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craig and i got married on september 3rd and moved to illinois on september 9th.
we were 18 & 20 years old.
he went to school & played basketball… i worked as a temp at the college before and after lauren was born.
between his classes and my work craig was in charge of tiny baby lauren.
such a sweet memory.
when he finished school and got a job,Β i started to nanny and took lauren with me.
then i did daycare from home when scott was on the way.
we bought our first home. Β we fixed it up room by room.
we loved that house. Β we filled it with love and babies…we had all of our babies while living in illinois.

this summer we did a little tour of the old places we loved.
it had been a long time since going back there (physically and mentally).

our first stop was The Grove… a nature center.
this was a place i came to ALL the time with my daycare kids because it was free!
i was so glad to see it was doing even better than when we lived here.

huge tank filled with turtles… lauren used to love this!
it smelled exactly the same in these buildings. Β πŸ™‚
it felt a little surreal being back there.
scott remembered it a little but the others couldn’t.
we had never seen this black smith demonstration before.
they watched him work for several minutes making a nail.
just one nail!
it was crazy to think about how they used to have to hand craft every nail they used.
can you imagine?
one nail.
five minutes.

then just for something different we went to Abt.
there are NO stores like this in kansas.
we killed an hour here easily between me looking through the dream kitchens, the boys in the massage chairs, the free hot out of the oven cookies and this magician.
my kids were totally into the magic.


we stopped in to see our neighbors from our old neighborhood.
one friend was at work so we peeked in at her job to say hi.
marybeth was so special to me.
she helped me so much with my little ones way back when.
she watched them sometimes, she encouraged me as a young mother and she loved my kids.
we loved being neighbors with her family.


THIS is where i wanted to go more than anywhere on our vacation.
the choo choo.

this tiny little diner was my FAVORITE when we lived in Des Plaines.
and it’s funny because back then… we hardly went there.
at the time it was a lot of money for us to spend on a toddler’s meal or with several kids.
so it was more of a special place when we had just one kid with us.
or we would go just for a milkshake but no meal.
it is very small and it is almost always full with people waiting for a seat.
they serve hamburgers & fries. Β they make big yummy milkshakes. Β (Oreo is the best)
we sat at the bar because there were too many of us for a booth.
this is a shot of the whole place.
there are three booths in front of the camera that you can’t see but otherwise… that is it.

what makes this place so fun?
your meal comes out on the train!
i was loving all the memories from this place so much and then they played the happy birthday song for a little boy in the diner.
and oh man… it was very hard to not cry.
immediately i remembered the last time i had been at the choo choo was for lauren’s 9th birthday.
i think it was just the two of us?
and i got her the birthday cupcake.
they play the birthday song really loud and the train brings out a cupcake.
i missed her very much in that moment.
i wished she had been there with us to see if she remembered it too.IMG_923512
this meal made my whole trip.
and i didn’t even eat anything! ha ha ha
i was just so happy to be there.
i was beaming from the inside out.
so many memories for me of being a mama to those little ones.
and how it feels so different now… Β it was so good to go back.

and then if i wasn’t feeling emotional enough already…

we went to see our old house!
this was our first home.
we moved here in 1998… scott was a few months old.
we painted it all white… we put in that “garden”… craig built me an arbor for mother’s day that i LOVED… we built the fence and the deck… finished the basement… gutted the bathrooms and the kitchens and made them shiny and new… the four windows on the second story were our bedroom.
i remember taking naps on sunday and laying in bed listening to craig playing with the kids in the front yard.
i spent so many MANY hours on those porch steps watching my littles ride their bikes up and down the street.
i rocked my babies on the porch swing.
it was a great place.
1345 Henry street treated us well.

ahhh… i am feeling a little weepy now thinking back to those days.
life keeps going.
kids grow up.
i am so grateful for that home.
and that guy who i shared it with… he’s pretty rad.


Flower Patch Farmgirl - OH MY GOSH THAT SNAKE.

First the possum. Now this.

You want me to have bad dreams every night, don’t you?

Lisa - Oh my goodness, I live in Park Ridge and we’ve been to Choo Choo grill many times πŸ™‚ Makes me sad that my boys have all outgrown it as well…it’s amazing how fast time flies! I miss the days that we spent playing in the backyard, looking for bugs and eating goldfish crackers – sometimes it seemed as if those days would never end but I’d sure love to see those chubby little hands digging in the sandbox one more time…

Friday Favorites » Between You & Me - […] Meg shared some memories. Β Her oldest just left for college, so she’s in a new season. Β I’m learning from her, while I’m in my new season, and she doesn’t even know it. […]

Vicki - I was already a bit emotional before reading this and now I’m a hot mess! I’ve been reminiscing too over the last few weeks as our family is in the midst of some major transitions. This post makes me long for the days when my babies were babies and a nap made everything better!

Renee - This post was sweet. I grew up near downtown mt. prospect, which is like 10 minutes from the choo choo restaurant. how fun! And the grove – i remember a few class field trips there. Free and educational! haha.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - This summer I was thrilled to take my 7 children to the place that I grew up going to on vacation. Its changed dramatically since I went there as a child but it still held that same magic that it use to hold for me!

Rach - Such a sweet post and such an inspiration.

tracy fisher - precious!!!! thanks for sharing πŸ™‚ -tracy

josie - what timing, I am from chicago and they just featured choo choo on “chicago’s best” – i had never heard of it and then its on your blog today….
Will have to take my 2 year old : )

Nanette - We love the Grove! My first boy had his 5th birthday party there and I remember how much he LOVED passing around the animal skins to look at! We don’t go as often as we should…so pretty just to walk the trail on a good weather day. And I have heard from others how great Choo Choo is…but they always just called it “The Train Place”…I will have to take my 4 year old before he gets any bigger. Thanks for the post with the good reminders!

amyellen - oh my goodness! i live in arlington heights, i have a daughter the same age as lauren, i did (still do) home day care when she was little, we LOVE the grove, my son is 11 and still has to go to the choo choo for every birthday (and a couple other trips throughout the year), my husbands best friend has worked for the abt family since high school!
i so wish i had known you when you lived here, i am certain we would have been best of friends πŸ™‚

Christy - What a great post! My husband and I were the exact same ages as you and yours when we got married. It was actually October of my senior year when he proposed. I still can’t believe it. We have survived through a lot. So glad I have him to make the journey.

Julie - Memories, misty water-color MEMORIES, of the way we were… In my mother’s family, reminiscing is kind of a no-no (stoicism, always!), but like you, Meg, I enjoy a little trip down memory lane every now and then! You remember what it took to build your life as it is now.

On another note, did you notice how all three kids in the blacksmith shop photo have their hands up near their mouths? Funny! I notice mainly because I am constantly reminding my 9- and 5-year old to stop chewing on their hands/nails. πŸ˜‰

Thanks for sharing, Meg! I love your blog!

Shelby - Meg – I just read this and it made my sentimental morning even more sadder. My daughter is in 11th grade and so far I have cried at her field hockey team’s parent night (knowing next year I am there!), her last field hockey game of this year and at homecoming. I loved this blog and learning more about you and your family. Sometimes I think people lose sight of the memories they are currently making, so I loved reading this. Next year I will probably be the biggest crybaby watching my daughter go through her senior year but I will cherish every single experience, photo opp and memory. Thank you! Oh, and your family is beautiful!!!

Sarah K. - So many beautiful memories!!! I love that you can still go back and relive them! My husband would LOVE to go to that Choo Choo restaurant!! Oh my word, the trains!

Melanie - I loved this sentimental trip of yours! And I’ve been to all the places you mentioned – I live here in the Chicago ‘burbs. What town did you live in?

Jennifer - Meg thank you so much for sharing your memories and pieces of your heart. I just married the love of my life this past summer, and just last night I was telling him how I can’t wait to make memories like these with him. Your post had me in tears!

Colleen - Those kids of yours are beautiful, both then and now. Couldn’t have been easy making ends meet, taking care of all those babies and a daycare to boot. Love your ability to make lemonade and ignore the lemons ( not being able to afford eating as a family at the diner) Hope you let Lauren know about the cupcake to see if she remembered it when you returned home. I think you are a great mom!

Carol S. - Meg, you know I’m from Chicago but you probably don’t know from Mt Prospect at River Rd and Euclid. Minutes from Choo Choo but regret I never went there! Loved taking my kids to the Grove too. The paths to a field with a gazebo and swamp, the t-pee and long house, such an awesome place on a fall day to let kids explore. Ever feed the ducks at Allison Woods? Thank you for these sweet memories and pics. I miss my college guy too, Thanksgiving is sooo sweet with them home! Happy Fall.

