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Category Archives: WAFFLE the wonder dog

new do

10:00 AM monday january 18.

2:00 PM monday january 18

IMG_1480what a handsome boy.

and we get a break from the ridiculous amounts of dog hair all over everything.
IMG_1470  IMG_1487

he has a special blankie.
and he has chewed it full of holes.
IMG_1505  IMG_1499

if anyone touches it he goes crazy…a nice kind of crazy.  
he gets so excited to play.
IMG_1497  IMG_1506


the santa hat re-appeared so lauren put it on waffle.
pretty cute.       


i am sure he smiles…he looks so happy all the time.   

 thanks for helping me feel not so weird about my insecurity.  
 i had a talk with craig and had some
 breakthroughs of why i feel that way.
 but all of your sweet words helped me feel much better.

Christine Ishmael - My girls and I scrolled through the pictures of Waffle and we all started laughing at Waffle in the santa hat…! We started with little giggles and ended up with belly laughs…the girls call him “Waffle Claus”! Thanks for sharing!

Sarah E. - My husband and I got a kick out of this post. We have a dog almost exactly like this. We’ll he has a few more spots than yours. His name is Gus, he’s 9 1/2 years old. We get him shaved in the summer (he’s an outside dog) and it’s the exact same look.
Not the best photos of him but you can see him here

Miss Em - Waffle is adorable! He looks like a completely different dog (and it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who does at home haircuts for my dog!)

Karrie - Oh wow, I thought the before was the after! My dog (which is part goldendoodle) needs a haircut but her afters always look like your befores. ha! And she smiles all the time, too~they are such happy dogs!

Joy Cronauer - I love this dog! Too cute…I want one! Does he bark at strangers?

tara pollard pakosta - I love him with his hair longer!!
just like when my cockapoo gets shaved,
they look soooo different!
not as teddy bear looking!!!
but he’s still CUTE!
I can’t believe he sheds, my cockapoo NEVER sheds ever! it’s awesome! no hair anywhere! but he does need to get shaved every so often or his hair is too long and gets in the way so he can’t see!!!
waffle is soooooooooooooo CUTE!

meleea - your dog waffle is EXACTLY like my goldendoodle tucker!! we have chewed up pieces of blanket all over our house and our dogs look sooo very much alike! we LOVE LOVE our dog!

clare - I always thought the “doodles” didn’t shed…apparently they do huh?

Sarah - Looks like a different doggie. What a cutie…

Tracy - Wow Waffle looks like a totally and completely different baby with his hair cut like that! He’s so beautiful and I think you’re right – he looks happy all of the time, so he must be smiling! :o) His blanket looks like what my dogs used to do to their blankets when we had dogs too. HA! Thanks for sharing and the lasagna recipe looks delicious! I will have to try it – I’m one of those who’ve never made it either as I thought it was too hard and too time consuming – thanks for showing me otherwise! :o)

carissa... brown eyed fox - his BLANKIE……… i love that!
and it seems like he loves his new do… look at his face!
big ‘ol smile! i am convinced dogs smile.
they do right?
i think so!

Rachel Ridd - adorable! he looks so happy πŸ™‚ I have a golden and their joyful facial expressions are priceless.

deb meyers - my son looks like Waffle when it’s time for his cut…he acts like waffle, too : )

Susie - What a handsome guy! I have a Golden, so I def see the traits in Waffle (when his hair is cut)!

Heather - Wow. Thanks for sharing that you feel insecure. I have been following you for a couple of years now and have told you how much I’d love to have a friend like you living near me. I think you are just awesome. Beautiful. Talented. Kind. Sweet. Vibrant.
To hear that YOU have insecurities gives me hope. πŸ˜‰

Tiffany Morris - Love the “new do” for Waffle! He’s so handsome!

mel - Waffle looks adorable!!! I love his haircut! He looks so much like a lab after those pictures!

katy - That guy {waffle} is so cool!

Amanda - He is such a cute dog! I love his name and all the pictures you post of him. Your blog always puts a smile on my face. Thank you πŸ™‚

Talia - Wow, it’s crazy how different he looks!

Angela - How cute! My daughter is trying to convince my husband that we need a “Waffle”.

Kirsten - Bah! so funny….my neighbor has a labra-doodle and when Cody gets a haircut she says he gets very self-concious πŸ™‚ – and I treat him differently, I think. Our other neighbor has a little Yorkie…and when Ellie gets a trim I like her more…why is that??!?!?!

the inadvertent farmer - Short of Shaggy there is just something about a dog! Kim

kasey - Alright md….
is it ok that i call you md?
I think your dog will be the insecure one now;-)

Mrs. Jones - Now I thought my dogs OWNED cute, but Waffle is some tough competition. Even his name is cute!!

Mrs. Jones - Now I thought my dogs OWNED cute, but Waffles is some pretty tough competition. Even his name is cute!!

Stacy - I know this is on the wrong post but I just wanted to do what I can to help. I’ve been kind of feeling insecure/anxiety etc. too, and I was asking a health professional what I could be eating that would help and she said protein. Make sure you get enough protein in your diet and it will definetely help. I hope it helps you! And I hope you start to feel better. Your dog looks way cute too!

Courtney - I love Waffle! What a cute/great doggie. I like him better fluffier – but I totally relate to the huge fluff balls of fur flying around the house!

Nina Diane - I love his new haircut!

Christa P. - What a beautiful dog!
Love the new do!

Elyse - What a sweet baby.

elisa - I love that dog. LOVE. And I hope you are feeling better. I too have had a bad week or so. Funk. Time for Spring.

Jen - What a great dog! He looks like a sweetie. Makes me miss my pups. Maybe we’ll get another one some day.

Toni :O) - Of course he’s smiling….he lives in your wonderful house with your beautiful family…I’d be smiling and happy too! God bless you cause I love seeing Waffle…he makes me smile. We can’t wait to give a dog a forever home sometime this Spring.

Debbie S. - Waffle is amazing…hair or no hair..and very photogenic (and tolerant). However, your husbands calf muscles were the star of the picture πŸ˜‰

Amanda - I have always been a β€œsmall dog person”, but I must say that Waffle has me changing my opinion. He is just TOO CUTE!

Christy - Oh my he looks like a totally different doggie!!
Love the picture with the Santa Hat

Cate O'Malley - Amazing what a difference a haircut makes, though I love the old version too. Love the Santa hat pic – too cute!

Traci - i love waffle photos. he is so darn cute both furry and clipped.

the wild raspberry - i have been catching up on old posts….good luck with your resolutions~they are good ones.
and i did listen to rachel…it hit very close to home for me….my sister has cancer…it’s so hard to remember the bigger picture of life.
that’s a hard hitting resolution~
~remember the bigger picture~
have a wonderful god-filled…exercising kind of day~

the wild raspberry - i figured most people already told you that your doggie is cute so i’ll mention the ripped calves of your hubbie….
very nice….does he cycle or run?

Deb. - HI-I’m new to your blog, but L-O-V-E, love it!About the insecurity thing…you are normal, after all, aren’t we only human? Seems as if school is always where I have felt that way also. If we are strong in our faith, and rely on our GOD…what do we have to be insecure about? BLESSINGS!

Cara - Hi, my name is Cara. I’ve been reading your block for the last year and just love it – can’t wait in the morning to see if there is something new!! I live in South Africa in a small “village” called Kommetjie (at the sea) close to Cape Town. It’s always amazing for me to think how far we are apart but can still see what’s going on different peoples lives! It’s so interesting to see how different our school terms, way of living etc is but there is also so many things that is similar! Cara xxx

Helen Wall - Waffle looks like quite the character! What a personality.
Aren’t our husbands great for sorting through our emotions and getting to the meat of the issue. I know I wouldn’t be near as sane if I didn’t have him to help ground me!

Laura Phelps - 2 questions….
Do you think Waffle feels insecure now that you cut all of his hair off???
when can Craig come over and talk with ME???

Connie - What an awesome before and after! I can’t imagine how much more comfortable he is. =)

Sophie - Wow, its like a completely different dog! Looks gorgeous!!

Rach - We over here in Cali LOVE the short do. So sleek!!

Kim - Waffle is adorable…and your husband has very nice legs. I’m just sayin πŸ˜‰

candace - Waffle, you are too cute! And you have the best new year’s slim down plan I’ve seen. πŸ™‚

Darlene - If I didn’t know better, it would seem like you had 2 dogs. One shaggy one and one clean-cut one. We have 3 dogs and our puppy is a shih-poo. She’s is need of her first hair cut but I don’t have the guts to do it. Truth be told….I like the shaggy/matted look. Dread-locks, if you will.
Love the post – because I L-O-V-E dogs!

Heather Giustino - What a cutie!! He looks like such a happy guy!!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - That dog is just adorable…with fur or not. He does look like he’s smiling. My sweet Fergie always looks like she’s scowling. Poor thing:)

A pocket full of posies... - Laughing SO hard- I’m crying!!!!- not at your insecurity- at “WAFFLE the wonder-dog!” goodness he’s too cool!
p.s. love what you shared on your last post…

Kristine - i love waffle!
**glad you’re feeling better!**

Bernice - He looks like a completely different dog!

Melanie - That last picture of Waffle in the Christmas hat is so cute.
Do you shave him yourself? I have a maltipoo and he needs grooming right now. Go read my blog post about the crazy nut job of a dog he is. He needs meds or I am going to be on meds!

julia - I love waffle’s new do. Is he all like “Hey, look at my new look” or is he more like “dude, what happened to the built-in insulation”?

Staci Danford - That is so funny.. We have a dog who shreds his cover too.. BUT maybe not in a nice crazy way. haha That was a wonderful Monday laugh..

Holly - how could anyone not love waffle?!

Courtney Walsh - he makes me want a dog. Seriously. He’s so cute!! Both ways. πŸ™‚ I am far too horrible a domestic engineer to handle cleaning up dog hair, but if I ever get brave, I want a Waffle of my own. lol

Rach - Oh my, lol. He’s a totally different dog! Cute too!

Becca Parker - What a sweet baby!

immyyas - What a happy cute pooch!!! When I had my lab I would shave him just like that… I LOVED the few weeks of less shedding. Plus they look so put together & “derssed up”.

Kat - He looks so cute after his haircut! And I love the pic with the santa hat.

