…so fun! It is hard to pick a favorite, but one of my favorite treasures is a tiny, glass bluebird that I got from my Great Grandmother when I was very young. I remember finding it in her candy dish, and she gave it to me. I will never part with it.

amy j - my kids 🙂 these are beautiful canvases!

amyellen - the few pieces of furniture my father made for me. he loved wood and had a workspace in the basement and made some really wonderful things.

Kribss - My kids artwork and stories. I started to frame and hang them on my wall for a daily happy reminder : )

tiffany gardner - My daddy’s vietnam/korean war hat. He wore this hat ALL. THE. TIME. I am so glad I have it to keep him close in my heart.

Rachelle - Of course my family and photos are dear, but if I had to pick a treasure I would say my idea book of clippings including dream rooms, travels, crafts, etc.

Annette - …the ceramic, light-up Christmas tree my mom painted when i was little and recently passed down to me…

Courtney - …an old antique school bench that we discovered thrown in the woods behind our home. It sits in our kitchen and is the best conversation piece! Your canvases look beautiful!

Caroline - My favorite treasures are my yearly photo books of our family!

Amy - My family first and probably all of my scrapbooks!

Cory - My family, my pictures, and my mom’s Simpich Dolls.

Peggy in TN - My family!

Lindsey J. - Family pictures we have around the house!

Beth - Love mpix!! I have several photos from them (all my big ones that I’ve framed). Love that it’s a local company, too…well, local for my home town 🙂
Favorite treasure–besides my people, my animals.

Stacy M. - Love this! The canvas looks great. My favorite piece would have to be my great great grandmothers china cabinet. My Great Aunt gave it to me this year. I felt so honored that she wanted me to keep the special piece.

Merissa - My favorite treasure in my house is a blanket I have had since I was a baby. I still swear it has magical healing powers.

Candice - Sweet! One of my favorite treasures is this old map that my husband’s great grandfather mounted on wood. It has great character. I’m thinking of re-decorating our living room around it.

Lorie - Books and toys from when I was little.

Meggan D. - my family and doggies! And photos of my kids.

Erin - A carnival glass bowl that my mom gave me. She received it as a wedding present over 30 years ago from one of her favorite aunts. She passed it along to me to enjoy when we moved into our new house. I also have several photos that I love and have displayed in our house.

Donna - I have an old cabinet that was in my grandparent’s house. It used to hold their dishes (and a drawer for candy.) Now it holds the art supplies.

Julie - Other than my family… and my photos of them… I would have to say a favorite treasure of mine is my Grandma’s treadle sewing machine – I LOVE that I have something that she used regularly many years ago!

Kelly O. - my favourite treasure in my home is a set of dishes that were my grandmother’s.

Michelle - Hard to say, I have more than one treasure……..but I LOVE my Great Uncle’s red highchair he had when he was a baby! It sits in our kitchen and I adore it!

JenD - My rocking chair from when I was a little girl that my boys now use….thanks for te give a way meg!!! Loving the idea of a huge canvas with a pic of our new family on it

Kelly - Love mpix, have 3 standout prints, one for each of the kids and love them, excellent quality. My family of course if my favorite treasure!

Tiffany - Oh I really like your gumball canvas. I am seriously stumped. Stumped about what I would canvas. My family is an obvious choice, I’ve been wanting a new family pic since Summer. But something fun and colorful would be cool too. I’ll keep thinking.

Laura - My parents wedding photograph.

Katek - My favorite thing in the house if a framed piece of art from my mom. It hung in our family home. One Christmas she gave it to me. It is a picture of a young girl in a big black coat on a winter day.

Amanda - My favorite treasure is definitely my grandpas antique green truck that we got! I want to get out family pics with it so badly sometime!!

Lori H - My great-grandmother’s baking table. It has two biiig rounded drawers that were for flour and lots of little drawers that may have held spices, not sure (one of the little drawers was gnawed – maybe a mouse back in the day). It is very old, but sturdy and I am so happy to have it. Your canvasses are amazing – the gumball machine looks 3D!

megB - The wrought iron birdcage my Mamaw passed down to me a few year ago – it is a beautiful treasure in my home.

Becky - I’ll have to try them next time. It turned out fabulous. I have so many treasures in my house. Probably my favorite is the antique vanity a friend gave me. I painted it robin egg blue and added butterfly knobs from Anthro. It’s where I sit to do my hair and make-up. Treasure for sure. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I would love to try them out!

sarah - My favorite treasure is some of my great grandmas dishes.

Missy - My favorite treasure is my computer – sounds silly, but it has all of my family photos on it!!

megB - Ahhh… my favorite treasure. A few things come to mind, but one of them would have to be the wrought iron birdcage my Mamaw gave me a few years ago. It is heavy – old. It doesn’t look like anything you could buy at the store these days. It is a reminder to me that sometimes, old things are far better than new things 🙂

sarah - i’m not super sentimental, so this is tough. i have a bible that my great gramma gave me when i was 7 or so. took me another 18 years to put it to good use, so i’m glad it made the cut through all of the moves and purges. but, my most prized possessions are probably quilts i’ve made for my kids. oh. any my kids. 🙂
thanks for the giveaway chance!!!

jerusalem - Oh I would LOVE to win this. My favorite treasure is a Map of the Languages of Europe post-WW II. I love the colors and the uniqueness of it.

Tasha Roe - My favorite treasure in my home are my vintage Christmas ornaments from my grandma and my husband’s grandmother.

Curious Details - My seashells…

colleen sullivan - My kid’s baby pictures!
LOVE your canvas art…. so creative…and gets me to thinking about what I would make!
At Ikea yesterday and found a plastic tray in the dish dept that reminded me of your water color shot… it was those colors on a white plate in polka dot form on a dish = made me think of your canvas.. funny how the mind… and blogs work, huh?

Tonya - i have this really old lunchbox from my grandpa, he and i would put banana stickers on it everyday he took one in his lunch.
he passed away 20 years ago and that lunch box sits on top of my fridge.
a large canvas of it would be wonderful.
thanks for the chance to win.

Erin - my family!

Kimber-Leigh - other than our family, my greatest treasure is a antique blue pie-safe (with old, wavy glass in the doors) that i found with my husband in an old antique warehouse which he surprised me with on our first anniversary. it holds a very special tea service given to me by my mom and every time i see it, i smile.

Maegan C - a locket my grandfather gave my grandmother when they were dating!

Sarah Madgwick - Besides family… My fiesta dishes. We use them everyday and they’re a ray of colorful sunshine every time.

Gretchen - I have an old door from my husband’s grandmother’s farm. It still has the original glass in it. A few years ago I dug it out of an abandoned barn and put a blue glaze on it … be still my heart!

Karrin - My favorite treasure would be the recent photos that a burgeoning photographer friend took of my boyfriend, myself, and our dog. We’ve been together for 2.5 years and our family calls these our “pre-engagement engagement photos.” She made our little family look so great and I’d love to win a canvas with one of our favorite pictures printed on it!

Patti - Hmmmmm….I’m not generally someone who is attached to things so this is a rather hard question. I have to go with our family pics. We get a photo session done once a year with a local photographer whom I just adore. My favourite thing is ordering prints for our walls. I love going back and looking at the photos from year to year and seeing the changes….love! 🙂

Laura Kelley - Most definitely the first painting my mom ever painted. It’s this amazingly bright red and yellow flower and it’s true love.

Kaye - an old ceramic poodle that is so ugly but I love it!

Kim Bernhardt - I have lots of treasures around my house from my grandma but one of my favorite I was able to unpack this weekend. It is an old Christmas ball that says “Merry Christmas” it never gets put on my tree it is always put in a special place no one will touch it. It reminds me of Christmas with her.

Kris Lewis - Besides my family, it would have to be photographs. They freeze time.

Amanda - My favorite treasure (other than my 8 month old son and precious dog) is an antique Singer sewing machine that belonged to my great grandmother.

Sara B. - Letters that my dad wrote to my mom while they were dating…

Jen N. - My favorite treasure is a pair of candlesticks that my grandpa made. They’re like this intertwining, DNA-esque looking thing, and I have no idea how he made them.

shannon stout - Oh I LOVE MPIX too! They are THE BEST! My favorite treasure is an old grandpa sign that I had given to my grandpa when I was in high school that says “grandpa’s are just antique little boys.” I know I’m not a grandpa, and a grandpa doesn’t live here but it’s something I gave MY grandpa and when he passed away my mom made sure I got it…..:)

Becca - My favorite treasure is my early christmas present, my new laptop!

heidi c - If I have to pick just one, it would be my hard cover vintage Girl Scout handbook that I got for Christmas last year. I love that gumball machine canvas!

tonya - my favorite treasure (other than the obligatory family) is my collection of old bibles…especially the ones with lots of notes written in the margins!
your canvas turned out great!!! i love mpix, too!

Jenna S. - Other than the people inside (of course), I would have to say our pets. They were our babies before we had babies. Watching our children grow with and love our animals makes my heart happy!

Katy Keefover - My husband and my dogs. We have been apart for a majority of our marriage because of the military. I cherish every moment with him, and our puppies!

Ella - Those are such fabulous canvases! My favorite treasure (other than my family) is going to sound a bit odd. It’s our house itself. It’s nothing grand and has been in a state of continual remodeling ever since we first moved in nearly a decade ago now. But it’s ours and we’ve gradually made it far more functional. The beautiful part is taking longer as it always does, but it’s grown on me over the years. It’s where we’re rooting our family of 7.