Kat - I love this post as it struck such a chord with me about memories and little ones growing up and wanting to step back in time and be there again.
Such a beautiful thing.
My kids are still relatively little at 11, 9, almost 7 and almost 5, but gee I still get so sentimental about when they were babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Sigh.
I loved the part about you remembering Lauren’s 9th birthday.
That made me want to cry too.
Aren’t we so lucky that we get to make these special memories with our kids and that there are still many more to come.
Love your blog, after all these years I think it is still my favourite πŸ™‚

Valerie @ chateau a la mode - Awww, love this post. It tugs at my heartstrings. There is something so special about the place where you raise your babies.

Jessica McCart - I bet. Makes me teary just reading this. Great looking house!

Kristin S - Meg, it’s so special how your girls look at their big brothers. You are raising them well!

And what the heck would you do if Lauren told you she was getting married?!?!?! You WERE babies.

Jenny B. - So special. What a great trip. It must have been hard to move away from there. It appears you guys have always had great taste in houses. πŸ™‚

Tiffany - Sweet sweet post. When u look back u see how time flies. The elders always say, The days are long but the years are short. The Choo Choo cupcake with the doily, sprinkles and train topper almost got tears outta me. I hope your daughter reads this and REMEMBERS too.

Lisa - I’m getting emotional for you! And I don’t even know your family! Haha! I was just listening today to the song my husband and I danced to at our wedding and was all teary eyed and emotional! Its fun to look back at all the good memories…

Molly - this was a really cool post. life is so full. isn’t it. so good.

we are from iowa and lived in arizona for three years. those were three hard years…in so many ways. it is emotional to think about it. now we have been back in iowa for five years. going back and visiting would be so fun and so emotional.

Sara Torbett - Meg,
this might sound strange, but thank-you for this post. I was walking on the treadmill, praying over some things and a bit sad. Then I read your post. It was just what I needed to read today. I’m a mama to two little gals and sometimes I look at gals like yourself with older kids and think how lucky you are that you get to pursue your dreams and be mama. Gulp. That was selfish of me to write. Your post reminded me that the rich life I’m providing for my little girls matters. That it will still matter later, it’s something that lasts. XO.

Angela - Your children, ma’am, are absolutely beautiful! And I love that you took them back to that house – I lived in the same house from birth through college. In fact, my parents still live there, but… My son, my first child, is due in January and I already cannot wait to take him back to my childhood home. My Mom and Dad took my brother and I to their childhood homes and told us all sorts of fun stories. It is so special knowing that part of a parent’s life.
Your kids are so blessed to see a home that was your first and theirs! And to hear stories about what it was like with Mr. Duerksen or with them when they were tiny? Even more special!

Nicole Q. - Loved your trip down memory lane . . . made me teary and think of our own memories with little babies!!

Alicia @ La Famille - I am beaming too!! Meg, I love this post so much. Every drop of it. I love it because we are in a major limbo period of our lives and nothing seems right. We moved from our first house two years ago in a major move and things still don’t feel like home at all. This post makes me see that there’s memories everywhere and you’ve shared it so well. I hope I look back on this time with tears of happy memories, even though being in limbo makes me sad a lot right now.

Thank you for sharing, Meg. Really really beautiful post.

PS: Sean holding Annie on his lap in that photo is so sweet. Something about big brothers and their little sisters…protecting them, loving on them…just melts me. I saw Noah (my 11 yo) holding Sophie’s hand (5 yo) the other day and totally lost it.

PPS: Choo Choo is where its at. I’ve never been, but when you get your food on a gosh darn TRAIN, you know its something special. Officially on my bucket list: Eat at friggin’ Choo Choo

Trish - we are still in our first house. i am ready to move into something more suitable for our family now, but just thinking about it makes me all nostalgic and i know i will cry when we do finally leave!

Jenn - What great memories! Thanks for sharing….I’m smiling πŸ™‚

Jackie - I’m a 26 year old mama to 2 (three in March!) little ones, and I think I’m in those days right now. Is that strange? Seeing how your kids grew up and the trips down memory lane makes me think about how things will be for us in 10 or 15 years. I catch myself wishing things were easier because they’re so little, or wondering so often what things will be like when they’re bigger, but the truth is it takes a post like this from a person like you to make me realize I’m in the “good old days” right now!

Gina - What wonderful memories!! Your story about Lauren’s birthday tugged at my heartstrings too!! πŸ™‚

Sabrina - We recently moved back to my hometown and it’s been fun to drive around and reminisce about all the fun times I had as a kid. My kids are tiny, but I’m excited to introduce them to some of the old places I enjoyed growing up.

P.S. I almost had a panic attack looking at all those snakes. They are HUGE and so many!! eeek!

Kari - It’s awesome that you posted this now. I just went to see the house I grew up in. The house I lived in when I met my husband [who lived across the street]. The house we had out first kiss in front of. The house we spent most of our dating years. We looked inside and I was checking out my old bedroom. I noticed in the closet, the wall says “Kari <3 Zane Forever" It's been about 12 years since we lived there. No one ever covered it! It's STILL there! Made me so soooo happy! And to make it even better. WE'RE MOVING IN! It's ours! I can't wait to make more awesome memories there!

erin - You were in my old “hood” I grew up in Elk Grove and had many friends who lived in Des Plaines growing up as half that town went to our high school. I work in Niles now so I know the Grove you were talking about. I looked into the house to host my wedding there but it was too small for our needs. Thanks for sharing!!

Courtney - I needed this today. I have small babies.. And in the last 3 years we have bought, redone, put our hearts into 3 homes. And then to find out, it was time to move. We are moving into the next house we just finished remodeling this weekend.. Here’s to living in today, and focusing on the now.. Appreciating today! These will all be cherished memories someday. (I hope! Ha ha)

Tracy - Awwwww….now you’re making me cry! I love going back to see our first house. This was a beautiful post!

Kassondra - I am smack in the middle of raising babies and running my in home daycare. Crying over your memories because I know all too soon I will be coming back to this place missing this crazy time in my life.

Tessa - Loved this … a great reminder to soak up all the time we have with our kids because they will be off to college before we know it … πŸ™ The Choo Choo is adorable!

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this week.


my birthday week was wonderful.
my girls made me sweet cards and picked some cute kitchen utensils for me and a candle and lotion. Β πŸ™‚
my cake caught on fire from all the candles that were lit… oh my.



sean found a snake while taking out the trash.
everyone came running to see it.
i am so glad none of my kids are scared of things like bugs or snakes.

spiders don’t count.
everyone should be afraid of spiders.


we found some pumpkins at our garden center.
i think picking them out is so fun… i like to see ALL the choices.
check out the big brown and orange pumpkin!
she is pretty.
and the weirdo green/black gourd? Β  Β odd.



THANK YOU for so many orders in THE SHOP this week!!
i have so much fun playing with all that fabric and so glad you like it too!
there are still pillows to choose from and the canvases are on sale until October 15.
Use the code FPFG15 for 15% off canvases.
photo-2(fyi… that peony fabric is G O R G E O U S Β )


a few weeks ago i hurt a muscle in my back.
i haven’t done any kind of exercise since.
so i was going to head back out for a run on wednesday… i thought i would take a selfie to document this big occasion.
i have a self timer app and it takes four in a row with three seconds in between.
the left picture is pic number one… the right is pic number two, etc.
our kitty leapt up onto my shoulder and scared me so bad!


mr. duerksen and i are away for a long weekend celebrating our 19th anniversary a month late.
our mothers are watching our kids so we could do this… thanks Moms!

we started off with the Lumineers concert.
we met friends for dinner before too… so much fun.


trying to get a group photo in the dark with a flash and the phone turned around was almost as bad as a cat jumping on your head.
so funny… great memories.
Lumineers are still new… still fresh.
they came out IN TO the crowd and played IN the crowd.
that was pretty sweet.

mr and i are having the best time.
we may or may not have already watched 6 episodes of Homeland… Β we are WILD like that.
and we are eating good food.
and smiling a lot.
AND finishing conversations!!!
that is a big deal… talking it out till we want to move onto a different topic. Β with all those kids at home this never happens.


ok… i want to hear who your favorite concert has been.
cause i decided yesterday i want Β lots more concerts in my future.

WHO do i need to go to?!

happy weekend.



Heather - The. Polyphonic. Spree. Enough said.

The lovely one - Rascal Flatts. Best concert EVER.

Kim - Could you send me the self-timer app that you use? I would love to have something like that, as I use my phone for almost all my pictures now….thanks!

jennifer - First of all I love that final photo of you and Mr. Duerksen. You both look so happy and relaxed!

Second… concerts. I saw Charity and Josiah from the Head and the Heart in a tiny venue in Seattle last year (The Tractor Tavern). AMAZING. I would love to see the whole band play sometime if just those two were that good! I have heard their shows are super awesome.