Jen - We have a golden doodle that we used to dogsit for. He looked JUST like Waffle and we LOVED him. His name was Webster. Now we have our own sweet miniature poodle that we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. They are the best.
Two questions:
1. Why does he shed so much? Webster never shed at all. That’s why his owners got him. Must be waffle got more of the “golden” than the “oodle”, maybe?!?
2. I would LOVE to know how you picked Waffle?!? You know–in all your free time! πŸ™‚
Love your blog! Many blessings on your sweet family!

Whitney H - Love that he is wrapped in his blankie! Also makes me smile to see photos of Waffle!

Melissa Morrill - It’s like a totally different dog!! I just wanna cuddle with Mr. Waffle!
p.s. Tried Pineapple Vodka….YUUUUUM.

Rachel / cREaTe - i can’t look at any picture of waffle without getting the giggles. but that 2nd one down of his new ‘do takes the cake. and his holy blankie???? PRESH!

ashley - I told my little man about Waffle when he walked up and asked, “Who dat doggie, Mama?” He said, “I have doggie name Waffle, Mama. Jus’ like my waffle beh-kfas.” hahaha. That is one cute dog! Nice hair-do choice! πŸ™‚
Glad you could talk it out with your hubby. It always helps to talk to someone. πŸ™‚
Have a beautiful day!

merlin - He’s sure not insecure!
Lessons from Waffle…..

Brooke - he’s sooo cute πŸ™‚

Xina - Still love your blog, love the pics of Waffle (LURVE that name!)…I live voraciously thru you….I can’t handle BIG dogs, but want one. Got 2 little ones. Waffle looks COOL!

Amber - Oh my gosh, so cute!! I love him all clean shaven. You can see his cute little face better.
I that last one with the santa hat!! So precious!

Suzanne - I heart waffle.

Jaclyn - I love the picture of him wearing the santa hat! He DOES look like a very happy and well loved doggie!

Nicole Q. - I had to laugh because when i saw the title “new do” i was expecting you . . . wondered what you did, and then Waffle flashed up on the screen, i laughed!

Debra - He looks like a totally different dog! That must be the happiest looking dog I’ve ever seen!

Diana - I can just hear Waffle… “I can see! I can see!” ROTFL!!! Oh, geesh, I love your doggie. {I miss both of ours sooooooo much.} Our Chip had shagginess like Waffle and was always so happy to be able to see things again after his haircuts, LOL! LOVE the Santa hat on him… and of course he’s smiling! {Our doggies smiled all the time for us!}
Waffle is truly a handsome buddy!
You GO, Waffle! { β™₯ { doggie hugz } β™₯ }
Okay, I’ve had my Waffle-doggie fix. THANK YOU!

Foy (Garden Cook Write Repeat) - He looks years yonger with out all that hair! What a nice looking dog!

Cathy - Awww! Isn’t it funny how when they get their hair cut they look like puppies again?

Jess - Waffle! Love ’em.

tami reed - Even though Im not an animal lover that dog is too cute lol

Renee - I bet Waffle is so happy with his new found handsomeness. Great pictures! xoxo

Keri R. - This post reminds me that I need to make an appointment for our goldendoodle to get shaved! My husband tried to do it himself… πŸ™‚ Now her hair is totally patchy

Kimberly - I agree with Staci, nice legs, Craig!!!
Love Waffle’s haircut too πŸ™‚

Nancy - What a fine pooch… I would love to imagine what his voice would be like if he could actually talk in human voice. My dog would sound like Will Ferrel in Old School. Frank the Tank. I wonder what Waffle would be like??? By the way, I made my daughter a rainbow cake for her bday. She loved it and the party guests “oohed and aahhed” when the cake was cut. Thanks for giving my party that wow factor! πŸ™‚

jenjen - So cute! My sister has the same dog and they keep her shaved. They live in Idaho and her dog is always getting muddy out in the fields. It probably feels so good!

AshleyR - I love waffle!! He just looks so hugable. I drool over your house every time I see pictures. It reminds me of everything I love… family, fun, laughter, old, new, comfy, and cozy all wrapped up in one!

BriBedell - It’s like you get two dogs for the price of one πŸ™‚ He is super cute!

Tonya - He looks so good! Looks like 2 different dogs…what a cute boy!!

Hillary @ The Other Mama - So cute! I wish I looked that good after a haircut!!

Georgia - Hehe – he looks like a sheep which has been sheared! lol
Very handsome boy! πŸ™‚

Staci - Man oh man is he a cutie πŸ™‚ ALMOST makes me wish I had one….minus the hair πŸ™‚ (We had a yellow lab for 12 years…I STILL find “Baxter hair” occasionally πŸ™‚ And this might be inappropriate to say…but I have to… your Craig has some seriously great calves on him πŸ™‚ hee hee

Londen - You have the cutest dog! He looks so friendly too.

Beth - Wow. Really the same dog! So cute! He’s a good model! My dog would have been eating my camera during some of those!

thea - I soooo love the “do” and his name is wonderfully…delicious!! LOL! Glad you talked with Craig. πŸ™‚

Sandy - I’m with Jeanne, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Waffle’s long hair too. Of course, we don’t have to clean it up every day. πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing the pictures. I’m seeing Waffle’s santa hat picture in a sort of collage for next year’s Christmas card.

Tracy - way too cute! I can’t wait to do that to our golden – he’s LONG overdue!
Such a sweet face on your boy….so happy!
Happy Monday ~

Lisa - OOO Waffle i am in love with you!

DreamGirlLisa - Aww, waffle looks like a completely different pooch. Still adorable though!

Lisa - Cute! And I just noticed the globes above your cabinets. Love that!

Trish - talk about insecuritys around parents at school! My daughter goes to a private school and we live out of district so I have to bus her. she has CP so she uses a walker… so already I know we are “different” I am nervous, about ready to puke and I pull into the parking lot on the first day of school and I back right into another mini van… oh yeah. Thankfully I held it together and didn’t burst into tears the second I looked this woman in the face. But I definitely wanted to crawl into my shell and never return again!

jeanne - Are you SERIOUS that is the same dog???? Crazy cuteness!!!! I actually LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the long hair:-)

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it was so nice to hear that you all agreed the afters were better than the befores
of our kitchen remodel.
ha ha ha.

you had lots of questions and i have lots of answers.

how long did the remodel take?  

3 months…november – january.

how did you survive?  

we moved the refrigerator into the living room…set up a folding table also with throw away utensils
and the microwave…and that was what we used.  
it was kind of crazy but so much changed in the new kitchen everyday that it was exciting.

how did you decide what you wanted? 

we remodeled our kitchen LAST in our home in illinois and then we moved.
all that work and money and we didn't even get to enjoy it.  so when we bought this house we decided
we would do the kitchen FIRST because it is the most important room to us.
i knew i wanted the exact same cabinets i had in my IL. kitchen.
i had a baby at home so i spent hours and hours sitting and dreaming up what to do.
and i had years of magazines pictures in a file that i used to put it together.

did you design it?

yes.  i designed it all.  i like to draw so i gave my detailed drawings to the cabinet guy brad and our contractor bernie and said " do it like this".  
i wonder where those are now???

can we move in?
that depends…are you good at laundry?  cooking? cleaning?  i may consider it if you are….

is that a real chalkboard or just chalkboard paint?

it is an old school chalkboard…running the other way…from a garage sale.
sarah has the paint on the wall and it looks great too…so if you can't find a huge chalkboard at a  
garage sale…do what she did!)
the kids' dinnertime chores are written way at the top.

what kind of dog is that?

waffle is a golden doodle…half poodle/half golden retreiver.  and he needs a haircut.
they do shed and i don't know if they are hypoallergenic.
but if his hair is short…there is practically no shedding at all.
our friends had one liter of these in 2008.
this entire liter of puppies is the happiest bunch of dogs i have ever seen!
but they aren't having anymore puppies unfortunately…and i don't know anyone else to find one for you.
check your classifieds or google golden doodles in your area.
(those are the most frequent questions i am asked about waffler)

how did you have the patience for a kitchen remodel?

craig and i are a good team.  
he likes my designs (at least he says he does)…he is very flexible and encouraging with my vision/ideas.
i really like how hard of a worker he is.
we both like to get good deals.
and we take our time figuring out what we want.
and he is such a good painter!  he is so detailed.
so much so that he's asked me to stop painting a few times…because i was so messy he wanted me to go.
working with all men (contractors, electricians, plumbers, carpenters) can be a challenge because i don't like confrontation and i really don't like being treated like a dumb girl.
and that happens every once in awhile…but not too much.
i know what i want when it comes to my home down to the last detail.
so that caused some tension for me sometimes…and of course…tears because i am a girl.
but other than that…it doesn't take too much patience when you are so excited.
bernie, our contractor, showed up EVERYDAY and worked all day till the job was finished.
he rocks.
he never made me cry.  :)

and i have a few kids around here to distract me…helping with the patience. 

what made you decide to put in the wall of windows?

that side of the room was previously a porch.
in the 70's or 80's the homeowners enclosed it with 12 skinny tall windows and a door.
none of them worked anymore.  
we decided to use 6 big windows and closing up the space where the door had been…
gaining 3 more feet of counter space in the process.

the wall with wood slats is gone and a steel support beam is in it's place.
the door on the left is now a wall (with the red EAT letters)
the floor was cement on this half and slanted because it was a porch.
it had to be leveled and then the wood floor laid down across both rooms. 

stop looking at my dirty dishes!  


do your wood floors stand up well to high traffic?

i am in love with wood floors.
we have no carpet i our entire house…and only 2 rugs.  one of them came with the house!
they are scratched in a few places but i don't mind.  
and i HATE to vaccuum.

how should i paint my cabinets?

these are all new cabinets painted by the cabinet makers….so i can't help you with that.

where did you get your slipcoverd sofas?

the white ones are from world market.  the blue is an old couch from our IL. days…

what color is the paint on your walls?

you know…in the mess of the remodel we threw out the can.
after we'd used literally every single drop and we don't know what color it is!  
that is BAD.
it is a creamy off white…just different enough from the bright white cabinets to show a difference.
it's not yellow.

where did you get your chandeliers?

chicago jenny gave me one for our IL kitchen.
she had taken it out of her house and it was sitting in her garage!!
she walked into our new kitchen and started laughing and called her husband in to show him
my new light i had bought at the flea market.  identical to hers…that she was getting rid of.
so when we moved to kansas she gave it to me as a going away gift. πŸ™‚

best gift ever.
so i had two chandeliers that were nearly the same.  
yes…i took my light from my IL. house.  we put in a different one though…
some of my friends were here yesterday baking for their friends fundraiser…it was a blast.
but you can see the chandelier.
(and i need some more globes…any one have one they don't want anymore   :)

i find chandeliers at antique stores and flea markets.  
my friend diana gave me one from her dining room and it's in my bathroom.
they were all brass and i spray paint them white.
should i take my cherry cabinets out and put in white?

that quesiton is too big for me.
it's a personal preference.  you want to be happy in your home…so you have to decide that for you.
i like cherry too…they are pretty.

where did you get your roman shades?

a little place called the home depot. 

how do you keep the white cabinets so clean?

ha ha ha.
now that is just funny.
right now i can see spaghetti sauce…footprints…hot cocoa splatters…all kinds of gunk on them.
you just have to wipe them off like everything else.
but you can use clorox clean up at least.  
and annie loves to use cleaning wipes…often the cabinet cleaning job goes to her on saturday mornings.

what kind of appliances do you have?

the dishwasher is a kitchenaid from best buy.  it's great!  it get used every single day 365 days a year.
(except i guess you aren't supposed to put pieces of broken glass or bobby pins in them…who knew?)
the cooktop and double oven are Jenn-Air and we bought them off ebay.
one was a floor model with a scratch and one was an older model…but still looked great to us.
the refridgertor is GE and we got it at sears.
the microwave is GE from home depot.

do you help people with decorating dilemmas?

no one has ever done what i suggest.
so i will say no.  

can we see the rest of your house?'s too messy.
just kidding.  there is a photo album in the left sidebar…if you haven't seen that.
but i do have a few more before and afters to show sometime. 
but the afters are too messy to show you today.

so that is that.
any other questions?