Kelly - My Keurig….

Beth - My favorite treasure is a Dollhouse I made for my nieces!

Julia - I use MPIX too and I love them! I’ve never had a canvas made by them though. One treasure is a picture of my dad when he was a teenager with a cute smirk on his face.

Denise V. - I have a little red rocking chair that my grandpa gave me 37 years ago. It’s a happy little red chair.

Julie Kittredge - besides people and photo albums. I think I have to say my Christmas ornaments collected over the years. They hold many memories!

ann - love my pillow, thats sounds odd, but what am i to do without a good nights sleep?

Donna G. - Too many treasures to just pick one, but right now my favorite is a small blue chippy stool. I would love a gallery wrapped canvas…I hope I win!!

jen - what a beautiful picture!!! how bright, sunny and happy. my favorite treasure are my photo’s. i have framed family photo’s all over the walls at our house – we actually only have one piece of art on the walls..something my husband made. my walls are covered in family photo’s as i see them as our best art – mostly picture of our kids. they are our best work! so actually maybe they are my favorite treasure…..

Karen - My family is of course, my favorite treasure, but the pictures of my family are my favorite possession by FAR! Love the mpix canvas!

Rebekah - My favorite treasure, other than my family, are our family photos! Some have not been printed yet so this would be a wonderful gift to win!

Stephanie Carroll - my french press!

Tim - My family!

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lovely fall.

this is in front of my house.  :)




















and all of these trees are in my yard.
today is a beautiful fall day.
i am really irritated that i didn't go for a run this morning.
it was windy then.
but perfect now…too bad there are a bunch of kids here…six total.
and so noisy.
i could use a run right now.
or an escape of any kind….anyone need me to go to the dentist for them….the obgyn… clean your bathrooms.
i will be there.
it's been a long week.
i am thankful it's friday.
big time.
what are you doing tonight?
give me some ideas….so i don't go crazy (since i didn't run and my nerves are shot.)

Sarah - Thank you so much for posting this. This is indeed a lovely pictures. I do love Fall it is actually my favorite time to have my teeth clean at the dentists ottawa in time for the holiday season. Thanks again for posting this!

Jessica - I love seeing all of your lovely fall photos. It’s my favorite season and you capture Kansas fall perfectly. I was born and raised in Ottawa, KS, but moved away a few years ago when I married a Marine. Thank you for posting the beauty of Kansas that I miss so much!

mary beth - I am with you …I can’t get enough of the fall color! each one I see is more beautiful than the last! hope you got a chance to recharge over the weekend, windy Monday is here!

Sarah - The view down the road in front of your house is so peaceful. Love it. I should have read your blog yesterday when I was feeling the same way you were, then I would have known I wasn’t alone.

April R - Jack Johnson 🙂

Ana - Seriously. You always inspire me to go take pictures of so much natural beauty outside. So, I went in my backyard with my Nikon. Sadly, I couldn’t find a single change in leaf color. =) Great pictures!

jennyonthespot - I love Fall. My favorite time of year… Wouldn’t it be fun to go for a run together? I soooo know what you mean about needing to go for a run… I hear that… <3

Jennifer - Well, I straightened up the kitchen kissed my kids and husband goodbye, Scooped up Dear Daughter off of the bus and headed out to teach my 5:45 healing yoga class:) Came home and my husband had dogs on the grill and a beautiful cucumber tomato avo salad on the side:) I gave him a big kiss and relaxed vegging out in front of fb and tv. Next time leave the kids with one of the older kiddo’s in charge and go for a run or take in a relaxing yoga class 😉

tinaehb3 - lol…love the the appt. offer 🙂

Grace - Ohhh! Thank you … 🙂
I left definitively Boston 2 months ago for France (my country), and I was so sad to miss the autumn foliage… Very sad. I usually love going out just to take pictures around.
So, once again, thank you very much. You made my day very happy.

Leah - Just watched “About a Boy” and was reading blogs and getting crafty ideas.

Kate - Watching Sabrina and flipping back and forth between that and Sleepless in Seattle

Mary - awww man!
today was nuts.
our leaves are LOOOOONG gone, but they sure were great when they lasted.
hope you get some ALONE time this weekend.
i had a fit today because my plans for the weekend were foiled do to impromptu babysitting for my dear friends. i got over it, because life isn’t all about me, but i sure hope to get a FEW quiet moments to myself…and i sure hope they involve coffee! 🙂

beth - home made pizza and movies here too. that’s how you’ll find us spending our friday nights, unless something else comes up. usually works out well, since hockey, soccer and dance are on the other weeknights and the rest of the weekend. i find it’s the perfect way to unwind with the peep’s after a long week. while the crust was rising we took a family walk on the train tracks that run along side the lake where we live. it was a nice crisp fall day here on vancouver island, no rain, lot’s of fall colour on the trees, and a pretty sunset on the lake. your ahead in time than me, so hopefully your house has quieted down by now : )

Maria - A nice, quiet night at home for us tonight…homecooked dinner, followed by cider and donuts and a new tradition (ala Nienie) of watching the legend of sleepy hollow with the boys…a perfect October night!

Routhie - Not going to lie: A little tipsy from some beers and full from decent bbq (I’m a Texan living up north, so it’s slim pickins), kids are playing with neighbors, I just talked to my mom for 30 mins about one of my brothers, making lists about what needs to be done instead of just getting things done, brainstorming about a bday present for party on Sunday, and burning incense because there is a funky smell in my bathroom because, according to the plumber, a vent on top of our house is clogged. Oh, and I am sad about Big Tex.

KirstenP - Here’s something completely different: go to and sign up for
a free 2 week trial and then start doing a genealogy search of grandparents. You’ll probably find some info in census records. Have a happy fall weekend with lots of color!

happygirl - All these pics are about light. Ever since you said photography was all about light I can see it in the images. Now if I could find the light in my lens.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - You are so funny! Scrambled eggs for dinner and we are going to watch Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer!? Hmmm not quite sure I’m going to like that. Just a wild and crazy night here in my house.

tiffany kraght - assuming you watch the x factor, you could just re-watch the two episodes that were on last week over again because they were soooo good. especially the two 13 year old girls at the end. amazing. i’ve watched both episodes twice!!! are you watching??? you totally should. my kids think i’m going crazy with how much i love those girls. i’m just super jealous i wasn’t blessed with a good singing voice!!

Molly - we are eating homemade pizza and watching movies. these plans were made entirely by my hubby. reason #509 why i love him:)

shauna - stop with the leaves you brat

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love fall and all the photos of the oak leaves. My favorite tree lately. We are going to watch a movie shortly, just the kids and I until hubby gets home from work. We try to do that a couple of times a month, and will probably do that each week this winter. Where mom (me!), actually watches the whole thing without doing anything else during the movie, a tough feet for this busy hands.
I’d say pop in a movie, or do something crafty with the kiddos and then when your hubby gets home, go for that run or even a walk? I almost didn’t run last night and so glad I did even though it wasn’t my best run.

Amanda - Driving 4 girls and meeting 11 more to dinner, Cotillion, then back again. Can Totally relate to wanting to do something else, ha! I woke up this morning and my hubby asked me why I kept turning off the alarm. “I have to do boring things today. I do not want to get up.” Us mamas are tired on Fridays and frequently, it’s a busy night!
Your photos are really great, thanks for posting those!

jackie grandy - Hi Meg! I feel your pain today. Friday’s are supposed to by my days off to play. I usually hike or have lunch with a girlfriend, but I had so much catch up work to do today (house chores) that I ended up doing chores like vacuuming the beds, washing and changing sheets and endless piles of laundry. BORING! I use to be able to take a day off from laundry, but as my kids get older there’s just more laundry to do.
I also cooked up a bunch of stuff to get ready for our crazy weekend, so I’m taking the night off from cooking and we’re headed out to our favorite Chinese restaurant for dinner. I’m going to have me a tall glass of wine! Now, I just have to go and pick up my kids from school!

Tiffany - Wine, get some, it’s relaxing. Sewing too.

Amy Huff - Grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s then snuggling in bed with hubby after baby goes to bed and watching Revolution and Grimm on the dvr.

Donna - Dave Matthews Band!

shannon - We are having a movie night, Winnie the Pooh 😉 I’m sure that movie might not work for your kids though. It’s always an easy way to transition into the weekend around here.

Donna - hi meg. i feel your pain – i have 6 girls in my house right now – i think if i closed my eyes i would think i was at a justin bieber concert right now. i too would take a pelvic exam in exchange……….well maybe NOT. My husband and I were going to get a bite to eat tonight, but now I think I am stuck home with Little Caesars pizza, screaming girls and justin bieber!!!! I think I will lock myself away in my bedroom and organize my jewelry – my inspiration comes from Paige:

Jen - P.S. Also just downloaded my first EVER iTunes. Yep, helllllo 2012! Blues Traveler Run Around was my first song. Looking for tunes to play in the background when my girlfriends come over for dinner. Suggestions?

Jen - Beautiful pictures, Meg! Thank you!
Here in Ohio, it’s chilly and raining. My girls and I just crafted some Halloween cards a la Pinterest. Now I need to get off my rear and make chili and cornbread. After dinner, girls, hubby, and me are going to snuggle up and watch Madagaskar 3. TGIF!