Lori - Sounds like you had a great birthday celebration.
One problem… HAVE to put a warning at the beginning of any blog post that contains snakes. EEEEKKK!!!

Melissa - You NEEd to see U2. Hands down the best concerts ever. Bruce Springsteen was pure fun too

j - Last summer my husband and I went to Austin for his work. We went to a place called Stubbs BBQ. There were a couple of bands playing that night. We stood in the crowd of mostly college students, listened to music and had maybe, one beer. It was one of the best nights I have ever had.

FLWendy - Happy Birthday Meg!! I think you’re next concert should be Michael Buble! Such a wonderful show! I love the pic of you and the Mr.

Darcie Perrin - Hi Meg! I would LOVE someone to give me anything from Red letter words! I thinks Dees shop is so beautiful and having the words from scripture on my wall keeps me aware of where my priorities are!
I actually think I may be giving some of her work for gifts this year! ( and yours too. The farm girl in me is loving the cow canvas)

Kate - I love Kid Rock in concert – he is my very favorite bad boy!

Rochelle - Taylor Swift is the best entertainer! Lots of costume changes and different types of dancing and acrobats. And she does a third of her concert from a revolving stage at the back of the theater for the cheap seats. I’ve been to two of her tours and they both beat every other concert I’ve ever been to for best ever! Almost worth the money!!

Jennifer - Avett Brothers!! Best concert ever! Of course, if you ever come to Nashville in December, Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb concert at the Ryman is pretty amazing too. πŸ™‚

Heidi DeGroot - You all absolutely need to go see P!nk !!!! I went to see her last Feb in St Paul MN at the Excel Center and she was amazing! I loved it so much I would love to go see her again and again. She definitely puts on a good show. Oh, and the gal who commented about no tickets under 100 bucks—it is worth all the money in the world. I think that’s about what I paid and I was toward a back corner of the arena about 26 rows up and the view was just fine. Plus, she does some awesome things that may let you see her a bit closer;) But, I won’t give it away you will have to go see for yourself.

Rachel S - Hands down, the best concert I’ve been to was Chris Tomlin. Saw him in Minneapolis in April. Amazing!

Rachel - definitely NeedtoBreathe.

Lisa - Please tell Talby that I really like her hand-drawn font on your birthday card, and I may be copying it for a poster I need to make for Sunday School this week. The brown and orange pumpkin – so cool! As are the pictures of kitty jumping onto your shoulder πŸ™‚

Mary - Needtobreathe and Coldplay were my absolute faves – MUST see live shows πŸ™‚ happy birthday and happy anniversary!

beth larson - well…concerts I’ve LOVED in the last few years have included, Lady Antebellum and Little Big Town. OH and my girl —MIRANDA!

Karen S. - What a generous giveaway ~ I’d love to win! Thanks……

Alice H - I cannot believe I forgot to mention Dierks Bentley and Gary Allan. I have seen them 4 times each and they always put on the best show.

Alice H - Dave Matthews Band has been my favorite so far!! He played at the ballpark in downtown OKC. I enjoy any outdoor concert that doesn’t assign seats. I like to be able to get up and move!!

Cindy McAllister - TRAIN….Loved their concert !!!!!

Heather S. - This summer my girlfriends and I went to Starlight Theater in KC to see Train with Michael Franti and Spearhead as their opening act. We LOVE Train, but honestly, the show Michael Franti put on was the best I’ve ever had with a concert. He was all over that auditorium and dancing with people. It was a blast!!! Very interactive and his songs are so fun and upbeat – some of my fave running music!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - Back in 2009 I went to a ACL music fest in Austin. It was awesome! My favorite concert to date was back in 1995 when I saw the Ramones and Pearl Jam. The Ramones are my favorite band, and I had no idea they were playing. It was one of my best days ever up by the stage with 30000 other people singing Ramones music. I would love to see Ray Lamontagne in concert.

NS - Michael Buble! I saw him on your playlist last week. Good choice. He is wonderful in concert! He was just in St. Louis 3 weeks ago (my birthday present πŸ™‚ ).

jen - Philip Phillips. He was SO good!
And I really want to see Pink, she’ll be in my area in a week. Can’t find tickets under $100, so… not happening. But I think that would be a crazy fun concert!

Caroline R. - I’ve only been to a few concerts my self, but the ones I went to were super great- Michael Buble and Coldplay! Coldplay is on a break, but Buble is on tour now… Happy Belated bday!

Tiffany - I thought I didn’t have a comment but as I scrolled down I realized Adele was in the list. I think I would consider camping out for her tickets, she got me through a rough time in my life, and she doesn’t even know, music is good like that. C’mon Adele, bring baby (I’ll watch baby!) double my pleasure, get that message to her would ya? Oh, Happy Anniversary!!! Best Wishes for Many More!

Kate B. - We saw The Lumineers in Lincoln, NE this past May-great concert! When they came out into the crowd, my husband and I were seriously about 4 feet away from them. Yay for 10 minutes of being close to celebrities! The best concert I have EVER been to was Mumford and Sons! They came to the Pinewood Bowl in Lincoln, which is an outdoor theater. The setting was beautiful and the concert was a solid 2 hours of great music. Another great concert is the Avett Brothers! Really cool brothers and I love the messages the share in their songs.

Jennifer - Your hair looks FABULOUS in that last picture!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. I am TERRIFIED of snakes. But not spiders. Still love me, please.
2. Pretty hair!
3. SO excited for this new season of Homeland.
4. Now I just want to know about the good know me, I like hearing about it. Sue me.
5. PCD! Duh.

katygirl - celine dion’s heart of the ocean tour in 1997.
there was even a titanic boat replica.

Dusti - The hubs and I have seen sugarland twice in okc at the zoo and LOVE Jennifer nettles! I’m surprising him in December with zac brown tickets for December 28th!

Jen - You and Craig look so very happy and in love. Love that you make time for each other and nourish our marriage. That is food for the marriage soul.

Concerts??? I was never a Lyle Lovett fan AT ALL until I met my hubby. He hooked me. Saw Lyle in concert a few years ago and he and his big band played for almost three hours straight and sounded great. Lyle has a great sense of humor, too. Have a great week, Meg!

Mindy - That last picture of you and your hubby is SO cute! And your pumpkins on the porch with the chicken – where is BH&G’s photographer?! The last concert I went to was a Steven Curtis Chapman/Michael W. Smith combination at our State Fair and I loved it. Getting lost in a huge crowd of worshippers is good for my soul…

Valerie @ chateau a la mode - Happy anniversary and birthday! All time favorites Paul Mc Cartney, Elton John and Mercy Me. Get to see Bon Jovi next Friday….so excited! I love concerts. So much fun.

Dawn - Love that last shot. You are SO adorable. I can call you adorable since I am old enough to be your mother.
Just sayin.

Breeanna - Happy Happy birthday! This next week is my birthday week! The best concert I ever went to was Mumford and Sons. It was last minute too. My friend texted me on a Monday night and said she got two tickets from one of her student’s parents. 2 hours later we were at the concert! They were the best live performance I’ve ever seen.

Michelle M - I don’t know what you think of country music, but Kenny Chesney puts on a great show! My DH who is not a big country fan loved it.
Glad you are having a great b-day weekend-you are looking hot girl!

Kimberlee - If Adele would go on tour I might die.

Alicia @ La Famille - Girl, I love concerts so much. We’ve been to a lot but hands down favorite? Mumford. And. Sons.

Amazing! Other good ones: John Mayer, Edward sharpe, Brandi carlile (have seen her 3 times), David grey, and joe purdy. We’re going to see The Head and the Heart in a couple weeks. They’re pretty new, not very popular yet but you should check them out. They’re good stuff. New album coming out in a week or so.

On my list: the Lumineers, Adele, Florence and the machine, Mumford forty more times, and the avett bros

Is this the longest comment ever? I love concerts. You hit a big conversation starter here for me πŸ™‚

Wendy - My hubby and I just celebrated our birthdays in August with Depeche Mode concert during a long weekend in Chicago. The concert was fantastic but I loved the down time with my favorite guy even more. I love reconnecting with him away from the daily chaos. So much so that we are scheduled to see Jimmy Fallon in St Louis this month for our anniversary. Can’t wait!

Katie M - Glad you are having fun! We only have one little one and I can totally relate to not getting to finish convos. We recently saw Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros and they were AMAZING!!!

Sarah K - Seriously so fun!!! Happy birthday sweet Meg! If you can ever catch an Avett Bros concert, you won’t regret it!

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - Happy Birthday!!!! Sounds like you had an absolutely lovely birthday week.

What app do you use with the timer?