Bethany - Great re-do!
Are the floors oak?
Are they engineered or solid wood installed, sanded and finished onsite?

Liz - Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. And even better, it is fun and happy and REAL. I love it.
You’ve answered most of my questions already but I have one more… where is that fun red striped bowl from?

lindsey - love it! thanks so much for all the info. hope you don’t mind, but i’m going to have to steal an idea form you: the globes! my husband and i were looking at the pics of your house and he mentioned how similar our kitchens were (very!). but i have the big space above the cabinets that i never know what to do with. you solved my dilemma! now i’m off to find a bunch of large globes…

cynthia - it’s all so lovely….and with a good dose of humor too. you rock!

Meaghan - I love what you’ve done to your home. I like flipping through your photos for ideas. I have a question if you’re still answering them… How involved was painting the wood trim you redid? Did you have to sand it all down first?
We have dark oak moulding throughout our old house, and I would love to brighten some of it up, but it seems like a HUGE job, esp having our little ones around. Thanks!

Diana - I have a globe that you plug in and can turn on it’s little switch so it lights up… a soft light. It’s pretty old… about 25-30 years. I forgot that I have it. Was rearranging some things in a closet and found it a few weeks ago. If I decide at some point that I don’t want it anymore, you’ll be the first to know. It would match yours. πŸ™‚
LOVE that soft blue sofa. Looks like it would be a nice nap place… zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Michelle Whitlow - LOVED seeing all the pics!! One question ~ no kitchen table?? I’m assuming you always eat at the island and opted for no table so you had more room??

Janelle - I want to see bathroom addition pics!

Kirsten - Meg – I love that kitchen! We remodeled our kitchen in our old house, and did the same thing – sold it just a few months later. Dang, she got a nice custom kitchen. But it was too small, and the remodel went South in a bad way and took 8 months. Seriously. Just about drove me insane. That’s when I started my blog.
Question: where are your counter stools from? It seems like all I can find are $29 Target stools, which my husband says are too cheap…and $299 Ballard Designs stools, which I cannot justify πŸ™

Amber - Meg…I love how your home has such an eclectic feel (i hope that’s a word you would use to describe it)! It is so homey and lived in…very practical and inviting! Your “style” is very inspiring to me!!
Thanks for the post!

carissa... brown eyed fox - my dream!
to buy a house… and make it our home.
we have had years of living in homes that do not reflect us.
from the floors… to the doors… and all in between… not us.
i look forward to one day having a home… where the home (the bones of it) reflect us!
aweeeee… i pray one day!
and meg… i am gonna try my darndest to channel your creativity & ingenuity!
what a beautiful design! such a pretty home! every detail… DREAMY!
i really liked seeing the kiddos in the pics… so fun… how they’ve grown!

Shairee bass - What did you color on your pictures with on your bathroom Under the stairs to get the colors so bright?? Thanks.

Anita - Thank you for the honest answer about the white cabinets. I painted mine white in this old house renovation I am in and I am, wonderingif I was CRAZY. I had RED cabinets in my lat house…chocolate smears see to constantly need wiping. Am I the only family member who sees this? I LOVE the kitchen. I had no budget for new cabinets- so I painted them. I am having a giveaway so come visit!

Sophie - Sigh…. I love your new kitchen/lounge. I want to move in.

traci in virginia - Yes, a couple more questions! I love your kitchen and how it is so open, airy, happy and friendly. I have white cabinets and am planning to get wood floors this year and new countertops. What color is your floor stain for your hardwoods and what color granite did you choose? I am going to do the floors first and have a terrible time making decisions. I thought I would do my homework!
Thanks for sharing your before and after….it looks great!

DreamGirlLisa - oops, one more thing I forgot, I LOVE to cook, when can I move in? ha ha πŸ™‚

DreamGirlLisa - Love that you answered all those questions! But, I’m still trying to wrap my head around the notion of a poodle and a golden retriever ( may fav kind of dog) mating!!!!!! lol!

Vera - FYI I decided to cover my pantry door with chalkboard paint after seeing pictures of your kitchen last year… but like all of my projects, it was a whim decision with no real planning, made a Hobby Lobby one afternoon, so instead of going out and buying REAL chalkboard paint, I bought the spray paint kind at Hobby Lobby. Then, because I’m just not very smart, I just taped off the edges of the pantry door, laid down some tarp, and sprayed away. Apparently you’re not supposed to do that inside, and I almost died. I also coated our entire kitchen in a fine layer of chalkboard paint. And the soles of my feet were black for days. It all turned out fine in the end, it looks good and I survived, but if anyone else wants to do this – take the door off the hinges and take the door OUTSIDE.

Deputy's Wife - Thanks for sharing your photos of your kitchen remodel! We start ours Monday. I can’t believe I am actually saying that!!! Wahoo!!! I am so nervous and excited!!! - i just stumbled on your blog and love it! amazing! your kitchen is amazing!

donna - I have commented a lot to you…..but I must tell you ONCE AGAIN how much I love your blog. I click on it everytime I get on the computer to see if you updated……I can’t stand waiting for your next post. Every hour wouldn’t be often enough for me! Anyhow – have you ever considered writing a book? Just about life with lots of pictures…that would be great.

Jessica - My husband says he wants your dog…but I’ll take the kitchen πŸ˜‰

Holly - Well your house looks great! I have had so much fun with ours…well I guess I continue to have fun with it as it wont be done for a while. I love your use of color through out your house! Very lovely! I do love a good rug though,lol

Penny - I have a litter of Goldendoodles due on Feb 4th. They will be ready for homes by Easter. Check out our web-site!

tasha roe - where did you live in IL?


Morgan - I am watching HGTV “Most bang for your buck” and they are doing great rooms (kitchens with living area). Your area kicks the other threes butt πŸ™‚ you could’ve won hands down- πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing your photos

s.t. - Love, love, just LLLLOVE your home photos!…esp. your Waffle-super darling! My 4 yr. old would love to have one. But for now, all I could handle is a betta…she named her “Daisy”.

Niki - Meg, I loved this post and your last! Your kitchen is SO bright and cheery! I saw this blog and it made me think of you with its bright and cheery colors and photos! You’ll have to check it out if you haven’t already!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I love it all! I’m having my honey check it out…for future reference:)

jeana - I could’ve said what Karina said. We’re still in the process of finding just the right home for us, (a lot based on your home) but loving the one we’re in for now. My hubby said we can go ahead and start on the kitchen in Feb! Your house is amazing and I love love love your blog!

Jennifer Marmen - meg-I love your blog! Your photography is amazing and inspiring! I told my girls today that we need to use our cameras more. I have all these empty frames from Ikea sitting around that I need pictures for. One of my goals this year is to start putting pictures up our stairway wall. I love your bathroom remodel….can you tell me the paint color you used in the master bath…..Thanks

Jill - Thank you for sharing about your kitchen. I am a little bit in love with it. πŸ™‚

Ali - I can’t wait to see what you do with the attic!

jodi ruhl - meg-
how big is the combined spaces (kitchen/sitting area)?
that “before” kitchen looks so small, but the “after” looks so big!

Rachel / cREaTe - toooooooooo funny. love all the questions you got & all the answers you gave. seriously, you are the best kitchen designer around. i’m so impressed with your decisions, reasoning & patience. and the results are out of this world.
oh & i totally have knocked off your jars of treats look. i did that last weekend … after realizing that i never used the jars for the flour, sugar, etc [i just keep getting it from the bag]. so, put me down for decorating client #1. i totally took that idea … how much do i owe you? πŸ™‚

Jacci - Looks great πŸ™‚ And thank for the extra info. We dove right into our kitchen right after moving in, too, for the same reasons you gave. We’re in the kitchen probably a good 50% of our waking hours. It was *very* important to me that it be light, bright, cheerful, and efficient. We’re no where near done (we’re working in stages), but the cabinets are **white** now and that’s more than half the battle for our space. A wall of windows would be perfect, but I’ll have to settle for one big one (within the year).
It’s crazy to live in a space while you’re working on it, but you’re right, all the progress is SO encouraging! πŸ™‚
~Jacci in Ohio

Brittney - wow I just looked through all the photos of your gorgeous home, and I have to say in all the blogs and magazines I peruse, never have I found anything that is so my style – rustic, bright, happy, vintage, strategically cluttered. I think your guest room is my favorite. And I’m with you on the rugs! Everyone is always asking me why I have so few, and I just say “because I don’t want to cover up my gorgeous floors!” Anyway I’m hooked on your site girl, and that remodel…you must have the patience of a saint. One question for you: what did you use for your under-the cabinet lighting? I would love to have some. Thanks!