Alicia @ La Famille - beautiful pictures! wouldn’t it be sad to live where there was only one season? hope you have a good weekend and get some quiet for a few 🙂

Lachalle - hired a baby sitter for my kidlets and heading out to supper with hubby and before we head home maybe just a walk together . Then home and hopefully she gets everyone in bed before we get home . Wishful thinking there I am sure.

Lori Tacchino - Lovely photos, Meg! Great job capturing the light. We are still waiting for fall to arrive in Cali. Can’t wait-its supposed to be here next week

keri - forever folding laundry - I’m hosting a sleepover for 10 boys (+ Avery) tomorrow.
Still wanna trade?

Leadia Jarvis - the colors are so gorgeous that it makes me laugh on those (many) days when I feel so “gray” on the inside! Trying to motivate myself to get to the 6:00 Crossfit class or I will be Mt. Vesuvius by 8:00. Last night we had a floor picnic/family movie night. We turned off all the lights, I gave them treats…90 minutes of relative peace. I download Kindle books onto my iPhone so I can snuck in some reading during the movie. That, and Words with Friends. (Do you play that or Draw Something? Both are mindless distractions!)

JennD - Waiting to head home from work and hibernate! The kids have a day off of school and we are having a huge snow storm.
(I am very jealous of youe beautiful fall pictures, looks like winter is here aleady for us…)

Sara Torbett - Watching Project Runway, bath or long shower, crafting. Plus lighting a fall candle and leisurely drinking some decaf coffee. 🙂 I’m a mama to a busy 16-month old and 8 months pregnant. Friday nights are the one night for me! 🙂

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fall…. i like it.
















in case you don't know….these are called hedge apples around here.


i took most of these within the mile of my my house….down the road and in the yard.

fall in kansas is so pretty.
the temperture is just right….except if you have to sit in the rain at a soccer game when it's 40 degrees….
and you start to cry a little bit….
not that i would know about that.

ha ha ha

i like adding the extra blanket on the bed….wearing more layers…crisp nights. 

my favorite time of year in kansas is the fall.

do you like Fall where you live?
does it look like this?




gkgirl - beautiful shots!

Victoria - Okay, it’s official, I’m moving to Kansas! What gorgeous pictures!
Fall is my favorite time of year but in Atlanta sometimes fall skips right over us and that makes me sad.

Andrea - Beautiful photos! I always take pictures of flowers/grass/leaves/stumps…what do I do with them? Make my husband look at them and make him say, “Those are nice, honey!”

Colleen - Around here “hedge apples” are called…. Monkey Balls– we used to throw them at each other during recess. When my husband’s 8th grade class had a 30th year reunion, one of the girls made centerpieces out of the Monkey Balls.

rmd - I’m in Montana. It DID look so pretty and then it snowed and everything froze and turned black 🙁

Becky - Thank you for the beautiful Kansas pictures! I used to live in Buhler, now in Wisconsin. Fond memories-I loved it there! Our fall in WI is beautiful as well.

Rach - It must be hard to move from such a personalized home to a place you call home. I have lived in rentals my whole life save the house we currently live in which is our first owned space, but I never thought I’d be able to own anything, so I made every space I lived in my “own” space. That must be difficult after spending so much time on the craft house. Hey, as long as it’s safe and fun and you enjoy being there, who cares if it’s not decorated the way you’d like. A home is where you make memories. It doesn’t have to be perfect.

Gail - I know the weather has been wonderful here lately. The trees look so pretty. I love using our fire pit this time of year. But it is Kansas, we could have either 90’s or snow in a few days.

jennibell - You could make all your Christmas spending money but putting these in your Etsy shop I bet 🙂 I wish I could photograph like this. . .just beautiful.

Erin - beautiful photos as always! Where we live, Fall looks like….well…summer. (Hilton Head Is., SC) And while it’s still very beautiful here, it’s not very Fallish! I grew up experiencing the beautiful Falls of North Carolina. - Meg- I’ve always been a fan of your photos but these are by far my favorite!! You’re making this city girl long for afternoon hikes in the country… crispy crunch leaves underfoot, thermos of tea, scarves…. love it!

Tas - I’m starting to love fall seeing those amazing pictures. Actually, I live in a tropical country and we don’t have fall. I envy you guys.

aimee - I miss Kansas.
Thanks for your beautiful pics, Meg.

Amber - I LOVE it and it looks a lot like that. Then again I only live an hour or two away. 🙂 Kansas is my favorite place and fall is my favorite season. Very happy. Now, if only I had a pumpkin spice latte I’d be set.

Kimberly Dial - Fall is my all time fave & I’m convinced Heaven’s atmosphere & climate is Fall-like all year long! Thanks for sharing!

Kirsten J - Really it’s my least favorite season….here in Seattle, it means it’s going to start raining and keep raining for the next 6 months. But. Ive tried to embrace it more the last few years. It is really pretty when the leaves change. And I do like the extra quilt on the bed. And cooking in the slow cooker. And it means Christmas is coming. See? I’m trying…..

Tonya - Hi Meg we call them osage oranges here in central PA. Pics are so pretty! We will have full color in about two weeks here and it is not as flat but the colors look similar.

Suzanne - oh my, that red barn, I die!! fall is my faves too!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I do love fall where I live ( 30 miles north of LA). It’s usually still hot in September but about now it starts to turn cooler in the morning and evening. I wore a sweatshirt, with my shorts and flip flops, but I was able to where the sweatshirt. I am making soup for dinner tomorrow night and I did put, not an extra blanket, but a blanket on our bed! It looks very pretty where you are. happy Fall!

Debby - Fall is my favorite too. Hannah calls hedge balls, hedge hogs! Ha ha!!

the.mrs - MN = lovely lovely LOVELY for about a week and then poof they’re gone. My favorite is Spring. It means our cold nasty winters are over! 😉 My husband (from Mexico) ‘s favorite season… Winter. Craaazy man, I tell ya. Crazy!

Krista - We call them hedge apples here in Indiana, too! And in case you didn’t know, if you put a hedge apple in each room of your house, it keeps the spiders away! I swear by it! 🙂 love, love, love your blog!

Tiffany - Fall in MN is bea-u-tiful! Although I’m a lil sad looking at your photos because leaves are just turning for you, and I fear they will be almost gone for us soon. End of fall means start of our long nasty winter… and I’m not such a fan of that. Especially the yucky driving in the snow part. 🙁 I did get some beautiful family pictures in our fall colors, right on our country driveway though!

Jenn - Fall is my favorite too! Unfortunately, here in Texas we don’t get falls like you do in Kansas :(. So pretty!

Lisa - I use to live in southern CA where fall was hot and not my favorite. Now I live in the high desert of Oregon and love fall! I dont live where all the rain is so its not quite as beautiful with all the colors but the weather is crisp and cool and the colors do start changing! I love having actual seasons.

Tracey - I love fall and spring. I just adore those “change” seasons. And everything is so pretty at both those times. Here in Texas summer and winter are not typically pretty. During both times things are generally dead. My other favorite thing about both fall and spring is the monarchs. They fly thru here and whenever I see them I know that the seasons are truly changing.

Martha - Beautiful pictures! Fall is definitely my favorite season!

jen - We have the most brilliant coloured trees up here in Ontario. Neon oranges and reds! I always like to see what a place looks like through the changes of the seasons, somewhere else in the world!

Janelle - I live in the Virgin Islands so my fall looks NOTHING like that. But I grew up in Indiana so I LOVE looking at these photos – thanks!! I miss fall…I’m currently sitting outside at 8pm where a tropical shower just passed and I’m sweating!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - We were just looking around for out extra blankets!
I had to grin at your soccer story. We don’t do soccer, but we have been at a lot of swim meets – and have complaining the last few weeks about how hot it is in the pool area. Now that it is really starting to cool off outside – I think that will feel mighty nice : )
Great photos!

Charlton - so true! 🙂

Charlton - Houston doesn’t really have fall. 🙁 We had fallish weather for 2 days this week, but today is was back up to an 87 degree high. boo! My 4 year old asked me a month ago if she could jump in a pile of leaves in the fall. My answer was, if I can find a pile of leaves for you, we’ll jump in it! 😉 I love your pictures, though.

Juli - Those are called Mock Oranges here in the South.

Maggie - I love fall but I am a southern California girl and we have not had fall weather, temps have been in the 90s…too hot for fall, I haven’t even wanted to decorate for fall because it still feels like summer… Your pictures of fall are beautiful!

Susan - We don’t have much fall here in Texas! It goes from hot to not so hot to freezing usually in the course of one week:) Most of the foliage around here goes from green straight to brown in the same amount of time!

tonya - fall has always been my favorite season here in ks…i’m on the east edge of the flint hills and it’s beautiful!!! i love that you took a pic of the hedge apples…my brothers and i used to have hedge apple wars! they hurt and are sticky! 😉

alyssa - fall out east is soooo much prettier. you don’t even realize until you are back and get to experience it again…but, Kansas ain’t so bad!

Adrienne - In Texas we call those horse apples… Not sure why 🙂 yesssss I love fall here too, though it comes a bit later in the north Texas area

Stacy M. - I miss fall in Kansas. We were stationed at Ft. Riley for a couple years. Now we live right out side of New Orleans. Just hot here. Our trees don’t turn till Dec. or Jan. Love the pictures thanks for sharing.