Margaret - Sounds fun!! Have been to 7 Avett Brothers concerts with my hubs..they have this energy…fantastic every time.
Love your blog and reading your chicken posts!

Debbie S - My husband and I flew to Chicago FOUR days after we met to see Dave Matthews Band play at Soldiers Field. Four kids later and we still love to see them play πŸ™‚ And….every woman really needs to go to a Bon Jovi concert at least once. Meow.

Janel - I have seen Fitz and the Tantrums and Neko Case recently. I loved both very very much. I am seeing Gary Clark Jr next week….this year I decided to see all new artists. So far it’s been working out great!

Happy belated Anniversary and Happy Birthday!

lisa - We saw the Avett Brothers this summer and they were amazing! Loved them. Happy Anniversary!

Tara - Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! My husband and I saw The Avett Brothers last fall….we LOVED it. I hope we get a chance to see The Lumineers!

Dana Marshall - NEEDTOBREATHE!!! oh my goodness, BEST concert of my life.

Angela A - Oh, you were in OKC! I was wondering how you guys were posting pics of the concert on the same day as a friend here!

Kathy - Ok so the pic of you and the Mr … you are simply GORGEOUS! Do you think you might share what you do/use for skincare and makeup in a future post? Pretty please? =)

Angie P - We saw the Lumineers open for Old Crow Medicine Show at the Fox Theatre in ATL last August – such an AMAZING show!!! Old Crow is a fun one to see if they’re ever in your neck of the woods. πŸ™‚ (and it was our anniversary date too!)

Jenn - Needtobreathe for sure. You’ll thank me later πŸ™‚

Meghan - Happy belated birthday

lacy - if you’re from Houston,bring afraid of snakes is ok. bring afraid of snakes can save your life here! Dave Matthews puts on an amazing show, everytime! he’s so great!

Anne G. - I haven’t been to any concerts since high school, almost 20 years ago, but want to see Maroon 5 or Dave Matthews. Congrats on 19 years and Happy Birthday to you. How did your run go after a few weeks off. I have a hard time after not running for three days straight. By the way, your top in the last pic, where did you get it?

Margaret - I had never seen Homeland.. Until 2 days ago. I watched seasons 1 and 2 at once. (Got nothing else done) That show rocks!
Miranda Lambert is a great show!,

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today is my birthday.


a list of a few things about me right now on my 38th birthday.

* these are my new favorite jeans…. Legging Jean at the GAP
i probably won’t wear them with heels too often…. but occasionally maybe.

* talby wants me to learn how to do hair like this video. Β i promised i would try.


* the best book i read this summer was Tattoos on the Heart.
it has a little bit of foul language but i still LOVED this book… SO MUCH. It changed my heart. Β i saw some things differently.


* i prefer to eat cake cold out of the refrigerator… frosting that is cold? YES!

* i absolutely LOVE to take a hot bath… in a BIG deep tub.

* coconut is top of the list for smells & taste. Β it love coconut dessert! Β and the smell… YUM.
the best lotions, shampoos & soaps are coconut.

* i want to see Gravity (clooney… duh) and Β i am scared to see Prisoners. Β Are you going to see either?

* i think of my dad every time i hear the song Werewolves of London (which is surprisingly often!) because he used to play it for us when i was little.

* i am hooked on the seriesΒ Homeland


* my most used app on my phone (besides Instagram of course) is Afterlight. Β i use it 90% of the time as a photo brightener.


* the top 30 played songs on my iTunes right now




* i am going to the Lumineers with Mr. Duerksen this week!!

* i like this bedding.


but i would probably lean towards this style if i was actually buying new bedding. and i would buy it from target…not Anthro.


* i want to go to a party like this. Β someone do this and invite me to it ok?

* this movie is going to be so good.

* after i watched that trailer i got sucked into watching movie trailers 30 minutes!

* these are some pretty sweet running shoes….



* i don’t like to eat breakfast. Β i would prefer two cups of coffee and nothing till lunch. i know i am supposed to eat breakfast… and i do. Β but i don’t want to.

* i dream about painting. Β about being “a painter”. Β  i do. Β  but i never ever make time for it. Β i should change that. Β (someday…)

* my favorite drink at Starbucks in the warm months is a Trenta (XL) ice coffee/4 pumps SF vanilla/extra skim milk/no sweetener

* my favorite drink in the cooler months is a grande skinny peppermint latte (or caramel)

* all of this fabric just came to my door. Β (I ordered from Hawthorne Threads.) Β they are ALL so beautiful!


* i am going to buy some pumpkins & mums with my little girlies today.

* this list has become too long.



shirin - today is my bruthday!

Shellie - If you love coconut, you’ll love almond too. Everything almond smells yummy!
Prisoners is scary, I didn’t sleep after I saw it and my kids are 20 and 15. It was too real. It was a really good movie though.

Mindy - Happy belated Birthday! What fun favorites in this post – I share many of them and there are a few I need to check out. Hope your special day was great : )

amelia - it’s my birthday today

tracy fisher - i love cake out of the fridge too!!!!!! i can’t wait to meet you one day. πŸ™‚ -tracy

Breeanna - Happy birthday! Mine is coming up too! I’ll be hitting the new decade of 30. I’m really looking forward to my 30’s. Hope you had a great birthday!

Wendy - Happy birthday! I love your list. I am always writing down books from blogs and I now have some of your playlist playing. I promise I am not a stalker. just like to “hang” out with those I want to be like. You rock! happy birthday!


Lemonade Makin' Mama - Happy Birthday sweet thing! I turned 38 earlier this month. GOod month.. better year! πŸ™‚

Love so many of these same things. And coconut? LOVE!!

Hope your day is extra sweet.

Ana - Megan, you are such a blessed person that I admire so much.
God was really inspired when He created you.
I wish someday I really can meet you in person.

Lindsey - Happy Birthday! I love the list!

Sarah - Happy Birthday!!

Katrina - Hope you had a fabulous b’day. I did leave you a message on facebook πŸ™‚
What did you do to celebrate?
Love your list.
Wait till you hit the fab 40’s in a couple of years. It’s a great place to be.

Alicia @ La Famille - oh so much to say here….gravity?? maybe. prisoners? i’m too scared. my worst nightmare actually. (making the sign of the cross)

I love your play list….somebody likes the Avett Bros πŸ™‚

happy birthday!!!

love those shoes.

And those sheets.

jodie - i like you meg.
i think we will be friends in heaven, because unless you come to canada, or i go to kansas, i might not meet you in this life time except through your blog….and blogs aren’t really real exactly true meetings, are they?

Melody - Happy belated birthday! We are the same age but I see how much you’ve accomplished and am amazed at all you do… I know you visit Sonic for their happy hour quite often – I was just in Colorado for a visit and stopped at Sonic to try a ‘Dirty Dr. Pepper’ – something I’d seen on-line and was curious to try – it’s Dr. Pepper with the white coconut syrup added…have you ever tried one? It would be my new drink of choice if I had easier access so I think it’s a good thing they don’t have Sonic where I live! If you love coconut, I bet you’d love a Dirty Dr. Pepper!! πŸ™‚

Marli - love these random bits posts. they are such fun to read. thanks for keeping up such a bright and cheery blog. i enjoy reading it.

Mia - Happy Birthday! May the year ahead be full of all those colorful moments that make our lives full.

tonya - hope your birthday was fantastic, meg!

Laura - well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my dear sweet friend.
I am older than you.

that book has me intrigued…looks like Our Lady of Guadalupe on the cover, she is dear to my heart……AND foul language??? Perfect!

love you
love that you were born
you are wonderfully made!!!!


Maclaine - My college age son saw Prisoners. He loves suspense and horror movies and is an all-around tough guy. His review: “Mom, it’s disturbing. You should not see it.” And I pass that on to you. If you decide to see it let me know if he was right! lol

Tanya H - Happy birthday! I agree. πŸ™‚ on a lot. And this is a fun idea! πŸ™‚

Rachel S - Happy Birthday! Hope it’s a wonder-full day! And if you get invited to that party, I want to come too. πŸ™‚

Charly - Now I can’t wait to see Saving Mr. Banks! Looks so good!
I clicked on your book link because I knew I had heard of it before…this is why…the author is coming to where I work!
Thought you might want to know about that… πŸ™‚
Fr. Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries
(Special Events)
The Gerber Institute, in conjunction with Newman University’s Traditions and Transitions program, is very pleased to welcome Father Gregory Boyle, S.J., founder of Homeboy Industries – the most successful community re-entry program for gang members in the U.S.- to the Newman University campus on Thursday, October 10, at 7:00 p.m.
Father Boyle’s lecture, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Performance Hall of the De Mattias Fine Arts Center at Newman University.