Kimberlee J. - Loved this post. I always love the ones with all the questions. πŸ™‚
Where did you get your bar stools? I’m going to be in need of some about that height soon, I hope.

denise spillman - I love your blog!!! It is awesome that you took the time to answer all those questions!! When I am having a bad day I can always look forward to you putting a smile on my face! Thank you

Megan - Love it. All of it.
Even the dirty dishes… which I didn’t even “see”…. πŸ™‚

Mother Runner - nice legs.

misty - i love this- I just redid my cabinets- i wanted the antique white cabinets for our kitchen but that was out of the budget to replace them- so i went to home depot and asked if I could refinish my current ones to look like those & he said yes!! so here’s what I did-
1st primer- then I picked the paint color with the help from the home depot employee- after it dried I applies minwax gel stain to the grooves and wiped it off until it looked just how I wanted it to- then there is a glaze Home Depot sells that you put over the top of the cabinet- we also added crown molding to the top of the cabinets & I LOVE IT- it was very time consuming and I practiced on the BACK of one of the cabinet doors 1st, but in the end it saved us about $8,000.
I LOVE your kitchen and would LOVE to have the space you have!! It’s fabulous! I also LOVE LOVE the window you have- I am hoping my husband agrees to cut a hole in a wall and let me put in a pretty window!

Jess - Thanks for all the answers. You answered ones I was afraid to ask. I am currently working on getting my kitchen to be more “me”. The statement “you want to be happy in your home…” is what I am trying to figure out right now. I’ve spent waaaaay too much time worrying about what other people would like. I’ll be hitting up the thrift stores this weekend!

amy d - ok, i must object to your decorating advice answer…if it weren’t for you i would of never, ever had the ummm…GUTS to paint our woodwork white in the bedroom, nor would my craig had ever gone for it unless he had seen first hand how much brighter it could make a room. to be honest neighbor i thought you were CRAZY for painting over all that beautiful woodwork in your house, but i get it now…when i look at magazines i am always drawn to the rooms with white trim, so much brighter…so i guess what i am trying to say is… I TOOK YOUR ADVICE!!! :)lol!

Jessi - First of all, I love your before & afters, especially the afters πŸ™‚
Second, I just wanted to tell you that I get so excited to see when you have a new post up. Your blog, your posts, just everything about you and your family and your life puts me in such a great mood.

Foy (Garden Cook Write Repeat) - ha! excellent answers.
I’ve always thought “I’ll do my ktichen remodel before I move into my house.” This assumes both that I will buy a house and beable to afford an apartment for the three months the remodel takes. Bloody unlikely. I will probably rent an RV and travel while someone else masterfully remodels my kitchen… ah pipe dreams.

Karina - Laura Phelps beat me to it – I was going to say I actually enjoy doing laundry and I’d be there tomorrow if it weren’t for my husband and three children who might object. Unless I can bring them with me…?
I have been scouring our real estate listings ever since I first stumbled across your blog (almost a year ago now), looking for just the right mansion for us to move in and renovate. So far nothing under a million (with renos), which, last time I looked, wasn’t sitting in our bank account. Bummer.
So all in all, I must continue to live vicariously through you. Please post all the before and afters you can think of – no detail would be too insignificant for me. I absolutely love your style and looking at gorgeous home decor, especially older character houses, but anything will do (I love inspiration for decoration dot com, I’m sure you’ve been there).

Michelle - I would give you globes if I had any πŸ™‚ . . .was at Legacy Antiques in Wichita yesterday though and several booths had some. . . not bad prices either!

Cassie - why do i feel like i missed out on a fun party yesterday?!? πŸ™‚ i guess i was baking away, too…just in a much uglier kitchen!

Dana Banana - questions, comments, ideas……gossip?
Oh yeah, we aren’t in high school anymore.

Laura Phelps - Well, alright then, I can move in by Saturday, because I not only clean, cook and do laundry, but I am a great baker, birthday party thrower,babysitter, and just fun to have around for comic relief.
I have so obviously won.
See ya on Saturday.

Dianne Avery - Thanks for taking the time to answer questions!! I’m in the process of moving now and will likely do a kitchen remodel in our next house. Now I know who to ask if I need help. πŸ™‚

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checking in today for a moment.

it is 10 degrees here.
that is COLD.
nasty cold.

i get to go on hot date tonight.
i am very excited about it.
never mind…date cancelled.  blah…. 

doing good on the resolutions so far…
the NO SUGAR is still on.
and by saying no sugar i mean nothing i think of as sugar…
ice cream, cookies, fruity pebbles, candy, hot chocolate, cafe mochas, pop, syrup, cupcakes!!!
but i have had a granola bar…yogurt…maple/brown sugar oatmeal
so…that is what i mean by no sugar.
i am not reading labels or substituting with artificial sweetners.
and i am not thinking it will be forever…just till i am no longer craving it and eating it 24-7.
at the very least until march.
it's gonna be tough. 

i just got these in the mail.
i don't usually read books (because i am a big LAME-O)
but these are "required reading" for a project…also in march.
i am honestly excited to read them…and i rarely get excited about a book.
have you read these?

i made PW woman cookbook meatloaf and twice baked potatoes for dinner last night.
i messed up and it took me 2 full hours to get dinner on the table.
but…those potatoes…WOWEE-WOW-WOW.  
so good.
just as we sat down craig said "aren't you going to take a picture?"  
they looked so yummy.
but i was too tired and hungry.

oh waffle.
he sure needs some grooming.
but he's still pretty in his tiara. 
did you listen to Rachel?
what did you think?
i listened to it again last night….and got even more than the first time.
it is FULL.
i kept saying this to myself today:

and her four truths…love it.
go listen if you haven't.
i know it's long but it doesn't seem while you are listening.
you will changed.

Marcie Bowman - I read A Long Way Gone a few years ago. Great book! Did you ever see the movie Blood Diamonds? You need to after reading the book. never heard of the other book. I think you might also like Infidel. It’s about a Somali muslim woman who escapes her family and country. It’s amazing that women live in those circumstances in this day and age.

Heidi Jo the Artist - P.S. Loved theβ€”I am here to serve with joy—too. Joy is my word for this year! Joy! πŸ™‚

Heidi Jo the Artist - I loved listening to Rachel, really humbled me; sent it to several people, even the men in my life. I had seen it somewhere before but got interrupted and never finished it, but now I did. And I will be listening to it again, thanks so much for sharing!

my year without - Okay, I would LOVE to hear how your no-sugar thing is going so far. It sounds like you are being smart about it….giving up things that you KNOW have sugar in them but being more casual with other foods.
For me, I could not find this kind of moderation so I had to quit it completely….even the minute amounts in canned foods, sauces, breads, etc.
How is it going so far?

Kelly - I was just Ooo’ing and Ahhh’ing over your style when I read how you’re avoiding processed sugar, and I know you said it’s only temporary, but I thought I would pass along my blog anyway, in case you’re interested πŸ™‚ I use only natural alternatives to processed sugar, like honey and stevia.
You rock. Love your site. Cheers, Kelly

aubrey - you’re good about the sugar–i seem to have made it my personal mission to finish off all the crap from Christmas, with plans every day to make some new kind of junk.
i’m beginning to think i need a pioneer woman cookbook. is all her stuff pretty easy to make? easier than Racheal Ray anyway? i think i better go and see what they say on amazon.

Stephanie Carroll - Girl. Did you read my post (not that I really think you read my blog) about PW meatloaf? At least yours wasn’t raw.

Sarah @ Clover Lane - i will go listen…
and sammy looks just like waffle…a smaller version…those eyes!

Londen - I just found your blog and WOW! First I LOVE your house and the way you have made it so young and fresh, old houses are my favorite. And your family is beautiful! I will be back, I have a lot of looking around to do.

Anita - I read A Long Way Gone and it was really amazing…children in this country are so blessed, for the most part….And Rachel’s speech- well, I cried so hard I have Yoda eyes- all swollen now…And I will not give up sugar. But kudos to you for doing it.

Sarah Alsey - Thank you for the link to Rachel’s story. As a newlywed struggling to figure out how to serve and how to be “better” or “good enough”…I needed this. Thank you for your honesty. I’ve never met you, but I cherish your communication. I’m going to pass this on to my best friend who just found some truths in Titus 2 the other day.

adhocmom - Love your dog’s name. . my husband had a dog named Cinnamon. Can’t help but think they would have been good friends.

Dianne Avery - Love the bathtub pic. That needs to be printed and hung over your bathtub!! πŸ™‚

hannah - watching rachel’s talk again tonight. thank you so much for sharing her story.

amy jupin - hi miss megan,
just popped in to say two things…
1. love the bathtub pic!
2. i listened to rachel’s story this past spring and when she passed, i cried for days. she was such a remarkable woman! thanks for reminding me of her words and bringing those thoughts back to the forefront of my mind. good, loving words for busy tired mommies.

seb - Thank you so much for posting Rachel’s speech…I listened to it last week and her words still linger in my heart…absolutely moving and amazing! She has a testimony that I am sure is changing many hearts…all for God’s glory! Thank you again for sharing her…

Karina - This will sound strange to you, but I listened to Rachel, I cried, and it changed me, EVEN THOUGH I do not happen to believe in God. I am a mother, and I try to serve with joy even if it is not with Jesus in mind. The illness and death of someone like Rachel still profoundly affects me. It terrifies me as well, since I don’t happen to think we go anywhere after death. I wish I could believe in an afterlife, but I was brought up not to. I am exploring faith though; I find it compelling, I am especially attracted to blogs that are maintained by Christian women because I seem to share so many of their values (even with a huge gaping hole where God should be) and I am envious of those who can “get into it.”
Thank you for sharing – these things go beyond being Christian; they touch all of us who share the fact that we are human searching for meaning in life. I will be reading those books too.

gina - You had me at the first photo- love it!
I would never attempt to give up sugar, but I have been eating less candy since my anti anxiety medicine kicked in, I guess I don’t need soothing from chocolate sources as much anymore. πŸ™‚

Jo - Hi Meg- I too have read A Long Way Gone and found it very moving/distressing/eye-opening/so much more/can’t find the words. Boys being forced to act in ways that most grown men would never consider. A must read! Enjoy

Sasha Farina - i’m gonna get those books.. thanks for sharing!

tasha roe - The video is fantastic!!
It hit home in a lot of ways – i’ve found a lump while weaning my daughter, a high school friend’s best friend found out 3 days ago she has stage 3 cancer, and of course….i feel like i’m still searching for my purpose.
thanks for posting it!!!
Love wins!!

Summer - I did listen, and cried. Such a lesson.

Brenna - I am here to serve with joy…too. Thanks for sharing.