Christy - How awesome is that barn! I would love to have family pictures done there.

jordan c - how beautiful! love all these images.

Brenda - I love the picture of the barn! Would you please put it in your etsy shop? I have grown up in Kansas and we are now moving to Savannah, GA and would love to hang that in my new house!

Trinda - I grew up in Hesston and live in the DC area now. Your pics make me feel a little verklempt. My best friend lived about 6 miles west on Dutch Ave and those hedge apples were everywhere! Love checking in with you and seeing my old town. Found you on a fluke! Thanks for being so inspiring.

Liesl - Looks beautiful! Makes me want to wander around the area with my camera and capture fall shots here in NJ….but it’s been raining a lot.

Brooke - Hedge apples? HORSE apples! 🙂 Funny how things like that are regional! Gorgeous photos. This is my favorite time of year!

sarah j - these are stunning, meg.
in seattle-land, we typically have a beautiful, vibrant fall–but we haven’t had nearly any rain in almost 2 months! shattering stereotypes, eh? so we’re a bit dryer and crunchier than normal in the great pacific northwest…

Stephanie - Oh how I miss fall. Your pictures are gorgeous. I lived around the Fort Riley area when I was a kid and loved it. I loved the big blue sky, the waves of endless grass, the snow, even tornado season. Lol. I now live in FL and before that I lived in Las Vegas. There is no color to be seen and frankly it makes me grumpy. We are still battling upper 80s and even 90 degrees. I do have to praise God for cooler, enjoyable mornings.

Tracy - I’m in Kansas, too, and LOVE fall!!! Buuuuttt, winter, not so much.

Laura - after ten years in Los Angeles, I can not Praise God enough for the glorious season of fall in Connecticut!
I met Nick in the fall
I look great in orange
I make wonderful apple pie
I love a grande soy latte with one pump of pumpkin spice
I look better in fall fashion
I live for the fall Vogue
I got engaged and married in the fall
I love the color, the leaves, the air, the deer, the pumpkins
the end.

Jessica - I would love to buy a print of the red barn photo! Put it in the shop, pretty please!!!
Fall is very lovely here in VA. Just starting to see the leaves changing colors.

Kristin S - Yes, my favorite by far! I’m in North Carolina.
Grew up in New England where fall is perfect.
North Carolina is pretty amazing too.
Lived in Orlando, Florida for 3 years. Not so much there. People laying out at the pool on Christmas day. Not so much.

Fefe - Wow, Meg! That picture of the red barn is gorgeous! I couldn’t stop staring at it! I wish I had it in a frame! Anyway, fall in Indiana is very similar. It’s my favorite season as well. I find that as each season comes and goes, I’m ready for it. It reminds that God has really awesome timing. 🙂

angela - Fall in North Carolina is P E R F E C T.

Tiffany - i feel (a lil) bad because the comments are all lovin on fall. im in pa and i dont want it. florida, please? longer days, where art thou? oh sweet summer i miss thee. i really like the 3rd photo of the pink buds, i will take those. fall is pretty, i’ll give you that.

Jen - I’m finding it interesting to read through your comments and see where people are from. You seem to have a lot of readers from my neck of the woods: southwest Ohio. Maybe a day where we all post where we live??? City and state???

mae chevrette - Your blog inspired me to start taking and sharing more big photos (instead of just small/artwork related ones)… I just posted this big photo post about camping during fall in New England… in case you’d like to see A LOT of different colors on a lot of trees 🙂

Jen - LOVE fall. Ohio falls are beautiful, too, but that Kansas sky…that’s something different. It’s awesome. Bright blue skies, vibrant leaves, crisp air here in OH today. Love my job working for a park district. I’m out in God’s beauty all the time.

Shannon - I love Fall but it is not even close to as gorgeous as it is where you are! I love all these pics Meg, thank you for sharing with us. Oh and I would prob. cry if I was sitting in the rain cold too 😉

Sandy - I’m in southwest Ohio and it looks and feels a lot like your Kansas. Love fall!! (I also love spring and summer!!)

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh, I just love fall!
We call those horse apples 🙂 No idea why… lol.

rae - here in nashville i’ve always called those “hedge apples” monkey brains! haha. a little bit gross. it has been cold here, but not very pretty yet. i can’t wait for the leaves to really start turning

Lisa M. - Beautiful pictures, Meg!
I live in Western Pennsylvania, so yes, fall looks like this. Our trees are on “fire” with color right now. I can see evidence of this out evey window in my house. I love it! It’s gorgeous!
Hands down, my FAVORITE time of year.

Jamie Van Nuys - beautiful photos!! I love all of the colors. We just moved to a new town in California, and I don’t think it’s really fall yet. After living in Seattle during Fall I can say with full confidence what fall looks like there…but I think it has yet to hit our little town of Gilroy 🙂 BUT, we now live in the country which is totally new to me, so I may have to go on a walk close to home and see if I can capture anything fun like you have!

kim - fall is my first love.
it’s so mild here that it sneaks up on you. but this year, there was one morning i woke up and it was most definitely fall.
we had a few indian summer days after that. but each morning i wake up and my room is cool, and i snuggle into my blankets.
it’s a real good fall this year in the bay.

Anne - I love fall in Kansas. The colors are a feast for the eyes. These are great pictures way to capture fall.

Heather S. - Another KS girl here – NE corner, though. Fall is really pretty up here because the land is somewhat hilly and the trees spot the landscape nicely. My fave season, though, will always be spring – it’s the promise that God will never forsake us – new life has come again!
BTW – we call those hedge balls here. Never heard Hedge Apples. Hmmmm….

Cathy - Our fall in southern Ohio looks and sounds a lot like yours in Kansas. Love it!

Christy K - I absolutely LOVE the photos Meg! Perfect examples of fall. So jealous that these are all so close to home… makes me want to take a little road trip and take some pictures of my own! I wish I could say it looked like fall here… it did, for about a week. Then, typical Winnipeg (there is a reason we are nicknamed WINTERpeg) it SNOWED! Now it has been snowing on and off for a week! I was really hoping for a Halloween where we DIDN’T have to account for wearing a parka when buying a costume but, oh well! That’s life on the Canadian Prairies for you! Hope you have a most wonderful day!

Dani - We call those Bodocks. We even have a Bodock Festival every year. It’s pretty fun seeing what people can use the Bodock balls for.

Heidi Jo the Artist - Love fall! The colors have been amazing here in Iowa. Love all the photos, especially the red barn; I’m a sucker for old barns!!
Hey, I know you are probably super busy, just wanted to let you know I sent an e-mail to you a few days ago and to check your spam if you didn’t get it. My crazy name apparently likes to see spam boxes, ha!
Have an awesome day! 🙂

Gretchen - Fall is my favorite in OH. Love the colors. Hedge apples help with fruit flies. I love sweatshirt and jeans weather.

Jodie - It is snowing in my fall today!

Terrie - I love all seasons…not sure that I really have a favorite.
Except I really don’t love extremely hot or cold.
I love the changing of the seasons.
I miss the hedge apples…we had them all over at our farm.
Did you know that they are supposed to keep the crickets out of your basement?
I don’t know if it’s true…but we always had a few scattered around the basement
in old pie tins. I don’t remember if we had crickets…. LOL!!
I love the cool air coming in from an open window and having to put on an extra fluffy blanket!!
Love the pics!!

Jocelyn Pascall - Beautiful photos – truly. I love Fall too!! I so wish I didn’t have to spend all day in an office so I could go out and enjoy the beauty.

Curious Details - it’s beautiful and would be a lovely way to transition to the holidays.
sadly, Houston never looks like that on the outside. gonna be 90 degrees today.
but we fake it pretty good on the inside.

Heidi D. - I just moved to Marshall MN from South Dakota and fall is the same here as SD. Fall colors here were absolutely beautiful for a couple weeks,then the wind was so bad all the leaves fell off. I can’t believe how windy it has been here over the last week and I really could do without it! If it weren’t for the wind it would actually be quite nice out—sweatshirt weather, my favorite:) Love all your pictures, especially the red barn and the multiple wires on the fencepost:)

Lindsay - I live in Indiana & LOVE fall as well. I feel sorry for those that don’t get to experience it the same as we do! Absolutely beautiful to see such a change in seasons! Love your pics by the way, especially the barn!

Linda - I love fall. It’s my favorite season. I live up in the very NW corner of Washington. It’s so beautiful here. Beautiful red maples OH I LOVE IT!!!

Aimee - I live in Central California and we don’t have a nice fall. Its still in the 80s in October and doesn’t get nice and chilly until December, sometimes January. I grew up in Upstate NY so I grew up with amazing falls. I didn’t realize how much I would miss them until I moved here. Now I get so homesick every fall.

elma - I love fall and all the beautiful colors I just do not like what comes after fall:) Lovely pictures!!!

nicole i - so lovely. i wish for fall. we live in the sf bay area…cooler weather and fog…not too many turning leaves. i miss a real fall like in the rockies.

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a few answers.

well…i got up today with a plan in my head.
i would go running, take a nice hot relaxing bath at the craft house
and then make Vlog answering some of your questions.
i did go for my run but then the school called and said Scott was throwing up.
so…i am stuck at home still in my stinky running clothes and i will be writing and not vlogging today. 

you guys ask great questions. 

let's see….