Tracy - Happy Birthday (one day late)!!!!!! Hope you had a great one πŸ™‚

I LOVE coconut too!

Jenn - I cannot wait for Saving Mr. Banks! I get chills. A good movie, no junk, just good stuff. We need good stuff right now. Hope you had the best birthday ever!

Jessica - Happy Happy Birthday!

LeeH - This list is just right!
This is a lovely insight into you, it feels like you’re a friend.
Thanks for sharing.

Kristen - Happy birthday, Meg. a) Lumineers are GREAT live. You will have a blast. b) I went to art school when I was 39. Best thing I ever did. c) I’m going to pick up the Tattoos book. Thanks for the recommendation.

lynette - Happy Birthday!!!

Lisa Q - Happy Birthday Meg! Hope it’s a great one…and that the year to follow is overflowing with God’s mercies! Thanks for all the inspiration!

april r - Happy Birthday πŸ™‚

the list was just right

heidi maggard - Happy Birthday Meg! You are amazing!

Jen - Okay-just read my last comment, which sounded totally whiny, so I wanted to be sure to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope it was very special. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the bedding (but not Anthro prices!). A friend just sent me the link to Homeland so I need to get on that! Not a big fan of cake (give me pie!) or coconut (I prefer cinnamon!) and I don’t do baths AT ALL (don’t enjoy sitting in dirty water! HAHA) but I LOVE those running shoes and all those fabrics too! And fall is my very favorite-with mums and pumpkins and cornstalks! It doesn’t get much better! Happy day after your birthday! πŸ™‚

Jen - Okay-this may be too personal so feel free to ignore me but how in the HECK does anyone buy clothes at GAP anymore? First, their sizes are crazy (once I found the signs that helped a bit!) And, anyone that’s had FOUR (me) (or, in your case, FIVE!) babies isn’t welcome there anymore! I was just there on Saturday and it was DE. PRESS. ING! None of the jeans had zippers longer than 1 inch and they were all so short! Now, granted I’m tall (5.10″) but I’m thin and I’ve had four BIG babies! And some of that tummy ain’t ever going away! Now, I was looking for cords, not jeans, but I was really bummed. Gap used to be my “go to” store and now it’s not cuttin’ the mustard! πŸ™

alexis - Prisoners was beyond scary and disturbing for me. BUT I still really liked it…the story, the acting, the twists, the suspense.
Probably the scariest movie i’ve seen ever. But i don’t see many.

I want to see Gravity so badly!!

Michelle from Australia - Oops. I messed up. I meant YESTERDAY was your birthday in Australia. I knew what I meant even if my fingers didn’t type it properly!

Michelle from Australia - Happy Birthday Meg. Today was your birthday in Australia πŸ™‚ But you can have it again in America today. Don’t you love the craziness of time zones like that??

Call Me Maybe? I love, love, love that song. No matter how many times I hear it or how many times I hear a take off of it, I still love it.

And coconut. YES PLEASE. In any shape, way or form. When we were in the USA in 2012, I wasn’t able to eat a piece of coconut cream pie. And Australia doesn’t have coconut cream pie. So I’m hoping for a Stateside trip in 2014 (all on my own – NO FAMILY COMING WITH ME – TAKE ABOUT A DREAM COME TRUE FOR THIS MAMMA!!!!!!) ….that will include a pie of coconut cream pie somewhere on my travels.

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday Missy!

Melissa Lewis - Happy Birthday Ms. Meg! Love your list, if you get invited to that party I wanna come!

Karen Gerstenberger - Happy Birthday!

Rach - You will love Lumineers. Just saw them on Saturday. The opening bands are pretty fun too. Enjoy!!

Tamra - Oh. My. Goodness. I commented before I watched the trailer. Had never heard of the movie and wasn’t sure if it would be about mary poppins which was my first thought when I read the title. Watched the trailer and am IN LOVE!! Can’t wait until I can see it! Thanks for sharing..

p.s. Happy Birthday!

Tracey - Happy Birthday to you!!!! Today is my birthday too. I turned 34. I had a less than subpar birthday today (dropped my sweet 3 year old in the tub on accident and spent way too much $ on food that wasn’t even good to name a few…) Do you think all of 34 will be this way? I sure hope not. I’m looking forward to 37. I’ve been reading your blog for the last year and I have to say you’re one of my absolute favorites. I just love you, your family and the way you “do” life – Such an inspiration! Thanks for being awesome! πŸ™‚

Tamra - I’ve tried the hairstyle on my girls. so easy!! You’ll rock it! Love lists like these because I always find new things to buy or try. =)

Paula - Go see Prisoners. I was afraid to see it but something made me go. It is not scary as much as it is INTENSE. I do not like scary movies at all so did not think I would like Prisoners…but I must say it is good and I do recommend it.

Happy Birthday!!!!!!! Have a great day!

ashley - happy birthday!
i’m looking for your website almost tiwo years.
however i’m writing down first time now.
i always want to say thank to you.
when i read your website you’re inspired me and let me know God’s love.
sometimes life is very hard.
but we still live our lives because God is loving us and with us.
thank you.
and God bless you!

Heather S. - Happy Birthday! I personally adore Bux, but can’t handle the SF syrups. I’m all non-fat milk and no whip….but if I’m having a sweetener, it has sugar. I’ve tried before and blech – give me my money back! My hat is off to all who can order a skinny drink! LOL

Saving Mr. Banks looks great – what’s up with being PG-13? Sure would be nice to have a family film come out about Disney around Christmas. Oh well – that’s Hollywood!

Hope you had an awesome birthday!

Amy - Happy birthday to you!! You and the blog are such an inspiration. Wishing you many more joy filled years!

Magnolia Mom - WOW!! So I was surfing through pinterest and came across someone who pinned your blog. I decided to stop by and was surprised to see your post from today. Happy birthday! It’s my 38th birthday today, too!

Kristin S - Not too long at all.

Happy Birthday!

Those jeans scare me. I have “athletic” calves. I love that new name for those of us with heavy extremities no matter how hard we work out. Sigh.

Carrie - Happy Birthday. My birthday is on Saturday, I will be 37! I guess I need to make a list like that.

The bed has the headboard I have been looking for, for my oldest daughter- except I want it in white!

Carol S. - Enjoy your special day. Enjoyed your fun facts. Thank you for entertaining us all!!!

Kathy - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! OK you are one of my fave bloggers and now I know why, I love so many of the SAME THINGS! woohoo …. have an awesome birthday!!!

Caroline - Happy birthday!! Today is my birthday too:) It’s a great day!

Maria - Happy Birthday!!!

Hope you have a great day!

Linda - Happy Birthday! I hope you have had a wonderful day!

katey deasy - Happy Birthday. I love your list. Have a great day!!!!!!

Lora - happy*happy birthday.

Go see Prisoners. It’s SO good!!

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday, Meg! I can’t wait to see that movie. Movie trailers drag me in, too, especially Thor 2. πŸ˜‰

Dana - That fabric!! Oh my….does fabric make you happy like it does me?!? Sometimes i just walk through fabric stores when I’m in a bad mood…it always brightens my day! (Weird…I know!) Hope you had an awesome, blessed Birthday!

Patty - Happy Birthday, Meg! Love your list…I can identify with almost every single one.
Enjoy your day and I hope you get to eat coconut birthday cake.

a-m - Happy birthday Meg! I’ve been reading your blog for years and it’s made me so happy, I thought it was about time I gave you a big wave on your big day! Hope you have great fun! a-m x

Amanda - I absolutely love posts like this. I’ve been reading your blog for a couple years now. Realistically, I’ll probably never meet you. But I feel like I know you from reading your blog. These are such fun little tidbits of Meg information that i’d probably never know if you hadn’t shared it. So fun!

Rachel B. - Birthday Blessings to YOU!

kimmie - My daughter Haleigh and I wish you a most awesome BiRtHdAy EVER!!

Kristin - Not too long, and happy birthday!!

Amanda - A very happy birthday to you! May all of your wishes come true.

Tracy - Happy Birthday!! Today is MY birthday, too!! (except I’m 7 years older than you. boo.)
I adore the scent and smell of coconut, too (coconut lime is a fabulous combination!) LOVE coffee (with real cream and sweetened with xylitol. yum!) and long for a nice hot bath (this house has a crappy tub. Sometimes I think all of my troubles will disappear when I finally have a comfy bathtub again πŸ˜‰
I’m far too fat to wear those awesome jeans ~ but I am working hard to lose weight, so, maybe on our NEXT birthday? and you can just go on ahead and forward that package of fabric right to my door πŸ™‚

I hope your day is fabulous and filled with color!!


Welcome to the 38 club!!


Jen - Happy birthday!!!