Kristine - wow – i recently saw Half the Sky on oprah and suggested it to my book club. they didn’t bite and i’m number 305 on the waitlist at my library. i think that means i should just buy it. i hear it’s a MUST-read for everyone, especially women. and my hubby just read A Long Way Gone over Christmas. btw reading more books is on my “things to do before 32” list! good for you for reading too! these books will change your life i’m sure! xo

Georgia - I wish it was 10c here. Over the UK its -10 degrees at the moment!!! we have over 12 inches of snow. i feel like i have moved to Alaska! lol

Courtney Walsh - Waffle makes me want a dog.
And I really dont’ want a dog. But Waffle? He could bring out the doggie love.
It’s freezing here too…and I don’t go on night dates anymore. I only do day dates. Anything past 7 p.m. and I’m sure to fall asleep.
It’s 11:25 am and my day date starts in 5 minutes. Oh, and it’s freezing here too. Love that wrinkly-toed picture! πŸ™‚

tara pollard pakosta - I want to read both of those books!
please let us know how they are!
what a cute picture of waffle = cutest dog ever! maybe
even cuter than my cockapoo, I thiNK!!!!

Elizabeth - Long Way gone was sad and eye-opening for me. It’s easy to live your life, in your little world. . . far away from the other half of the world. This brings you closer and gives you perspective. Very powerful.
I haven’t read the other, but look forward to adding it to my list.
BTW, are you drinking your coffee black on your sugar-detox?

Angie N - Hi Meg – I am a fellow lurker among others…so hi!
I have read a long way gone…amazing. I balled. So be prepared.
Love the foot picture – I so wish I was camera talented.
Have a great weekend!!

sandy toe - Love the feet picture…so cute and fun!
sandy toe

feather - i just have to leave a comment on the sugar. (side note: i’ve been reading your blog for a few weeks now… but i’m intimidated to comment because the *number* of comments you recieve each post! now I’m LAME-O!)
anyway, back to the sugar. i’m with you. and it sucks. but i have found, in my many sugar detox experiences, that it does get better. once it’s out of your system, you don’t crave so much. just remember, once you start, you can’t stop! it’s so hard…

Nancy - I am a sugar addict… so hard to cut back or detox.. I really need to. Maybe we can start a support group or something like that. I made the Chocolate Sheet Cake from PW cookbook… oh my! But, wait. THat is sugary. BUt, when you NEED to make a cake.. make it. You won’t regret it. Our dog, Charlie, just got a haircut. He is such a hottie right now. Happy Weekend… Nancy

christine - hi meg
first of all
LOVE the feet photo!
great lighting!
listened to Rachel at 5 am yesterday as i drank my morning coffee
i cried and cried and cried
and absorbed so much from those 55 minutes
i too have kept that quote in my head and heart
“i am here to serve with joy!
i cannot imagine the strength it took her to not only be present that night but to be able to speak her words so beautifuuly and with such grace and humor
one of my dear friends passed away at the same age as Rachel from colon cancer
it will be 6 years this spring
i think of her every day but this time of year in particular because she started to get really sick
i’ll never forget the image of her sitting on her couch in pain and so nauseaus and leaning down to her 4 year old asking for a kiss
it is heart wrenching to think that children are left motherless/fatherless through the death of a parent
thoughts that are too painful to dwell on
i like to think my faith in Jesus is strong
i cannot imagine going through life without Him
listening to Rachel has given me the realization that i need to serve more
think of myself less
and do so with joy!

Lauren - Hi. I, like a few others who have commented, am not sure how I stumbled onto your blog to begin with but I am a faithful reader. Thank you for posting a link to Rachel’s story. I am a new-ish nurse curretly working on an oncology floor, and death has been a very hard thing for me to deal with. Listening to Rachel’s testimony tonight has helped me to look at it differently–even to find *joy* in it. Anyway, love your blog and your life is encouraging! Thanks πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - I want your bathroom. ever thought of renting it out to tired moms who might want to enjoy a bath? πŸ˜‰ when i grow up, i’m getting a tub WITH JETS.

sarah - I listened to most of it, and the my silly internet didn’t want to cooperate.
So I need to go back and listen again.
Thanks for sharing about her πŸ™‚
Wow. Just very inspirational.

anna - are you going on a compassion trip?! lucky you!

jami - I have read a long way gone. It is amazing, powerful and moving. I don’t read all that often but that book was a quick read because I could not put it down. Good luck with them both. I am going to look into the other book!

Seleta - Thank you for sharing Rachel’s video. As I type this comment with a lump in my throat and warm feelings in my heart, I am reminded of what matters most in life: a relationship with God. I need to work on that. A lot. Why is it so easy to get distracted from this key point in life?
I am happy to finish what’s been a rough week with a reminder so important. Thank you.

Staci - It is FREEZING here in OK too!!! And Waffle…well he’s got to be the cutest thing…no grooming needed! He just gets cuter and cuter with that hair πŸ™‚ I am sooo not a reader….I only like to read magazines πŸ™ I am definitely the Lame-O one here!!! I’d love to know about the books….might just have to give them a go! Good luck with the no sugar thing…I’m watching my sugar intake too…..I wish I was self disciplined enough to only eat one cookie…instead of ten!!! Ah well! Only one life to live πŸ™‚ Bundle up and have a great weekend πŸ˜‰

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I’m doing the no sweets thing too. I can’t even begin to think of eliminating breads and cereal etc… one thing at a time. I guess we are in it together;)
I listened to about 15 minutes of Rachel and then got interrupted and couldn’t restart where it stopped, so I’m going to have to make time to start it all over. It was really good though. Have a great weekend Meg!

Rebekah Brummel - I read A Long Way Gone and had HORRIBLE NIGHTMARES but it was eye opening. I have a 10 year old son & a 5 year old son we are adopting from Ethiopia and this book floored me thinking about children fighting. Oh, the little boy that cries for his mom as he dies. . . . it still HAUNTS me it does. (That didn’t give anything away I swear). But this book was one more thing that helped us decide to adopt. . . . .

Jenn Baker - I am a history teacher and I read “A long way Gone” last year… I LOVED it! We were also in the process of adopting a child from Sierra Leone— but then they shut the country down to adoption— so it was a must read for me! I hope you like it! What project are you doing the reading for?

candace - Yay for no sugar! Those books look incredibly intersting. I’m curious about this upcoming project.
Have you finished Crazy Love yet?

Darby - Meg:
You know you’re a blogger when your husband asks you if you’re going to take a picture of dinner!
Did you read PW’s cookbook LEFT to RIGHT instead of TOP to BOTTOM…it’ll get you every time.
Rachel totally ROCKS. Praise the Lord for her life and testimony!

jill - i can’t remember how i found you, but i love your blog πŸ™‚
but-now i’m scared to try the meatloaf…what went wrong? i got her book for christmas and was thinking about making that soon.
and i heard of a project in march just today…if you are going i am excited to read about your time!

asibtroy - I’m new, came from the homies! Love your stuff!
Be prepared with LOTS of tissue and a couple nights of uncomfortable dreams after reading long way gone. It is an amazing story. That boy is a testament to the true human spirit – the ability to survive and forgive… but maybe never really forget.
I’m so excited to get half the sky, its on my list. Love the author and love how it is helping bring the idea of empowering women and girls to the forefront of our conversations about how to make the world a better place for everyone.
I’m also reading three cups of tea, as an educator its required reading lately.
These seem to be the hot ticket! Can’t wait to hear what you think!

carissa... brown eyed fox - i have been on… my kids have been on such a sugar binge the last month.
i sure could use a “dedoxification” too! πŸ™‚
haven’t read those books… peaked my interest though.

rjost - Yo, Waffle!
The shaggy look is all the rage this winter. It’s good to have that natural coat when it’s time to play outside. With my black coat, the snow stands out bright and white. I love to bury my face in the snow.
Your sister,

Kara Tait - HI Meg.
I normally don’t comment on blogs, I just stalk them on a daily basis!! (lol) Love your blog BTW….
I just want to thank you for sharing the link to Rachels story. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I am going to listen again….. I might even buy the dvd.
I sent the link to many of my friends, hopefully one out of 20 will listen.
Thank you again. ~Kara

Alicia Butler - Meg: You don’t know me…I am a friend of Pam Buller’s. She had a link on her blog a while back to your blog and ever since I have checked your blog frequently to be encouraged and inspired by your creativity! Anyway, I decided to write tonight because one of my new year’s resolutions was also no sugar. And I basically have the same parameters as you have…no cookies, cake, candy, etc…It has been going well for me too! I always crave sugar in the afternoon and the evening more than other times of the day – not sure why? Maybe I need the “high” to give me energy.
Amazing how sweet fruit is beginning to taste. One of my treats is an orange in the evening.
Anyway, keep going. WE CAN DO IT!!!
grace and peace.

elizabeth - I have begun to listen — thanks for the link. And I’ve read both books, and I think they’re both extraordinary. I particularly liked the Nicholas Kristoff one and read his columns in the NY Times avidly. He’s a thoughtful reader and writer and really thinks outward and outside the box.
This was a sweet post —

A pocket full of posies... - Loved the Rachel link…Life changing or challenging- however you choose to look at it-
Waffle- good gravy that is one cute dog!
and NO SUGAR!- honey, I’ll keep you in my prayers! πŸ™‚

kana - Sir Waffle looks so nice in his crown. Loving those wrinkled piggy toes. It is cold here in Tennessee as well! Hope you are doing great.

Abby - Thanks for the reminder to go and listen, I will do that tonight. I made PW’s meatballs last night – delicious – though I will double the recipe next time, my husband ate half the pan! I am trying one recipe a week from her book, good thing losing the baby weight wasn’t on my goal list!

Debra - I listened to Rachel too. Thanks for sharing it, I really need to learn to serve with joy big time. Good going on the sugar thing!

tara hawks - I have read “memoirs…” It is intense and eye-opening…and the other one was recommended to me literally an hour ago, so I am going to get it soon. I do work in Uganda with a program called Sewing Hope. Please look at our website. I can tell you more if you are interested. Rachel’s talk was humbling, in a word.

Laurie - I listened to Rachel as well…and posted on facebook immediately. I’ve started listening again…it is amazing and challenging and encouraging and…well, thanks for sharing.

emily@remodelingthislife - I made PW meatloaf last week. Had never had meatloaf or made meatloaf. Hubby proclaimed it was fabulous. I did her potatoes but had another friend’s recipe from years ago exactly the same so I was used to how great they are.
Sorry about your canceled date night.
Would love to hear how you like the books.
I’m reading Three Cups Of Tea.

Lisa Liddell - I love waffle… he is just gorgeous. I want one!