1. Did you ever convert the attic in the craft house?  

we just never had the energy and the money at the same time.  :)
who knows what will happen though….we may still do it.
i have dreams for it.  Maybe a store? Maybe more work space? Maybe more bunk space? Maybe a little apartment? My running buddies suggested making it a full gym so we could workout together all year long. 
and i am LOVING that idea.

2. Are you on Pinterest?

ummm….i am.  
but it's the only place online that i am private….i have a fake name.
i just like having all the ideas i like in one place but not sharing what i love with everyone.
that may seem weird but… it's what i am doing and i like it that way.  

3. which is your favorite camera and lens?

i have a canon 50D and the 24-70 f/2.8 Canon lens.
and that is all.
i own one lens.  :)
it works for my needs…i dream of the 70 – 200 and the 35mm….and a 5D camera body.
but for now and the past two years….just that.
nothing else.
so that is what is in my camera bag.
and by camera bag i mean my purse.  HA!

4.  How do you edit your photos?

i upload my photos into LightRoom and i use their settings to edit.
i usually bump up the exposure…the vibrance….the fill light….sharpen and that's it.

5.  what settings do you use on your camera?

i almost always shoot in AV mode.  i shoot at an ISO of 200 and at 2.8 or 3.5.  does that help?
someome asked about my settings for indoor shots in the evening…well i just try not to shoot indoors in the evening.  because i think those pictures are always bad.  So i have no settings to share for that.
i love wendy&tyler from blue lily and they have helped me immensely with understanding my camera. they have workshops where YOU can learn about your camera too. you should go.
and Ashley from Under the Sycamore has an AWESOME online class that you can learn about photography…her next course is coming up soon.  

i have never felt great at explaining cameras or putting it into words but both of those blogs do it well!

6. Will you come to Washington?  

yes.  :)
i would love to do that sometime…. 

also i was worried it was going to be raining for my run this morning and your quote went through my head Leann "once you're wet, you're wet" and had decided i was going anyway.  thankfully… it stopped before i ran.

7. where are the glasses from in the post with the happy things to look at?  And the afgans?

i found that pic of the glasses on pinterest….and it linked to martha stewart…who else? but the link was not for the pic…but i think it probably came from her site.

and the afgans linked to flikr….just plain old flikr.

that is the downside of pinterest…messed up links and not getting a real source.

8.  does having a GOOD dlsr camera make that much difference?

i think i wouldn't want to go without my dslr.  But getting a dlsr won't make you take good pictures.  there is a lot more that goes into getting good photos than the camera.  instagram is great example of that.  it's figuring out the lighting, composition and your angle.  and that is where having a nice dslr camera comes in…and makes the shot clear and crisp.  where a point and shoot may have a grainier shot? possibly.
if you just want snapshots to keep your memories then a point and shoot is fine.
if you have an interest in photography…any desire to learn more….i think you need a dslr.  

9. Can i get a top ten book list of your favorite books?

this is a funny question mommyjulia.
because i don't know that i have read ten books in the last ten years!
but i will share again what i have read the past few months…

i read 7 and then Interrupted….loved.
Now i am reading "A Million Miles in a Thousand Years"  and this book is making me think in ways i never have!!! it's challenging me.  it's making me do hard things.  it's so good.

i love the book Crazy Love.
i loved Calm My Anxious Heart….good for a mom.
Long Way Gone was a book to prepare for africa and it was so good.

i don't read very much….i get so distracted and i don't make time for it.

i definitely don't read fiction.
IF i am reading a book it's going to be about something that i want to learn about…change in myself…get a new direction.
and thankfully i got glasses so at least i don't fall asleep as soon as i start reading.

10. can i have your pattern for the apron? can you tell me how make all the stuff you make at craft weekend?  can you do tutorials on all those things that the craft weekenders paid for?  (i am paraphrasing here)

nope…sorry.  :)
that would not be fair to all those Craft Weekend girls at all.
but i will be selling these things in my shop someday.
and i can't wait for you girls to get your hands on them… everything takes time.
i have five kids and i am running a business so things take a long time to get done.
i wish i could snap my fingers and have my shop filled and everything done…but i just cant.

i am grateful you are patient.

11. tell us about Lauren….you never do…she is ignored….why don't you talk about her…WHY?!?

lauren is 17…almost 18.  She requested quite a few years ago for me to not blog about her.
so i don't.
i love her.  she is crazy smart.  she works on the weekends.  she is an awesome volleyball player.  she wants to be a doctor. 

maybe someday i will be able to talk more about what it's been like raising our first teenager but for now she doesn't want me to talk about her here.  

and that is that.

12. Kirsten J asked all these at once:  do you make lists?  yes…very messy lists   Do you ever ask for help?  yes. a lot. YOU HAVE TO or you will drown.  Do you ever future trip?  i don't what that is…dreaming about the future? not much i guess.  Will Lauren go away to college?  yes she will.  we don't where yet but she will.  Did you ever have a penpal? YES! i used to write letters constantly.  when craig got home from one year of college he had TONS of letters from me.  i had two from him.  ha ha haaa.  also my sister got letters from me constantly. My grandpa and i wrote too.  i always signed my letters to him Love,  Megan the GREAT!! i would tell him my grades and about my boyfriends and my dance recitals and he would send me money for good grades and call me out on my bad ones.   my 101 year great aunt and i wrote for my entire marriage until she passed away this year. i love writing letters.  Do you ever just veg out in front of the tv? Reality tv? Or talk shows? NCIS? i do occasionally veg with tv… Parenthood of course, Office, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy and Saturday Night Live.  NO reality tv.  i can't take it.  NO singing shows…or dancing shows…or dating shows. it makes me want to poke my eyes out.  i did like Amazing Race and Survivor…in the beginning…but not anymore. AND i miss Oprah…really really miss her show.  What blogs do you read regularly?  Julie,  Ashley, Kimberlee, Shauna, Jess, Megan, Leslie, amy, shannon, sarah, lisa and michelle just to name a few….i have over 50 more in my reader.  :)


i wish there were some pictures to go along with this post.
how about some george?

yes…i did just take 15 minutes and made a george collage in picmonkey.
don't judge.
just enjoy….it's easy….


there over 100 comments on that post so it will take me awhile to get through them all.

hope you made it through all those answers.

ok…i am going to make all the appointments i have been putting off forever since i am stuck at home.
you know what i mean…. dentist, eye doctor, exterminator, ob/gyn, sewing machine guy, specialist and anything else i can think of.
the part i hate more than making the appointment….GOING to the appointments! 

wish me luck.


Penny Smith - You handed me your camera and asked me if I “back focused” and I froze… then I read this-I too shoot in AV (and do the “focus and shift” (that made me think of “bend and snap” from legally blonde. Ha!)… though I also have the 50mm f1.8 (it’s $100) for those inside shots you speak of! 🙂 I have a Tamron lenses when the reviews had little difference (yet hundreds of dollars less) so that is how I have more than one. (28-75 f2.8, 17-50 f2.8, and 70-300 (but that came with the camera-and isn’t a fixed f). I think I used the 50mm and dialed the AV for my first couple years of my rebel, and even a lot at first with my 50D a couple years back (Karen Russel influenced-but I am still in LOVE with this lens!!)
OK-I’m babbling… I was happy to hear you edit with lightroom… cuz I was thinking that Blue Lily only uses photoshop and would basically expect everyone should too (regarding the workshop), so I would be lost on it from the get go)… good to know…

amber reece - HAHAHAHA! Loved all your responses and the collage of George! FUN! Your blog always brightens my day! Thanks for posting about Jen Hatmaker too, just got finished reading both the interrupted and 7 books and LOVED them! God Bless You and your Sweet Family!!!! xoxoxo

Michael Kors Monogram - Via artikolo estas bone skribita Yeah,

Tere - To think, you answered some of my questions when I didn’t even ask any. And you are coming to Washington? This “Washington” is coming to see you soon!!

shauna - i really love adam too.
but, is my marriage stable?
i’ll have to think about that….

shauna - get out.
you bragger.

shauna - oh gosh! good call on the george collage. that is a real gift.

megan@contentedsparrow - my only comment…..
i die.

Kim Barlow - I love you…thanks for sharing!

cassidynoga - I read “A Million Miles…” a while back. It sticks with you, for always. It was a wonderful book and I have hit many of my friends over the head with it so they would read it. They always do and then we gush about how great it was and how it relates to our lives. I’m a writer so it was twice as rewarding.
I just wanted to share that you won’t forget this book easily! (:

Jeannine - Haha love the George collage. You’re awesome!
Thanks for answering some of our questions! And I think it’s wonderful you’re respecting Lauren’s wishes about her privacy.
If you go to Washington State, I’ll drive down from Vancouver to buy you a cup of coffee and maybe go for a run 🙂

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Oh I never thought of having a fake name on Pinterest. You are brillant!!! I so wanted Pinterest to create a way to have some boards private. . .you know for research I am doing, future blog posts, etc. But now I know how to do that. Oh, thanks for sharing that!!!

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Me too. . plus I am a faster reader than I am a video watcher 🙂

Karen - For those asking about the flower glasses, they are old sour cream jars found fairly easily in antique stores (I have no idea where your picture is from 🙂 ). I have lots of them. They are really fun! Well, except for the fact that you should really wash by hand and not by dishwasher to preserve the integrity of the flowers!