Stacy P. - Happy Birthday! You make 38 look fabulous!

stephanie - Happy birthday to you! Yours and Anna Maria Horner’s are about the only blogs I read. I am glad to see that you seem happy about the day. I turned 38 this year too. It’s almost surreal as I still see myself as a new high school graduate. Now with teenagers of my own, its as if life is repeating itself. Have a happy and blessed day!

Laura H - Happy Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day filled with family and friends!
I just checked out season one and two of Homeland from my library. I can’t stop watching it!!!! I am completely HOOKED!
Love that Claire Danes! Love every episode! Staying up very late at night because I need to know what happens next….totally addicted!
Love your blog! Enjoy YOUR day!

Tiffany - Happy Birthday!! Listen to the Stevie Wonder version of that song, it’s fantastic. And I LOVE the GAP, been loving them since I was a teen, they make jeans/pants for Moms like me, not too flashy, not too Mom-like. Regular everyday jeans;) Hope you eNjoY yOuR dAy!!!

Jill - Happy Birthday to a favorite blogger! Make sure to have some wonderful coconut treats for your special day. πŸ™‚
I bet you look awesome in those Gap legging jeans. I’m excited for the Tom Hanks movie too.
Thanks for sharing this fun list!

Colleen - Happy, happy day to you! Hope you get coconut cake! I, too, read Tattoos on My Heart this summer. Great book! I recommend it to anyone who is looking for an inspirational read. Can’t wait to see your mums and pumpkins.

Cindy - Happy Birthday! It’s my birthday today too!
On coconut…have you tried the Chobani greek yogurt Flips? They have a coconut flavored one that you flip dark chocolate and almonds into it…YUM!
Hope you have a great day! Love to read your blog!

Lisa - Happy birthday! OMG. I adore the Lumineers! Enjoy and tell us about it, please. I’m going to see Pink in December with my daughter. Can’t wait.

Random, but the other new Tom Hank’s movie, “Captain Phillips,” is a true story about a ship captain who is highjacked by Somali pirates. The real Captain Phillips lives down the road from us. It looks so scary, but amazing.

Kristin F. - Happy Birthday! I’m going to see the Lumineers in 10 days and I can’t wait. Such a fun birthday surprise :).

Bethany - Happy Birthday!!! Hope it’s a wonderful day!

It’s always fun to read random bits about favorite bloggers. I want to go a party like that too! So cute! The Tom Hanks movie looks great-hadn’t heard about it. I love the fabric…now I’m going to head to Hawthorne Threads to “window shop”.

Melissa - Happy Birthday!!!!!

beth ann - happy birthday!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - After seeing this list….I feel like we should be friends.


I have a million things I want to comment on, but mostly, I DID throw that party…and it was inspired by “that” exact photo…It was for Sarah’s wedding shower, back at the farm. Everything was great until Ralph (the cat) jumped on the cake table THEN killed a baby bird. Some girls cried.

I’m terrified of that space movie.

I like those jeans. (Still mad that G discontinued my size…)
And love the bedding. And coconut.

But not coffee. Or baths.

This comment better post. It’s THAT important.

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full heart.



we had a REALLY great Craft Weekend!
such a wonderful group of women… God brings us the best people to craft with!
i am so happy that i know each one of them now.
i think it’s so cool that with the lottery system we really do just let God be the one who puts it all together.
He knows who should be in each group. Β He knows who needs to meet. Β He know who needs encouragement.
it’s just the best.


i brought home some pretty fabulous treasures from the barn on saturday… in the form of two giant shortening barrels.
how great is that color?!!


i may use them for flower pots.

this September Craft Weekend was our SECOND anniversary!!!
18 groups so far…
over 250 ruffled aprons…
at least 35 cheesecakes…
over 40 different sponsors…
almost every state represented….
and two foreign countries…
a wait list a mile long…

i would say we are loving having the best job ever.


this is our “selfie face” to celebrate our anniversary.

(i am not sure it’s working for us…)


after CW was over and the Craft House was completely empty, Β i took a looooong nap.
it is so much easier to re-enter life at home sunday night when i have caught up on some quiet time.

check out the sky i got to enjoy as i drove home tonight….


i am going to sleep like a rock tonight.

and hug on my kids all day tomorrow…. they have no school.

i hope they sleep late.




mandy - I’ll echo the others. where did you get that dress??? amazing~

tara - she’s got legs…..she knows how to use them! could NOT resist singing a little zz top tonight!

you have worked hard and it has paid off.
thinking you need to post about your total body makeover.

Tiffany - i hope they sleep late – crack me up!

Kat - Meg, you are looking amazingly fit and healthy and a slimmer version of yourself.
That picture of you in the red and white spotty dress (love that dress!) compared to the one above when you were in Africa, wow what a transformation!
You are inspiring me, as I have been going to the gym for 7 months and getting fitter and more toned, but I am still sabotaging my efforts by eating too much chocolate, cake, sugar etc.
Seeing your picture and your healthy snacks has inspired me to be more disciplined with my eating.
I just wanted to say well done and keep up the great work!
I love your sunset pics of Kansas, just beautiful.
You take THE best photos.

Loni - Meg, that dress looks great on you! You’re tiny! All that running must do a body good! I love you, been reading for a long time. I wanna be you!

Michelle B. - Wowza! Great group shot – good lard tubs – selfies XO – Kansas sky πŸ™‚

But another big wowza! All of the hard work you are doing is showing up in the photos big time! I may have just put down the cookies I was eating. I’m 44 this week and a good 40 pounds heavier than I’m used to. Been having a bit of a pity party that it’s just too hard, blah, blah, blah.

I am inspired to talk to get back to running and eating the way my body needs.

Thanks for the motivation – keep up the awesome work!!

Diane Baucke - Your blog is one of my absolute favorites. Never fails to make me smile! I love your sense of humor, your faith, your “craftiness”, your beautiful family, and so much more. Hope to someday make a craft weekend!!! Hope you have a wonderful week πŸ™‚

Gwennie - Where did Kimberlee get her daisy necklace? It is so cute!

Tosha Duckworth - Fitness and healthy eating are doing you good. Seriously Meg you look AMAZING!!! I had to do a double take in the first photo…you look ten years younger. Keep up the good work!!

Tiffini - oh…can i please have your knees? i have such grandma legs. never had good legs for dresses…i even pinned this picture is is so crazy cute…xo

Tiffini - you two ROCK…such big hearts..BOLD hearts
loving on all of us
sharing your gift…sharing your story
all so beautiful…xo

Jaime β™₯ Raising up Rubies - duck face selfies are the best.
i will wait patiently for the boots to be a print. β™₯

Jen - Looking good, Meg!!

AshleyAnn - WOAH!!! Hottie in the red dress and boots at the barn!!

Tiffany - A) You look amazeballs(using your word) πŸ™‚
B) You are so right about how amazing God works, to pull the right ladies together and at the right time, AND how he works through you! You and Kimberlee are such a blessing to so many! I miss you two!
C) Glad it was such a successful weekend, and hopefully you had a great day with your kids!

Tami C. - Ok, I just have to say this – I love the red dress with the boots! So very stinking cute.

april R - that red dotted dress!!! <3

and the selfie-face photo XD

gale - So glad ya’ll had fun! I love seeing every weekend as it posts on Instagram and would love to meet all the helpers! So glad I got to come in January πŸ™‚ Still one of my best weekends ever!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - I saw that belt cinched on that dress. Someone is getting skinny!

Breeanna - I’m so happy for you that craft weekend is such a success!

Chris - Meg…you look fantastic!! Love your dress and you look so skinny!! Nice work!!

Heather S. - Oh dear – I want your dress AND your belt! So cute! I adore those photos of the Kansas sky! We just returned home (Topeka) from a disastrous week in Colorado (have you seen that flooding?) and I don’t think the Kansas sky ever looked so beautiful to me!

Tere Canas - Fun times, fun times. Meg and Kimberlee, you are a blessing to those who attend, such fond memories of CW. xoxo

Rachel - Meg, you are glowing! You look absolutely beautiful in that red dress! Holy legs! I’d say those miles on the pavement and roasted veggies have paid off! Love the photo of the ladies with the old truck and you with your finds! Can’t wait to see the rest of craft weekend!

Sue - Just want to be another person to tell you how fantastic you look! I, too, wish I had your legs!

beth larson - Meg… these were my thoughts too— you have TO DIE FOR legs—long and strong! Love the dress on you too. I sat here and thought “and this girl has birthed 5 babies”. Way to go- all that running pays off right?

Can’t wait for the rest of the pictures from the weekend!

p.s. I took a screen shot of you to my stylist and asked for a haircut like yours! : )
(I do not look as cute as you- haha)

Melyssa - I can’t wait to meet you, Kimberlee, and a bunch of lovely ladies in November! I am so excited for my turn at the craft table and the barn. EEEEEEK! It is so soon I can barely contain myself.