Cassie - long way gone is amazing. πŸ™‚
and guess what book arrived in MY mailbox today?!?!?
a project, huh?
excited to get started on the book!

julia - can’t wait to see waffle without his winter coat.
i’ve decided that you going without sugar is enough for me…i’m virtually going without sugar…in reality i had a really yummy, delicious, full calorie Coke today….i felt a little guilty after…

Kristi - Hi, I’m Kristi! This is my first time visiting your blog, and I’m totally in love. I can’t stop snooping around it, seriously!! Your house is amazing, the decor is just awesome. I love it all. You are good! Thanks for the inspiration, I will probably be back because I know I didn’t get it all in today!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Great pic. πŸ™‚ And I’ve heard a lot about Half the Sky. Can’t wait to see what you’re leading up to there…

Ashley Ann - Top picture…too wonderfully fun to look at. love it!

Pammy - I listened. I loved it so much I posted it on my blog. I may even order the dvd. Thank you for sharing her with us.

Holly - Ok I am gonna have to listen…I havent yet….I am a little jealous that you have the will power to not have sugar as I indulge in a bowl of Honey Smacks. I am cutting back on caffiene..not by choice I might add and it has been so hard! Oh and I am definately going to have to try the recipes. SOunds Yumy!

Sara @ It's Good to be Queen - i listened to it while i wrote christmas thank you’s yesterday. so good. i had to stop and cry my eyes out a couple of times. convicting. good. love the “i am here to serve with joy.”

Leah - I listend to it last night. Went through alot of kleenex. Alot of power in that 55 minutes! A good reminded of who God is.

Michelle - I’ve read A Long Way Gone – very powerful,moving book. Excellent read.

Katie - I’m not sure I’ve ever commented before, but when I found myself saying “I did that!” twice while reading this post I had to comment! I have read the Ishmael Beah book, I enjoyed it. I also made PW’s meatloaf and twice baked potatoes for dinner last week and I messed up the meatloaf too and it took me FOREVER to get dinner on the table. I froze the leftover potatoes and as PW says, they do freeze beautifully. (I omitted the green onion as she suggested.) Bravo to you on no sugar, keep up the good work!!

Susan - I’ll be interested to see what you think of Half the Sky. I bought it for both my mom and a friend for Christmas but have not read it myself. Saw the authors on Oprah and thought they were amazing!

Jackie - I love your blog – I was introduced to it through Jeanne. Lovely pictures and wonderful words to match! I’m off to listen to Rachel – I’ve had that on my list for days and really think now is the time and “I am here to serve with joy” really hit home with me today – I love it and I think some days our hearts are particularly open to hear/see ideas to embrace! Thank you!

Lacy Brauner - I went and listened. Posted on my Facebook. Texted my mother-in-law for her to read. And plan to tell my bff to listen. She is a wise one, wise for her young twenty-six years, its causing her to doubt beliefs she was raised with, and I never was. I think this will enlighten her, even if just a little..Thank you meg for posting it. And like you, i listened while I cleaned my kids playroom. I kept thinking’how does a four and one year old make such a huge mess?’ ‘why cant they just learn to clean it themselves?!’…then she said it, i am here to serve with joy. i too am making huge changes this year. One of them, you gave posting that speech.Thank you again..(I dont have a blog, and wont in the near future, though Id LOVE to. I cant take more time away from my family then I already do with work, and everything else life throws at me;], but I do love yours and check it everyday)

Liz M - What project are you reading those two books for?
I am keenly interested….thanks

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waffle the wonder dog

he is such a funny dog.
he is a goldendoodle….i know someone is going to ask so i am telling you now.
he is so sweet and goofy and dorky.
elisalou sent him a snazzy new collar and i LOVE it.

could he BE any cuter?



as always with elisalou you get to choose your own fabric to make it just right for YOUR dog.
i chose the red and white polka dots…it was a no brainer.
i put it on him and thought he was adorable.
craig and lauren both said seperately "why did you get him a girl collar?"
i do not agree.
it's a boy collar.  
yes…it IS.



which one will you pick?

AND she is running a PROMO as well…if you order a dog collar between now and Oct. 31
you get a Halloween collar FREE.
waffle looks stunning in his also.


go pick out the one that will make your dog look as cute as mr. waffle. 

talby drew this on the kitchen chalkboard yesterday….


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Kimberlie Rose - Thanks Megan! I just ordered one of these for my Cooper and can’t wait to see it on him. Love your blog by the way.

Kat - Waffle’s new collar rocks! He is secure enough that he could wear any color collar and still rock it! Too cute. Love fabric collars on dogs, my Boxer, Fergus, wears an Amy Butler Lotus collar.

julie - at first I was agreeing… it is a bit girly. my black dog has a manly solid black collar. but then I realized. waffle is super trendy and metrosexual. rocking it. l.a. style. makes my dog look all funeral-y.

Mrs. - Looks like Talby’s Waffle needs some dinner! He is incredibly thin!

Amy - I enjoy looking at your pics of Waffle, because he is almost identical to our doodle, Max. I loved your recent post about how your cat hates the dog. We adopted Max 8 months ago on his first birthday. The cat has hated him since day one, and I’m certain she curses us daily for bringing this beast into our home. πŸ™‚ Meanwhile, Max thinks she’s the cat’s meow (bad, bad humor) and wants to play with her every chance he gets. Quite frankly, I think she would be bored to tears without him to antagonize. Doodles are fabulous dogs!

Kirsten Tangeros - Thanks for the tip. I plan on ordering 2 for my dogs…. I think Waffle looks very dapper in his collar. He kindof reminds me of Harpo at “Antique and Resale” on Harlem Ave. in Chicago. Ever been there? Giant white poodle prowls the store, wearing vintage ties….. Waffle has the same vibe.

Kwana - What a sweetie in such a cute collar. Love the pics!

Penny - Waffle, Waffle, Waffle. I just love Waffle.Yes, he should write a book. You could do a children’s book and I am sure it would sell big! Our Sophie, also a Goldendoodle, is beginnig to look like Waffle in the face and I am so happy. She is a scruffy cinnamon bunch of love. Gotta love those doodles!!

Meredith - I’ve been hankering for an elisa lou tote bag for ages (big hints to the hubby have so far gone unanswered) so I’m a wee bit perturbed that your dog is more stylish than me. But truly, who could begrudge Waffle the wonderdog anything! The red polka-dot collar is definitely boy – groovy, retro boy – but boy nonetheless. Meredith xo.

Diana - Huh? Where did they get the *girl* idea in that? Hmmm. Red is such a snazzy color. And polka dots… well, they just make the red that much more cool! You go, Waffle! *woof*
Great likeness of Waffle, Talby! You captured his cuteness and personality perfectly!

Jerri - I have said it before I just love Waffle…he is too cute!!! I think he knows it too! πŸ™‚
Cute collars!

HomageBlog - Boys can TOTALLY wear polka dots! He rocks it πŸ™‚ ~K

Christy - Love it! One of my boy dogs (have 2 yellow labs) is wearing a zebra print collar which also might be a little feminie, but he looks so cute!
I like the polka dor collar & the Halloween one is too cute! Off to check out the shop. πŸ™‚

Sue K. - waffle is soo cute! he looks just like koda did. i miss koda…love the collar and maybe talby thinks you should feed waffle more! πŸ™‚

Tanya - Sooooo cute. I had a scruffy little visitor at the pool today. He was about half the size of waffle.

CherryTreeLane - I want to hug him and just run around in my backyard playing fetch with this cutie! So sweet!

Betsy - Super cute! I’m amazed at how much my schnoodle (poodle/schnauzer), Minnie, looks like Waffle in the face. Don’t feel bad about picking the red, which I think is totally a boy collar. I have a pink collar, pink leash, pink tags and pretty much all pink things for Minnie and people still ask what HIS name is! Arg!

purejoy - thanks for the tip on the collars. i have three mini-dachshunds that all need a bit of snazzzz and so we can tell them apart!! haha.
waffle is adorableness on steroids. that dog is photo-personality!!! love him!! (and his fly collar)

Nancy-The Goat and The Kid - Red and white polka dots are not girly. I would put Rex and Charlie (our wonder dogs) in one for sure. You have to have dogs with sass, right? Everything can make a statement, even a dog collar. Way to go!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - I’m off to check her out. Waffle is super adorable and I love his polka dots:)

Ashley - I love it! Waffle is such a photogenic dog πŸ™‚
I went to elisalou’s site to order one for my dog, but I’ve made it all the way to the Payment Info., and it hasn’t said anything about the free Halloween collar. Is there a special promo code for that?

Elisa - I personally think he looks very handsome in his polka-dot collar!
Love him!

Kacey - Love the collar! Now I’m wondering if my dog needs one… πŸ™‚

amy d - talby’s picture is cracking me up. i didn’t know (elisa lou) did collars…i must now get one for miss miley. and miley wants to know when waffle is coming over to play.
maybe this weekend?

Ruth - too cute – he always looks like such a smooth mover with the short hair! super fly, and he knows it.

Angie - WAFFLE!! I love posts that feature Waffle! Man, I heart that dog.

Rachel / cREaTe - he really truly is the cutest, most scruffalicious dog. and just the name. i wish he’d write a book – i’m sure he is full of stories. πŸ™‚ LOVE his new collar. since when was red white & blue GIRLY? he’s just patriotic.

Pineapple Princess - So SUPER DUPER cute!!

Shar - NO, he could not be any cuter. I have a brown standard poodle and also a blond standard (rescued after hurrican Ike). But, I am loving the Goldendoodle. I just love it when Waffle gets a mention in the blogs. Will check out the collars.

missye - He is adorable! And I don’t think the collar is girly. Very non-gender specific. LOL!!!
We have a 5 month old brown Standard Poodle who is a mess but such a love. I just love your Waffle stories because I can sooo relate.

Georgia - LOL love the picture !! Talby has made him so skinny! πŸ™‚
Love the Collar, im going to check the collars out as my 2 dogs need new ones which are a bit Snazzy! Loving the pictures as normal your fAB! πŸ™‚

Sarah - Too cute!! I would say that the collar is gender neutral, so I’m kind of on your side, but can see what they are saying about a hint of feminine in the collar. I personally love Waffle with his super fluffy long hair, but totally understand why you would want to keep it shorter. Do you let it grow out between cuts or do you have a length you won’t let it grow past?

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waffle’s play date

scott had a friend over…talby was at a friends' house…

why NOT let waffle have a play date too?

his sister bella stopped by for some wrestling.

waffle came running out the door when talby just started to come out.

and tackled bella to the ground.

he was so happy.





a break. 

to pant…really hard.



waffle looks small here…he is not small.

neither is bella.

waffle obviously got a fresh haircut.  

he is feeling like he's hot stuff.