Amy - Hey Meg, regarding Question #7…the afgans…I totally knew those afgans the second I saw them! I have pinned them, swooned over them and even hooked up a couple of her patterns for my own collection. They are part of a beautiful handcrafted and well loved collection by Lucy of Attic24. She is a sweet bloggy friend from England. If you or any of your readers are “happy hookers” {as in CROCHETERS}! Check out her Attic24 blog! Just wanted to help give credit where credit is due.

Kori - So I had a fake name on Facebook in the beginning and then my friend made fun of me. I TOTALLY wanted a fake on on Pinterest because I also wanted to be private with the things I loved. I went ahead with my real name and it’s still weird to me when my friends start following me there. Not such a big deal with strangers, though. Go figure. Maybe I worry my friends will think me crazy for having as many pins as I do. 😉
I LOVE GEORGE. In fact I’m watching “Out of Sight” right now. 🙂 And I don’t think twice about you spending 15 minutes making a collage. In fact it doesn’t sound like very much time to peruse pics of him.

Leslie @topofthepage - I always think of you now when I watch Parenthood since last year you threw down for Team Adam. As you know, I’m on Team Crosby. Which is maybe why you have a stable marriage and mine, well, keeps me on my toes :). Somehow, I know that’s just where God wants us too…

Jenn - LOVE the fake name! I so am going to do this too! Thanks for the idea!!!

mommyjulia - You answered my question!!! Yay! Thanks, Meg! 6 books is better than 10, anyway 😉 Loved your answer about Lauren- she seems like a pretty awesome young lady. Anywho, I need to go purchase some books and get reading. Thanks again for taking the time to answer me!

Tiffany - Oh Meg, you crack me up. Your “It makes me want to poke my eyes out” comment was so true! Nice little Q&A… It’s fun getting to know you better!

Andrea - Thank you for sharing!! And thanks for the eye candy. I have another question- do you think you will ever stop blogging? I love reading about your life. You’re so real and honest too. Love that. I would be sad if you did, because I am not attached to you and your family! Is that weird? Please dont ever stop!

Kelly - Go you with a fake name on pinterest!! LOVE IT! I like my privacy from time to time too. Is it funny that my pinterest “fake name” is totally tied to my blog and I don’t care about that but I didn’t want to put my real name? hmm . . . have a great one! Oh and do you ever go see what people have pinned from your blog? I’ll bet there is a lot. I know I myself have pinned stuff from your craft room (before it became the whole craft house) as inspiration as I continue to create my craft room and the whole reason I came to your blog right now is to look back at bathroom pics and pin as a bathroom remodel just *might* get to be in the works soon. Trying not to get my hopes up and remember to the upheaval that would come with it. Kelly

Amy - Thanks for the George…what a wonderful way to end Monday!!!

ginny - Thank you for typing it out, and not vlogging it. (even though you maybe seemed a tad annoyed with some of the questions lol). I don’t like to watch videos. I’m usually on the couch with laptop while hubby watches tv. He doesn’t want to listen to what I’m doing. So I would so much rather read that watch videos. 🙂 JMO 🙂

Lisa - Its funny to me that people would think Lauren is ignored or question you not sharing much about her here. Anyone who knows teens would understand that most of them want their privacy and space. From your blog you seem like a great mom. Not perfect but loving, purposeful and invested. 🙂 btw this post was fun to read. And keep your pinterest secret. You deserve that!!

Anne - I love/hate that you’ve got a fake name on Pinterest. Completely respect your privacy, and think its quite clever to have a fake name, but its killing me to know you’ve pinned some amazing ideas that I don’t have access to. Ha! 🙂

Jocelyn Pascall - I really loved this post. Great answers and also, the pictures of George made me laugh out loud.

April R - Me too 🙂 Sassy, mysterious, and free
(And I think it’s funny people didn’t guess why you don’t blog about Lauren much)

Kimberlee Jost - Is this a good time for me to mention (again!) that I met George Clooney on my honeymoon? Just checking.
I love you more than I could ever love George.
For real.

Molly - I love reading your blog. You are a great example and inspiration for me. I really appreciate that you listened to Lauren and don’t blog about her. I need to remember that. Also, I totally get that you have a fake name on pinterest! sometimes you just want to keep those ideas to yourself!!!

Terri Christian - Can you get through one episode of Parenthood without crying…..cause I can’t! Terri

lc - Thank you for answering the question about Lauren. I think a lot of parents overshare on their blogs. Thank you for respecting your almost adult daughter. If Lauren wants her business on the internets, she can start her own blog!

Terrie - I will live in your apt. and clean before and after craft weekends…
of course, I may have to take full advantage of a craft house and craft until dawn each day!
So proud of you for respecting your daughter’s privacy.
Reading Crazy Love now…loving it!
I agree with you on the dslr…loving mine!
Dreaming of the 70-200 lens and the 5D…sigh
although…shooting in av confuses me.
Crazy, right?!
I’ve been shooting in manual ever since I took ashley’s course online
two weeks after I got my camera last year. She was fabulous!!
Totally recommend her online course if you are new to dslr cameras.
And you can never go wrong with a little george! Happy Monday!

SammaMichelle - Hey Meg!!! Loved the answers to the questions but I mostly wanted to tell you that the 15 minutes you spent making a George collage WAS NOT WASTED!! ;0) Love it and him and you!!!! Thanks for always reminding me to be happy!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i think you’re great. 🙂

Lisa M. - Thank you for sharing, Meg!
Love your blog!

seriously sassy mama - My sister has a super big crush on George Clooney. Pinterest is my crack. I am on the computer more than the TV. I cannot stand reality TV. I like the store idea for yur attic. I need a big old house!

happygirl - I like looking at George, I don’t like hearing him talk. 🙂 Thanks for doing a post like this. You remind me it’s the talent that cannot be bought. It has to be developed. Love it.

Angela A - Loved this post. And you should just put pictures of George on here everyday.

Alicia @ La Famille - lovely stuff! thanks for the share 🙂

Heather S. - I totally wondered if Lauren wasn’t on b/c of a request made by her! I can see that. Totally. And George, while I’m not really a fan, really does just get better and better with age. 🙂

Tiffany - cracking up. loved your answers. you really are human, nooooo? meg on pinterest: private, eh? –! lauren wants to be private too – good for her! even stevie wonder could figure this one out. teenagers like their privacy, readers. duh. also hooray for her wanting to be a doctor, luv that – girl power!!! reality shows blow, real actors need jobs, not those clowns. ok that may have been harsh, but man some of those shows stink to high heaven. one day, craft weekend, i need/deserve/want it. i was wondering if maybe you would do a craft weekend “guest” giveaway?! just sayin, consider it, they would have to be a helper of course. i would recommend, say….myself? ha! 🙂 Happy Monday!

danielle - Oh my word! I love that you have a fake pinterest name. I would love one, it would make me feel sassy and mysterious!

Kristin S - This post is yet further proof that you are my favorite blogger! I have about 200 in my reader and am cutting more each day. Yours will only leave when you stop blogging.
Thanks for sharing Meg!
And I love that you are honoring Lauren’s request.

Amy - if you come to Washington State I want to buy you dinner!! 🙂 And go for run and I’ll show you the most beautiful mountains!!!

Kerry - Hey Meg, I’ve checked back onto your blog for most of the day – mainly because I was interested to see if you answered the question about Lauren, I’m so glad you did! My 12 year old daughter has also requested I blog ‘only if I really have to’ about her as her friends are so into Social Media and they click through to my blog posts from there – she gets a little embarrassed 🙂 So I’m so glad I’m not alone!
Great blog list too by the way – I already read Kimberlee’s, Joy’s & Lisa’s on your recommendation – I just signed up to the rest too!
Happy Monday Meg xx

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i know these look like the same pictures of that sunflower patch i posted about in july….but they are different.
i promise.
i went back a week later with no kids, my cowboy boots and my camera. 




i was so happy out there clickin' away on an overcast morning with no one asking me "how much longer mom?"
"can we go now?"
"are you almost finished?"
i just clicked and clicked and clicked until i decided i was done.
that is an awesome feeling.






this time they were ALL open and smiling at the sun.

spider playing hide-and-seek at the bottom…


i love the water droplets and pollen all over the leaves.  :)






this one just needed another hour probably and all its petals would be open.



that was the whole patch.
not a field but just enough and all about 5 feet tall.  

and this one is my most favorite.
i love it.

i think i should just become a flower farmer.
i could just grow fields of flowers and take pictures all day long.
zinnias, black eyed susans, coneflowers, daisies and of course sunflowers.
wouldn't that be a completely dreamy job?

what do you dream about becoming?

just share…it's safe here.  :) 


Jen H. - Hi Meg,
You have probably answered this question a bazillion and one times, but can you please tell me the type of camera you use? What is your favorite, everyday-type lens?
Because I dream of being a photographer! 🙂
Thanks so much!
Jen Honeycutt
Littleton, CO

Tiffany - Ice cream taste-tester. 🙂

Heather R. - Bee one=my favorite! 🙂

April R - we lived in Europe for a short time and they had flower fields with a little stand or post with a box and you could pick them and then put some money in the box. honor system. It is a little sad that I’m still like, really? they just trust people? wow…
Kat’s reply made me think of Peter Pan. It’s longish but I love it.
[Mrs. Darling speaking quietly with Wendy, John, and Michael just before putting them to bed and going out with Mr. Darling to an important business party…]
Mrs. Darling: Your Father is a brave man, but he will need a special kiss before he can face his colleagues tonight.
John: Father? Brave?
Mrs. Darling: There are different kinds of bravery, John. There is the bravery of a thinking of others before oneself. Your father has never brandished a sword or fired a pistol – thank heavens – but he has made many sacrifices for his family and put away many dreams.
Michael: Where did he put them?
Mrs. Darling: (with a smile) He put them in a drawer. And sometimes late at night we take them out and admire them.
Michael: Are they pretty?
Mrs. Darling: Oh, yes. A put-away dream grows prettier every day. So pretty, it is harder and harder to close the drawer. But he does. And that is why he is brave.

karen gerstenberger - I would love to help those in the medical field by sharing what I’ve learned as the mother of a patient, so that they can empathize (without getting hurt) as they care for families. I would love to do more writing on all kinds of topics, and help others who have been through catastrophes to have hope; would love to grow in faith and service. I guess my dream job is writer/artist, and I am doing it part-time now…but it would help A LOT to get paid for it!
Also want to let you know that you inspired me to get some spray paint and get started! Thank you, Meg. Check out the table – it’s nearly done:

lisa - That last picture is amazing! Wow.
I dream of owning a stationery/paper store. Stationery, notecards, notepads…I love it and can’t have enough!