Kristin S - Meg, you are itty bitty! In a good way. πŸ™‚

Alice H - I need to start praying harder/more that I get picked! And yes…amazing legs! Cute polka-dot dress. Congrats on 2 years!!

Heidi - Meg, I love your dress and cowboy boots!!!!

Sarah K - You are simply ADORABLE…and that Kimberly, she’s one of a kind. So thankful for the memories made at CW!!!!

becky - i had so much fun. thank you. xoxoxox.

Amanda - Cutest dress!!!!! Please share where you found it…pretty please!?!?

Andrea - Meg, that polka dot dress looks fabulous on you! You look so happy!

Hannah - I agree with Gemma! AMAZING LEGS!!! that dress and the boots…so stinkin cute!! πŸ™‚

CathyC - Meg, you look GREAT!!!! So happy CW leaves you happy every time!

Carol s. - Fun. Your face is very slim in your Arlie. Happy to hear you are enjoying what I know is hard work at times. I think I’m on the list from way back lol. Someday!

Gemma - First of all…you have amazing legs meg!! So jealous.

Secondly..I love your CW updates. 2 years! That has flown by. Hopefully you will share some more pictures

Gemma xxx

Lisa - After the day I had today, I am wishing I was looking at those beautiful sunsets and could have spent the weekend learning how to sew! Happy two year craft weekend anniversary! That’s pretty exciting! ANNNND that outfit you are wearing in the picture? Could not love it more!!!! SO stinkin’ adorable!

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it’s a tradition.


we try to make it here every year.
we have missed a few times usually because it’s over 100 degrees or there was a drought.
but remember all that rain we have had in central kansas? Β 20+ inches in a few weeks?
well it caused flooding all over the place but in this case… it was SO COOL!
the waterfall we visit has been dry before and sometimes it has a little stream.




talby reenacting an old favorite photo of ours…





we thought it would have water.
but THIS is unbelievable!
this is in KANSAS!







It was amazing.
we said a few times that we may never see it like this again…. ever.
kansas doesn’t get water like this.


i wanted some pictures with lauren since it would possibly be the last time she was with us here.
scott is a character… always joking around.




look at all those kids in one shot.
i can’t believe that all of those people were in my belly at one time.
they are all mine.


and i get this guy too?
i am one lucky lady.




kinda creepy how alike craig and scott look….




It is such a cool place.
And every time it’s different.
i love that.

you can see the other times we have visited this place…..

2012Β  Β * Β 2010Β  Β * Β 2008

there are probably more posts but i can’t find them.
oh well.


beth larson - Meg!!! Is that your own personal waterfall? If not how did you possibly have it all to yourself? Such wonderful shots of your beautiful family frolicking in the water together…
and now let’s talk about all the other amazing photos in this post…you are a rock star photographer girl!!!! Love all the critter pics so much- thanks for making me smile again this morning, xo b.

p.s. your family is so darling!

Kimberlee Jost - Just sittin’ over here weeping in my coffee over the fam.
All of them.

Tracie K - Great family photo, I don’t even know you but it brought tears to my eyes *happy* tears!!

Tiffany - You have a beautiful family, and I’m so happy for you to have this chance to create family memories! What a lovely place to spend quality family time!

Whitney - UGH, last comment did not belong on this post… now I just sound crazy and random πŸ™‚

Whitney - This is going to sound stalkerish, but every time I see photos of your house I always think, “I want all of the stuff in her house it all looks so beautiful! But I will never find any cool stuff like that in thrift stores here!” WELL, today, looking at these pictures I saw that you have the same ALL laundry detergent bucket I have that I got last summer at a thrift store… yay! But why does yours look so much more awesome than mine?! (My husband thinks I was crazy for buying it, btw.)

Whitney - WOW! They do look alike! They are all so grown up, beautiful family! And the waterfall looks amazing too!

tracy fisher - that last picture made me smile. how awesome. -tracy

Erika - Hi Meg! I live in KS and am curious where this place is? I’d love to take my family there sometime. If you get the time, would you mind slipping me a note to let me know? thank you!!

Lisa - The waterfall is beautiful, but so is all the scenery around the lake. I love the Flint Hills, and all the Kansas prairie! I’ve been wanting to take a tour of the Kansas waterfalls, and this looks like a great one to start with. “Pinning” the beautiful scenery pics!

Renee - Is this place a secret!? Where is it? πŸ™‚ Awesome!!

Also, how do you get your pics to be side by side like that – love the editing!

shar y - This is a great post. Lovely photos of nature + your wonderful family. Win-win! Those lovely kids of yours, wow!! And, the water, amazing! Truly blessings all around!

Gale - wow – so cool!! Where is this? I’d love to go someplace in KS with great water – I miss that the most living here. Fun to look back at the old posts and see how much your sweet kids have grown!! πŸ™‚

Keshet Starr - Adorable photos! And an important question–where can I get that chevron skirt??

Gina - Wow, all those people were in your belly at one time? That’s amazing! How did they end up being different ages? πŸ˜‰

Lisa - The first time I ever read your blog was this 2008 post! I was instantly smitten! πŸ˜‰ I loved your pictures and that you had a big family. Your post in 2008 (and again today) made me want to visit Kansas just to visit this awesome place! So beautiful!

Becca Sutton - It’s so weird that I can look at these pictures and know that your kids are growing up. How long have I been looking at pictures of them?? It made me a tiny bit sad! The modern world is so bizarre!!

Dara - do you live near there? I’m going to be in that area over labor day, I may just have to stop by there and see this in person!

amy jupin - your pics are gorgeous, as usual.
loved seeing your whole family all together.
especially lauren. she’s so beautiful.

Bethany - Awesome waterfall and the blue of the sky is amazing! Looks like a lot of fun.

Julie - You have a very lovely family – I think it is great that you have some annual traditions. This is what your family will remember, when hey have their own families.

meg duerksen - This is the Chase Co. Fishing Lake near Elmdale/Cottonwood falls. You walk over the dam and down to the left at the end.

Gina - What precious memories and priceless pictures!! πŸ™‚

KirstenP - What an awesome place! Love the photos of all the kids, especially the color photo of the five of them in the water all fitting together like a puzzle. And the close-up of Annie is beautiful – so pretty and grown-up!

Amanda - That is incredible!!! The family photo at the very end is absolutely perfect. =)

Necole @seriouslysassymama - That looks like fun. Boy would we here in Texas have loved that rain. My herb garden is kaput. We are only allowed to water once or twice a week. I love all the green!

Tammy - Ok, I have to know where this is. I grew up in Wichita and now live in Oxford. Talk about a small town! The waterfall is wonderful, we must take a road trip.

happygirl - Great memories you’ve captured here. I love traditions.

Lisa M. - Awesome pictures! What memories. Thanks for sharing!

Tracy - You got some great photos of your family!!

I can’t believe that’s in central Kansas!

Kristin S - Oh, Meg, these pics are treasures! With Lauren going off to school, so fun you got all five plus you two all together.

(don’t call the grammar police)

Jenn - Beautiful pictures! Beautiful family!

Gemma - Lovely photos! It’s so much fun to look at the pictures through the years!

Gemma x

kimberly oyler - cute pics of you and your guy!

Jen - Absolutely beautiful family and absolutely beautiful pictures. Happy memories for sure!

Rebecca - What strikes me is how tall Annie is getting. Wow~ When I started reading you I will never forget the story of you having a Bible study at your house and having to send someone to one house for toilet paper and someone to another house for cheese for the dip, becuase you are out and Talby comes down to report that Annie has gotten into some yellow paint and it’s everywhere, even on a television!!! Remember that?

Stephanie - WOW. This brings tears to my eyes, and I’m not sure why. Seeing your family all together just after Lauren left for college just seems so bittersweet. And it will be my own family here in three short years. But Kansas. Oh, I miss Kansas. I love the big sky and grasses. In Florida it’s hard to have a view (where I live, at least) because of all the pines. That waterfall is gorgeous.

Tiffany - If nothing else this photo made me want to schedule my family photo immediately. Can’t believe the differences through the years, wow.

Amy - We live in KS too! Where is this beautiful waterfall? We live in KC but often travel to Wichita and Hutch or Sterling, KS if you’ve ever heard of that. Love your blog.

Melissa - That looks so fun! The waterfall is crazy.

admin - it’s from old navy last summer Donna.

Donna - LOVE that skirt! Where did you get it? I must have one.

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i love coming to work…

Craft Weekend is going on right now!

They have made their aprons and breakfast is being prepared downstairs.