"what are you looking at?"


"you are going down bella!!"




i was sweating just trying to keep them untangled.

GB and Aaron were working harder than me to keep collars on and not choking them.

bella and waffle could care less…they were so happy to wrestle.


bella is trained (or in training) as a therapy dog at my kids' school.

isn't that cool?

she gets to sit in GB's office and helps the kids feel better…she is comforting.

i think these dogs are perfect for that!


"i love you man!!!"

then bella went across the street to play with marley…their other sister.

waffle came inside and nearly passed out from all that excitement.

thanks for bringing bella over to play GB.

Rita - I love dogs so this post is perfect for me. Both dogs are the best and the pictures terrific. I only have time for 1 dog but if I had more time I’d have several. They give so much love and entertainment. πŸ™‚

Diana - ROTFL!!! I just had to get a Waffle-fix… little did I know! They are both so CUTE!! I can feel the heat of the summer in all that panting, LOL!

Jamie Sampson - can waffle come to my house for a play date??? so adorable.

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - Love those pics. Great playdate. Looks like they both got some energy out and made new friends.

Talia - What beautiful dogs! What bread are they?!

Sheryl - Oh, what precious pictures of Waffle and Bella!

Jay Bee - That is so cool!
I love that they are all still in contact!

anne - thanks for the πŸ™‚
those pooches are so precious!

Tracy - That was funny…showed my husband he thinks you are as crazy as me!

Mindy - Your blog makes me smile EVERYDAY! I’m a little addicted. and I think I want a dog, and I don’t even want one that much.

Cate O'Malley - Oh too cute!

Amber - How cute! I’m so glad you posted this because I was trying to find an old post of Waffle. Is he a labradoodle? We’re trying to find a good house dog – we have two kids under six. I love labradoodles. I need something that doesn’t shed.

Staci - LOVE.IT!!!!!!

Janna - You’re blog is so lovely and fun! I love all the fabulous pictures of your home. A photographer friend emailed me a link to your blog. I’ll be coming back regularly! Can’t wait to try to make that rainbow cake!

Kristen - My friend Julie just sent me your site, and she thought I would like it because I’m a photographer and a crafty person (but not as good as you!!) I just finished drooling over your house pictures. Amazing. I can’t find where you live..still need to surf…but man, that house in New York would be millions!!! Absolutely gorgeous. You have a beautiful family! God bless, Kristen.

traci - how cute. gotta love dogs.

Sandy - I love Waffle and who knew he had such a pretty sister, Bella?! They are adorable! I just purchased a new puppy yesterday (comes home Tuesday)…I might steal Waffle’s name. Would that be ok? πŸ™‚

Shanna Mead - This isn’t about this post but couldn’t find your e-mail addy anywhere. I just wanted you to know that I FINALLY made your Blueberry Buckle! It was delicious!!!! Made it for my and Russ’s mom’s birthday. It was so good with a dollup of DQ soft-serve. I had admired the recipe and photos of the finished product and finally made it. THANK YOU for a nice addition to my recipe file!

Gina - I just love that you have a dog named Waffle. Hilarious. If you ever want professional photos of him, we love taking dog photos at our studio! Especially when his curly hair grows back! πŸ™‚

JerriR - Oh we just love all your posts but especially like to see Waffle!

Josh Patel - Soooo sweet, the dogs in pics posted above look very cute. And a lot of credit goes to the photographer also he has managed to capture not only their movements but also emotions.
Just stumbled and submitted your site to Hope you get some great traffic from it. Your blog is here
– Josh

Elma Riedstra - What fun pictures!!! What kind of dog is he???

Lanny Stanard - omgoodness how cute… i love me some waffle thanks megan πŸ˜€

Kat - Ha! Hilarious and adorable! Don’t you just love doggy playdates? They are literally just dripping with joy over all the excitement. It’s so funny to watch. Waffle is one handsome boy!

sarah w - They are both such adorable dogs.
Love all the pictures of their fun play date.

Melissa - I would love to know what type of dog Waffle is…

Kasey - Waffle is just adorable!

Kelly - I know you have said what kind of dog Waffle is before but I have to ask again because I don’t remember (sorry!!). He is adorable!!

Mrs Sitcom - Hi, Love your blog & your photos! These I can totally relate to — we did a version of the “dog dance” last night at the park. Couldn’t take them off-leash, but they kept trying to swim out to the ducks (who were taunting them, of course!:) ), ‘hanging’ themselves on the ends of their leashes in the process! Doggie play-dates are the best!

Ruth - he looks sooo different after a hair cut! fun times, fun pictures!

Angie - I am in love!!!

Christy - That is awesome! That Waffle is such a doll! I was lucky enough or maybe just crazy (jury still out) on bringing home two brothers, they are Labs, nearly 2 years old. They have the best time playing & wrestling with each other. So different from ecah other, but both are so sweet.

Laura Phelps - Great. You not only are good to children, but animals, too. I feel so inadequate right now. Think I will feed the cat.
Now…have you checked this out yet?
Thanks Waffle…you were a great interview….

Ivy Bettinger Smith - I LOVE Waffle!

Casey - Soooo sweet! Those two look adorable wrestling!

Penny - You made my day with a “Waffle” post. A bonus too, seeing his sister!!
another goldendoodle momma

Sherryl Mascarinas - Those two look like oreo cookies! So cute

4JJM - That’s just funny, I don’t care who you are.

Holly - So cute!

Amber - hahahhahahaa. i love that you told it like a story. πŸ˜‰

CherryTreeLane - equal oppurtunity play dates! I love it. Dogs need some love too!!!

Jocelyn Stott - I ADORE dog pictures – all the time, no matter what. Thank you for the great start to my day.

Lorilee - Too Cute. I can even smell the slobbery dog fur!

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we were having a lot of rain…

which makes for good puddles (or water in your basement…take your pick).
after a crazy saturday morning storm the girls decided it was time.
time to attack the neighbor's giant puddle.
their driveway always makes one.

i'm sorry…did i say attack?  yeah they went running full speed out there 
and then when they got to it they stopped…touched their feet softly in 
and started acting like girls!  
"it's cold….ewwww…it's dirty!…is that a bug?!!"

who are you?
oh please don't start being prissy…my sweet frog loving, worm catching, dirty girls.  PLEASE!!!

we had a visitor.
he wasn't prissy at all.

(no prissy girls were injured during this puddle jumping adventure)

see?  no splashing.
no jumping.

then a tantrum…how nice.
go ahead you girly girl who can't get wet and dirty…go inside and put on a dress…fine!

i'll always have waffle.



2009 BlogLuxe Awards you are awesome…thanks for voting…i would hug you if i could.


Diana - You go, Waffle!! Can’t wait to see what he does for summer 2010! πŸ™‚

Elma Riedstra - Hi there, love the pictures!! What kind of dog do you have??

Mrs Sitcom - Hi, new to your blog, love your photographs! How funny that the girls became girls… πŸ™‚ Love the shot of the dog’s muddy paw!

Jill - My dog and your dog could totally be best friends!

Cindy in WA - I *love* Waffle!!!!! He is so adorable. I LOL everytime I see him doing something goofy. Great puddle pictures!

Aubrey - I want Annie’s swimsuit. It’s so cute and so perfect. But I want one for my daughter and for me–does it come with an underwire, padded, you-know-what? πŸ˜‰

emily :] - please tell me they make annie’s swimsuit in big girl sizes, because i would buy twelve.

Lisa - we’ve been drowning here in CT as well. Maybe I’ll let loose and let my kids play in the puddles as well. It looks like fun. πŸ™‚

mom - I just read at Blogluxe that if you win you’d go to Chicago. How cool! I’ve voted everyday. Love that picture of Waffle.

Nicole Quiring - I have been out of blog world for the past 2 weeks while trying to make some big decisions for our family. I just got caught up on your blog and almost cried when seeing your Kansas picturs. they are beautiful. We have decided to move to Nebraska for the next year and we’ll be out in the country! Jason’s family is all there. I’m trying to focus on all the positive and your pictures were what I needed. Thanks!

Becky @ Farmgirl Paints - You’re such a cool momma. I would be like NOOO don’t get dirty. You would be so much fun and a camera ready to get the best memories. Love it!

F.Y - how cute, adorable pictures. You deserve the award! πŸ™‚

chasity - at least waffle was havin’ a splashing-good time!
and man your camera is awesome!!
have a great day…

Mindy Harris - what cute, cute girlies. i gotta have me a girl. i think i say that in every comment.

Amy Walker - Cute pictures, especially love the ones of Waffle! Annie’s swim suit is too cute, hope you’re having a good summer:)

Patti - could annie’s bathing suit be any cuter? i submit that it cannot! adorable!

Rachel / cREaTe - OK. i’ve been dropping in here & there the past few months. i don’t ever comment because you always have a gazillion & everyone always says what i would say anyway. but today – 22 so far? i’ll comment. and say i LOVE YOUR BLOG. i love you sense of humor & parenting style. you’re awesome.
these pics & your words CRACKED ME UP. and the pic of waffle [cutest, scruffiest dog EVER] galloping is the BEST.

robyn Beckley Vining - um, can i please have a red and white polka dotted bathing suit, and then please look that cute in it?!?!??!
so cute πŸ™‚

robyn Beckley Vining - um, can i please have a red and white polka dotted bathing suit, and then please look that cute in it?!?!??!
so cute πŸ™‚

Penny - I just love the last picture of Waffle jumping. He is the coolest dog around!

Kathy - OMG so cute I love the pictures! Your girls are darling even jumping in dirty puddles.

Leigh Ann - Cute post!
Love the boots with the swimsuit!
That Annie makes me smile all the time!
Leigh Ann

Beth - Meg, this comment is totally unrelated to this post, but . . .THIS post made me think of you and your rainbow cake (which really inspired me too — I’m going to try to make it). I’m going to try to copy this cake when I do a unit on Mondrian in school. Isn’t it cool?

Lori - Great photos. My favorite is the beginning of the tantrum. Cute, esp from my vantage point! Just went and voted…is anyone even close to you in votes?? Good luck!