Dani - Beautiful! I saw a sunflower field this weekend and begged my husband to stop so I could take pictures. But, we were right in the last parts of the hurricane.
What do I want to be? I want to be a psychologist for the hearing impaired. Sounds strange? Yes, but I’m sure they need to have their thoughts heard too!
Maybe someday, I will do this!!

Rachel - All lovely photos but that last one is just excellent!

Angela A - You need to print some of those pics to sell when you open your Etsy shop. Please.
I am still working on my dreams–just now getting to where I can mentally do that. My right now dream is to keep working part time to have time to make quilts and other stuff and just to have space in my days so I’m a better mom and wife.

Natasha - I dream about running a bar in Key West that opens onto the sand and faces the sea. Some haunt that the locals hang out in, where I can live in flipflops and serve beer.

jenni@talkinghairdryer - I love the barn in this patch. It really adds to the character. Great pics!

Clare Heuer -…absolutely LOVE the sunflowers!! They are my favorite flower and you just have to be happy around them!!
The real reason for my message is that I saw a quick preview for PARENTHOOD last night and it’s back on Sept. 11. I love, love, love that show and I know you do too. Tuesday nights just haven’t been the same lately without the Braverman family. 🙂
Blessings – Clare

jen - dreams are so amazing aren’t they? i have tucked my dreams away in a drawer and peek at them sometimes but know they are not possible for me right now. they include running a farm, being a photographer, learning graphic design, honing my sewing skills and opening my party/wedding planning business. those are mine. i hold them close.

Jen - Gorgeous, happy pictures! Thank you, Meg.
When I grow up, I’m either going to be one of Janet Jackson’s back-up dancers or Pink.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - love reading your readers’ dreams. . .makes me smile. Mine. . to speak at women’s conferences, retreats, etc on following God with reckless abandon. I feel alive. . I feel God’s pleasure when I speak. I’d also like to run parenting workshops, speak on parenting. . encourage young mothers. Your blog makes me smile. . .

Courtney - This flower farm is about an hour down the road from me, and it’s AMAZING
Funny you should ask about a dream job, my husband and I have been talking about it lately too – big crazy audacious goals if you had no restrictions what would you do type things.
I want to start a ministry and write a book for women and families dealing with pregnancy loss
I want to run a children’s ranch for anyone who needs a place to live and be loved
I want to be a farmer and run a CSA
I want to own and run a bed and breakfast
In the mean time I just want to work hard at whatever God tells me to.

Kat - I wish I knew what my dream was.
ten years at home with four gorgeous kids and the baby starts part time school next year, which I am partly dreading. sigh.
Maybe then I will rediscover what my dream is.
It was to be a Mum to four and that happened, so now I need a new dream…

Audrey - the sunflowers are gorgeous 🙂 I dream of owning my own bakery

Kate - I dream of opening a home photography studio…. specializing in kiddos. I dream of recording a CD one day. I dream of teaching other women how to start a photography business. I dream of adoption and wonder if God has that in store for me.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Have you ever heard of those farms of U-Pick flowers??? I have read about them… It’s my dream to show up at a place like that with shears and some Mason jars. Give me zinnias or give me death.
I know I didn’t answer your question, but this seemed more pressing.

Amber - Have you ever read Harvey potter’s balloon farm to your kids? It just all of a sudden made me think of you when you mentioned being a flower farmer (which does sound dreamy:)…).
It’s a fun book & a little odd…but my daughter loves the pictures:). And I think you might too…

Nicole - …a wife, mama, and published writer. 🙂

Katie Beth - These are gorgeous. Hard to pick a favorite, but the last one is fun! I hope you print I sent arrived safely…if not, please let me know!

happygirl - I would love to learn how to take pictures and add them to my blog. Or, I’d like to learn how to be a wonderful cook and make wonderful food. A girl can dream. Oh yeah, and move to Daytona Beach, FL or SD, CA. 🙂

Amanda Kay - Meg! I found your dream school (would have emailed but it wasn’t working with my computer).
You’re so great and I LOVE the sunflower photo with the little honeybee! Makes my heart sing!

Amy Lynne - Ha! Love it!! 🙂

Amy Lynne - I would love to have my own fabric shop and be able to create all day long! I guess that is what I do on my summers off, minus owning the fabric shop 😉

Stephanie - A lottery winner.

Tracy Fisher - ps… i dream of living on the water one day and having a little art studio next to my home. tracy

Tracy Fisher - I think you should make a copy of one of those photos and put a bible verse in the center of the flowers. Just thinking. And would love one. 🙂 tracy

Amanda - I’ve always wanted to be a kindergarten teacher. Or host my own craft weekends.:-)

Tanya - a writer…and own a bakery.
I believe both will happen 🙂
lovely pics ~ I’d be running from the bees 😉

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I wish I could design wedding dresses. Wouldn’t that be a romantic job? I would love that. Loving your sunny sunflowers!

the domestic fringe - Gorgeous, gorgeous photos! I love sunflowers.

Tina I - I always dreamt of being a stay-at-home mom….some dreams do come true:-) My next dream is to find an old house, fix it up without killing its charm and sell it, then find another and another and another…..

Liesl - I dream of fields and fields of sunflowers like you have! They are hard to come by in Northern New Jersey! I just satisfy my desire to take pictures of sunflowers by heading to my sister’s patch of 6 🙂

Jessica - I dream of seeing those sunflowers in person!!

Jenny Joy - I love those photos. Sunflowers are my favorite… by a mile.
I want to become a professional cake decorator. The kind that has worker bees to actually BAKE the cake (it takes forever, and isn’t really my forte.) But I would spend most of my waking moments decorating. Fondant and gum paste and buttercream, OH MY! Cakes that fool the eye. Cakes that make people squeal. Cakes that people don’t want to cut into because they are just too darn pretty. It’s a nice thought. 🙂

sandee prince - a hip hop dancer. no joke.
gorgeous pics Meg.

Lisa - I particularly love the fifth picture from the top.
I dream about being a photographer. 🙂

amy cornwell - I love the sunflowers…I’d love to have a whole backyard full of flowers like you said: sunflowers, purple cone flowers, lavender, zinnias…all of the pretty ones to photograph. They’d call me the crazy flower lady, but I wouldn’t care. Love your shots, they brighten the day!

Sarah{Handbags*N*Pigtails} - I love that last one too…b/c hubby is a beekeeper on the side. Most people hate “bees”(they classify all kinds under one title)but our honeybees are pretty darned amazing and the honey is a really good natural combatant for allergies and such.

Alicia @ La Famille - i think a new fall header is in order with one of these babies!

Erica Haude - Where is this?!?! I really want to take Christmas pictures in sunflowers, as we just moved back to Kansas. I live close to you…so, if you could kindly point me in the direction of some sunflowers, I’d be much obliged to ya 🙂
oh, and I dream of being an Equine Therapist for abused children.

Molly - Owning my own jewelry business. You should sell these on Etsy. Love sunflowers. I’d love to grow them but don’t really have a place for them. Trying to see if I could grow them in my backyard somewhere.

Tiffany - Dreams…I’ve always dreamed of owning my own business. And I’m all over dat. Hellooo etsy. P.S. I saw a sunflower calendar at bn a week or so ago and thought of your blog, whatever!

Tracy - Gorgeous photos as always, Meg. The last one is awesome!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

stephany - I would grow the exact same flowers…

Lisa M. - Beautiful pictures, thank you! Sadly, no dreams. Isn’t that horrible? I’m a wife, mom, and I stay at home running a business. Life is busy and it just seems hard to dream sometimes, ya know? Being a wife and mother are two of the most gratifying things I have ever done in my life, but the business end of life isn’t something I’d choose to do again (the actual business I’m in, not actually being in business for myself. That part of it is great and has allowed me to be home with my son. Something I thank God for.). But it’s where I’m at now and just pray that God will help me through it and that I will eventually discover His will. I know He puts each one of us on this earth with special gifts and a plan for our lives and I’m hoping to discover what that is. I know He has something great planned and I know He will reveal it to me when the time is right. Anyhow, enough of that. I have an awesome life and a wonderful family. God has already blessed me in countless ways!