I snuck down for a cup of coffee and i am back in bed for a just a little while longer.

Looking forward to the goodness that awaits us at the barn this afternoon.


I wanted to answer a couple questions about the blog…

In the sidebar on the right is this little button with my face and big smile. (that’s a lot of teeth!)

I wanted to show you what the icons mean in case you weren’t sure.



I am working on the Bloglovin feed and hopefully it will be up and going soon!

But you can follow me all the other ways you may want and you can email from there too.



i have to take a shower now.

and then drive 12 ladies to the barn!! Β Woo-hoo!


Have a super Saturday!





Lori - The white frame in the top right pic is leaning against what? That wood and those colors. Love!

Sarah Madgwick - I saw you and all the lovely craft weekend ladies on Main Street Marion. My husband and I just purchased the building a block down from Bearly Makin It. You ladies were the brightest cheeriest looking group.

Heather Crawford - For the life of me, I can’t get your new blog to log into my Feedly reader??

Tracy Fisher - Yay.. i love craft weekend stories πŸ™‚ -tracy

Linda R. - Meg, I have been reading your blog since…I think since Annie was in preschool. And you have always been my fave. The new blog looks lovely, of course. I switched over to Feedly after Google Reader died, but it doesn’t seem to be picking up your new feed. Will this be a short-term thing? I’m not tech-savvy at all, but I love to read your posts and don’t want to miss anything!

Lisa M - Hi Meg! Love the new look! Was just wondering…is there going to be a date shown on any of your posts?

Lisa Dick - I’ve been keeping an eye on your website and keeping my fingers crossed that I get the opportunity to come to one of your whatever craft weekend. I’m super excited about your new blog! Congratulations!
Stay wonderful!

Julie - What an explosion of colour to brighten up my Sunday. Can’t wait to see all the craft weekend photos. Have a fabulous day at the barn.

Leslie - Great new site! I love it! I am so coming to craft weekend one of these days. Getting myself on the list!! πŸ™‚

Georgia - I love your new blog, it feels so good to get a .com doesnt it!

As always your blog is a place of colour and happiness. πŸ™‚

Kristal Leaver - Congratulations on your new blog! Your old blog on Typepad was my inspiration to switch over, it was such a delight to visit.

Oh, how jealous I am of your crafting weekend!! I hope you gals have a WONDERFUL time!! Think of the rest of us stuck in the house on a grey weekend with a hubby and two kids….LOL!!!


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oh my goodness….

as usual…my voice gets ahead of me in the video.

proof that i am not as tech savvy as you might think….


i am so glad you are here!

this new site is going to be SUPER fun!!!!


kristin - The new blog is lovely, really it is…. but YOU? Dude. Skinnay!! Lookin’ good, mama!

Gabrielle Madere - congrats on your new looks fantastic and colorful and sooo you! Did you move away from typepad? I’m trying to get my blog…a bit more exciting and trying to learn how to do that…reading lots of tutorials on typepad and picking other bloggers brains. I’ve been following your like foreva!

{jeanie} - Love the new digs. If anyone needed their very own dot-com, I have always thought: you! πŸ™‚ SO bright and happy! Thank-you for all the work you put into it to bless and build up!

Tiffany - I loved your blog before and didn’t know how it could improve… But it did! Looks fabulous. πŸ™‚

Christy - Loving the glasses! May I say, you look amazing. You have always looked great, you just look very fit.

Melissa - Your new blog looks great! I’ve been following for years and can’t wait to continue for many more πŸ™‚ Love the high quality of pictures that it shows- and colors too!! Doesn’t Dan @ Prophoto rock? (He’s my husband so I really think he does! πŸ™‚

Kerry - Hello Meg! What an awesome, beautiful new space! Congratulations! It was nice to ‘chat’ with you again too πŸ™‚ Much luck and love, Kerry x

Jeannine - Love the new blog! Congrats on the new space – it looks so HAPPY πŸ™‚

Toni :0) - Love it so much! You are so super cool and cheery and fun! Well done and can’t wait to see more. Bless you for helping to make my world more colorful and bright!

Martha - Hi! New site is so colorful & fun! Great job! πŸ™‚

What would Martha do - I love the look of your new website, congratulations! It’s so bright and cheerful, I love it!

emily hope - love the new site! looks so fresh and purty – great job! and it was fun to hear/see you on the video πŸ™‚

Christy K - Oh Meg! I love, love, LOVE it! The new site is just fabulous! So much color everywhere… a treat for the eyes! You made the right choice, everything looks amazing! : )

Ashley J - It looks fabulous! Congrats on your new “home!”

Amanda - Small Home Big Start - Love the new look! As colour and bright as I would have expected from you πŸ™‚ I just went through a blog rebranding myself and it is alot of hard word, but worth it. It takes some time to get used to doing things a little differently but it won’t seem so weird in a couple of weeks.

Great info on the craft house too! I’ve always wondered if you rented it out to other groups. Wish I could find a place like that here in Canada to do a craft weekend with friends.

Patricia - So colorful & cheerful! Love it!

Allison - LOVE the new site. It’s so fun and cheerful. Favorite blog redesign EVER!!

Megan - I love the new site. It looks so clean and really makes your pictures pop!

Beth - Love hearing your voice, matched what I think of when I read your posts πŸ™‚ Looking forward to reading your new blog, just like I loved the old one!

Nell - Love it! I’ve been following along for about three years now. So fun! πŸ™‚

Lisa - I like the new look – really makes your colorful photos pop off the screen. Congratulations!

Diane - LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, the new look!! It was also cool to hear your voice … always neat to have that along with your picture. I am also super excited all the kid’s crafts are together!! You do such great Christmas crafts that we’re going to try this year.

It’s so bright and just lovely. πŸ™‚

Jules - Hi Meg, new site looks great! Bloglovin can’t seem to find the feed for it at the moment – hopefully they will catch up soon!

Tiffany - Oooh so fancy πŸ™‚

Colleen - Looks great!

Sarah - You are seriously such a doll!! Love your new space!

Gretchen - Love your new space! So user friendly!

Ana Marques - Looks really, really, beautiful and colorful and gorgeous and it’s just like you…Heather did an exceptional work as usual…
Congrats and I’m truly happy for you…Now I’m going to browse it and just see it all…:)

Niki - It looks fantastic, Meg!! So happy!

Lisa - Nice job Meg! Love reading your blog! Enjoy the upcoming Craft Weekend. Wish I could do it again!

Tere - You are so darn cute! Love your longer hair. Take care, xoxo Tere

Diana - How fun! Great to hear your voice!

Kerry - Looks great! Congrats!!

Laura O - Love the new blog!!

Bailey C - Can I follow your blog on bloglovin? Or any other way?

Christine - It’s great! Have a nice “stay” πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - So excited for you Meg! It looks great!

Terrie - LOVE it! Super cute!!
So colorful, so happy, so crafty!!

Katie - You are so young and beautiful! I loved hearing your voice Meagan! Nice work on the new blog.

Lori - Fantastic new site! Bright, cheerful and just plain fun. πŸ™‚

roganne - love you shiny NEW blog! so super cute!!

kate@stillroomtogrow - LOVE the new site! keeping my fingers crossed my name pops up on that waiting list for craft weekend, THAT house looks AMAZING!!

roganne - love your shiny NEW blog! SUPER CUTE!!

Tricia @ The Domestic Fringe - I love your new super-colorful space. It’s gorgeous! Congrats.

Sarah Wolfe - Looks fantastic! It’s happy, colorful, and full of life… Your site is so very YOU! πŸ™‚

Kristin S - Argh, commented too soon. Feedly caught up to itself moments after I posted. Whew, I can tell my fave blogs because I save them to the end when I browse my reader. Yours is always at the end…. like a yummy dessert.

Kristin S - This looks great! Fun to see a video again, too.

Since Google Reader abandoned us and feedly took over, I’m stuck with it and still don’t love it. Now I really don’t because it doesn’t see your blog as a feed. So sad! I hope I don’t miss stuff by forgetting to check. I so rely on my reader.

Alicia @ La Famille - Oh how awesommmmmmme!! I’ve been wanting to redo mine too. Need a fresh look. Love it!

Krista - Congrats on your new space!

Amy Cornwell - Can’t wait to check it all out!!

Laura Kelley - Looks so great Meg. Way fun.

Kathie M. - Congrats!! Way cute! Love the new space!

Necole@seriouslysassymama - How fun is this. Color is such a beautiful and heavenly thing!

lauren - you’re adorable. congratulations on the new space!

Tracy Fisher - Way to go girl! CONGRATS!!! -tracy

Kelly - Looks nice. Good luck!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - It looks fantastic! I’m so excited for you! I love it! Heather did an amazing job! Love it!

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