Meaghan S - Hi there!
I came across your blog a couple months ago and since then I have checked it daily, but I have never left a comment! I just wanted to say that I have read all of your posts and this is my very favorite ever! Every time I imagine my life ‘when i grow up’ I want it to be very similar to yours! (my boyfriend think 5 children is a little much, but I think its splendid!) I love your gorgeous house and keepin-it-real attitude. You are one awesome lady!
That’s all for now πŸ™‚ maybe I’ll comment more often now. Oh and I’ve been voting daily πŸ™‚
Meaghan from Oregon

alice - i love reading your blog! you have such a style of humor :). that last shot is my favorite with the reflection of Waffle in the puddle – such fun!

Staci - Oh how I wish we had a little of that rain!!! OK has been super hot this Summer! And did I say MUGGY too???? ICK! I love those girls of yours!!! And of COURSE Waffle too!!!!! I hope you win the contest! Should there really even BEEEEE one when you are nominated πŸ™‚ YOU are the best!!!!!

Dana D @BoysMyJoys - Love the post!
Love the pictures!
Wishing you would teach me how to use my camera…

A pocket full of posies... - TOO cute!!! that Waffle! almost love him as much as our Odie!!!
p.s. please send the rain here! πŸ™‚

Trasie Bressler - Love Love Love it!
Many Many Blessings!

Ashlee Archibald - I voted for you today! I actually found your blog a couple months back and forgot to throw it into the favorites and I was so sad that I couldn’t find you again, I even “googled” waffle, the dog (does that sound creepy? i dont mean to be creepy) lol anyways, thanks for being so fresh and fun! πŸ™‚

Sandy - Love it! I especially like the swimsuit and rain boots. How great is that?! πŸ™‚

Cate O'Malley - Love the ones with Waffles especially! When my sister got married four years ago, it was a rainy day, but bearable. After the service, where my then-2-1/2-year-old son was ring bearer, we came out of the church, him in his white shorts, and dress shoes, looking all prim and proper and spied a puddle. He started to go towards it, and although my instinct would be to pull him back, I let him have at it. He had been so good during the service, what’s a little mud puddle on white shoes? πŸ˜‰

Laura Phelps - I would SO LOVE to get our little pouting Annie’s together!!!!
Now, can we talk about WAFFLE please?????????
Love that dog. Love the name even more. But my daughter Belle…the dog obsessed gal she is, wants to know if you could please send a picture of Waffle to our e mail. She has a blog..PUPPY ART…and features an animal every Wednesday…and she LOVES Waffle!!!!!!!!

Jess - still voting…
haven’t been leaving you many comments lately, still reading every post though!
i still want to be your neighbor…
a few years ago when jacob was about 5, we were getting a lot of rain and had a small puddle next to the driveway. jacob warned everyone not to fall into the pond! so cute.

kristin - i really can’t believe it.

Ashley Ann - Everything about this post makes me smile…
“my sweet frog loving, worm catching, dirty girls” – I hope can say the same about my girls one day! And I hope they have their girly girl moments too.

purejoy - oh, waffle, how i love you!! i wish you were my dog!!
that’s no puddle, that is a lake!! seriously!!

Kate - Good morning! Vote in and recorded. Best wishes for a beautiful Monday!

Michelle B - how cute! We had a puddle in our driveway – which my boys loved! But the water from the puddle seeped into our basement. So we mudjacked the driveway. No puddle for the boys. Dry basement for us. πŸ™‚ Great pictures!

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IMG_6946 IMG_6982

we had our first campfire of the year this weekend.
annie was so ready.
she talked about it all day.
then just as it was time to start it got chilly so she went in for a jacket.
i had on pants and a sweater and my socks and slippers!  i was cold.

we have many skilled marshmallow roasters.


can you believe craig can get waffle to stay in our yard with no leash?!
i can't do it….but he can.


after it got just dark enough the kids begged to play "Mallow Toss"
a game our kids made up….
they jump on the trampoline in the dark and we throw marshmallows at them. 
they try to catch them and eat them.
i didn't say it was a safe game or a creative game,
but it is always a loud game!

i am happy that it's campfire weather again.
except for tonight…
it has been pouring for hours and the tornado sirens went off tonight…during our small group.
our entire small group had to go down to my nasty stinky basement!
that is some thing that really bothers me.
i tell people our basement is very Silence-of-the-Lambs-ISH.
it was…an experience?

never a dull moment.

Vera - I pretty sure smores are now in my near future. Tornado sirens too, maybe, based on our forecast.

Naomi Marcus - I love Waffle’s bandana, my dogs would have theirs chewed off in seconds if I even tried to have them wear those!
Mallow Toss sounds like a lot of fun!

Lori Danelle - Oh, and I have to add, especially in light of the other tornado comments, I sort of miss the storms and sirens. We actually have been having quite a few tornadoes around here, but as I child, the part I loved was after the storm had passed, all the neighbors tended to make their way out of their basements and would congregate in the street while the kids would play. And there’s just something about that time of day, and the sun just about to set with storm clouds retreating and that slightly eerie greenish light. The wind had died down (only time it EVER does in KS) and I just felt a sense of peace and closeness with my family and friends. . .
But I may be crazy!!!

Lori Danelle - Meg, I think that if we lived in the same place, we’d be very good friends. My husband and I are currently making plans for our own backyard fire pit. More and more in common. πŸ™‚

April Meek - I received my Cora pillow yesterday, thank you so much. I love it:)

Liz - I love her little hood, she’s so serious with her marshmallow. πŸ™‚

Lyndsey - I have been craving smores so bad during this pregnancy! YUMMY, looks like fun.

Jo Paulino - Meg,
I am blog reader of yours because you are fantastic!!! =) Do you mind emailing me when you get this please? I have a question to ask you, please.

Jenn - Waffle is a brand new dog! Love the cut.

katy - Hmmmmmmm….yea, tornado’s. Um, yep …spent time in our basement Saturday evening. NOT fun.

MGF - I love Silence of the LAMBS. But I would not want to go down there.
Thanks you for the kind words, it warmed my heart after last week.

Kat - Meg, your children are going to have the most wonderful memories and traditions to pass on to their own children when they get older. Love the pics of the campfire.
I received my pillow today!!! It is even cuter in person, if that is even possible and it fits perfectly in an Ikea Poang chair we have in the playroom, I mean, perfectly. Like it was totally meant to go there! I love it, thank you so, soooooooo much!!!

Tausha Hoyt - Ps-I am so trying the Mallow game-my kids and hubby will love it!!!!!

Tausha Hoyt - Meg-
Just a quick reminder to you-that I love your blog! I love the inspiration, your sweet words about others and how much you love life, your family and your Grandma! (what a sweet post-made me miss mine more than ever) Give yours an extra hug for me!!!!
Love ya lots! Keep up the fantastically, wonderful blog!

Jen from Windy Ridge - awww, beautiful REAL photos! Nothing like a campfire with kids.

carissa... brown eyed fox - roasted mallows! fun for sure!
hey… i might pee… BUT… i’d jump on the trampoline for mallows! yum!
tornado sirens… yikes… glad yall are all SAFE!
my bet… your basement has SOME sort of cuteness going on!

Karen~ - Here in Oklahoma, we live in tornado alley. I dread this time of the year, of course…living in the country, no sirens.
I wanted to ask you about the wire marshmellow sticks, are they made of fly swats??? New ones hopefully…*smiles*


sassafrasanne - love your blog
lol @ your basement!

elizabeth - I love your fire pit…Would you mind sharing where you got it?

Elisa - waffle with the haircut cracks me up every time!!

Lazy Mom Leslie - That Waffle is smart dog. She knows when she has it good! Our doodle is just as smart. If she ever gets out of the back yard from an accidentally open gate or if one of the kids forgets and leaves her out front. She just comes and sits by our side door (attached garage on side of house = side door that is really your back door) and waits for us to realize she is there. She has never run off and we only leash her when we walk to the park, then take the leash off once we are done crossing roads etc. Such a good dog!

AnNicole@OurSuburbanCottage - That looks like sooo much fun!
Don’t you hate those tornado sirens. It’s like a nuclear bomb is coming or aliens are about to attack. Freaks-me-out!

Wendy - Is it wrong that I miss the tornado sirens? I grew up in Michigan and they were a regular occurrence. I suppose I would soon grow to dislike them if I still lived there. Especially raising kids amongst the tornadoes.
Yummy S’mores!

Chasity - i think your hubbie was sneaking marshmallows to the dog and that is why he is sitting there so pretty…just an idea.

adrienneK - oh fun!!! i love waffles haircut!!! i got a recipe for “smookies” (smore cookies!!) you cant go wrong with marshmallows!!

Shar - Will you share what camera you use? You are great and since I am in the market for a new camera, would love to know.
Thanks and love your blog!

karen - We love campfires & making s’mores, too. Your photos are lovely. It’s wonderful to record those memories that you and your kids will treasure for a lifetime.

CherryTreeLane - I love those pictures. I want to roast a mellow right now!

Anna - Our sirens went off too. We don’t even have a basement! We have to sit in the bathtub! Yikes!!! Last tornado season I told my husband that I wanted to be moved by the time the next season came…but we aren’t! I will never live in a house without a basement again!
Looks like you all had fun. Where’s the teenager?

Cassie - It is a very long thread to how I found you blog lol
I belong to the Nov. 08 board for my daughter and there was a prayer request for another little girl so I clicked on her blog to read an up-date on her which led me to The Macs blog which then in turn lead me to your blog hahah The caption “whatever” on the side of the Macs blog page caught my eye and I thought hmm..what could that be about.
Sundays are rather boring around here. lol

danyele - so much fun…now i def wanna do a campfire tonight. do you hate how i always say that???

traci - yummy!!! love smores. we always make them when we go too the cabin. the kids never get too old for them. we have the same kind of basement. i hate it too!!

Erica - FUN!! We were going to do that this weekend too but it was too windy! πŸ™ I have 1 pyro and 1 soon-to-be pyro in my family and much more in my extended family! πŸ™‚ (I’m sure you can guess who that might be…) Oh and I was laughing (but didn’t tell anyone) at your response to my last comment! I understand…

Amber - oh, so jealous! we wanted to have a fire this weekend and roast marshmellows, but it was just too windy! looks like you had lots of fun!

gina - What a fun evening- despite the weather scares.

Wendy - Um, did you bring s’mores for all of us? *looking hopeful*

Cassie - I love smores
I am new to your blog page
i love you pillows
I love you home
I wish mine looked like that lol
I love your photography

Julia - Yum…smores!

Lorelei - Just the term tornado sirens makes me shudder. I give you a lot of credit for living in an area where this is a normal occurrence!! I’ve always been scared to death of them.
Your evening looks fun!!

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