Maria - Simply beautiful photos! Would love to take a road trip to Kansas for the blooming sunflowers!
when I grow up I would love to be a photographer and fiber artist….

Terrie G - I wasn’t able to get super pics of sunflowers this summer. The field just didn’t cooperate. Not enough rain… 🙁
I’m with you! I would come and take pics of flowers in your fields all day long.
I’ve been blessed to live the best dream of my life…momma and now grandma.
But, a year ago…I knew I needed something else.
My dream is to learn photography…
And I’ve had so much fun learning all facets the past year.
I have a lot to learn…but it’s why I took it up.
There will always be something new to learn and
never a shortage of pictures to take!
Thanks for all your pics…you always inspire me!!

Beth McClintock - Love this post and I actually borrowed a picture and made it my screen saver on my phone 🙂

Southern Gal - Lovely shots. The last is my favorite, too.
My dream is to grow in my photography. I’d like to take some courses to help me get there. I want to take beautiful portraits of my children and granddaughters just for me and my family.

Lori H - Secretly I would love to be a photographer, but as I don’t even own a working camera at the moment (point and shoot died) that isn’t really possible. Also want to be a reading tutor for elementary kids. Reading is soooo important!!

Paula S. - Good for you for going back without the kids! I would love to be a stay at home mom most of all. A bonus would be to have time for a flower garden, money to redo my house and the chance to do small photography jobs from time to time.

Stacy - Current dream is to work, and be paid, to do curriculum development. Specifically, arts for children’s education & camp. Performing arts, visual arts – including wicked projects. I feel like I’ve been working towards this place for a few years. I’m good at it. Now, to find employment in this area that will still allow me to pick my kiddo up when school is over and to stay home with her during school breaks. So, big dream with those requirements….Thanks for the safe place to dream.

elma - Love these pictures!!!

Janelle - I dream of becoming a professional newborn baby rocker 😉

amy jupin - i am so glad i clicked over just as you were posting these.
(in my mind anyways, no scheduling posts!)
i just wrote about owning a shop, a little piece of beauty, with a striped awning and big flower boxes and vintage goodies stacked tall, chippy hutches and pretty candles and, and, and…
it’s all there.
my dream.
and you can come take pictures of it for me!
and kimberlee will bring cinnamon rolls and we’ll have lovely lattes and oh my, it will be wonderful!
so happy to have this dream.

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blue lily is my fave.


our last day of GoPro we had a session of discussing business plans & ideas, a flash seminar, camera cleaning, personalized critiques (that's a good thing) and two more shoots.

some of our group went up on the gondola and hiked around.
but i could barely walk around the house and up the stairs so i wasn't up for a hike.
i stayed at the house and we practiced on each other and did headshots.  :)



IMG_6258-1 IMG_6324-9

i am thinking my editing looks funny on all of these….hmmm.
it's hard to learn something new!

there was a fox that was all around the house during our stay.
he was wild but seemed to really not care that we were there.
we were all very close and he ignored us.
and cool. 

i promised the girls that if he attacked i would be sure to take lots of pictures of that.
and then of course i would try to help save them. 




we had our group photo very impromptu… with some taxidermy.


Blue Lily Go Pro Reunion-382-1

coolest group photo ever taken….NO OFFENSE.


we went out in the evening to practice some harsh lighting shots.
wendy and tyler had us turn our backs and then when we turned around this is what we saw!

how crazy cute are those masks?!!
so so funny.
these are their kids…not wendy and tyler in the masks.  :)

(ps…their kids are so lovely…i want to squeeze them.)


they said the masks were ordered from amazon.

not as cute on a grown up….

my new friends.  :)

we went on to our last photo shoot of the weekend.
i was so excited.
i was going to be one of the models!!

everyone was helping wendy set up.
it's looking cool already….

well….i don't have many pictures yet since i was IN the shoot….but it ended like this.


that's my kind of modeling job.
we had a big paint war!!!

6 of us threw paint on each other while the other 16 people photographed it.
it was washable craft paint mixed with water to make it fly faster. 


it was SO MUCH FUN!!!

and you can see our photo shoot last year with colored powder here.

i can't say which one i liked better….they were both AWESOME. 

you can read about it here on the Blue Lily blog and see when the next GoPro workshop is.

if you are considering going to a workshop….DO IT.
you will learn so much.
you will be encouraged.
you will meet people who love what you love and have great ideas.
you will be SO glad you took the leap and tried something BIG.

and check their travel schedule….they take pictures ALL OVER THE WORLD.
get signed up for a photo session with them near you! 

you will be so happy you did it.

thank you AGAIN wendy & tyler.  
i loved my time with you.


Jodi - I LOVE this recap! Your photos are awesome and thanks for including photos of me! Oh, and the striped shirt is from Anthropologie! It was my pre-reunion splurge.
I loved meeting you in person, Meg. You have been a long time inspiration of mine and it was nice as you said….to come full circle. The real Meg only strengthened my adoration for your blog, your photography, your words, and all of the inspiration that I feel when I am here at your blog!

Tracy - Loved this post! The foxy fox pics are amazing. Also love the paint pics. O a personal note I am so excited as we’re doing a family shoot with the awesome Wendy & Tyler in October…one of my bucket list things will be done! Now if I could just borrow your amazingly gorgeous hair…

Carol Short - oh, wonderful pictures!
i love the fox stretching out
(sudoku puzzles)

Peggy Lee - Fantastic!Really its very owsome!I like very much this post and i would like to forward this to my friends to visit this page.Thank you lot.
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Amy@littleforalittlewhile - So much awesomeness in this post I don’t even know where to begin! You are gorgeous and your hair is rockin in these pics!

Donna R - Fantastic! Great pics of an awesome weekend. You were a great sport to get pummeled with paint!

Kelley Wenzel - Such an awesome weekend all around. Loved the shot you got of the fox yawning and the cougar over Wendy’s head as it was being carried around. Enjoyed Sunday morning getting to know you better, as well as the drive back to Denver. Thanks for sharing so many of your pics!

Ashley F. - Seriously awesome weekend, I don’t think I fully appreciated it until seeing it all laid out like this! I am SO happy to have met you and discovered your awesome blog. I have pictures to send you. 🙂

Lisa - The paint picture of you is seriously amazing. What an awesome thing to be a part of.

Tiffany - The paint war looks like a blast! And you look adorable all paint splattered! I recently got word that I’m going to Craft Weekend, and I can hardly contain my excitement! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog and following you on instagram, and love it even more knowing that I will actually get to meet you soon! Is that so strange, having a total stranger so excited to meet you? I told my husband it’s like I’m getting to meet a celebrity! 🙂

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I am so stinking fascinated by that striped shirt with the orange lace up top. Yum.
2. You have good hair and look beautiful with paint splatters.

Tiffany - That photo of u after the paint war is full of color! Its a great shot. This post was full of encouragement, go big or go home!

jackie grandy - What an amazing weekend and those photos totally rock! I especially love the ones of the fox (so cool) and the one of you covered in paint is a keeper. Maybe you should get it framed and hang it up. It has tons of color and it’s so modern looking! I’m being serious here!
I need to work on taking more photos of people. I’m taking way too many shots of food and not enough of my family and friends. I have been trying to change that and my kids are like “get that camera away.”
I think I may have to look into a weekend photography course!
Jackie 🙂

Karly Shelton - Reading your blog ALWAYS makes me smile and think of all the good things there are in life! Beautiful pictures and I want to do a paint war soooo bad!

Agnieszka - Just a word of caution about wild animals that are not afraid of humans. Sometimes it means they are infected by rabies. Apparently that’s one of the symptoms. And they may look fine otherwise. Keep it in mind for the future.
Looks like you had sooooo much fun! I’m jealous, especially of that last shoot 🙂

Lisa M. - Oh Meg, it looks like you had such an awesome time! I love the paint war!! Wish I could get some of my friends to participate with me in somehting like that!! 🙂 Blue Lily is coming to a town near me, but it is unfortunately about 2 hours away and we are already so full of obligations that day, but I’m trying to work it out!! I love their work and it would be such a privelage to have them photograph me and my family.
Great post! Thanks for sharing!

Kati - Love the masks and the color paint throwing!! So much fun!

Brooke - I have ALWAYS loved Blue Lily…back before you could “pin”, I had one of their photos bookmarked and I have always thought back on it when I am taking photos of people. I’m saving up for one of their workshops…but honestly…saved up for craft weekend first… 🙂 So glad I’m coming that in just a couple weeks!
I am dreaming of a paint session with friends of mine this fall…I”ll have to get all the deets about how that went down. It looks super fun. I was thinking of having a canvas that the whole family could paint on during the session (as they are throwing paint), so that they have something to hang on their wall afterwards.
in other news…those masks are AWESOME.
Your friend in the blue/white stripe shirt with the orange lace…I WANT TO OWN THAT SHIRT….can you hook me up with her? Her info?

Lori Austin - Had to show my hunter husband the animal pics. He said “that mountain lion
probably cost about $4,000 – sure hope they didn’t drop it!” Ha! 🙂
My little guy LOVED the fox pics.
Fun weekend.

happygirl - Love the pics after a paint war and those masks are adorable. What a wonderful experience this looks to be. Good for you for pursuing your passion.

Jennifer - LAUGHING OUT LOUD! WHAT fun?!! Those masks! HILARIOUS!

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